Entity Framework - Using stored procedure which return same column names from different entities - entity-framework

I have tables named Contact and Address and both of them have "ModifiedDate" column. I have written the CUD operations using Stored procedures. However, when It came to SELECT stored procedure in which I needed to return all the contacts with their addresses, I got an error.
The data reader is incompatible with
the specified
A member of the type, 'ModifiedDate1',
does not have a corresponding column
in the data reader with the same name.
I ended up changing the stored procedure to return different aliases for those column name and more unfortunately, I needed to change the properties in the entities in the model as well to match the selected column. I wrote a blog post about this here. I know I could have separate select SPs (and separate function imports) for both the entities but this is just one situation and can happen in other cases as well where same columns names might get returned from a complex query from multiple tables in a SP. Could anybody provide any direction on this?

I posted the same question in the MS forums for EF here (sorry for the cross posting) and the moderator confirmed that this is a bug in EF and asked me to create a bug in the Microsoft Connect and the bug Id is 597376 and here is the link for the same.
from Lingzhi Sun
MSFT, Moderator
Support in Forum>
Hello, After some research and test,
> I can repro this issue at my side.
> It can be a limitation of EF when
> handling stored procedure return
> values. I would recommend you open a
> ticket at Microsoft Connect to report
> this issue to the product team. If
> it is convenient, please share us with
> the ticket link here to benefit more
> community members.


Why would LINQ group by results be fewer from Visual Studio compared to SQL Server and Linqpad?

There are other questions similar to mine but they didn't help me. I'm performing what should be a simple Linq group by operation, and in SQL Server Management Studio and Linqpad I get 23,859 results from a table containing 36,102 total records. This is what I believe to be the correct result.
For some reason, when I move my query into my Visual Studio application code, I get 22,463 groups - and I cannot for the life of me figure out why.
I need to group this table's rows based on unique combinations of 8 columns. The columns contain account IDs, person IDs, device IDs, premise IDs, and address columns. Basically, a person can have multiple accounts, multiple premises, multiple devices, and each premise can have it's own address. I know the table design is lacking... it's customer provided and there are other columns that necessitate the format - it should not be relevant to the grouping though.
SQL Server: 23859 groups:
SELECT acct_id, per_id, dev_id, prem_id, address, city, state, postal
FROM z_AccountInfo GROUP BY acct_id, per_id, dev_id, prem_id, address, city, state, postal
ORDER BY per_id
Linqpad: 23859 groups:
//Get all rows...
List<z_AccountInfo> zAccounts = z_AccountInfo.ToList();
//Group them...
var zAccountGroups = (from za in zAccounts
group za by new { za.acct_id, za.per_id, za.dev_id, za.prem_id, za.address, za.city, za.state, za.postal } into zaGroups
select zaGroups).OrderBy(zag => zag.Key.per_id).ToList();
Visual Studio: 22463 groups - WRONG?:
//Intantiate list I can use outside of Entity Framework context...
List<z_AccountInfo> zAccounts = new List<z_AccountInfo>();
using (Entities db = Entities.CreateEntitiesForSpecificDatabaseName(implementation))
//Get all rows. Count verified to be correct...
zAccounts = db.z_AccountInfo.OrderBy(z => z.per_id).ToList();
// Group the rows. Doesn't work??? 22463 groups?
var zAccountGroups = (from z_AccountInfo za in zAccounts
group za by new { za.acct_id, za.per_id, za.dev_id, za.prem_id, za.address, za.city, za.state, za.postal } into zag
select zag).ToList();
I'm hoping someone can spot a syntax issue or something else I'm missing. Seems like Visual Studio is grouping something.. but it's off by 1396 groups... that's pretty significant.
sgmoore's comment below put me on the track of making sure the zAccounts list from Linqpad and Visual Studio match. They do not!?! Querying the table in SQL Server shows this data (account / device / premise)
Inspecting the Visual Studio output in Beyond Compare shows the device ID 6106471 being erroneously repeated / duplicated for the 4 bottom rows... meaning there should be 2 groups here, but my query will only see 1...
Since I'm using Entity Framework to query the data in the table in Visual Studio, this makes me think something is wrong with my model but I have no idea what it could be. Beyond compare shows this same issue happening multiple times and explains why the group numbers are off. It's like EF knows there are 8 rows (in this case) - but the field that differentiates them doesn't come through.
I tried truncating the table and re-adding all of the data into it and re-running and the bad behavior persists. Quite confused here - I've never had this kind of issue with Entity Framework before.
I even ran SQL Profiler when VS was executing and trapped the query Entity Framework is firing to populate zAccounts. That query when fired by itself in SQL Server correctly shows the four 7066550 rows. This seems to be squarely on Entity Framework and the ToList() call that populates the full collection - ideas anyone?
Short answer - make sure the table in the Entity Framework model has an Entity Key on a column where the values of the column are unique.
Longer answer - to troubleshoot I ran SQL Profiler to ensure that the query EF was sending to SQL Server was correct - and it was. I ran that query and inspected the results to see the data I was wanting. The problem was my model. I had an Entity Key set on a field that did not contain unique values. My guess is that EF assumes that since the field is set as the Entity Key, the values must be unique. Based on that it somehow indexes or caches the first row where the "id" is and then projects that row's values into query results. That is a bad assumption in my view if there is not a validation check of the field marked as the Entity Key. I realize I'm to blame here for telling it to use a non-unique field as the Entity Key - but I don't see the case where this would be a good idea without it throwing at least a warning.
Anyway, to resolve, I added a proper id column to the table and set it's Identiy spec and auto-increment so that any rows in the table would have a unique id. After that, I updated my edmx to use my new column as the Entity Key and re-ran my code and then everything magically started working.

TSQL list of business rules in MDS

I need help with querying my business rules in SQL!
I have created couple of business rules in MDS web service to validate my master data and found out that 2 % of my data is not complying with the rules. Now I have created a SQL subscription view to report on the invalid data in PowerBI. In my PowerBI report I need to tell the business user why the data is invalid but I cannot since the subscription view only tells where the data is invalid but not why the data is invalid. So I need to know how I might query my business rules from MDS database in SQL and map it with my PowerBI data model. Is there a way to query the list of business rules from MDS database?
OK, so there are multiple ways to go about this. Here are some solutions, pls choose one that suits your scenario.
1. SQL - List of all Business Rules
The following query will retrieve the list of all Active Business Rules created in MDS.
WHERE Model_Name = 'YourModelName'
AND BusinessRule_StatusName = 'Active'
You can, of course, further filter by Entity_Name, etc.
The important columns in your case are going to be:
Note: The challenge in your scenario, I think, is going to be that the Subscription View of the entity does not have IDs of the exact Business Rules that failed. So I'm not sure how you'll tie these 2 together (failing Rows -> List of Business Rules). Also remember that each row may have more than 1 business rule that failed.
This is a view that has a historical list of all business rules (+row info) that failed. You may use the view in this way:
DISTINCT ValidationIssue_ID, Version_ID, VersionName, Model_ID, ModelName, Entity_ID, EntityName, Hierarchy_ID, HierarchyName, Member_ID, MemberCode, MemberType_ID, MemberType, ConditionText, ActionText, BusinessRuleID, BusinessRuleName, PriorityRank, DateCreated, NotificationStatus_ID, NotificationStatus
ModelName = 'YourModelName'
--AND EntityName IN ('Entity_1','Entity_2') -- Use this to Filter on specific Entities
Here, use the columns Model_ID, Entity_ID and Member_ID/MemberCode to identify the specific model, entity & row that failed.
Columns BusinessRuleName, ConditionText & ActionText will give your users additional info on the Business Rule that failed.
One issue with using this view is that even though, let's say, your failure condition was resolved the next day by the user, the view will still show that on a certain date, a validation had failed. (via column DateCreated).
Also note that the same failed data row will appear multiple times here if multiple Business Rules on the same row failed validation (there will be different BusinessRuleID/Name, etc). Just something to take note of.
Similarly, the same row may appear multiple times if it has failed again & again at different times. To workaround this, and if your final report can do with that, add a WHERE clause on the DateCreated column so that you only get to see any row that Failed today. The commented out line of code <--CAST(DateCreated as DATE) = CAST(GETDATE() as DATE) AND> does the same. If you can't use that, just make sure the data row are distinct. However, if you do this, remember that if something Failed yesterday (and is still in the Failed status), it may not show up.
My suggestion would be to use a slightly modified version of Solution #2:
Get the list of Failed Rows from your Subscription View (the data row's ValidationStatus is actually still 'Failed'), then JOIN with viw_SYSTEM_USER_VALIDATION making sure that you only select the row with MAX(DateCreated) value (of course for the same data row AND Business Rule).
Best of luck and if you find anything else while solving this issue, do share your learning here with all of us.
Lastly, if you found this useful, pls remember to Mark it as the Answer :)

Using a query to supply an Access form

I have a Microsoft Access form that is being supplied (somehow) by a query. The query contains three tables linked together via their respective primary and foreign keys, and the form displays data quite happily.
The strange thing (as far as I'm concerned) is the ability of the form to then allow data entry using the query.
However, if the user creates a new record, the whole thing seems to have problems due to a required field in the [table2] table.
SELECT [table1].*
[table1] LEFT JOIN [table2] ON [table1].PlanNo = [table2].PlanNo
LEFT JOIN [table3] ON [table2].JobNo = [table3].JobNo
ORDER BY [table2].PlannedDateOC
According to the users, this form worked perfectly prior to conversion from Access 97/2003 format to Access 2010 (2007 file format).
Could anyone clarify whether this (the fact that it should work) is legitimate, and if this process would work in either version of Access, if so? The concept of being able to use a query for data entry is quite alien to me.
Let me know if you need further clarification.
One thing of note, here, is that I did move some of the fields into the form header so that they were always visible as the rest of the form scrolls. I don't know if this will have any side effects on the performance of the form.
Above query will allow you to insert data into [table1] when all not null fields have their values and make sure only table1.fields are getting dirty when new record is inserted.

Tableau MarkLogic Data Modelling

I am using Tableau with MarkLogic. I have the following XML Structure
<CustomerInformation CustomerId="1">
<EmployerName IsCurrentEmployer=""></EmployerName>
<Policy PolicyId="">
<PolicyClaim ClaimId="">
<PolicyComplaint ComplaintId="">
<Billing BillingId="">
<Policy PolicyId="">
<PolicyClaim ClaimId="">
<PolicyComplaint ComplaintId="">
<Billing BillingId="">
I have created a view on above structure.
Initially I have created a single view for all elements, but on Tableau I got duplicate values as well as Cartesian join result.
So to tackle this, I used approach of fragment root.
Since there can be multiple PolicyDetails for single customer. I have created fragment root on Policy.
Similarly Claims, Complaints, Billing, Quote can be multiple for single policy, I have created fragment root on each one of them.
Now after doing this it resolves the duplicate issue as well as Cartesian join result set. It gives unique set of record for each entities (CustomerInfo, Policy, Claims, Complaints, Quote, Employer, Billing).
However I am not able to relate this entities with each other (as in foreign-primary key).
I have created the following view with element scope and all. I am pasting only Customer and Policy details, if this resolves other entities can be similarly managed
view:column("CustomerId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("CustomerInformation"), xs:QName("CustomerId"))),
view:column("PolicyId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Policy"), xs:QName("PolicyId"))),
view:column("QuoteNumber", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Quote"), xs:QName("QuoteNumber"))),
view:column("ComplaintId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("PolicyComplaint"), xs:QName("ComplaintId"))),
view:column("BillingId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Billing"), xs:QName("BillingId"))),:)
view:column("CustomerFirstName", cts:element-reference(xs:QName("CustomerFirstName"))),
view:column("CustomerLastName", cts:element-reference(xs:QName("CustomerLastName")))
view:column("PolicyId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Policy"), xs:QName("PolicyId"))),
view:column("PolicyName", cts:element-reference(xs:QName("PolicyName"))),
view:column("PolicyType", cts:element-reference(xs:QName("PolicyType")))
All pre-requisites like element-range index and all is been done.
I am trying to relate these entities using view:column("PolicyId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Policy"), xs:QName("PolicyId"))) in CustomerBasicInfo view.
If I do so it shows zero results in Tableau or Query console.
If I remove it, gives unique record but without any relationship with each other.
All I want is to achieve relationship between Policy-Customer
Kindly go through the code snippet, if more clarification required please let me know
The getting of cartesian join results is a known issue with the SQL views driven from Range indexes in MarkLogic, particularly with aggregate docs like above.
The simplest way to solve it for SQL views would be to split your docs into separate Policies, with embedded copies of the customer into. That could mean a fair amount of data duplication if customers often have multiple policies.
You could also consider taking these docs apart, and storing policies and customer details separately, with id refs from policy to customer, so that you can join them together afterwards, in Tableau, or SQL.
MarkLogic 9 comes with a new feature though, that would prevent the need for all this. It is called Template Driven Extraction. It also provides SQL views on data, but works in a different way. It is driven with a match pattern (called the context) that controls the rows in the view. You would use Policy as context in this case. From there you would use relative paths to go up the tree to customer details, and down to get policy details.
TDE templates are installed using tde:template-insert. The documentation of that function shows a simple example of such a TDE:
You can also play around with tde:node-data-extract first, to get the hang of it.

Unable to search for Orders/Customers in oracle commerce (ATG) - CSC 11.1

I am trying to perform order and profile search operations on CSC, but they return no results.
I the components /atg/commerce/textsearch/OrderOutputConfig/ and /atg/userprofiling/textsearch/ProfileOutputConfig/ and I found them indexing perfectly in the tables SRCH_ORDER_TOKENS and SRCH_PROFILE_TOKENS respectively.
After enabling loggingDebug in both components I found that the search query has additional condition seems that it's related to multisite pfrmZeroRealmsAccessible, however I found that all tokens stored in DB for orders and customers have this value pfrmdft. Below is the query extracted from logs:
SELECT t1.id
FROM srch_order_tokens t1
WHERE CONTAINS(t1.tokens,?,0) > 0
-- Parameters --
p[1] = {pd: tokens} pflnAhmad% AND pfrmZeroRealmsAccessible% (java.lang.String)
Note: My application has only one single site (not multisite) however I found some configuration files created by CIM related to multisite which I can't remove.
Please help me answering the following question:
Is this issue really related to multisite configuration and how can I fix this problem in orders and customers search?
In Oracle commerce 11.1 how can I disable working with multisite?
If you have not configured multi site then you need change the property "siteAccessControlOn" to false in the below component
for more details you can get back to the below oracle docs link