iPhone Localization without English - iphone

I have an app that's only supported in Dutch and French. English is not an available language for this app.
If I want to use localizable strings, the default always gets set on English. I want this to be dutch.
So what I did was use the English localizable strings file and fill it up with dutch words. Only problem I have is that it shows English as a supported Language in the App Store. Is there any way to change the default Localizable Strings file to Dutch so that the only two languages that show up are Dutch and French?
Thanks in advance,

You should rename the folder where your dutch files lay in from en.lproj to nl.lproj. Everything should still work then but the language will get recognized correctly. You may have to tell Xcode about the new location of the files.

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
dictionaryWithObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"nl", nil]
That will make Dutch the default language.

Create Dutch and French by standard means and delete English.lproj from the app after building, for example as a build phase, as described here (2nd paragraph).


Change App Name If iPad Change Language Setting

I am making a bilingual app thai is English and Korean language.
Now, I want my app to change its name whenever the user change the language setting of the device. It the language is set to English the app name is english, and if it in Korean the app name will change to korean.
i know it is possible, because i've seen some apps like that.
How will i able to do it?
Go to infoPlist.Strings File
CFBundleDisplayName = "Your App Name In Particular Language";
Add the Localization of the file in property

How to test localization "portuguese brazil"?

I wonder How to trigger the localization language portuguese-brazil in iphone? (or simulator is all right)?
that's, how can I test Portuguese-Brazil localization on iphone?
I found there's only Portuguese and Portuguese(Portugal) in the international setting but unfortunately neither could be the answer.
Thanks in advance
Well, I am Portuguese, to trigger those, you should put the language as Portuguese. If it's not working on your case, might be a problem related with the code. Try doing the following:
Keep only 1 version of the Localized.strings file as the Portuguese version, remove everything else (just for testing).
Ok, i had the same problem and i just solved it.
Use "Portuguese" instead "Portuguese-Brazil" in your project, and your Portuguese language of device should work fine.
Here is the problem:
I was trying to set the portuguese language with Portuguese-Brazil at the "+" when i selected the project file, and when i changed my device and my simulator (used both to test) language to portuguese (once there is no portuguese-brazil), the text was coming from the default language (english), what means it was not working.
I tried deleting "Portuguese-Brazil" and adding "Portuguese", and it worked when i changed my devices to portuguese language;
I think that is a bug in XCode, that language "Portuguese-Brazil", since the device has no language like that in Settings > General > International> Language of devices, only "Portuguese"
Maybe you're looking at the wrong setting. To change the language in iOS, go to Settings > General > International > Language. There is also Settings > General > International > Region Format but this setting controls things such as date, time and number formats (i.e. locale formats, not localization)
When you change the Language setting, even in the simulator, you will see that the iOS user interface will have changed to the new language. If you then launch your app and you don't see it localized as you expect (assuming that of course you added the localized resources in that language), then something is wrong!

iPhone language setting and localization to Norsk (bokmal)

i have a real weird thing going on. I am trying to get the language settings in my
*strings file for "Norwegian Bokmal - Norway"
to display. But It will not work and always takes the default.
I set the
iPhone language to Norsk (bokmal)
and have the file setup correctly.
This app has already 8 language *string files and Norwegian is the 9th.
Did anybody experience something similar?
I tried 2 different iPhones (both iOS5) and the simulator (iOS4.3) - there is no way my app recognizes the Norwegian strings file - it always shows up with the default language.
Thanks very much!
Did you use the correct language code in your folder structure? I believe it should be "nb".

How to set base language other than English in iPhone app?

I am implementing an app which is going to have localization.
But in this case I need to set base language as Portuguese and not English
While implementation my app is going to be in English and after that when i change settings to language Portuguese it will show in that language,
User is going to change the language from app itself and should be able to switch the language
In plist file set "Localization native development region " set "German".
u want to set German.
Must have German Localize string file.
What do you mean by "set the base language"?
The app will launch in whatever language the user has his device set to use. If I set the language on my phone to English the app will launch in English. If I set the language of my device to Portuguese the app will launch in Portuguese. If you don't want it to be able to launch in English, don't add localization support for English.
I see what your intention is now. Yes, you can use the "AppleLanguages" preference, like so:
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"en", #"pr", nil] forKey:#"AppleLanguages"];
This will make English the primary language of your app, and if an English translation is not available for a string then it will check the next language in the array for a translation.

iOS localization with region (de_LU) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
iPhone App Localization - English problems?
I am working on an App for iOS devices. I made it available for English (en) and German (de). That works fine with localization. Now I want to create a specified localization for German with region Luxemburg: German (Luxemburg) or de_LU.
I added it into my Localizable.strings but nothing happened... I deleted the cache, I reinstall the app serval times: Nothing. He ignores that.
My iPhone is configured with the German language and Luxemburg as region.
Where is the problem? Or is it impossible to do that?
It is possible, to localize into that culture you should have a de-LU.lproj folder, is that the case?
A typical application has at least one strings file per localization, that is, one strings file in each of the bundle’s .lproj subdirectories. The name of the default strings file is Localizable.strings but you can create strings files with any file name you choose.
(Quoting Apple documentation)
If you're using Xcode 4, just go to project settings, Info tab, then add your localization from there, it will setup the project accordingly for you.
Also note that Apple recommends that you save strings files using the UTF-16 encoding
Check for region & language in code. If language German & region Luxemburg then keep new key for localization.And initialize that key in German language localized file. It is working for me.
Unfortunately, I believe that supporting dialects is currently impossible in iOS 4.