JasperReports: Time series chart - jasper-reports

I'm new to JasperReports and it own related technologies.
And I look for a guide for the time series chart, becuase I read the book but in the chart chapter is shown only pie chart and it is too simple
Kindly regards!

This tutorial seems pretty straight forward.
It should point you in the right direction.
Please note jasper reports uses the JFreeChart library so you might need to download it.


Gantt Chart recommendation (Linux/Ubuntu)

I need a tool to create/customize Gantt Charts.
It needs to be free;
It need to be shared with two other people;
People must be able to edit it;
Open source is a con;
I tried to search everywhere but didn't found a good one.
Thanks for the help everyone.

How to identify software is used to create point and figure chart?

I am trying to learn on how to create charts on website for Point and figure charts. I am looking for any help with the clues on how to generate point and figure charts like:
Point and Figure Chart
There are various online javascript libraries, but I would suggest to use D3.js, examples here.

Drill down from chart Legend

I'm building report using SSRS 2008 (Report builder 3.0)
I'm afraid I know the answer but still wondering if there is a way to link to Drill down report from the Legend area ? I know I can do it from the data labels.
Did anyone succeeded to crate some workarounds?
I won't claim this as my own but as soon as I read it I felt silly myself. ;)
Basically use a tablix next to your chart.
SSRS (Reporting Services) Separate Legend (as Tablix) From Chart or Graph with Drilldown Links

chart library which can edit graph by dragging points?

I'm looking for preferably javascript (but flash would do too) charting library which would be able to render time series as line chart and then allow to drag points in chart to change the underlying data.
I was said that Excel can do exactly the same thing, but I need it on web. No well-known charting library like Highcharts, amCharts, GoogleCharts or dygraphs cand apparently do that - I found some draggable graphs solutions like WireIt or http://radokirov.com/js-graph-editor/ but these are nodes and edges types of graphs not really-usable for chart drawing.
Do you know any ready for use solution to this problem? I don't care whether it's opensource or commercial.
Late response; I might help future visitors, though.
I'm looking for something similar. try: http://www.jqplot.com/deploy/dist/examples/customHighlighterCursorTrendline.html
Some other options (hopefully helpful to future visitors):
FusionCharts: https://www.fusioncharts.com/charts/visually-editable-charts/editable-line-chart
Chart.js (plugin): https://github.com/chrispahm/chartjs-plugin-dragData

Is there a good iPhone pie chart library which will produce good look 3d pie charts?

I can't find a library which will produce good looking 3d pie charts for the iphone?
I had a look at the core plot wiki and their pie didn't look that good...
There's an open-source class called BNPieChart available in the moriarty library which can produce pie charts like this:
(source: bynomial.com)
And also much smaller versions of course. There's a post about it here.
Besides NBPieChart proposed above, have a look at XYPieChart it is a really good open source pie chart that looks very nice, are extremely simple, and contains animation for adding slices. Look at the screenshot of the demo project included:
There's also Fusion Charts, which is now HTML5. http://www.fusioncharts.com/
Core Plot has been recommended in other postings here on stackoverflow. It supports many standard data visualizations, including pie charts.
The Google Chart API is pretty good/popular.
http://code.google.com/apis/chart/ You will need a network connection though.
If you want iOS native charting library you should check ShinobyControls.
If you want web-based, and also amazingly good charting library, maybe HighCharts is the way to go.