Browsing through all iPhone application - iphone

Hope You all are fine..
I have a query to ask regarding new features of iPhone 4.0
My Question is .. Is there any possibility to brows any document throughout the iPhone through the application ?
I mean, Suppose in one of my application have feature to share file using Bluettoth, Now When i run this application lastly, I received one file from my Friend. and its still there.
Now i Run my Second Application and i want to access those received file in relier application here in new application.. Is there any way to implement this?
If any one have any idea, kindly guide me.
Looking Forwards,
Arun Thakkar

From the Guidelines:
2.6 Apps that read or write data outside its designated container area will be rejected
There might be a global area where you can download and access.. I'll check


How to find the application launch and end time in iphone?

I am new to ios development and doing development in ios4.0.1 and xcode 3.2.3. My application should capture other application's launch time and (close) end time. how can we do this? Any help will be appreciated.
For apps in the app store, the answer is "You can't". The best way to think of other applications on iOS with respect to yours is: don't. You can't access their data, you can't see if they're running, you can't control them, and you can't change them. Apps are well and truly sand-boxed as a fundamental design decision in the current setup.
About the only thing you can do is trigger their launch with a suitably formatted system URL. If a Wikipedia application has registered the scheme wiki, you might be able to launch and communicate some simple data by having the system load the URL wiki://articleName, but that's the limit. You don't even know what application will be launched, only that one has the wiki handler.
Jail-broken iOS systems are a whole different matter, but I'm assuming you're not working on those.

iphone - making Wifi-list app

I want to programmatically show a list of available wifi on my iphone.
I tried to run this program but it doesn't work.
Does anyone have any tutorial or sample code about creating a list of wifi-network.
I think that's not possible. I didn't try it myself. But I just read the first few lines of the description of Stumbler. There's the following line:
Stumbler can not be distributed through the app store, as it uses private APIs!
So I don't think it's possible to create an application that lists all WiFis. On iPhone this is a part of the Operating System.
Sandro Meier

Is it possible for an app to run in the background and collect data?

I want to make an app that runs in the background so that if a user is reading a web page or PDF file on an iPhone or iPad, he can mark some words, see the meaning of those words, and then have those words stored in the app's database. He can then afterwards look for the words which he has learnt and increase his vocabulary.
Does the iOS 4 API allow that? What are the limitations? Advantages? Disadvantages?
Thanks in advance
No is does not, you can only run voip. audio or navigation apps in the background.
Only one app can run at a time, and installing one app cannot effect any built in app. So no, there is no way to achieve what you are trying for here.
Your best bet is to instruct users to copy the word, open the app, and then you can snag whatever is on the clipboard then.
(Note there are multitasking APIs, but you still cant access anything outside of your app even if you convince the OS to let you run in the background for a little while)

iPhone :Can we add more than One application in a Single application

I do have an Idea to integrate with my application. I want to create multiple application within a single one application.
and application containing Weather application as well as image processing application + camera based application.
I want to know Is this thing possible with iphone application?
Please suggest me is this possible with iPhone app development and is it allowed by apple or not.
thanks for your suggestion in advance.
Consider these things as features. Weather information is a feature, image processing is another and camera in another. You can create any number of features in your app. If that is what you have meant by application then that is technically possible and seems also OK with Apple. This is not 3 different applications, rather it's one application with three different features. No matter how many features you have, iOS will treat that as a single application(a single app bundle with a single executable file).
But if are asking whether there is any way to combine separate applications(separate projects, separate app bundles with separate executables) then that is not possible.
Note: Personally I think adding completely different features in a single app is not a good idea.
Go to App Store and search for this app, App Tool Box - All in One. It's exactly the same structure as you mentioned in your post. And it only costs $0.99.
Sure, you can do it. I don't think Apple has anything against an app that does more than one thing. As long as none of those things breaks any of their rules.

reading a file saved by another app in iphone

Is there a way to have an app write a into a file and then have another app read from that file?
I mean writting into the file system of the iPhone.
I want to do this without using an internet connection. So uploading the file and then downloading from the other app is not what i mean.
It appears that there are ways you can, but it won't get approved by Apple if you do.
See for more information.
The current sand boxing of applications does not allow this, however it appears that this may be available in future iPhone OS versions. Reference
I'm not sure exactly what circumstances you're in here, but you could register app B as a handler for a particular protocol, and have app A try to open such a link (e.g. appB://yourinfohere). It depends on how much data you want to transfer and many other things, but it might work.