Unicode string mess in perl - perl

I have an external module, that is returning me some strings. I am not sure how are the strings returned, exactly. I don't really know, how Unicode strings work and why.
The module should return, for example, the Czech word "být", meaning "to be". (If you cannot see the second letter - it should look like this.) If I display the string, returned by the module, with Data Dumper, I see it as b\x{fd}t.
However, if I try to print it with print $s, I got "Wide character in print" warning, and ? instead of ý.
If I try Encode::decode(whatever, $s);, the resulting string cannot be printed anyway (always with the "Wide character" warning, sometimes with mangled characters, sometimes right), no matter what I put in whatever.
If I try Encode::encode("utf-8", $s);, the resulting string CAN be printed without the problems or error message.
If I use use encoding 'utf8';, printing works without any need of encoding/decoding. However, if I use IO::CaptureOutput or Capture::Tiny module, it starts shouting "Wide character" again.
I have a few questions, mostly about what exactly happens. (I tried to read perldocs, but I was not very wise from them)
Why can't I print the string right after getting it from the module?
Why can't I print the string, decoded by "decode"? What exactly "decode" did?
What exactly "encode" did, and why there was no problem in printing it after encoding?
What exactly use encoding do? Why is the default encoding different from utf-8?
What do I have to do, if I want to print the scalars without any problems, even when I want to use one of the capturing modules?
edit: Some people tell me to use -C or binmode or PERL_UNICODE. That is a great advice. However, somehow, both the capturing modules magically destroy the UTF8-ness of STDOUT. That seems to be more a bug of the modules, but I am not really sure.
edit2: OK, the best solution was to dump the modules and write the "capturing" myself (with much less flexibility).

Because you output a string in perl's internal form (utf8) to a non-unicode filehandle.
The decode function decodes a sequence of bytes assumed to be in ENCODING into Perl's internal form (utf8). Your input seems to be already decoded,
The encode() function encodes a string from Perl's internal form into ENCODING.
The encoding pragma allows you to write your script in any encoding you like. String literals are automatically converted to perl's internal form.
Make sure perl knows which encoding your data comes in and come out.
See also perluniintro, perlunicode, Encode module, binmode() function.

I recommend reading the Unicode chapter of my book Effective Perl Programming. We put together all the docs we could find and explained Unicode in Perl much more coherently than I've seen anywhere else.
This program works fine for me:
use utf8;
use 5.010;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
my $string = return_string();
say $string;
sub return_string { 'být' }
Additionally, Capture::Tiny works just fine for me:
use utf8;
use 5.010;
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture);
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
my( $stdout, $stderr ) = capture {
system( $^X, '/Users/brian/Desktop/czech.pl' );
say "STDOUT is [$stdout]";
IO::CaptureOutput seems to have some problems though:
use utf8;
use 5.010;
use IO::CaptureOutput qw(capture);
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
capture {
system( $^X, '/Users/brian/Desktop/czech.pl' );
} \my $stdout, \my $stderr;
say "STDOUT is [$stdout]";
For this I get:
STDOUT is [být
However, that's easy to fix. Don't use that module. :)

You should also look at the PERL_UNICODE environment variable, which is the same as using the -C option. That allows you to set STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR (and #ARGV) to be UTF-8 without having to alter your scripts.


Why do I get garbled output when I decode some HTML entities but not others?

In Perl, I am trying to decode strings which contain numeric HTML entities using HTML::Entities. Some entities work, while "newer" entities don't. For example:
decode_entities('®'); # returns ® as expected
decode_entities('Ω'); # returns Ω instead of Ω
decode_entities('★'); # returns ★ instead of ★
Is there a way to decode these "newer" HTML entities in Perl? In PHP, the html_entity_decode function seems to decode all of these entities without any problem.
The decoding works fine. It's how you're outputting them that's wrong. For example, you may have sent the strings to a terminal without encoding them for that terminal first. This is achieved through the open pragma in the following program:
$ perl -e'
use open ":std", ":encoding(UTF-8)";
use HTML::Entities qw( decode_entities );
CORE::say decode_entities($_)
for "®", "Ω", "★";
Make sure your terminal can handle UTF-8 encoding. It looks like it's having problems with multibyte characters. You can also try to set UTF-8 for STDOUT in case you get wide character warnings.
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTML::Entities;
binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
print decode_entities('®'); # returns ®
print decode_entities('Ω'); # returns Ω
print decode_entities('★'); # returns ★
This gives me the correct/expected results.

How to get a defined ${^OPEN}?

