Browser dependent issue - gwt

I am using GWT-JAVA. The Login page displayed good in firefox.
But In IE It is too slow and also Fonts are too big.
In chrome it display only the background image. Nothing will be display.
Is it GWT a browser dependent? Otherwise Can i change any other options or anything else?
Thanks in advance.

GWT is intended to be browser independent, but there are limits. Are you following the advice in the "Cross-Browser Support" page?
Speed of old versions of IE will always be an issue for any browser-based UI toolkit that relies heavily on Javascript.


How to make GWT applications mobile compatible

I have a website developed in GWT/MGWT
I used MGWT widgets, but when I run the application on my mobile everything is really small.
I don't think it's the matter of increasing width/height, etc.
You can open it on your mobile and have a look:
The viewport doesn't seem to be configured correctly. Try to set
in your entrypoint right at the beginning.
Here is also a getting started:

Bigger size Like-Button ?

I'm working on the mobile version of my company's web site. I redesigned everything using CSS mediaqueries and serverside PHP to perfectly fit in the mobile viewport.
One big problem is facebook's like button.
It is unbelievable small and nearly impossible to click without zooming in. Is there someone with a similar problem? How did you solve this task?
Thanks in advance!

After liking application not refreshing to application

I have a php facebook application that requires that you like the page before getting access to photos Free Cover Photos. The problem is after liking it not all browsers take you to the application. It requires you to refresh the browser to view. Any suggestions?
IE worked ok
FF needing refresh
Chrome needing refresh
Tested on several systems.
It looks like Chrome is working for me. Maybe you have an older version of Chrome or some non-default setting turned on. Try turning off all the plugins in Chrome and see it that helps...maybe one of them is getting in the way.

Facebook like button doesn't work in certain browsers or on certain OS

So, I use the same fb-like plugin (fbml based one) code on 5 different pages on the website. The only difference is the different data in meta description and type of content. All pages were checked through the fb linter and it says everything is okay. All the buttons work alright in Chrome under Mac OS, but in Firefox, Opera (Mac & PC) and Chrome on PC (Windows) 3 of these buttons do not appear and none of them work in Safari on Mac. I can see that fb scripts are working some way, you can see the code with built-in developer tools in Opera or Chrome, and the element does occupy the space, but the button is not shown...
I've tested all the code in the pages including html, js and css line by line and it looks like it doesn't affect the fb-likes. I've also take the code from the page with the problem fb-like and make the new page with the only difference in fb-like href property - and it works. But when I change the href to the address of the page where like button didn't work - it stops working. So as I understand the problem is not on the website side, but since the fb-linter doesn't show any errors the problem is not on fb side either. But where is it then?
I've contacted the fb developers team, but I guess it may take them extremely long to answer , so I'd like to know if sombody had such a problem before. Any opinions or thoughts are appreciated!
Here's the website.
Thanks in advance everybody(:

Compatibility issues for opening websites, iphone

I'm going to create a website, which is meant to be opened from mobile phones including iphones. The website may be containing different contents such as Javascript widgets, flash content, images, texts, dropboxes, etc. The website is being built using XHTML and Javascript. What are the common issues that safari faces while opening such a website pls give your suggestions.
Mobile Safari does not support Flash. Other than that it will cope with anything that a modern desktop browser will cope with.
However, 'coping with' is not the same as 'optimised for'. There are various things you can do to optimise your content for Mobile Safari from a very simple hint about the initial viewport width:
< meta name="viewport" content="width=800" / >
to a separate CSS style sheet, to completely different content using native Mobile Safari widgets and interaction.
I suggest doing a search for 'optimizing for Mobile Safari'. Apple also has a huge amount of resources.
I have not yet come across any issues that aren't a problem in other good browsers (all except IE). But remember flash does not work, look up for a javascript and canvas tag based alternative.
Personally I'd just get into it and attack any issues if they come up.