getting data from server and store in the iPhone - iphone

i want to develop an iPhone app where the app downloads data (say audio clips) from a specified server and stores it locally on the device.
then the app should use the data stored in the device rather than stream it from the server.
could anybody give me the guidelines as to how this can be done? tutorials and samples also appreciated. Thanks :)

The easiest way to play files from the internet is to use -[AVAudioPlayer initWithContentsOfURL:error:]. If you want to make sure that the whole file is downloaded, I think your best bet would be to download the file using NSURLConnection (see the URL Loading Guide) and then using -[AVAudioPlayer initWithData:error:].

Look into ASIHTTPRequest, you will find it much easier to fetch large chunks of binary over the web asynchronously than if you try to code everything yourself.


Sencha Touch and Saving Local Media

Does anyone know if it is possible to save media from the internet on the local device using Sencha Touch? From what I've seen so far, I understand it's definitely possible to save XML or JSON data locally on the device, but I have had no luck finding ways to store media locally.
To be more specific, I am looking to program an app that provides the user with a series of audio seminars - like podcasts, really. The user would be able to stream those audio files directly from the internet, but I also need to provide the user with the ability to save an episode/seminar for later. This will be important for when a user is traveling and does not have a reliable internet connection or data plan.
The primary delivery device would be on iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) and I would hope to be able to use the same technology on Android devices - but that would be a secondary phase.
If this is possible, how would I go about saving material? And what, if any, would be the limitations on doing so? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
I have done something similar using Sencha Touch 1 and PhoneGap to produce a hybrid app.
Basically, I use Sencha Touch to download the JSON, etc and LocalStorage to hold the data. Downloading media/files/etc to the actual device is not supported in Sencha Touch as the framework doesn't have access to a file system.
I then use PhoneGap's API's to tap into the device's native file system and download files to the app's Documents directory and pass the file names/paths to Sencha Touch for use in the app.
I'm assuming you are looking to create a hybrid app based on your question but if this is strictly a web app then there isn't much you can do.
TO add to the above point, you possibly could base64 encode the file and store it within LocalStorage but this isn't a sustainable model as LocalStorage only gives you 5mb of space. If you go over 5mb, the user is prompted (yes, no) to allow LocalStorage to use more space (in 5mb increments). Since the files your reference have the potential to be 5mb each, you can see how this could quickly become unmanageable for both you and the user.
See for the native wrapper for the phonegap download plugin
and for the code
Check this website out. Scroll down to storing data offline. They discuss Sencha Touch provides a set of data store and proxy classes that make it very easy to work with data from (and going to) a variety of sources - both server- and client-side... hope this helped, cheers.

iPhone: Efficiently downloading images from a URL into iPhone App

In my iPhone app , I need to display the images from server.
I need to download it and save it from URLs.
There are roughly 20 images which I need to download.
What could be a way out where in performance doesnt decrease?
I have tried previously using NSData to convert the images into NSData and saving it to my app but it takes lots of time.
What could be a more easier and efficient way out?
I recommend using ASIHTTPRequest to download the images asynchronously, and display them when they're ready. By using the asynchronous interface of that class, your app can be responsive and continue to operate normally while, in the background, you wait for the data to be loaded.
ASIHTTPRequest is open source and free to use:
The code the Facebook app uses to download and display images has been open-sourced as part of the three20 library.
If you want to write your own networking code ASIHTTPRequest is a very useful library that includes features such as downloading directly to a file and queue management.

Sample code for file upload resuming on iOS?

I have an iOS app where the user has the capability to upload video. I'd like to be able to support the resuming of uploads for when an upload is interrupted by the network, user, or any other circumstance. I realize this will require changes both on the client and server-side. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for sample code and/or documentation I can read for clues in how to support this functionality? Something with clues on proper chunking, figuring out what chunk was last sent after an interrupted connection, etc.
See ASIHTTPRequest for this. It is a great replacement library for anything network.
See ASIHTTPRequest documentation
you can download sample code here
1 - How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?

iphone: coding a data compression or zipping agent?

I'm creating a simple service for uploading photographs from an iphone to a web server.
However, before the requests is sent, I want the app to compress the pictures (custom format or otherwise) in the background before sending it.
Any pointers on how I could go about doing this?
Check out the NSDataCategory posted to CocoaDev. It does exactly what you're looking to do.
I use ziparchive to unzip content downloaded from a server. It also has functionality to create zip files on an iOS device and might be what you are looking for.

HTTPRequest and save the file locally into iPad/iPhone

how do i do a HTTPRequest and then save the File locally into the iPad/iPhone.
Im working with the simulator right now so is it possible to emulate the local data storage?
Yep, this is really easy to do, and I wrote another answer on how to do it: How to download files directly to disk on the iPhone os?
ASIHTTPRequest might also come in handy here as an intelligent wrapper to HTTP functionality: