Are singletons automatically persisted between requests in ASP.NET MVC? -

I have a lookup table (LUT) of thousands integers that I use on a fair amount of requests to compute stuff based on what was fetched from database.
If I simply create a standard singleton to hold the LUT, is it automatically persisted between requests or do I specifically need to push it to the Application state?
If they are automatically persisted, then what is the difference storing them with the Application state?
How would a correct singleton implementation look like? It doesn't need to be lazily initialized, but it needs to be thread-safe (thousands of theoretical users per server instance) and have good performance.
EDIT: Jon Skeet's 4th version looks promising
public sealed class Singleton
static readonly Singleton instance=new Singleton();
// Explicit static constructor to tell C# compiler
// not to mark type as beforefieldinit
static Singleton()
public static Singleton Instance
return instance;
// randomguy's specific stuff. Does this look good to you?
private int[] lut = new int[5000];
public int Compute(Product p) {
return lut[p.Goo];

Yes, static members persists (not the same thing as persisted - it's not "saved", it never goes away), which would include implementations of a singleton. You get a degree of lazy initialisation for free, as if it's created in a static assignment or static constructor, it won't be called until the relevant class is first used. That creation locks by default, but all other uses would have to be threadsafe as you say. Given the degree of concurrency involved, then unless the singleton was going to be immutable (your look-up table doesn't change for application lifetime) you would have to be very careful as to how you update it (one way is a fake singleton - on update you create a new object and then lock around assigning it to replace the current value; not strictly a singleton though it looks like one "from the outside").
The big danger is that anything introducing global state is suspect, and especially when dealing with a stateless protocol like the web. It can be used well though, especially as an in-memory cache of permanent or near-permanent data, particularly if it involves an object graph that cannot be easily obtained quickly from a database.
The pitfalls are considerable though, so be careful. In particular, the risk of locking issues cannot be understated.
Edit, to match the edit in the question:
My big concern would be how the array gets initialised. Clearly this example is incomplete as it'll only ever have 0 for each item. If it gets set at initialisation and is the read-only, then fine. If it's mutable, then be very, very careful about your threading.
Also be aware of the negative effect of too many such look-ups on scaling. While you save for mosts requests in having pre-calculation, the effect is to have a period of very heavy work when the singleton is updated. A long-ish start-up will likely be tolerable (as it won't be very often), but arbitrary slow downs happening afterwards can be tricky to trace to their source.

I wouldn't rely on a static being persisted between requests. [There is always the, albeit unlikely, chance that the process would be reset between requests.] I'd recommend HttpContext's Cache object for persisting shared resources between requests.

Edit: See Jon's comments about read-only locking.
It's been a while since I've dealt with singleton's (I prefer letting my IOC container deal with lifetimes), but here's how you can handle the thread-safety issues. You'll need to lock around anything that mutates the state of the singleton. Read only operations, like your Compute(int) won't need locking.
// I typically create one lock per collection, but you really need one per set of atomic operations; if you ever modify two collections together, use one lock.
private object lutLock = new object();
private int[] lut = new int[5000];
public int Compute(Product p) {
return lut[p.Goo];
public void SetValue(int index, int value)
//lock as little code as possible. since this step is read only we don't lock it.
if(index < 0 || index > lut.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("Index not in range", "index");
// going to mutate state so we need a lock now
lut[index] = value;


Make long names shorter in Unity?

Instead of writing a code like
I would like to type just
Is there a way to do that in Unity?
Maybe using some kind of alias, or some kind of namespace or something else. I am after making my code clean, so using GameManger gm = FindObjectOfType() in every file that uses a the GameManager is not what I am looking for.
In general I have to discourage this question. This is very questionable and I would actually not recommend this kind of shortening aliases for types and especially not for a complete method call ... bad enough when it is done with variables and fields by a lot of people.
Always use proper variable and field names thus that by reading the code you already know what you are dealing with!
how about storing it in a variable (or class field) at the beginning or whenever needed (but as early as possible)
// You could also reference it already in the Inspector
// and skip the FindObjectOfType call entirely
[SerializeField] private _GameManager gm;
private void Awake()
if(!gm) gm = FindObjectOfType<_GameManager>();
and then later use
where needed.
In general you should do this only once because FindObjectOfType is a very performance intense call.
This has to be done of course for each class wanting to use the _GameManager instance ...
However this would mostly be the preferred way to go.
Alternatively you could also (ab)use a Singleton pattern ... it is controversial and a lot of people hate it kind of ... but actually in the end FindObjectOfType on the design side does kind of the same thing and is even worse in performance ...
public class _GameManager : MonoBehaviour
// Backing field where the instance reference will actually be stored
private static _GameManager instance;
// A public read-only property for either returning the existing reference
// finding it in the scene
// or creating one if not existing at all
public static _GameManager Instance
// if the reference exists already simply return it
if(instance) return instance;
// otherwise find it in the scene
instance = FindObjectOfType<_GameManager>();
// if found return it now
if(instance) return instance;
// otherwise a lazy creation of the object if not existing in scene
instance = new GameObject("_GameManager").AddComponent<_GameManager>();
return instance;
private void Awake()
instance = this;
so you can at least reduce it to
the only alias you can create now would be using a using statement at the top of the file like e.g.
using gm = _GameManager;
then you can use
it probably won't get much shorter then this.
But as said this is very questionable and doesn't bring any real benefit, it only makes your code worse to read/maintain! What if later in time you also have a GridManager and a GroupMaster? Then calling something gm is only confusing ;)
Btw you shouldn't start types with a _ .. rather call it e.g. MyGameManager or use a different namespace if you wanted to avoid name conflicts with an existing type

Composing IObservables and cleaning up after registrations

I have some code in a class that takes FileSystemWatcher events and flattens them into an event in my domain:
(Please note, the *AsObservable methods are extensions from elsewhere in my project, they do what they say 🙂.)
watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(ConfigurationFilePath);
ChangeObservable = Observable
watcher.ChangedAsObservable().Select((args) =>
return new ConfigurationChangedArgs
Type = ConfigurationChangeType.Edited,
watcher.DeletedAsObservable().Select((args) =>
return new ConfigurationChangedArgs
Type = ConfigurationChangeType.Deleted,
watcher.RenamedAsObservable().Select((args) =>
return new ConfigurationChangedArgs
Type = ConfigurationChangeType.Renamed,
ChangeObservable.Subscribe((args) =>
Changed.Invoke(this, args);
Something that I'm trying to wrap my head around as I'm learning are best practices around naming, ownership and cleanup of the IObservable and IDisposable returned by code like this.
So, some specific questions:
Is it okay to leak IObservables from a class that creates them? For example, is the property I'm assigning this chain to okay to be public?
Does the property name ChangeObservable align with what most people would consider best practice when using the .net reactive extensions?
Do I need to call Dispose on any of my subscriptions to this chain, or is it safe enough to leave everything up to garbage collection when the containing class goes out of scope? Keep in mind, I'm observing events from watcher, so there's some shared lifecycle there.
Is it okay to take an observable and wire them into an event on my own class (Changed in the example above), or is the idea to stay out of the native .net event system and leak my IObservable?
Other tips and advice always appreciated! 😀
Is it okay to leak IObservables from a class that creates them? For
example, is the property I'm assigning this chain to okay to be
Does the property name ChangeObservable align with what most
people would consider best practice when using the .net reactive
Subjective question. Maybe FileChanges? The fact that it's an observable is clear from the type.
Do I need to call Dispose on any of my subscriptions to
this chain, or is it safe enough to leave everything up to garbage
collection when the containing class goes out of scope?
The ChangeObservable.Subscribe at the end could live forever, preventing the object from being garbage collected if the event is subscribed to, though that could also be your intention. Operator subscriptions are generally fine. I can't see the code for your ChangedAsObservable like functions. If they don't include a Subscribe or an event subscription, they're probably fine as well.
Keep in mind,
I'm observing events from watcher, so there's some shared lifecycle
Since FileWatcher implements IDisposable, you should probably use Observable.Using around it so you can combine the lifecycles.
Is it okay to take an observable and wire them into an event on
my own class (Changed in the example above), or is the idea to stay
out of the native .net event system and leak my IObservable?
I would prefer to stay in Rx. The problem with event subscriptions is that they generally live forever. You lose the ability to control subscription lifecycle. They're also feel so much more primitive. But again, that's a bit subjective.

