Need advice on removing zend framework dependency - zend-framework

I'm in the middle of converting an existing app built on top of zend framework to work as a plugin within wordpress as opposed to the standalone application it currently is.
I've never really used zend so I've had to learn about it in order to know where to begin. I must say that at first I didn't think much of zend, but it's funny because the more I understand how it works the more I keep questioning why I'd want to remove dependency when it's a clearly well thought out framework. Then I'm reminded that it's because of wordpress.
Now I already know there are WP plugins to make zend play nice with WP. In fact I'm aleady using a zend framework plugin just to get the app functional within the WP admin area which is allowing me to review code, modify code, refresh the browser, review changes, debug code, again and again.
Anyway, I really don't have a specific question but instead I'm looking for advice from any zend masters out there to offer advice on how to best go about a task like this one.... so any comments, advice, examples or suggestions would be super.
One area I'm a little stuck on is converting parts of zend->db calls to work as wpdb calls instead... specifically the zend->db->select.... not sure what to do with that one.
Also on how to handle all the URL routing with automatic calls to "whatverAction" within thier respective controllers files.
Any help would be great! Thanks

You're probably facing an uphill battle trying to get some of the more major components of ZF to work in harmony with Wordpress. It sounds like you've got a full MVC app that you're trying to integrate into a second app that has very different architecture.
You probably want to think about which components handle which responsibilities. Wordpress has it's own routing and controller system that revolves around posts, pages and 'The Loop'. This is entirely different from Zend's Action Controllers and routing system.
It's possible you could write a WP hook to evaluate every incoming request and decide if it should be handled by WP or a ZF controller. However, it is doubtful you would be able to replace WP's routing system outright with ZF's or vice versa.
Same idea, where Zend_Db is concerned. There's nothing stopping you from using Zend_Db to access Wordpress's database, but trying to somehow convert or adapt Zend_db calls into wpdb calls sounds painful. If you have a large model layer, you probably want to hang on to it, and find a way to translate data from those models into the posts/pages conventions that Wordpress uses.
Personally, I would use ZF to build a robust business layer that can be queried through an object model via a Wordpress plugin, and then rely on Wordpress to do the routing and handle the views.

Zend_DB_Select is simple SQL query (but created using objects) that can be used like any other query. Just turn it into string. Ex.:


Why we needed two different approach in ATG -pull based(droplet) and push based(formhandlers)?

I know the question is about solving the problem probably by different approach but let me specify in details what I want to ask and how much I understand about it.
We have two mvc approach used in ATG(or many other framework) pull based and push based.
As I understand it formhandlers and droplet both are playing the part of controller in different need, repositories are our model and jsps are providing views..
And if i am right till this point then what purpose the servlet chain is solving?How it fits into this picture of MVC?
Please If possible explain with the help of flow diagram from request to response (end to end).
Thanks a lot in advance to experts.
Please help.I could not find this kind of explanation anywhere.
The first thing to remember with ATG is that it is an old platform. So when trying to understand the different mechanisms through an MVC lens, remember that nothing was designed with MVC in mind-the platform predates widespread knowledge and acceptance of the MVC pattern in web development.
Droplets are a generalized mechanism for invoking Java code from a JSP (and previously, JHTML) template. The closest analogue in J2EE-land would be tag libraries. So you can use them to accomplish many different tasks. You can also use them as a poor man's MVC controller. This is done by coding a custom droplet class dedicated to handling the business logic of your page, and setting relevant page state as request parameters. Then you invoke the droplet as the first step in your JSP page. This is not very different from J2EE model 2 with the odd quirk that first your compiled JSP begins executing, then invokes your "controller" code and then resumes with processing the "view."
Form handlers, as the name indicates, are designed for processing form submissions. These are executed by a link in the servlet pipeline (DAFDropletEventServlet), before the page which was posted to begins rendering. Typical usage with form handlers is that they will send a redirect after executing, and cancel rendering of the page, which will abort any further processing by the servlet pipeline. Form handlers are the closest thing to a "controller" ATG provides. But they are awful for handling GET requests and result in some very unfortunate URLs when used for this purpose.
Why did they create two different mechanisms? Why have they not subsequently introduced an updated MVC model as part of the platform? These questions I cannot answer.
ATG, at the page rendering level, is not MVC. Don't look at it as MVC. ATG, at its core, is an extension of the basic Servlets API.
Forms and form-processing, with the successUrl and errorUrl is kind-of MVC. Droplets certainly are not.
It is perfectly acceptable in an ATG application to be fetching data as the page is rendering (i.e. Droplets)

