How can I get Perl's Getopt::Long to tell if arguments are missing? - perl

I'm using Perl's Getopt::Long module to parse command line arguments. However, it seems that it returns a true value even if some of the arguments are missing. Is there a way to tell if this is the case?

In plain old Getopt::Long, you can't do this directly -- as Jonathan said, you need to check your requirements for undef. However, IMHO this is a good thing -- what is a "required" parameter? Often one has parameters that are required in one case and not another -- the most common example here being the sore thumb of the --help option. It's not required, and if the user uses it, he probably doesn't know to or won't pass any of the other "required" parameters.
I use this idiom in some of my code (well, I used to, until I switched to using MooseX::Getopt):
use List:MoreUtils 'all';
Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%options, #opt_spec);
print usage(), exit if $options{help};
die usage() unless all { defined $options{$_} } #required_options;
Even with MooseX::Getopt I don't set my attributes to required => 1, again because of the --help option. Instead I check for the presence of all attributes I need before moving into the main body of program execution.
package MyApp::Prog;
use Moose;
with 'MooseX::Getopt';
has foo => (
is => 'ro', isa => 'Str',
documentation => 'Provides the foo for the frobnitz',
has bar => (
is => 'ro', isa => 'Int',
documentation => 'Quantity of bar furbles to use when creating the frobnitz',
# run just after startup; use to verify system, initialize DB etc.
sub setup
my $this = shift;
die "Required option foo!\n" unless $this->foo;
die "Required option bar!\n" unless $this->bar;
# ...

Options are optional, hence the name 'Getopt'.
You check the option values that are set by Getopt::Long; if one of the crucial ones is 'undef', it was missed and you can identify it.
The return value tells you that there were no horrible blunders in the command line. What constitutes a blunder depends on how you use Getopt::Long, but a classic one would be that the command line contains -o output but the command does not recognize a -o option.


How can Perl's Getopt::Long discover arguments with mandatory parameter missing?

In one of my scripts I use the Getopt::Long library. At the beginning of the program I make a call:
&GetOptions ('help', 'debug', 'user=s' => \$GetUser);
The first two arguments are simple: I discover their existance by checking $opt_help and $opt_debug respectively. However the third argument is tricky, because I need to distinguish between no option at all ($GetUser is undefined, which is ok for me), using "--user" alone ($GetUser is also undefined, but this time I want to display an error message) and "--user FooBar" (where the $GetUser receives 'FooBar', which I can use in further processing).
How can I distinguish between using no "--user" option and using it alone, without a username?
You are looking for : instead of =, so 'user:s' => \$GetUser. From Options with values
Using a colon : instead of the equals sign indicates that the option value is optional. In this case, if no suitable value is supplied, string valued options get an empty string '' assigned, while numeric options are set to 0
This allows you to legitimately call the program with --user and no value (with = it's an error). Then you only declare my $GetUser; and after the options are processed you can tell what happened. If it is undef it wasn't mentioned, if it is '' (empty string) it was invoked without a value and you can emit your message. This assumes that it being '' isn't of any other use in your program.
Otherwise, when you use 'user=s' and no value is given, the GetOptions reports an error by returning false and emits a descriptive message to STDERR. So you may well leave it and do
GetOptions( 'user=s' => ...) or die "Option error\n";
and rely on the module to catch and report wrong use. Our own message above isn't really needed as module's messages clearly describe the problem.
One other way of doing this would go along the lines of
usage(), exit if not GetOptions('user=s' => \$GetUser, ...);
sub usage {
# Your usage message, briefly listing options etc.
I'd like to add – you don't need & in front of a function call. It makes the caller's #_ visible, ignores function prototype, and does a few other similarly involved things. One common use is to get a coderef, $rc = \&fun, where it is needed. See for example this post

How can I get a better error message if a required attribute is not supplied in Moose?