Entity Framework Inheritance and Logic

I've been creating a prototype for a modern MUD engine. A MUD is a simple form of simulation and provide a good method in which to test a concept I'm working on. This has led me to a couple of places in my code where things, are a bit unclear, and the design is coming into question (probably due to its being flawed). I'm using model first (I may need to change this) and I've designed a top down architecture of game objects. I may be doing this completely wrong.
What I've done is create a MUDObject entity. This entity is effectively a base for all of my other logical constructs, such as characters, their items, race, etc. I've also created a set of three meta classes which are used for logical purposes as well Attributes, Events, and Flags. They are fairly straightforward, and are all inherited from MUDObject.
The MUDObject class is designed to provide default data behavior for all of the objects, this includes deletion of dead objects. The automatically clearing of floors. etc. This is also designed to facilitate this logic virtually if needed. For example, checking a room to see if an effect has ended and deleting the the effect (remove the flag).
public partial class MUDObject
public virtual void Update()
if (this.LifeTime.Value.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) > 0)
using (var context = new ReduxDataContext())
public virtual void Pause()
public virtual void Resume()
public virtual void Stop()
I've also got a class World, it is derived from MUDObject and contains the areas and room (which in turn contain the games objects) and handles the timer for the operation to run the updates. (probably going to be moved, put here as if it works would limit it to only the objects in-world at the time.)
public partial class World
private Timer ticker;
public void Start()
this.ticker = new Timer(3000.0);
this.ticker.Elapsed += ticker_Elapsed;
private void ticker_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
public override void Update()
this.CurrentTime += 3;
// update contents
public override void Pause()
this.ticker.Enabled = false;
// update contents
public override void Resume()
this.ticker.Enabled = true;
// update contents
public override void Stop()
// update contents
I'm curious of two things.
Is there a way to recode the context so that it has separate
ObjectSets for each type derived from MUDObject?
i.e. context.MUDObjects.Flags or context.Flags
If not how can I query a child type specifically?
Does the Update/Pause/Resume/Stop architecture I'm using work
properly when placed into the EF entities directly? given than it's for
data purposes only?
Will locking be an issue?
Does the partial class automatically commit changes when they are made?
Would I be better off using a flat repository and doing this in the game engine directly?
1) Is there a way to recode the context so that it has separate ObjectSets for each type derived from MUDObject?
Yes, there is. If you decide that you want to define a base class for all your entities it is common to have an abstract base class that is not part of the entity framework model. The model only contains the derived types and the context contains DbSets of derived types (if it is a DbContext) like
public DbSet<Flag> Flags { get; set; }
If appropriate you can implement inheritance between classes, but that would be to express polymorphism, not to implement common persistence-related behaviour.
2) Does the Update/Pause/Resume/Stop architecture I'm using work properly when placed into the EF entities directly?
No. Entities are not supposed to know anything about persistence. The context is responsible for creating them, tracking their changes and updating/deleting them. I think that also answers your question about automatically committing changes: no.
I think here it's good to bring up the single responsibility principle. A general pattern would be to
let a context populate objects from a store
let the object act according to their responsibilities (the simulation)
let a context store their state whenever necessary
I think Pause/Resume/Stop could be responsibilities of MUD objects. Update is an altogether different kind of action and responsibility.
Now I have to speculate, but take your World class. You should be able to express its responsibility in a short phrase, maybe something like "harbour other objects" or "define boundaries". I don't think it should do the timing. I think the timing should be the responsibility of some core utility which signals that a time interval has elapsed. Other objects know how to respond to that (e.g. do some state change, or, the context or repository, save changes).
Well, this is only an example of how to think about it, probably far from correct.
One other thing is that I think saving changes should be done not nearly as often as state changes of the objects that carry out the simulation. It would probably slow down the process dramatically. Maybe it should be done in longer intervals or by a user action.
First thing to say, if you are using EF 4.1 (as it is tagged) you should really consider going to version 5.0 (you will need to make a .NET 4.5 project for this)
With several improvements on performance, you can benefit from other features also. The code i will show you will work for 5.0 (i dont know if it will work for 4.1 version)
Now, let's go to you several questions:
Is there a way to recode the context so that it has separate
ObjectSets for each type derived from MUDObject? If not how can I
query a child type specifically?
i.e. context.MUDObjects.Flags or context.Flags
Yes, you can. But to call is a little different, you will not have Context.Worlds you will only have the base class to be called this way, if you want to get the set of Worlds (that inherit from MUDObject, you will call:
var worlds = context.MUDObjects.OfType<World>();
Or you can do in direct way by using generics:
var worlds = context.Set<World>();
If you define you inheritance the right way, you should have an abstract class called MUDObjects and all others should iherit from that class. EF can work perfectly with this, you just need to make it right.
Does the Update/Pause/Resume/Stop architecture I'm using work properly
when placed into the EF entities directly? given than it's for data
purposes only?
In this case i think you should consider using a Design Pattern called Strategy Pattern, do some research, it will fit your objects.
Will locking be an issue?
Depends on how you develop the system....
Does the partial class automatically commit changes when they are
Did not understand that question.... Partial classes are just like regular classes, thay are just in different files, but when compiled (or event at Design-Time, because of the vshost.exe) they are in fact just one.
Would I be better off using a flat repository and doing this in the
game engine directly?
Hard to answer, it all depends on the requirements of the game, deploy strategy....

Using a static instance of DbProviderFactory in ADO.NET?

