How do I detect when a safari webplugin loses focus? - plugins

I need to be able to detect the browser loses focus in a webkit plugin I wrote. I thought I could implement the webViewUnfocus method from the WebUIDelegate protocol but that's not firing. Does anyone have a pointer to a code snippet for what should be a relatively simple problem?

The solution to this problem was to setup an observer that watched for NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification and NSApplicationDidResignActiveNotification notifications. This let me cleanup and reinitialize when the app lost and regained focus.


IPhone SDK Home Button

Is it possible to override the default behavior (close app) of the Home Button? And if how do you do that?
well, there's a reasonable alt to the need to detect if the Home button was tapped. i'm currently working on just such a scenario.
my app allows user input (into UITextViews). a customer has asked for an "autosave" feature where, should they (accidentally) tap the Home button during data entry, could i still capture the data entered and save it.
my testing of the sequence of viewWillDisappear in the view that is collecting the data and applicationWillTerminate show viewWillDisappear getting called before applicationWillTerminate. now i fully appreciate that this is the architected sequence Apple intended, BUT this sequence also precludes setting a simple Boolean in applicationWillTerminate to let the particular viewWillDisappear know that it is disappearing specifically due to applicationWillTerminate.
so the issue still stands. how can a UIView detect that it is disappearing specifically as a result of the app terminating?
Even if it is possible, your app will probably not be approved by Apple.
Are you planning this feature for your own private App or do you want to distribute it later on?
The home button is probably the most critical button on the device on not a good idea to change

Possible to receive UIAccelerometer updates when app is inactive?

When my iPhone app resigns active status, the sharedAccelerometer singleton instance of UIAccelerometer stops sending accelerometer:didAccelerate: messages to my delegate.
Is it at all possible to continue receiving those messages, similarly to how the CLLocationManagerDelegate continues to receive updates when the app is inactive?
I would prefer not to have to disable the idleTimer altogether if it can be helped.
No, not in the most recent available form of the iPhone SDK at least.
I would say that it is possible since this app is on the AppStore:
However, since you move differently in
bed during the different phases, the
Sleep Cycle alarm clock is able to use
the accelerometer in your iPhone to
monitor your movement and determine
which sleep phase you are in.
I can't believe it has to run all night with the screen turned on. EDIT: looks like it has to! :P
So they haven't got around that issue either. More chances that you can't achieve it then...
Have you read the documentation of the UIAccelerometer, does it mention anything there? If it just stops sending acceleration events there is not much you can do.
I would however try to set the accelerometer delegate again to my class when my app has lost focus (when the phone got locked). You can get that notification (lost focus notification) from the UIApplication. Try that just in case the accelerometer's delegate gets set to nil when the app loses focus.

Initial iPhone virtual keyboard display is slow for a UITextField. Is this hack around required?

I have an app with a UITextField, amongst other things. When the user first taps on the text field, there is a noticeable delay before the virtual keyboard appears. On a 3GS it isn't too obvious, but on an older iPhone the delay can be around 1 second. After that the keyboard always pops up instantly. The delay is only the first time the keyboard pops up after app startup.
It looks like the initial UIKeyboard instantiation takes some time (quite a bit...) but is kept around after that.
I found very little information about this, which surprised me. However I did find this write up of the issue along with a hack-around solution.
My question is: is this hack around the only available solution? Is there a way to signal the framework (e.g. via info plist?) to instantiate the keyboard on startup?
No, there is no other (documented) way to do that. And even Apple's built-in apps (such as Maps) suffer from the same problem. You can either go with the hack you linked to or follow Apple's advice to not load stuff in advance before you really need it. By the way, this isn't much of an issue anymore with the iPhone 3Gs and the new iPod touch. The newer and faster devices load the keyboard almost instantly.

iPhone dev: UIWebView Youtube crash. Can I surround it with a try catch?

Im integrating a youtube video in my iPhone application.
this thread describes how to integrate it (via a UIWebView), the warning message and the crash, but its unanswered.
In my case the crash only happens from time to time (I think it could be when the user is too quick clicking on the "play" icon) so I want to wrap the error around a try catch and avoid the application from crashing.
Is it possible?
Where do I put the try catch statement? since I dont have control once the user is interaction with the UIWebView.
thanks in advance
If you unload a web view while it's still loading you'll get a crash - it sounds like this might be your problem. Calling -stopLoading fixes it.

Does UIApplication send a "Shake-to-Edit" notification in iPhone OS 3.0?

In iPhone OS 3.0, UIApplication allows you to set a applicationSupportsShakeToEdit flag. The documentation says "The default value is YES. Set the property to NO if you don’t want your application to display the Undo and Redo buttons when users shake the device."
This is all great and it ties in to the new NSUndoManager class nicely. However - I don't want to use the built in NSUndoManager in my app! I'm writing a drawing app, and I already have an undo/redo manager that does some fancy stuff (it manages the data required for each undo operation, and will page it to disk if the app is low on memory). I'd much rather just listen for a notification from the UIApplication and trigger undo myself. (I could just make a bogus NSUndoManager, but I also don't want the "Are you sure?" panel to show...)
Does anyone know if such a notification exists? I figure it must - but I can't find it documented anywhere. Is there a way to monitor all notifications going through the app, maybe?
You may well have solved this issue by now, but in case someone comes across this searching for a Shake solution as I did I laid out how you can get the 3.0 Shake event messsages easily in this thread:
How do I detect when someone shakes an iPhone?
It outlines how you can respond to shake without using an UndoManager or presenting the Undo API. Even if you set applicationSupportsShakeToEdit to NO, these events will still be received..