I'm brand new to Moose. Up until today our environments have been on Perl 5.8.2 which would not support Moose.
I'm working through some examples, and I thought that the "required => 1" setting on an attribute would be handy, however when I try using that option, the error message that is returned is not really usable.
Here's an example:
package Cat;
use Moose;
use Modern::Perl;
has 'name' => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
sub meow {
my $self = shift;
say 'Meow!';
use Modern::Perl;
my $alarm = Cat->new();
When I run it:
Attribute (name) is required at /app/perl5/perl-5.10.1/lib/site_perl/5.10.1/aix-thread-multi-64all/Class/MOP/ line 581
Class::MOP::Class::_construct_instance('Moose::Meta::Class=HASH(0x110ac1a00)', 'HASH(0x110c3b3c0)') called at /app/perl5/perl-5.10.1/lib/site_perl/5.10.1/aix-thread-multi-64all/Class/MOP/ line 554
Class::MOP::Class::new_object('Moose::Meta::Class=HASH(0x110ac1a00)', 'HASH(0x110c3b3c0)') called at /app/perl5/perl-5.10.1/lib/site_perl/5.10.1/aix-thread-multi-64all/Moose/Meta/ line 258
Moose::Meta::Class::new_object('Moose::Meta::Class=HASH(0x110ac1a00)', 'HASH(0x110c3b3c0)') called at /app/perl5/perl-5.10.1/lib/site_perl/5.10.1/aix-thread-multi-64all/Moose/ line 28
Moose::Object::new('Cat') called at line 20
If one of our non-perl operators see an error message like that, they will probably freak out. I'm afraid they will not realize that all 5 lines in the error message are actually a part of the same error.
Is there a way to get a nice error message if a required attribute is not supplied?
Something like croak, I can imagine a message like this:
Attribute (name) is required at line 20
Again, I'm new to Moose so this may be an easy setting that I am missing.
Thanks in advance!
I think I may have found a solution to my requirement, but I'm not sure if it is the best solution.
And, as #Tanktalus points out, there is value to having a detailed error message.
For the purposes of my question, the MooseX::Constructor::AllErrors extension seems to work:
package Cat;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Constructor::AllErrors;
use Modern::Perl;
has 'name' => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
sub meow {
my $self = shift;
say 'Meow!';
use Modern::Perl;
my $alarm = Cat->new();
On running, I get:
Attribute (name) is required at line 21
Which is what I was thinking.
Since I am not familiar at all with Moose, is this extension okay to use, or will it "muffle" all of the error messages?
I prefer the long error message - because if I'm missing a required parameter, I want my non-perl users to freak out: I obviously missed something in development, unit-test, and system test if it gets all the way to a user with this type of message.
Mind you, I also leave fatal warnings turned on when I go to production. I prefer my failures to be spectacular so that I can't accidentally ignore them.
Since "name" is required, what you need to do is populate this attribute from the constructor. Like this:
my $alarm = Cat->new({'name' => 'Sylvester'});
This should fix your problem.

Reverse Engineering a Perl script based on a core dump

A friend's server (yes, really. Not mine.) was broken into and we discovered a perl binary running some bot code. We could not find the script itself (probably eval'ed as received over the network), but we managed to create a core dump of the perl process.
Running strings on the core gave us some hints (hostnames, usernames / passwords), but not the source code of the script.
We'd like to know what the script was capable of doing, so we'd like to reverse-engineer the perl code that was running inside that perl interpreter.
Searching around, the closest thing to a perl de-compiler I found is the B::Deparse module which seems to be perfectly suitable for converting the bytecode of the parse-trees back into readable code.
Now, how do I get B::Deparse to operate on a core dump? Or, alternatively, how could I restart the program from the core, load B::Deparse and execute it?
Any ideas are welcome.
ysth asked me on IRC to comment on your question. I've done a whole
pile of stuff "disassembling" compiled perl and stuff (just see my
CPAN page []).
Perl compiles your source to a tree of OP* structs which
occasionally have C pointers to SV* which are perl values. Your core
dump now has a bunch of those OP* and SV* stashed.
The best possible world would be to have a perl module like
B::Deparse do the information-understanding work for you. It
works by using a light interface to perl memory in the B::OP and
B::SV classes (documented in B, perlguts, and
perlhack). This is unrealistic for you because a B::* object is
just a pointer into memory with accessors to decode the struct for our
use. Consider:
require Data::Dumper;
require Scalar::Util;
require B;
my $value = 'this is a string';
my $sv = B::svref_2object( \ $value );
my $address = Scalar::Util::refaddr( \ $value );
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
print Data::Dumper::Dumper(
address => $address,
value => \ $value,
sv => $sv,
sv_attr => {
CUR => $sv->CUR,
LEN => $sv->LEN,
PV => $sv->PV,
PVBM => $sv->PVBM,
PVX => $sv->PVX,
as_string => $sv->as_string,
FLAGS => $sv->FLAGS,
POK => $sv->POK,
ROK => $sv->ROK,
SvTYPE => $sv->SvTYPE,
object_2svref => $sv->object_2svref,
which when run showed that the B::PV object (it is ISA B::SV) is
truely merely an interface to the memory representation of the
compiled string this is a string.
$VAR1 = {
'address' => 438506984,
'sv' => bless( do{\(my $o = 438506984)}, 'B::PV' ),
'sv_attr' => {
'CUR' => 16,
'FLAGS' => 279557,
'LEN' => 24,
'MAGICAL' => 0,
'POK' => 1024,
'PV' => 'this is a string',
'PVBM' => 'this is a string',
'PVX' => 'this is a string',
'REFCNT' => 2,
'ROK' => 0,
'SvTYPE' => 5,
'as_string' => 'this is a string',
'object_2svref' => \'this is a string'
'value' => do{my $o}
$VAR1->{'value'} = $VAR1->{'sv_attr'}{'object_2svref'};
This however implies that any B::* using code must actually operate
on live memory. Tye McQueen thought he remembered a C debugger which
could fully revive a working process given a core dump. My gdb
can't. gdb can allow you to dump the contents of your OP* and
SV* structs. You would most likely just read the dumped structs to
interpret your program's structure. You could, if you wished, use
gdb to dump the structs, then synthetically create B::* objects
which behaved in interface as if they were ordinary and use
B::Deparse on that. At root, our deparser and other debug dumping
tools are mostly object oriented so you could just "fool" them by
creating a pile of fake B::* classes and objects.
You may find reading the B::Deparse class's coderef2text method
instructive. It accepts a function reference, casts it to a B::CV
object, and uses that for input to the deparse_sub method:
require B;
require B::Deparse;
sub your_function { ... }
my $cv = B::svref_2object( \ &your_function );
my $deparser = B::Deparse->new;
print $deparser->deparse_sub( $cv );
For gentler introductions to OP* and related ideas, see the updated
PerlGuts Illustrated and Optree guts.
I doubt there's a tool out there that does this out of the box, so...
Find the source code to the version of perl you were running. This should help you understand the memory layout of the perl interpreter. It will also help you figure out if there's a way to take a shortcut here (e.g. if bytecode is preceded by an easy to find header in memory or something).
Load up the binary + core dump in a debugger, probably gdb
Use the information in the perl source code to guide you in convincing the debugger to spit out the bytecode you're interested in.
Once you have the bytecode, B::Deparse should be able to get you to something more readable.
Well, undump will turn that core dump back into a binary executable (if you can find a working version). You should then be able to load that into perl and -MO=Deparse it.

How much do I need to test Moose- and MooseX::FollowPBP-generated methods?

I want to start strictly doing Test-Driven-Development. However, I was wondering how much I should test methods generated by Moose and MooseX::FollowPBP. For example, I have the following class:
package Neu::Series;
use Moose;
use MooseX::FollowPBP;
use File::Find::Wanted;
has 'file_regex' => (
default => sub{
[A-Z] #Uppercase letter
[a-zA-Z]* #any letter, any number of times
[-] #dash
( #open capturing parenthesis
[a-zA-Z]? #any letter, optional
) #close capturing parenthesis
has 'top_dir' => (
has 'access' =>(
My current test script is:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 8;
use Neu::Access;
BEGIN{ use_ok('Neu::Series'); }
can_ok( 'Neu::Series', 'new');
can_ok( 'Neu::Series', 'set_file_regex');
can_ok( 'Neu::Series', 'get_file_regex');
can_ok( 'Neu::Series', 'set_top_dir');
can_ok( 'Neu::Series', 'get_top_dir');
can_ok( 'Neu::Series', 'get_access');
my $access = Neu::Access->new(dsn => 'test');
my $series_worker = Neu::Series->new(access => $access);
isa_ok($series_worker, 'Neu::Series');
Is this enough or too-much testing? (That is, besides the obviously missing tests for the regex).
I thought I saw a web page or another post about this somewhere, but I haven't been able to find it today.
There's really no point in testing that the accessors were generated correctly. If they're not, you'll find out very quickly, because any real tests you write will fail.
Moose itself tests that accessors are generated correctly, that Moose-using classes get a constructor, and so on. One of the points of using dependencies is so that you can focus on writing and testing your application, not helper code.
I do agree with daotoad, it's probably worth testing constraints and coercions that you write yourself.
Checking that all accessors were generated correctly is fine... however there are other things you could test at a slight higher level, e.g. why not test that the attributes were generated properly?
use Test::Deep;
my #attrs = Neu::Series->meta->get_all_attributes;
cmp_deeply( [ map { $_->name } #attrs ], superbagof(qw(file_regex top_dir access)));
I'd focus on testing my specification. Did I tell Moose what I wanted it to do correctly?
To this end, I'd start with the following tests:
Verify that read/write attributes have both an accessor and a mutator.
Verify that read only attributes have an accessor and no mutator.
Test any type constraints and coercions. Verify that only acceptable values can be set. If an attribute sIf you expect VII to be seen as a Str and coerced into an Int as 7, test that it does.
Thank you Dave, daotoad, Ether, Elliot, and brian. From reading your answers, comments, and blogs, there seem to be two salient points:
(1) No testing is needed to make sure Moose does what it is supposed to do. I think everyone agrees on this point.
(2) Testing Moose-generated methods is appropriate for establishing, testing, and maintaining your interface. Most agree on this point.
Again, thanks to everyone for your input.
This is just a community-wiki summary. Please read the individual answers and comments.

How do I get HTTP::Proxy to log filter information?

I'm having some trouble getting filters working with HTTP::Proxy and I just can't seem to figure out what I should add to the logmask() function to get that information.
I've got a log file, that part is fine, logging is happening, but no information about filters, although they're implemented and (sometimes) working.
I've tried
and none of those work! What am I missing?
Also, what's all that about the powers of two for the mask? And the constants being exported by :log?
I'm rather confused, as you can tell.
going by the advice below, I have the following script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTTP::Proxy qw( :log );
use HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::tags;
use HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::simple;
open( LOG, '>>', "/Users/ambrose/proxy-log.txt" ) or die "$!";
my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new;
$proxy->logmask( ALL );
mime => 'text/html',
response => HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::tags->new(),
response => HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::simple->new(
sub { ${ $_[1] } =~ s!(</?)i>!$1b>!ig }
which doesn't log anything about filters, although the filter is in operation, I can see that italics have been changed to bold, as in the example.
If I change the line:
$proxy->logmask( ALL );
$proxy->logmask( FILTERS );
nothing gets added to the log file at all.
Note that the logging constants are not exported by default, but by the :log tag. They can also be exported one-by-one.
They're symbolic constants, so you want to do $proxy->logmask( FILTERS ), but first you need to use HTTP::Proxy qw(:log) or use HTTP::Proxy qw(FILTERS).
Or if you don't like namespace pollution you should be able to do $proxy->logmask( HTTP::Proxy::FILTERS() )