HBase cassandra couchdb mongodb..any fundamental difference? - mongodb

I just wanted to know if there is a fundamental difference between hbase, cassandra, couchdb and monogodb ? In other words, are they all competing in the exact same market and trying to solve the exact same problems. Or they fit best in different scenarios?
All this comes to the question, what should I chose when. Matter of taste?

Those are some long answers from #Bohzo. (but they are good links)
The truth is, they're "kind of" competing. But they definitely have different strengths and weaknesses and they definitely don't all solve the same problems.
For example Couch and Mongo both provide Map-Reduce engines as part of the main package. HBase is (basically) a layer over top of Hadoop, so you also get M-R via Hadoop. Cassandra is highly focused on being a Key-Value store and has plug-ins to "layer" Hadoop over top (so you can map-reduce).
Some of the DBs provide MVCC (Multi-version concurrency control). Mongo does not.
All of these DBs are intended to scale horizontally, but they do it in different ways. All of these DBs are also trying to provide flexibility in different ways. Flexible document sizes or REST APIs or high redundancy or ease of use, they're all making different trade-offs.
So to your question: In other words, are they all competing in the exact same market and trying to solve the exact same problems?
Yes: they're all trying to solve the issue of database-scalability and performance.
No: they're definitely making different sets of trade-offs.
What should you start with?
Man, that's a tough question. I work for a large company pushing tons of data and we've been through a few years. We tried Cassandra at one point a couple of years ago and it couldn't handle the load. We're using Hadoop everywhere, but it definitely has a steep learning curve and it hasn't worked out in some of our environments. More recently we've tried to do Cassandra + Hadoop, but it turned out to be a lot of configuration work.
Personally, my department is moving several things to MongoDB. Our reasons for this are honestly just simplicity.
Setting up Mongo on a linux box takes minutes and doesn't require root access or a change to the file system or anything fancy. There are no crazy config files or java recompiles required. So from that perspective, Mongo has been the easiest "gateway drug" for getting people on to KV/Document stores.

CouchDB and MongoDB are document stores
Cassandra and HBase are key-value based
Here is a detailed comparison between HBase and Cassandra
Here is a (biased) comparison between MongoDB and CouchDB

Short answer: test before you use in production.
I can offer my experience with both HBase (extensive) and MongoDB (just starting).
Even though they are not the same kind of stores, they solve the same problems:
scalable storage of data
random access to the data
low latency access
We were very enthusiastic about HBase at first. It is built on Hadoop (which is rock-solid), it is under Apache, it is active... what more could you want? Our experience:
HBase is fragile
administrator's nightmare (full of configuration settings where default ones are less than perfect, nontransparent configuration, changes from version to version,...)
loses data (unless you have set the X configuration and changed Y to... you get the point :) - we found that out when HBase crashed and we lost 2 hours (!!!) of data because WAL was not setup properly
lacks secondary indexes
lacks any way to perform a backup of database without shutting it down
All in all, HBase was a nightmare. Wouldn't recommend it to anyone except to our direct competitors. :)
MongoDB solves all these problems and many more. It is a delight to setup, it makes administrating it a simple and transparent job and the default configuration settings actually make sense. You can perform (hot) backups, you can have secondary indexes. From what I read, I wouldn't recommend MapReduce on MongoDB (JavaScript, 1 thread per node only), but you can use Hadoop for that.
And it is also VERY active when compared to HBase.
Need I say more? :)
UPDATE: many months later I must say MongoDB delivered on all accounts and more. The only real downside is that hosting companies do not offer it the way they offer MySQL. ;)
It also looks like MapReduce is bound to become multi-threaded in 2.2. Still, I wouldn't use MR this way. YMMV.

Cassandra is good for writing the data. it has advantage of "writes never fail". It has no single point failure.
HBase is very good for data processing. HBase is based on Hadoop File System (HDFS) so HBase dosen't need to worry for data replication, data consistency. HBase has the single point of failure. I am not really sure that what does it's mean if it has single point of failure then it is somhow similar to RDBMS where we have single point of failure. I might be wrong in sense since I am quite new.
How abou RIAK ? Does someone has experience using RIAK. I red some where that you need to pay, I am not sure. Need explanation.
One more thing which one you will prefer to use when you are only concern to reading a lot of data. You don't have any concern with writing. Just imagine you have database with pitabyte and you want to make fast search which NOSQL database would you prefer ?


NoSQL in a single machine

As part of my university curriculum I ended up with a real project which consists in helping a company shifting from their relational data warehouse into a NoSQL data warehouse. The thing is that what they are looking for is better performance in large jobs but so far they have used a single machine and if they indeed migrate to NoSQL they still wish to keep using a single machine for cost reasons.
As far as I know the whole point of NoSQL is to run it in a large distributed system of several machines. So I don't see the point of this migration, specially since I am pretty sure (but not entirely) that if they do install NoSQL, they will probably end having even worst performance.
But still I am not comfortable telling them this since I am still new to this area (less than a month), so I wonder, is there are any situation where using NoSQL in a single machine for a datawarehouse would be justifiable performance wise? Or is it just a plain bad idea?
The answer to your question, like the answer to so many questions, is "it depends."
Ignoring the commentary on the question, I think there may be legitimacy to your client's question. Both relational and non-relational databases ultimately hold data in key-value tuples, with indexes and such to ensure quick and speedy access to the data. The difference is that SQL/relational databases contain an incredible amount of overhead to attempt the optimal way to retrieve results given an unknown set of queries, as well as ensure stable concurrency. This overhead is both computationally expensive and rarely results in the optimal solution. As a result, SQL databases often perform significantly slower for simple repetitive queries.
No-sql databases, on the other hand, are more of a "bare-bones" database, relying on programmers and intelligent design to achieve success. They are optimized to retrieve a value for a given key very quickly, often sub-millisecond. As a result, increased up front investment in the design results in superior and near-optimal performance. It will be necessary to determine the cost-benefit of doing this up-front design, but it is all but guaranteed that the no-sql approach will perform better regardless of the number of machines involved (in fact, SQL databases are very difficult or impossible to cluster together and is one of the main reasons why NoSql was developed).
Eventually we will see relational-like solutions implemented on a no-sql platform. In fact, Mongo, Elasticsearch, and Couchbase (probably others) already have SQL-like query functionality. But right now, you are faced with this dilemma.
For a single machine if the load is write heavy e.g. your logging a lot of events you could do for cassandra. Also a good alternative is hbase but its heavy and not suggested for single node. If they expose api in json you could look into document based dbs such as couchbase, mongo db. If you have an idea about the load then selecting a nosql data store is much easier
If you're in a position where you need to pick one, I think you should look first at MongoDB. If you've never tried it, I really recommend you visit their live demo with tutorial and give it a try. If you like, download and follow the installation guide on their site. It's free, runs well on a single machine, and is incredibly easy to use.
In addition to MongoDB, I've used Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, and HBase. I understand Cassandra should be in the list but I've not tried it. With MongoDB, I was fully deployed and executing reads and writes from an application in like two hours. I attribute most of that to their website's clear and concise instructional content. The biggest learning curve was figuring out how the queries work for things like updating a record or deleting a record without deleting the entire set of similar records.
Regarding NoSQL vs RDBMS, some points to consider:
Adding a new column to RDBMS table can lock the database in or degrade performance in another
MongoDB is schema-less so adding a new field, does not effect old documents and will be instant (think how flexible that really is - throw any dimension of data into this system without maintenance overhead)
You're less likely to require a DBA to solve your schema problems when an application changes
I think problems related to table size are irrelevant, so you won't run into a scaling problem - just a disk space problem on single machine