A good way to structure AngularJS client code with Play 2.1 as backend

I own a Play 2.1 application.
Initially, I used the default template mechanisms from Play 2.1 until I .. learned AngularJS.
Now, I clearly want my client side to be an AngularJS app.
However, while surfing the net, I find there are no clear way to achieve it:
Letting Play behave as a simple RESTful application (deleting the view folder) and making a totally distinct project to build the view (AngularJS app initialized by grunt.js).
Advantage: Likely to be less messy, and front and backend teams would work easily separately.
Drawback: Need another HTTP server for the AngularJS app.
Try to totally integrate AngularJS app with the traditional Play's workflow.
Drawback: With a pretty complex framework like AngularJS, it would lead to a confusion of templates managementfor instance : scala.html (for Play) / tpl.html (for Angular) ... => messy.
Making a custom folder within the play project but distinct from the initial folders created by the Play scaffolding. Let's call it myangularview instead of traditional view for instance. Then, publish static contents generated by grunt.js into the Play's public folder, in order to be reachable from browser through Play's routing.
Advantage: SRP between components is still fairly respected and no need to use another light HTTP server for the client-side like in 1.
I pointed out my own views of advantage and drawbacks.
What would be a great way to achieve the combination of Play with Angular?
Yes, I'm answering to my own question :)
I came across this way of doing:
Rails?? No matter the framework is, the need remains exactly same.
It advocates a real separation between APIs (backend side), and front-end side (in this case making AJAX calls to backend server).
Thus, what I've learned is:
During development phase, a developer would use two servers: localhost on two distinct ports.
During production phase, the front-end elements would be encompassed into the whole backend side (the article would deal with a kind public folder, aiming to serve static contents: HTML, angular templates (for instance), CSS etc... Advantage? => dealing with a one and unique serving server's APIs exposition as well as static assets for the UI.
With this organization, some tools like Yeoman would be able to bring some really awesome handy things to developers like for instance: the livereload feature. :):)
Of course, during development phase, we end up with two different domains, (localhost:3000 and localhost:9000 for instance) causing issues for traditional ajax requests. Then, as the article points out, a proxy may be really useful.
I really find this whole practice very elegant and pleasant to work with.
There was an interesting discussion on the play mailinglist a couple of days ago about frontend-stack/solution, could be something in it for you, quite some people using angular it seems:!searchin/play-framework/frontend/play-framework/IKdOowvRH0s/tQsD9zp--5oJ

Is it possible to use Symfony2 web profiler bundle with Zend Framework 1 or other framework?

I have existing project written in Zend Framework 1, it is long term project, constantly developed and without possibility of migrating to ZF2. It would be really neat to use Symfony2 Web Profiler bundle in it.
Currently, in development, I am using zfdebug ( which is great, but bundle from Symfony2 has so much more to offer...
I managed to incorporate Composer into my application (in Bootstrap), so loading something with it should be no problem. Also I found package on Packgaist ( but to be honest - I don't know if it is even usable without Symfony2.
Thanks for any tips.
No, this is not possible. If you take a look at the requirements on packagist you see it requires symfony/http-kernel, symfony/routing and symfony/twig-bridge to work. That's because the way the WebProfilerBundle works:
It registers himself at the most common events, the events happening in the HttpKernel and Routing component. If he cannot register to these events, he will not be able to give you timer information.
Moreover, it uses another event to inject imself in your page, meaning that if you don't have that event, you will never see the bar.
And the bundle is using Symfony conventions and techniques, meaning that it cannot run on ZF conventions and techniques. This is why it is called a Bundle instead of a Component, components are stand alone, bundles aren't.

How to add edit-layer as Plack-middleware?

I have an idea to add a edit-layer to website as a Plack middleware.
Explanation: let's say, we create a website, based on some framework and templates and CSS (requesting it like /some/page). Now we could create a middleware so that every request to pages starting with adm (like /adm/some/page) shows the same page, but adds a layer for content editing. So we could easily look and use the page as visitors do, but with double-click on block-level element we could modify or add content. So middleware should bind certain block-elements with certain events (double-click) and set handlers too (with some Javascript library).
For now it is just an idea and i have not seen such approach in any CMS. I am looking for hints and ideas and examples, how to start and implement such system. I hope, there is already done something like that.
You could do it, but I don't think you want to do this. My understanding is that Plack::Middleware's are supposed to be generic, and implementing a CMS as a plack middleware limits its re-usability, and its out of place, there is no inherent connection between a middleware and a CMS.
See these as examples Plack::Middleware::OAuth, Plack::Middleware::Debug, Plack::Middleware::iPhone, Plack::Middleware::Image::Scale, Plack::Middleware::HTMLMinify
It would be trivial to add a middleware filter to insert a form in your html based on /adm/ or /admin/ or whatever ... and mapping the url to the dispatch would highly depend on the underlying CMS model/view/controller framework, which is why frameworks such as Catalyst, Mojolicious and other already provide this feature
Basically, I think this is a job for a view/controller of your application, a plugin, not a wrapper for your application (middleware)
I know my explanation is lacking but hopefully you catch my drift

What is the best way of making a mobile version of a site in MVC2?

I've been thinking about this recently and I don't know a really nice and tidy way of creating a mobile version of an existing or new MVC2 website/app.
I think the easiest way would be to just use a different stylesheet depending on whether a mobile was detected but sometime you need to change the view content too if you have massive inline images everywhere or for other reasons.
What is a good approach for this? Is there a way of theming fairly easily in MVC2?
Well MVC is just your server-side technology, what you should ask to yourself is "what is the best practice to create a mobile web site, regardless of the server side tech".
In my opinion, creating a well-formed and semantic (x)html is the first step. As you say, the most logical thing to do is create different style sheets for different media types, and you're right.
As for the problems you mention, like inline images, consider this: are those images content or presentation?
In the first case, they should be present even in the mobile version.
In the latter, they are defined in the style sheet, so you can simply avoid them in the mobile css.
The only exception I can think of is when you want to provide different functionality on mobile, or if you're forced to, i.e. on pages that rely heavily on JS and those scripts wouldn't run on mobile browsers. In this case, you might want to create different versions of those pages and serve the appropriate version based on the user agent.
Check the source code for NerdDrinner. They've implementated a MobileCapableWebFormViewEngine class which inherits from base WebFormViewEngine class. The MobileCapableWebFormViewEngine uses the HTTPContext to decide which View to render in the client. This'll make more sense when you see the source code