I am using the following code in my app. According to this code, for all users of the app, there will be only a single instance of DBProviderFactory. Will this create a problem in a multi-user environment? So all users would use the the same DbProviderFactory object to create connections. I am not sure if this will create some type of hidden problems in a multi-user environment.
The reason, why I am using a static instance for DbProviderFactory, is so that the GetFactory method is not called everytime a connection needs to be instantiated. This, I think, would make it quicker to get a connection object. Any flaw in my reasoning?
public class DatabaseAccess
private static readonly DbProviderFactory _dbProviderFactory =
public static DbConnection GetDbConnection()
DbConnection con = _dbProviderFactory.CreateConnection();
con.ConnectionString = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DB"].ConnectionString;
return con;
It looks fine, but probably will not create interesting efficiencies.
Object creation in .NET is quick. So creating the factory doesn't take a lot of time. Acquiring the connection from a remote database does, but with connection pooling, this normally isn't an issue.
The factory probably doesn't appear to implement any state of it's own & looks like it's probably immutable. So access from different threads is probably okay.
Static objects aren't garbage collected. I doubt the factory will grow in size, so this shouldn't be a problem.
So you avoid a bunch of cheap object creation, a bunch of cheap background garbage collections, and have a minor risk of a derived class actually having state and not being thread safe depending on the exact implementation returned by GetFactory

Class Design: Demeter vs. Connection Lifetimes

Okay, so here's a problem I'm running into.
I have some classes in my application that have methods that require a database connection. I am torn between two different ways to design the classes, both of which are centered around dependency injection:
Provide a property for the connection that is set by the caller prior to method invocation. This has a few drawbacks.
Every method relying on the connection property has to validate that property to ensure that it isn't null, it's open and not involved in a transaction if that's going to muck up the operation.
If the connection property is unexpectedly closed, all the methods have to either (1.) throw an exception or (2.) coerce it open. Depending on the level of robustness you want, either case is appropriate. (Note that this is different from a connection that is passed to a method in that the reference to the connection exists for the lifetime of the object, not simply for the lifetime of the method invocation. Consequently, the volatility of the connection just seems higher to me.)
Providing a Connection property seems (to me, anyway) to scream out for a corresponding Transaction property. This creates additional overhead in the documentation, since you'd have to make it fairly obvious when the transaction was being used, and when it wasn't.
On the other hand, Microsoft seems to favor the whole set-and-invoke paradigm.
Require the connection to be passed as an argument to the method. This has a few advantages and disadvantages:
The parameter list is naturally larger. This is irksome to me, primarily at the point of call.
While a connection (and a transaction) must still be validated prior to use, the reference to it exists only for the duration of the method call.
The point of call is, however, quite clear. It's very obvious that you must provide the connection, and that the method won't be creating one behind your back automagically.
If a method doesn't require a transaction (say a method that only retrieves data from the database), no transaction is required. There's no lack of clarity due to the method signature.
If a method requires a transaction, it's very clear due to the method signature. Again, there's no lack of clarity.
Because the class does not expose a Connection or a Transaction property, there's no chance of callers trying to drill down through them to their properties and methods, thus enforcing the Law of Demeter.
I know, it's a lot. But on the one hand, there's the Microsoft Way: Provide properties, let the caller set the properties, and then invoke methods. That way, you don't have to create complex constructors or factory methods and the like. Also, avoid methods with lots of arguments.
Then, there's the simple fact that if I expose these two properties on my objects, they'll tend to encourage consumers to use them in nefarious ways. (Not that I'm responsible for that, but still.) But I just don't really want to write crappy code.
If you were in my shoes, what would you do?
Here is a third pattern to consider:
Create a class called ConnectionScope, which provides access to a connection
Any class at any time, can create a ConnectionScope
ConnectionScope has a property called Connection, which always returns a valid connection
Any (and every) ConnectionScope gives access to the same underlying connection object (within some scope, maybe within the same thread, or process)
You then are free to implement that Connection property however you want, and your classes don't have a property that needs to be set, nor is the connection a parameter, nor do they need to worry about opening or closing connections.
More details:
In C#, I'd recommend ConnectionScope implement IDisposable, that way your classes can write code like "using ( var scope = new ConnectionScope() )" and then ConnectionScope can free the connection (if appropriate) when it is destroyed
If you can limit yourself to one connection per thread (or process) then you can easily set the connection string in a [thread] static variable in ConnectionScope
You can then use reference counting to ensure that your single connection is re-used when its already open and connections are released when no one is using them
Updated: Here is some simplified sample code:
public class ConnectionScope : IDisposable
private static Connection m_Connection;
private static int m_ReferenceCount;
public Connection Connection
return m_Connection;
public ConnectionScope()
if ( m_Connection == null )
m_Connection = OpenConnection();
public void Dispose()
if ( m_ReferenceCount == 0 )
m_Connection = null;
Example code of how one (any) of your classes would use it:
using ( var scope = new ConnectionScope() )
scope.Connection.ExecuteCommand( ... )
I would prefer the latter method. It sounds like your classes use the database connection as a conduit to the persistence layer. Making the caller pass in the database connection makes it clear that this is the case. If the connection/transaction were represented as a property of the object, then things are not so clear and all of the ownership and lifetime issues come out. Better to avoid them from the start.