ObjectiveC Parse Integer from String - iphone

I'm trying to extract a string (which contains an integer) from an array and then use it as an int in a function. I'm trying to convert it to a int using intValue.
Here's the code I've been trying.
NSArray *_returnedArguments = [serverOutput componentsSeparatedByString:#":"];
[_appDelegate loggedIn:usernameField.text:passwordField.text:(int)[[_returnedArguments objectAtIndex:2] intValue]];
I get this error:
passing argument 3 of 'loggedIn:::' makes pointer from integer
without a cast
What's wrong?

I really don't know what was so hard about this question, but I managed to do it this way:
[myStringContainingInt intValue];
It should be noted that you can also do:

You can just convert the string like that [str intValue] or [str integerValue]
Returns the NSInteger value of the receiver’s text.
Return Value
The NSInteger value of the receiver’s text, assuming a decimal representation and skipping whitespace at the beginning of the string. Returns 0 if the receiver doesn’t begin with a valid decimal text representation of a number.
for more information refer here

NSArray *_returnedArguments = [serverOutput componentsSeparatedByString:#":"];
_returnedArguments is an array of NSStrings which the UITextField text property is expecting. No need to convert.
Syntax error:
[_appDelegate loggedIn:usernameField.text:passwordField.text:(int)[[_returnedArguments objectAtIndex:2] intValue]];
If your _appDelegate has a passwordField property, then you can set the text using the following
[[_appDelegate passwordField] setText:[_returnedArguments objectAtIndex:2]];

Basically, the third parameter in loggedIn should not be an integer, it should be an object of some kind, but we can't know for sure because you did not name the parameters in the method call. Provide the method signature so we can see for sure. Perhaps it takes an NSNumber or something.

Keep in mind that international users may be using a decimal separator other than . in which case values can get mixed up or just become nil when using intValue on a string.
For example, in the UK 1.23 is written 1,23, so the number 1.777 would be input by user as 1,777, which, as .intValue, will be 1777 not 1 (truncated).
I've made a macro that will convert input text to an NSNumber based on a locale argument which can be nil (if nil it uses device current locale).
#define stringToNumber(__string, __nullable_locale) (\
(^NSNumber *(void){\
NSLocale *__locale = __nullable_locale;\
if (!__locale) {\
__locale = [NSLocale currentLocale];\
NSString *__string_copy = [__string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:__locale.groupingSeparator withString:#""];\
__string_copy = [__string_copy stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:__locale.decimalSeparator withString:#"."];\
return #([__string_copy doubleValue]);\

If I understood you correctly, you need to convert your NSString to int? Try this peace of code:
NSString *stringWithNumberInside = [_returnedArguments objectAtIndex:2];
int number;
sscanf([stringWithNumberInside UTF8String], "%x", &flags);


is there any way to get the return value from a method by using #selector except using double pointer?

I don't want to use double pointer. I am using a function in simpler form as below.
-(NSString *) getName
return name;
So what is the correct way to take the returned NSString *?
By using #selector(getName) i am not able to get the returned value name.
Thank you in advance
You should use NSInvocation object instance for calling a selector and resolving returned result.
performSelector: does give you the return value directly.
NSString * l = [s performSelector:#selector(lowercaseString)];
NSLog(#"%#", l); // prints "next we have number four, 'crunchy frog'."

Can't do mathematical operations with int from NSUserDefaults

i have integer data, stored in NSUserDefaults, there is my code:
- (IBAction)addButton:(id)sender {
NSInteger oldValue = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:#"myValue"];
NSString *string1=[addTextField text];
int add = [string1 floatValue];
int new = globalCalories;
int old=oldValue;
if(recomended.text==[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", oldValue]){
**self.day = (int)roundf(old-add);
dayLeft.text=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", oldValue-add];
dayLeft.text=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", day];
I copied all of button action code, just in case, but i did mark with bold strings of code, that appear to not work. So, it suppose to do mathematical operations with stored data (oldValue), but when i launch programs, it dosnt, in fact, it does, but instead of valid value program "think" that oldValue is 0 (instead of valid value).
So, when it contain, for example, number 2000, and I launch program and enter in text field 500, it suppose to be 1500 (2000-500), but it shows -500.
You can convert recommended.text to integer by using this:
int recommendedValue = [recommended.text intValue];
then compare the numbers.
The problem is that == compared the address es of the NSString and not their values (see many SO questions). To compare strings use the isEqualToString: method.
However in this case it would be even better to compare the numbers ie convert recomended.text to the number and use a intValue method on dayLeft.

Objective C: Compare Array Element to String

I'm trying to simply compare a NSString to an NSArray.
Here is my code:
NSString *username=uname.text;
NSString *regex=#"^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]{3,20}$";
NSArray *matchArray=nil;
matchArray=[username componentsMatchedByRegex:regex];
if(matchArray[0] == "asdf"){ //this line causes the problem!
NSLog(#"matchArray %#",matchArray);
I get an "invalid operands to binary ==" error.
How can I compare the string?
Many thanks in advance,
You are trying to compare an NSString to a C string (char *), which is wrong. matchArray is an NSArray so you cannot treat it as a C array either, you have to use its objectAtIndex: method and pass in the index.
Use this instead:
if ([[matchArray objectAtIndex:0] isEqualToString:#"asdf"]) {
NSLog(#"matchArray %#", matchArray);
Addressing your comments, the reason why isEqualToString: does not show up in autocomplete is because Xcode cannot guess that matchArray contains NSStrings (it only knows it contains ids, that is, arbitrary Objective-C objects). If you really wanted to be sure, you can perform an explicit cast, but it doesn't matter if you don't:
if ([(NSString *)[matchArray objectAtIndex:0] isEqualToString:#"asdf"]) {
NSLog(#"matchArray %#", matchArray);
you want to use -objectAtIndex to get the array element. NOT the C array accessor syntax
try to use:
[[matchArray objectAtIndex:0] isEqualToString:#"asdf"];
anyway the string "asdf" should be #"asdf"

How to get the string value from a string which contains ","?

I have a string value where it contains comma. Ex:- 1,234. I want to get the value of the string where i need only 1234. Can you please help me...
Instead of manually stripping out the commas, it might be more elegant (and less error-prone if you support different locales) to use an NSNumberFormatter to convert the string to a number.
NSString *myString = "1,234";
NSString *resultString = [myString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"," withString:#""];
If you want to strip the comma then: -
NSString *string = #"1,234";
string = [string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"," withString:#""];
This should return you a string with just 1234 in it.
By 'getting the value' do you mean, converting this to a NSNumber object? If so use this
NSNumber *numberFromString = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[string integerValue]];
I don't know that framework/language, but if an integer converter won't work, then strip out the commas by replacing them with null from the string and then convert to an integer.

NSNumber, Setting and Retrieving

I'm messing around with NSNumber for an iPhone app, and seeing what I can do with it. For most of my variables, I simple store them as "int" or "float" or whatnot. However, when I have to pass an object (Such as in a Dictionary) then I need them as an Object. I use NSNUmber. This is how I initialize the object.
NSNumber *testNum = [NSNumber numberWithInt:varMoney];
Where "varMoney" is an int I have declared earlier in the program. However, I have absolutely no idea how to get that number back...
for example:
varMoney2 = [NSNumber retrieve the variable...];
How do I get the value back from the object and set it to a regular "int" again?
(Out of curiosity, is there a way to store "int" directly in an Objective-C dictionary without putting it in an NSNumber first?)
You want -intValue, or one of its friends (-floatValue, -doubleValue, etc.). From the docs:
intValue Returns the receiver’s value
as an int.
- (int)intValue
Return Value The receiver’s value as
an int, converting it as necessary.
The code would be:
int varMoney2 = [testNum intValue];
NSNumber *testNum = [NSNumber numberWithInt:varMoney];
/* Then later... */
int newVarMoney = [testNum intValue];