How to record videos from an iphone App - iphone

Does anyone know how to record videos from an iphone app without making it to close..
it would be greatly helpful, if any one provides the sample code...

Maybe you can see the Apple note:
How to capture video frames from the camera as images using AV Foundation


Live Streaming Video in iPhone

I am new to iPhone Development. I need to capture video. While I'm capturing video it display on server too. Something like live streaming.
Anyone have idea from where I should have to start for this functionality?
Thanks in Advance.
Your question seems similar to this
Xcode ios: Streaming of video file while recording and removed redundant personal statements
First Half Solution
Using AVFoundation you can get video Buffer/frames while recording.
Second Half
But for uploading i didn't find any solution
There is Input Stream option there in iOS APIs but it need some file path. but as video is not recorded we didn't have any path.
Edit 1
Here is Best Example for AVFoundation provided by Apple, you can start with
I recommend you to use wowza, it has all the features, from live stream, video on demand and etc.

How to record and play a captured video using AVAssertWriter and AVAssertReader in iphone sdk

I am displaying the camera data (video) on the preview layer.Now I want to record the video and store it in a local file and access it to play on the screen.
I had seen some websites that it is possible with AVAssertWriter and AVAssertReader. Its very difficult for me to understand. Can any one advice me in a clearcut manner or with any sample code.
Anyone's help will be much appreciated.
Thanks to all,

iOS Raw Video Capture - Where to start?

It's easy enough to use the system-supplied user interfaces for taking pictures and movies on supported iOS devices. How do I do raw video capture and manipulation in iOS 3 and iOS 4? I'm looking for the names of the relevant classes and methods, and possibly a tutorial or reference from Apple...
You can look at these place
AVCam sample
How to Play, Record, and Edit Videos in iOS
Audio & Video Starting Point
AVCaptureSession preference
Wrapper library by Andrew
If you're looking for tuts, there are a lot here.
There good start from Apple with a lots of links that can help. See Audio & Video Starting Point.
You can't do raw video capture on iOS anymore (there used to be hack for iOS3, but now that's it's official in iOS4, they disallowed the hack).
And on iOS 4 - I believe this is the best start:
(Read a little, then browse to Processing Frames of Video)

Realtime Video Processing on iPhone

We have a requirement to 'read' an LED Pulse lamp using the iPhone video camera. The LED lamp emits the light based on some load conditions.
Is there any related iPhone API to help achieve this goal?
Thanks much.
You can use the AVFoundation framework to read and process the live video stream from the camera. WWDC 2010 Session 405 gives you a good overview of AVFoundation.
There are iOS AV APIs to get raw pixel bitmaps from the video camera(s). Detecting any specific image or brightness within these raw bitmaps has to be done in your own code.

Video Editing in Iphone

In my application user should be able to select a video from video library and also should able to trim the video and play the video in a movie player. Can any one please help me???
Look into the AVFoundation framework. As you mentioned below, you want to use the UIVideoEditorController class.
Note that what you ask is only supported by the AVFoundation in iOS 4.0 and higher.
Also check out this Apple's sample project.
And for documentation