Which NoSQL database for extremely high volumes of data

I'm looking at NoSQL for extremely high volumes of data. We're storing cached versions of web page text in MySQL at the moment, but it seems like the database will get huge very quickly.
My requirements are:
Durability, must not lose data on flushes/writes
Very fast read, reasonably fast write
Fully consistent replication
Preferably, in-memory plus an eventual disk write
I'm looking at: MongoDB, Redis, Raik, and Cassandra right now.
Which best fits my requirements?
I have experience with Redis and MongoDB, but would not recommend either for your use case. Redis is awesome in every regard, but since it's RAM-only and has no clustering features (yet, they are in development), it doesn't scale very well. MongoDB I wouldn't ever use again for anything that needs anything but a small replica set.
Basically, MongoDB is immature and completely unsuitable for any kind of high volume, high performance requirements. It has a global write lock which is held during disk flushes, which means that performance can vary wildly depending on what you do. In practice it makes updates that grow documents impossible, and you need to be very careful with deletes, too. Speaking of deletes, they fragment the database severely, so if you do a lot of deletes your performance is going to suffer.
Sharding in 1.8.0 through 1.8.1 was a disaster. There were complete show stopper bugs that should never have made it into a stable release. Configuration wasn't flushed properly and it was very easy to get your database into a bad state so that chunks never moved off of the primary shard. 1.8.2 solves most of them and seems more stable, but I don't trust the sharding implementation one bit. Add to this that sharding is hard even when everything works, it's not always easy to select a natural shard key, and if you don't sharding will cause you much grief.
MongoDB is really easy to work with and the feature set is really nice. The documentation, the drivers and the community are all great. MongoDB works super as a replacement for MySQL, but don't use it for anything that needs to scale out.
We're currently looking at moving to Cassandra. I find the dynamo model (e.g. no master nodes; write and read anywhere; simply add nodes to grow the cluster) compelling and the features are more or less right for us. The data model is schema less just like MongoDB, although a little more limited (you can choose between one or two level hashes, basically). I'm sure the community is good once you get into it, but so far I find it hard to find good information on how to solve common problems, and the documentation is lacking. Most of the information you find on blogs is a year old, and a lot of things have happened since then (0.7 and 0.8 seem to be really significant updates both, but most things you find are about 0.6). The drivers are also not very mature or well documented, from what I've seen so far, and everyone seems to be squabbling about whether Thrift, Avro or CQL is what should be used (and that has changed from 0.6 to 0.7 to 0.8).
Riak is interesting, for the same reasons as Cassandra, but for us a pure key-value-store is not enough, we need to be able to update without first doing a read. With Riak this isn't possible since the values are just blobs. This sounds like it wouldn't be an issue for you though.
HBase is another contender. It seems like a pain to set up and run because of the many different pieces, ZooKeeper, HDFS, etc. But the data model is similar to Cassandra (columnar, i.e. one level hashes), which works well for us, but may not be important for you. It seems tried and true, but as with MongoDB you have to watch out for sharding issues, you must put some thought into your keys or you get into trouble.
There is also CouchDB, Project Voldemort and countless other possible choices. I think that if you are serious about "extremely high volumes of data" then it's between Cassandra, Riak and HBase. Strike Riak if pure key-value-storage isn't enough. Depending on what you mean by "fully consistent replication" then Cassandra and Riak are out, because there is a possibility (not necessarily big, and tunable) of reading a stale value.
In the end you obviously have to try it out on your particular use case, so all you really should take home from this answer is: don't bother with MongoDB.
Store the cached versions in MemCache instead of MySQL. It will eliminate most writes. Writing to MySQL is bad, because it kills the query cache. When you cache the pages in MemCache, you will have far less writes to the database, and you'll have less reading pressure too. You can cache the result of complex queries, or cache entire pages as you like.
Maybe it won't be as fast as Cassandra, but it will give you an enormous boost compared to your current situation with only MySQL. And you won't have to rewrite your entire application.
memcachedb - memcached protocol, BDB storage, replication etc
Handlersocket - MySql InnoDB plugin.
Oracle memcached InnoDB plugin
RavenDB can store up to 16TB of data per node, and you can have several nodes per machine acting as one database using its built-in sharding support. Thats as huge as it gets.
Durability, fastness, replication is all there, and running in memory is supported too (but not recommended if you want to scale to 16TB per node).
For extremely high volume data, it's clear that Cassandra and hadoop/hbase are far superior than all others for this task. Cassandra proved itself on large clusters like 400 nodes. rdms dbs cannot scale easily, also mongo has some problems when node counts start to increase http://www.nosqlbenchmarking.com/2011/05/paper-on-elasticity-and-scalability-for-acm-socc-2011/

