Passing php variables to Facebook Application Tab - facebook

Are you able to send php variables to a application in a tab (in facebook)?
I have built a system which sends a wall post to a friend, which includes a link with a php variable in it. This variable needs to be processed by the app, but I cant work out how to (or if I can) do this.

Yes, you can pass URL Parameters to an iFrame Tab App.
Pass the parameter:
Receive the parameter: $app_data = $signed_request["app_data"];
See more:

I think this is a duplicate of the following question:
Facebook Application Tab -> External Linking with PHP
It does not seem to be possible to pass URL parameters into a Facebook application that is in a Tab. You can do it on the Application page however.
Edit: as per the answer below, this behaviour has changed. Details here:


How to get the Facebook iFrame Tab url (including parameters) from within the app?

I think there are a few similar questions that seem to suggest using app_data in the signed request ( but I'm not sure if it will be possible to do what I am trying to achieve with it as I've never used it before.
If I have my Facebook 'Tab' Url as follows:
What I want to do is add an extra parameter on the end as follows:
The reason for this is for tracking purposes and links will be sent out of the form
and the extra parameter will allow us to track the campaign id.
As you can see I have no way of knowing the value of the parameter beforehand as it depends on the link clicked by the user so is it possible to somehow get the value of the WT.mc_id parameter inside my iframe app?
app_data is the only parameter passed through other than the page ID and user's basic details (locale and if they do/don't like the page) - you'll need to use that for any sort of campaign tracking (or link elsewhere and redirect to the tab after capturing your analytics data)
you can pass get variables in facebook but only in canvas application
you just have to use $_REQUEST['xxx'] to retrieve the data.
you should not pass the param in href of facebook. Instead just make linking inside your app so that you can track the events. As you will be in iframe and having complete control you can do same on your own site.

Add Page Tab Dialog not working via URL

According to add to page documentation you should be able to add an app to a page via a URL. The documentation lists two ways of defining the redirect URL next and redirect_uri
I have tried creating the URL using both methods but get redirected to a Facebook error page from both of them which states:
Sorry, something went wrong. We're working on getting this fixed as
soon as we can.
Is there something wrong with how I am creating the URL?
string.Format("{0}&display=popup&redirect_uri={1}", appId, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(redirectURL));
string.Format("{0}&display=popup&next={1}", appId, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(redirectURL));
UPDATE: It does work via the JavaScript SDK. Any reason why the link I am trying to generate above aren't working?
if you are not using the JS-SDK, you should specify the redirect_uri. Most likely the next parameter is from an old implementation and no longer in use.
you are calling the wrong endpoint /dialog/page, it should be /dialog/pagetab:
string.Format("{0}&display=popup&redirect_uri={1}", appId, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(redirectURL));

Facebook SDK install APP with install confirmation

I am looking for help to validate when a Facebook APP has been installed. I am currently using PHP SDK to have the clients sign in and in the same manor I would like for them to return to the site once the APP is completed and installed correctly.
Is there a method to use this link and have it return with the client id?
You should not use for any cases other addition of application to page as a tab (and even this is undocumented).
If you're using PHP-SDK you should use Facebook::getLoginUrl to log user in, which support redirect_uri parameter so you can add client id as argument to this URL
As it turns question is about adding application tab to page you should be using Add Page Tab Dialog to provide user with a way of "installing" application to page without leaving your app.
You can refer to answers on How to add tab application to a page with the "new auth dialog" for more info.
Update 2:
How to reach applications running as Page Tab described in "Integration with Facebook APIs" section of Page Tab Tutorial:
your application will also receive a string parameter called app_data as part of signed_request if an app_data parameter was set in the original query string in the URL your tab is loaded on. For the Shop Now link above, that could look like this: You can use that to customize the content you render if you control the generation of the link.
You not required to add app_data, just use v=app_APPID to link to your page tabs (Facebook itself using sk instead of v, both works).

Why is my application's authentication page different to everyone else's?

As per the Authentication Documentation, I'm directing my user's to the following URL to initiate the authentication flow:
However, instead of the login page looking like:
... (i.e. like it does in the documentation and in other Apps I've created and used), it looks like this...
Does anyone know why?
I've tracked the redirects that the page makes, and it's as follows:
Application type is set to Native/Desktop, and I've set the App Integration to "Website".
If the language I'm using makes any difference, I'm using C#, and setting the Url of System.Windows.Form.WebBrowser.
As per the above comments, you can use the display parameter in the URL to control which kind of dialog to show, as you would normally do with the JS SDK.
Your URL becomes:

redirect on facebook app install

Upon install of my app on a Facebook Page, I'd like to send the user to an URL with further instructions. I'm starting the installation with, which installs but redirects the user to the Facebook Page itself. It seems like various forms of redirect were available at some point:
Post-authorize callback URL. I can no longer find that in App settings.
The next parameter for add.php. I can't seem to get this to work
I have seen some apps that do redirect upon install, so I believe this is possible. Maybe it's using an old Post-authorize setting that's no longer visible?
Any help or point would be greatly appreciated! I'm also not attached to using add.php, if there's a Facebook Connect method that does this I'd use that instead (I'm looking at profile.addtab though that doesn't seem to work either).
You can set the redirect URL in the app properties. You can no longer set it from the developer control panel in Facebook, but you can still set it using the REST api.
The list of app properties is here:
To set the "post_authorize_redirect_url" you would use something like this:
I am not completely clear on this, but I believe the url needs to point to a folder, terminated with "/" rather than a specific file.
The callback gets two parameters:
installed = 1 (true)
fb_page_id = the page id when your app was installed
First page that Canvas is point to should have
< script type='text/javascript'>top.location.href = 'REDIRECT-URL';< /script>
So when your app is opened it will automaticaly redirect to REDIRECT-URL
I'm not sure that you can avoid opening of application canvas page after installing application.