What changes are required in this code to get a defined ${^OPEN}?
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use open qw( :std :utf8 );
print ${^OPEN};
Use of uninitialized value $^OPEN in print at ./perl.pl line 6.
This is quite uneasy way. May be it is better to user more readable Perl.
:utf8 outputs utf-8 charset but does not checks its validity, you should not use this one, except for one liners. Use :encoding(UTF-8) instead.
Please refer to this post How differs the open pragma with different utf8? for more information about different types of utf-8 input/outputs.
I even do not know what could possibly be ${^OPEN} variable. I advice you not to use it at all, as you should not use magic punctuation.
Hope it helps

Am I using utf8::is_utf8 correctly?

Does this work correctly? Some error messages are already decode and some need do be decoded do get a correct output.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
use open qw(:utf8 :std);
use Encode qw(decode_utf8);
# ...
if ( not eval{
# some error-messages (utf8) are decoded some are not
1 }
) {
if ( utf8::is_utf8 $# ) {
print $#;
else {
print decode_utf8( $# );
Am I using utf8::is_utf8 correctly?
No. Any use of utf8::is_utf8 is incorrect as you should never use it! Using utf8::is_utf8 to guess at semantics of a string is what's known as an instance of The Unicode Bug. Except for inspecting the internal state of variables when debugging Perl or XS module, utf8::is_utf8 has no use.
It does not indicate whether the value in a variable is encoded using UTF-8 or not. In fact, that's impossible to know reliably. For example, does "\xC3\xA9" produce a string that's encoded using UTF-8 or not? Well, there's no way to know! It depends on whether I meant "é", "é" or something entirely different.
If the variable may contain both encoded and decoded strings, it's up to you to track that using a second variable. I strongly advise against this, though. Just decode everything as it comes in from the outside.
If you really can't, your best bet it to try to decode $# and ignore errors. It's very unlikely that something readable that isn't UTF-8 would be valid UTF-8.
# $# is sometimes encoded. If it's not,
# the following will leave it unchanged.
print $#;

Clarfication on binmode

I'm new to Perl.
I was getting errors in my print statement: "Wide character in print"
And adding this line of code made it work #binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
I read the doc, simply put, binmode encodes characters in a manner that the platform can understand.
Without it, the platform may be expecting the characters to mean something else because it is using a different encoding.
Or is my understanding of binmode off ?
Is there a way with perl to find out what encoding the platform is using ?
use open ':std', ':locale';
can help. Doesn't work on all systems, though.

Why do my Perl tests fail with use encoding 'utf8'?

I'm puzzled with this test script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use encoding 'utf8';
use Test::More 'no_plan';
ok('áá' =~ m/á/, 'ok direct match');
my $re = qr{á};
ok('áá' =~ m/$re/, 'ok qr-based match');
like('áá', $re, 'like qr-based match');
The three tests fail, but I was expecting that the use encoding 'utf8' would upgrade both the literal áá and the qr-based regexps to utf8 strings, and thus passing the tests.
If I remove the use encoding line the tests pass as expected, but I can't figure it out why would they fail in utf8 mode.
I'm using perl 5.8.8 on Mac OS X (system version).
Do not use the encoding pragma. It’s broken. (Juerd Waalboer gave a great talk where he mentioned this at YAPC::EU 2k8.)
It does at least two things at once that do not belong together:
It specifies an encoding for your source file.
It specifies an encoding for your file input/output.
And to add injury to insult it also does #1 in a broken fashion: it reinterprets \xNN sequences as being undecoded octets as opposed to treating them like codepoints, and decodes them, preventing you from being able to express characters outside the encoding you specified and making your source code mean different things depending on the encoding. That’s just astonishingly wrong.
Write your source code in ASCII or UTF-8 only. In the latter case, the utf8 pragma is the correct thing to use. If you don’t want to use UTF-8, but you do want to include non-ASCII charcters, escape or decode them explicitly.
And use I/O layers explicitly or set them using the open pragma to have I/O automatically transcoded properly.
It works fine on my computer (on perl 5.10). Maybe you should try replacing that use encoding 'utf8' with use utf8.
What version of perl are you using? I think older versions had bugs with UTF-8 in regexps.
The Test::More documentation contains a fix for this issue, which I just found today (and this entry shows higher in the googles).
utf8 / "Wide character in print"
If you use utf8 or other non-ASCII characters with Test::More you might get a "Wide character in print" warning. Using binmode STDOUT, ":utf8" will not fix it. Test::Builder (which powers Test::More) duplicates STDOUT and STDERR. So any changes to them, including changing their output disciplines, will not be seem by Test::More. The work around is to change the filehandles used by Test::Builder directly.
my $builder = Test::More->builder;
binmode $builder->output, ":utf8";
binmode $builder->failure_output, ":utf8";
binmode $builder->todo_output, ":utf8";
I added this bit of boilerplate to my testing code and it works a charm.