MongoDB for personal non-distributed work

This might be answered here (or elsewhere) before but I keep getting mixed/no views on the internet.
I have never used anything else except SQL like databases and then I came across NoSQL DBs (mongoDB, specifically). I tried my hands on it. I was doing it just for fun, but everywhere the talk is that it is really great when you are using it across distributed servers. So I wonder, if it is any helpful(in a non-trivial way) for doing small projects and things mainly only on a personal computer? Are there some real advantages when there is just one server.
Although it would be cool to use MapReduce (and talk about it to peers :d) won't it be an overkill when used for small projects run on single servers? Or are there other advantages of this? I need some clear thought. Sorry if I sounded naive here.
Optional: Some examples where/how you have used would be great.
IMHO, MongoDB is perfectly valid for use for single server/small projects and it's not a pre-requisite that you should only use it for "big data" or multi server projects.
If MongoDB solves a particular requirement, it doesn't matter on the scale of the project so don't let that aspect sway you. Using MapReduce may be a bit overkill/not the best approach if you truly have low volume data and just want to do some basic aggregations - these could be done using the group operator (which currently has some limitations with regard to how much data it can return).
So I guess what I'm saying in general is, use the right tool for the job. There's nothing wrong with using MongoDB on small projects/single PC. If a RDBMS like SQL Server provides a better fit for your project then use that. If a NoSQL technology like MongoDB fits, then use that.
+1 on AdaTheDev - but there are 3 more things to note here:
Durability: From version 1.8 onwards, MongoDB has single server durability when started with --journal, so now it's more applicable to single-server scenarios
Choosing a NoSQL DB over say an RDBMS shouldn't be decided upon the single or multi server setting, but based on the modelling of the database. See for example 1 and 2 - it's easy to store comment-like structures in MongoDB.
MapReduce: again, it depends on the data modelling and the operation/calculation that needs to occur. Depending on the way you model your data you may or may not need to use MapReduce.

