Invalidating an NSTimer? - iphone

If I have an NSTimer that starts in viewdidload, where is the proper place to invalidate it when leaving that view? Is it also necessary to release it as well?

If you create a timer with NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval... then you don't need to release it, as you don't own it.
Now important thing is that the timer class retains the target, and in most cases we use self as the target. If the timer is not repetitive , then after the timer handler is completed, it automatically becomes invalid and the target is released. So you have nothing to do. But if your timer is still pending when leaving the view (this happens if you leave before the timer is fired or the timer is repetitive) then you need to invalidate it. The place MUST NOT be the dealloc method. As the timer itself retains the target, dealloc won't be called until the timer is invalid.
So it's better to invalidate when you know that you no longer need this. This might be the action which moves to the other view. Say user taps a button and in the button handler you move to other view. You can invalidate in this button handler.


deinit not called inside uiviewcontroller after pressing back - Swift

I am trying to dealloc / destroy an NSTimer after a user clicks back, but the deinit{...} inside the uiviewcontroller never gets called.
Beware that a view controller going out of the screen does not mean that it will be deallocated afterwards. I would recommend moving the timer dealloc to viewDidDisappear, but obviously it depends what you are using that timer for as well.

How to keep NSTimer alive?

I have 2 viewControllers in my app, from first view when i navigate to next one there is a button named startTimer with a timer action as selector method on Click of startTimer the timer starts up in HH:mm:ss format, i am not invalidating timer,but When i go back to 1st viewController and again if i come to again 2nd viewController and if i press startTimer button the timer again starts from 0, but i want it to be retained the previous value,how can i achieve this? i know that since i'm loading again the viewController the nib will be loaded freshly to memory but how can i retain the timer label and timer value?
Any help is appreciated in advance.thank you.
You've broken MVC (Model-View-Controller) by putting your data into your view controller. Moreover, you're asking a mechanism with no solid promises about time (NSTimer) to keep track of time for you. NSTimer does not fire exactly at the interval you request. It can fire at any arbitrary point after that interval. Using NSTimer as a stopwatch will almost always lose time (sometimes quite a lot of time, particularly if there's a scrollview around). (That last bit is overstated. A repeating timer schedules itself correctly so won't usually lose time. You'll just lose time if a repeat is completely skipped, which can happen during long scrolls or other things that can keep timers for firing for a full second.)
Create a new model object to hold the stopwatch information. Let's call it Stopwatch. Assuming you need it to be startable and stoppable, it needs an NSTimeInterval accumulatedTime property and an NSDate lastStarted property (you could also make lastStarted an NSTimeInterval if you like). So to start the stopwatch, you set lastStarted to "now." To stop the stopwatch, you clear lastStarted and move the current accumulated time to accumulatedTime. To find out the current time, you add accumulatedTime to now - lastStarted.
OK, now that you have that, what can you do with it? You can pass it to your view controllers and they can ask "what's the current stopwatch value?" They can start and stop it as they like.
Now your view controller would like to update its display every second, so you have a timer that does that. Every second it asks the stopwatch, "what's the current time" and it displays it. But it does not set the time. It just asks.
BTW, you can also use KVO on Stopwatch, but it's a little trickier, since Stopwatch needs to run its own timer to send out the change notifications. I generally find this more trouble than its worth.
Don't do like that, this way every time you load the view containing the NSTimer, a new NSTimer object is created and the old one is still in the memory since you're not invalidating it.
The best way is that you must put NSTimer in the Application Delegate and then start it only when you first time load that View Controller.
For achieving this, you must put a flag to check that the View is loaded first time or not.
If the NSTimer is one of your instance variable, I guess you could do a check to see if it is allocated or not.
//NSTimer *timer; declare this in your interface
if (timer==nil)
// allocate timer
//Do nothing if it is allocated all ready
What I would do is to mantain the second view controller as an ivar of your first view controller. This way, you can instantiate it just once and your NSTimer will remain in memory.
However, if you want to maintain your style, you should save the current time in any kind of preferences (look at [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] or create your own singleton class). Then in view did load method from your second view controller, load that value and add it as an offset for your timer.
Hope to help!

Dealloc called twice and crash at [super dealloc]

---- question solved by myself, info updated in my comment ----
I have a view controller which has a periodic NSTimer. I call invalidate of the timer When I remove the view controller:
- (void)dealloc
NSLog(#"dealloc called");
if ([myTimer isValid]) {
[myTimer invalidate];
[super dealloc];
I discovered an unexpected behavior that the [myTimer invalidate] will immediately call my view controller's dealloc. That's why I put the isValid check to avoid crash. But the [super dealloc] will be called twice and crash the app.
Thus, I have two questions:
What's the proper way to invalidate a timer?
Why is the timer's invalidate method call the view controller's dealloc method?
As described at CocoaDev: NSTimer:
Here are a couple of rules that might help you with NSTimer:
A timer retains the target and userInfo objects.
A timer is automatically retained by the run loop when scheduling it.
If a timer is not set to repeat, it will automatically invalidate itself upon firing.
A timer is released from the run loop when calling invalidate.
A timer releases the target and userInfo objects when calling invalidate.
In other words, if you release a repeating timer without invalidating it, it will continue to repeate because the run loop is retaining it. However, if you don't want to stop the timer before the application quits, or if the timer is non-repeating, you can release it after scheduling it without calling invalidate.
That sounds like some odd behaviour. Are there any other objects holding on to a reference to your view controller?
If not, there is a possibility that once the timer is removed & released from the run loop the view controller has nothing referencing it anymore (and so is deallocated).

Having issues with iPhone NSTimer invalidation

Okay so I know I asked a similar question a while ago, but this is different. I now have two timers that go off on the TouchDown event of their respective buttons. On the TouchUpInside event I have respective code that tells each timer to [pressTimer invalidate] and pressTimer = nil. The problem that happens now since I added the second timer is that when the selector is triggered (thus releasing the button and triggering the TouchUpInside event) the app crashes and spits out an Not recognized [NSCFTimer -invalidate] or something like that. The buttons work normally, until the timer triggers, and even then no crash until I let up my finger. I think what's going on is that the TouchUpInside event is trying to invalidate an invalid/triggered timer, because it works fine while the timer is still running. I wonder why this is happening since it never happened before I added the second timer. My temporary fix is to set the repeating:YES portion of the timer, which supports my theory that it can't invalidate an invalid/triggered timer. Any suggestions?
*Bonus: On a related note, how many crashes do I need to get from people before they show up in iTunes Connect?
For one thing, the pressTimer=nil serves no purpose; nil assignment only releases objects when using a setter, on a retained property, i.e. self.timer = nil;. (this actually does: [self setTimer:nil]!)
But even then, if you misquoted yourself and did use a setter, an NSTimer instance need not be released, it only needs to be invalidated. Your "kind of quoted" error should not happen.
As for you theory: you may read invalidate as release in this context - you can't do it too often...
The manual states that invalidate needs to be called from the same thread where it was installed, beyond that there's really no reason for anything to crash.

How to solve this performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: problem?

I have a view controller, which calls performSelector:withObject:afterDelay. However, if I remove that view controller right after calling this, my app crashes as soon as the system tries to perform the delayed selector on that (deleted) view controller.
Now how can I go about this? I need to get rid of the view controller to save memory, so there's no way to let it hang around.
Any way to cancel a delayed perform selector before it performs?
I suggest to use an NSTimer instead. You can simply invalidate the timer to make sure it will never be called after the UIViewController has gone away. A good moment to invalidate the timer is for example in viewWillDisappear:.
This does mean that the timer is owned by the view controller. But that is a good design anyway.
You can't perform a selector on a deleted object, you either need to have the object around, or do the work with some other smaller object that you can have hanging around.
To cancel there is a cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object: or cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: method.