Switching nib files - iphone

I have a View Controller inside my MainWindow.xib file that loads the nib "Cover" when loaded. Cover (and the rest of my pages) is simply a nib file containing it's Owner, First Responder and a View. There is also an associated class declaration.
In MainViewController.m I have:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"Cover" owner:self options:nil];
[super viewDidLoad];
This successfully loads the Cover of my app. On a button press I'd like to have a function switch Cover with Page1. I tried:
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"Page1" owner:self options:nil];
This function is also in MainViewController. I know the function is being called but It doesn't seem to do anything. Is the new nib showing up underneath the current nib? Do I have to release the current nib?

Depending on how you want users to navigate, you either need to add the view of the nib as a subview to your current view, or push a new viewController on to the stack using a navigationController. Here is a tutorial on using a navigationController. Or, if you just want to exchange them, here is a link to a SO answer for just that.


Adding UIView subView not working

I have a UIViewController class MyClass that initially had no XIB, and was initialized programmatically. Now, I don't want to load it from an XIB, but I do want to make a small 50x50 UIView (settings overlay view), and I want to add it MyClass, so instead of programatically declaring the new settings overlay view, I thought I would create an XIB file, set the file's owner to MyClass, declare in MyClass.h an IBOutlet UIView *settingsOverlay, and link it in the XIB.
Then in the viewDidLoad method, I do [self.view addSubview:settingsOverlay], but for some annoying reason it doesn't work. It just doesn't appear. I tried creating a simple UIImageView programmatically and adding it to the subView, and it works just fine, but when done through the XIB, it doesn't work. Can anyone point out what could possible be wrong? Please let me know what other details I might need to include.
If you are trying to add a view using xib then you need to use loadNibNamed method.
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"settingsOverlay" owner:self options:nil];
You can refer developer link for more info - http://developer.apple.com/library/IOs/#documentation/UIKit/Reference/NSBundle_UIKitAdditions/Introduction/Introduction.html
Creating an XIB for the settings overlay view and setting it's owner to MyClass does not implicitly cause that XIB to be loaded as a result of manually instantiating MyClass. You would have to manually load the settings overlay view XIB in MyClass viewDidLoad and add it as a subview. Loading it and passing owner as self will cause it to be bound to the IBOutlet you created, but you still have to add it as a subview.
The code in viewDidLoad would look like this:
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"OverlayView" owner:self];
[self.view addSubview:self.overlayView];
You need to load the MyClass xib before settingsOverlay will be set. Try adding this line before your addSubview call.
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"MyClass" owner:self options:nil];

Dismissing NIB loaded with loadNibNamed

I'm loading a nib (XIB) correctly from within a view controller with the following code:
self.myView.view = (MyView *)[[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"MyView" owner:self.myView options:nil] objectAtIndex:0];
Now, later on in my flow I have another UIView that gets displayed. However, I ONLY want this view to be displayed once a certain condition exists AND myView.view has been removed from the current self.view.
What is the correct way to remove a subview that has been added to the main view as I've done above? I can add my header and main of MyView if needed, but mainly just curious about the correct approach in general.
Thanks for the help in advance! This is bugging me terribly!
[self.myView.view removeFromSuperview];

Using a xib file without initializing a view controller

I'd like to use IB to create a toolbar with assorted toolbar items, but create and use this toolbar programatically - adding it to a view at my discretion, and not while initializing the view controller.
I'm pretty sure it can be done - but haven't been able to find a good reference. Any help?
Read about NSBundle's loadNibNamed:owner:options: method:
NSArray *objects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"Toolbar" owner:self options:nil];
This will return all the objects in nib which you can get using simple array methods. Also note that if nib file references any outlets to other objects in nib - they must be defined in your controller (or any other given nib owner) as well otherwise you'll get KVC exceptions.

iPhone SDK: CustomControls as in C#

I have a UIViewController. The UIViewController has a NIB with one outlet - a UIView, containing several buttons and labels. Imagine, it is something like a UIDatePicker.
In order to not be forced to copy and paste all the controlling code into a new environment, I was trying to encapsulate the UIView into a separate UIView subclass with an own NIB, sort of a C# CustomControl approach.
From a controlling (other) UIViewController I'm instantiating the view from the NIB
NSArray *nibObjects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"MyView" owner:self options:nil];
selectorView = (DateTimeSelectorView*)[nibObjects objectAtIndex:0];
selectorView is a property in the using UIViewController class. The problem: "initWithFrame" of my UIView is never called. My UIView is covering the whole space (320x480), whereas it should have a smaller size. How can I achive this? Furthermore the UIView seems to hide all other controls, instantiated from the UIViewController class.
When a view is instantiated by the nib loader, initWithFrame: isn't called. The nib loader calls initWithCoder:. You should implement initWithCoder to perform any initialization, including setting the frame.
So here is a "HowTo" for the question: How to embed a self-contained UIView into my UIViewController with NIB?
1) Say you have a UIView with a button and a textfield, making some login. You have the UI in a separate NIB called Login.xib. The functionality is in Login.m and Login.h, a subclass of UIView. The class name is "Login". Take care, that the class is set properly in Login.xib. Everything is fine.
2) Now you want to use this "out of the box" in a new app.
3) Drag the three files (Login.m, Login.h and Login.xib") into your new UIView based project
4) Add a property in your UIViewController class, pointing to your Login class (of course, include the Login.h first)
5) Open IB with Login.xib and set the file's owner to your current UIViewController class
6) Connect the main view of your Login.xib with the property defined in UIViewController (!! this is important !!)
7) Add the following to your viewDidLoad in UIViewController (supposed, the name of your property is "myLogin")
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"Login" owner:self options:nil];
myLogin.frame = CGRectMake(0 ,100, 320, 200); // Optional, you may also use the initial bounds
[self.view addSubview:myLogin];
The view will appear where you let it appear. Other controls from your superview will be available too.
It took me several hours to find that out. There is here and there some scattered info, but I didn't find a complete "how to" for that simple task up to now.

How to load a nib from a customized UIView?

I have a nib call "Hello.xib", and I have a HelloView that is inherit from the UIView, and I want to do the layout in the Hello.xib, and I want to allocate them to the HelloView.m / HelloView.h, how can I do so? Thank you.
You normally do so on the outside. In HelloView you should have a UIViewController derived class. Then when initializing it on the outside you would call:
hello = [[HelloViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"Hello" bundle:nil];
The bundle:nil make Cocoa use the default bundle.
In the interface builder's inspector for your Hello.xib's view, set the class of the view (in identity tab) to HelloView. I hope thats what you are looking for.
Just today I wrote a demonstration code, that also uses instantiation of custom view by loading a nib
the controller has a member DetailContactHeaderView *headerView
in the nib, I have a DetailContactHeaderView and the Files' owner type is my Controller
the files' owner property headerView and the View get Connected
in this controller I have this code
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"DetailContactHeader" owner:self options:nil];
See my MyContacts for an implementation.
especially -tableView:viewForHeaderInSection: