can't resolve plugin class in grails - plugins

i've added a plugin called Image tool plugin for image resizeing... but when i called an instance of it
def imageTool = new ImageTool()
it gives me compilation error cause it can't resolve ImageTool class . i've tried to put import
import org.grails.plugins.imagetools.ImageTool
as a suggestion from a site .. but it didn't work .. so what is the real path to the imageTool so i can import it?? any help please:)

You can't access a class from the default package in a class that's in a package, and ImageTool is in the default package. The easiest thing to do is move that class into a subfolder, e.g. src/imagetool and add "package imagetool" to the source. You'll need to do this for each developer.
The plugin has moved to and this has been fixed in that code, but I don't know if they have done a new release.


How to know which module function imported in flutter package

native background in the javascript import module which is seen from the top of the code like this
import {some_fun} from "some_package";
but in dart how to find which module is imported from which package for e.g.
import "package/material.dart";
and many more
how to know which package contain which function or classes
To find that out. In Android Studio or VSCode just hover over the name of the package you are importing. In this case 'package/material.dart' and press ctrl+click.
It will redirect you to the code and you can see all the functions,classes and variables. Just remember anything starting with _(underscore) is private and can not be used in other classes. However if they have setters and getters defined for them then they can be accessed.

how to find dependency related to specific class

I am going to use Package Manager class in my code, but in android studio it is not recognizable class for it . I want to add dependency for it , but I do not know that how to search dependency related to this class on google so that I can easily find it and can add it to file.
You can search for classnames in MavenCentral:
with c:yourClassName

Device calendar plugin for Flutter

We are using the device_calendar plugin and we are trying to reproduce the example app in ours. Im running into one error that I dont understand. The error is on the "enum DayOfWeekGroup". It is undefined even though I am including the package import. I tried adding it manually from the example code but it exists outside of the example project so its causing issues.
the plugin is : device_calendar: ^3.0.0+1
The enum exists in src folder outside the example everything else is being pulled into the package from the import but this enum.
This feature is not in the plugin yet, the workaround is use DayOfWeek enum in place of DayOfWeekGroup just in case someone is messing with the new version of device Calendar plugin like I was :)

Angular2 - Import barrels cause 404 at runtime

I am trying to implement the import barrels structure that is described in this link (you may have to scroll down a bit) :!#application-structure
The problem I am facing is that the index.ts files that I am creating and referencing like
import {...} from './shared/services';
are not found at runtime and are throwing 404s. If I reference the modules like
import {...} from './shared/services/index';
It works fine. The problem only appears at runtime, typescript does not complain and compiles successfully. I have duplicated the issue in a plunker:
You can see the error in the console.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I finally found something:
It seems, that this is not easily possible with SystemJS, because it can not handle barrel-files.
To solve this, you can add every file as you did with [...]/index or you can add them as a package in SystemJS

playframework scala - cannot find controllers.Application

As a test project to try out scala I've installed Play framework with the Scala module, following the instructions provided here:
The project gets created fine, but when I go to the home url I get a warning saying the server cannot find the default controller. I've not modified anything from the default install at this point, so my controller looks like this:
package controllers
import play._
import play.mvc._
object Application extends Controller {
def index = Template
Any ideas on what am I missing?
Controllers are called action generators. By default the template name will be resolved from the action method name. So if the controllers.Application.index method returns a Template, the app/views/Application/index.html template will be rendered.
Also try cleaning up and re-running the app, sometime it escapes the file updates.
Have a look here