MongoDb vs CouchDb: write speeds for geographically remote clients

I would like all of my users to be able to read and write to the datastore very quickly. It seems like MongoDb has blazing reads, but the writes seem like they could be very very slow if the one master db needs to be located very far away from the client.
Couchdb seems that it has slow reads, but how about the writes in the case when the client is very far away from the master.
With couchdb, we can have multiple masters, meaning we can always have a write node close to the client. Could couchdb actually be faster for writes than mongodb in the case when our user base is spread very far out geographically?
I would love to use mongoDb due to its blazing fast speed, but some of my users very far away from the only master will have a horrible experience.
For worldwide types of systems, wouldn't couchDb be better. Isn't mongodb completely ruled out in the case where you have users all around the world?
MongoDb, if you're listening, why don't you do some simple multi-master setups, where conflict resolution can be part of the update semantic?
This seems to be the only thing standing in between mongoDb completely dominating the nosql marketshare. Everything else is very impressive.
Disclosure: I am a MongoDB fan and user, i have zero experience with CouchDB.
I have a heavy duty app that is very read write intensive. I'd say reads outnumber writes by a factor of around 30:1. The way mongo is designed reads are always going to be much faster than writes the trick (in my experience) is to make your writes so efficient that you can dedicate a higher percentage of your system resources to the writes.
When building a product on top of mongo the key thing to remember is the _id field. This field is automatically generated and added to all of your JSON objects it will look something like 47cc67093475061e3d95369d when you design your queries (Find's) try and query on this field wherever possible as it contains the machine location (and i think also disk location??? - i should check this) where the object lives so when you use a find or update using this field will really speed up your machine. Consider this in the design of your system.
2 of the clusters in my database are "users" and "posts". A user can create multiple posts. These two collections have to reference each other alot in the implementation of my app.
In each post object i store the _id of the parent user.
In each user object i store an array of all the posts the user has authored.
Now on each user page I can generate a list of all the authored posts without a resource stressful query but with a direct look up of the _id. The bigger the mongo cluster the bigger the difference this is going to make.
If you're at all familiar with oracle's physical location rowids you may understand this concept only in mongo it is much more awesome and powerful.
I was scared last year when we decided to finally ditch MySQL for mongo but I can tell you the following about my experience:
- Data porting is always horrible but it went as well as I could have imagined.
- Mongo is probably the best documented NoSQL DB out there and the Open Source community is fantastic.
- When they say fast and scalable there not kidding, it flies.
- Schema design is very easy and much more natural and orderly than key/value type db's in my opinion.
- The whole system seems designed for minimal user complexity, adding nodes etc is a breeze.
Ok, seriously I swear mongo didn't pay me to write this (I wish) but apologies for the love fest.
Whatever your choice, best of luck.
Here is a detailed article that 10gen has created, and gives examples of when you should choose MongoDB or CouchDB, with reasons as well.
The above link was removed, but can be viewed here: http://web.archive.org/web/20120614072025/http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Comparing+Mongo+DB+and+Couch+DB
Your question as of now, is full with speculation and guessing.
...why can't we opt out of consistency for certain writes, so long as we're sure that the person that wrote the data will be able to read it consistently, whereas others will observe eventual consistency
What if those writes effect other writes? What if those writes would prevent other people from doing stuff. It's hard to tell the possible side effect if since you didn't tell us any specifics.
My main suggestion to you is that you do some testing. Unless you've tested it, speculation about bottle necks is a complete waste of time. You don't need to test it via remote machines, set up some local DBs and add some artificial lag, then run your tests.
This way you can test the different options you've got, see where MongoDB is better, or where CouchDB excels at. Then you can either take one of them and go with the contras, or you can try and tweak your Database Model it self and do more tests.
Nobody here will be able to give you a general solution to your specific problem (well unless you give us all your code and you pay us for working on it :P ) databases aren't easy especially if you need to scale them under certain requirements.
For worldwide types of systems, wouldn't couchDb be better. Isn't mongodb completely ruled out in the case where you have users all around the world?
MongoDB supports sharding. So you don't need a single master. In fact, it looks like you have a ready shard key (region).
MongoDB also supports replica sets along with sharding. So if you need to run in multiple data centers (DCs) you put a master and one of the replicas in the same DC. In fact, they also suggest adding a 3rd node to a separate DC as a hot backup failover.
You will have to drill into the more detailed configuration of MongoDB, but you can definitely control where data is stored and you can prioritize that other replicas in a DC are "next in line" for promotion to Master.
At this point however, you're well into the details of MongoDB and you'll need to dig around and "play" quite a bit. However, you'll need lots of "play time" for any solution that's really going to handle masters across data centers.

What is the best database/storage to store statistic data?

I'm having a system that collects real-time Apache log data from about 90-100 Web Servers. I had also defined some url patterns.
Now I want to build another system that updates the time of occurrence of each pattern based on those logs.
I had thought about using MySQL to store statistic data, update them by statement:
"Update table set count=count+1 where ....",
but i'm afraid that MySQL will be slow for data from such amount of servers. Moreover, I'm looking for some database/storage solutions that more scalable and simple. (As a RDBMS, MySQL supports too much things that I don't need in this situation) . Do you have any idea ?
Apache Cassandra is a high-performance column-family store and can scale extremely well. The learning curve is a bit steep, but will have no problem handling large amounts of data.
A more simple solution would be a key-value store, like Redis. It's easier to understand than Cassandra. Redis only seems to support master-slave replication as a way to scale, so the write performance of your master server could be a bottleneck. Riak has a decentralized architecture without any central nodes. It has no single point of failure nor any bottlenecks, so it's easier to scale out.
Key value storage seems to be an appropriate solution for my system. After taking a quick look on those storages, I'm concerning about race-condition issue, as there will be a lot of clients trying to do these steps on the same key:
count = storage.get(key)
I had worked with Tokyo Cabinet before, and they have 'addint' method which perfectly matched with my case, I wonder if other storages have similar feature? I didn't choose Tokyo Cabinet/Tyrant cause I had experienced some issues about its scalability and data stability (e.g. repair corrupted data, ...)