Changing dafault Netbeans Platform - netbeans

Im developing application on top of Netbeans Platform.
In NetBeans IDE it is possible to choose different Netbeans Platform (it can be added under
NetBeans Platform Manager), but i cant find option/property to change default selection.
Is this even supported on Netbeans IDE?

I can't see a way to do this using the default ant based system. However if you use the maven based approach then it is a simple as editing the pom.xml

Solution for ANT based Nb Platform application is to modify ant build file to create custom properties before building application (separate modules). In this solution I create new properties file and fix the pointer in platform properties file to point to it. This file is later imported before building each module.
1) Create/Modify to set to your custom one (i.e nbproject/private/ This file is later used to configure properties when building separate modules.
2) Create new ( and set nbplatform.default.harness.dir and nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir to correct values (those parameters points to folder where nb platform is located - in my case it is located in project basedir under ./nbrc folder)
<project name="..." basedir=".">
<!-- Basedir property must be converted to use forward slashes (for windows machines) -->
<path id="basedir.path">
<pathelement path="${basedir}" />
<pathconvert targetos="unix" property="basedir.unix" refid="basedir.path"/>
<!-- Initialize path to netbeans platform [located in nbrc folder in project root directory -->
<mkdir dir="nbproject/private"/>
<echo file="nbproject/private/">${basedir.unix}/nbproject/private/${line.separator}</echo>
<echo file="nbproject/private/">nbplatform.default.harness.dir=${nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir}/harness${line.separator}</echo>
<echo file="nbproject/private/" append="true">nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir=${basedir.unix}/nbrc${line.separator} </echo>
<!-- .. -->
</project> `


Domino Designer Plugin Ant class path

I've build an osgi plug-in to wrap a jar files. I've been following this guide.
In the last step, I can´t “Build all” to generate the update site because an error said that couldn't find the ant classpath
Any idea?
The version that i'm using is Release 9.0.1FP9
Revision 20170815.0729-FP9 (Release 9.0.1FP9)
Try running Ant on the command line to see the full output. Here is a GitHub project showing specifically how to run Ant tasks for Domino.
Here also are some details about setting the Ant classpath for a given build in build.xml:
<!-- create our ant classpath using the fileset task -->
<path id="class.path">
<!-- include all jars in the lib directory and all sub-directories -->
<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
<include name="**/*.jar" />
I find that Eclipse plugins often just assemble and execute terminal commands, but when they fail they tend not to be great at making clear the cause. Often, running the equivalent commands in the terminal (be they ant, maven, etc.) is clearer when failures occur because you'll see the full error output. And it gives you the added benefit--sometimes--of having a clearer understanding of what's happening under the hood.

Why ANT does not peak up Eclipse workspace default JRE for build

I'm trying to compile my projects with ANT build script.
When I change the Eclipse workspace default JRE, let say to JDK1.6.0_27 32bit the ANT still using JRE 1.7.0 64bit (which is system default)
There is an option to set ANT build file to use different java version by setting "External Tools Configuration", selecting ANT build file and selecting relevant java in "JRE" tab, but that is strange, because there is option in the same place to use "Run in the same JRE as the workspace", which doesn't works for me (running Eclipse Indigo 3.7).
That can be not problem when you have an one project with one ANT script, but I have an 7 projects with 7 build files, and I need to make 2 different releases: one with Java 1.6 32bit, and one Java 1.7 64bit. Selection of required settings manually each time (I'm building releases almost every day) became the real 'pain in the ass'.
Okay, I found the solution by myself.
I was created new ANT build file and called from it to the other ANT files, like this:
<project name="build-all" default="build.all">
<target name="proj1">
<ant antfile="build-proj1.xml" target="build" inheritAll="false"/>
<target name="proj2">
<ant antfile="build-proj2.xml" target="build" inheritAll="false"/>
<target name="proj3">
<ant antfile="build-proj3.xml" target="build" inheritAll="false"/>
<target name="build.all" depends="proj1,proj2,proj3"/>
Now I can go to the Eclipse, change the target to desired JRE version for this top level ANT file, all sub build files are executed using the parent's settings.

Cleaning Deployment Assembly with Eclipse Plugin

When faced with the unenviable task of cleaning all generated project artefacts/resources in a stock-standard Java EE/Tomcat configuration, I generally do one (or all) of 3 things:
Right-click my server, and delete any artefacts (can't remember the exact command)
I'm now playing around with the Google Eclipse Plugin for Appengine, which uses an inbuilt Jetty server.
Firstly, the plugin doesn't have any options to clean out generated class files before redeploying (well, not that I can see anyway). And secondly, the sever is not available as a configuration option.
Are there any quick fixes available to clean all artefacts/resources in my war/WEB-INF directory?
You can easily make it about one click and not unenviable. Just use ant and pattern matching. Open the ant view in Eclipse and add your file and it's just a click away.
Before 1.7 when app size was more limited, I used to copy almost everything out so I could upload it and serve from the blobstore (GWT permutations galore!). I was doing this alot!!!
see these for details and
Here's my simple code example:
<target name="moveXprojectGae">
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="XprojectGae" includes="**/*"/>
<move todir="XprojectGae">
<fileset dir="war/XprojectGae">
<exclude name="**.rpc"/>
<exclude name="**nocache.js"/>

How to include a resource file in the Jar file generated by Netbeans?

I'm using NB6.7 to auto generate an executable jar file for my project, how and where to tell NB to include a certain resource into the result jar file ? I know if I put the resource in the "lib" directory, NB will put it into "dist/lib/", but what I want is to include the resource within the final executable jar, where in NB do I specify that ?
There is a way to add arbitrary file/folders to arbitrary location within the jar, without setting up source folders.
NetBeans will, by default, create build.xml at project root.
We can override the -pre-jar target to copy the files and -post-jar target to cleanup.
For example, to copy "res/resource.ext" into "myres/resource.ext" within the jar, add these target to build.xml:
<target name="-pre-jar">
<!-- Single file -->
<copy file="res/resoure.ext" todir="${build.dir}/classes/myres" />
<!-- Folder(s) -->
<copy todir="${build.dir}/classes/myres"><fileset dir="res"/></copy>
<target name="-post-jar">
<delete dir="${build.dir}/classes/myres/resource.ext" />
<delete dir="${build.dir}/classes/myres"/>
Since this is Ant, you have great control.
You can rename file, replace file content (e.g. update version or timestamp), convert charset, or run other operations that is not possible with simple inclusion.
I am using NetBeans version 8, but as long as the project is compatible it is likely to work.
Alternatively, use an automated project such as Maven or Gradle, that gives you even more control on the build process, at cost of IDE features such as automatic single file recompile.
I got it : put the resource file in the src dir.
you can do it by...
Go to your project name which is normally on the left hand side of the screen.
Whatever your project name is,
you have to right click on it and then go to the properties of that. [which is normally at the end in menu item]
Then one window will open in that go to the Libraries.
In that you will find
2)ADD Libraries
then include the jar / Libraries / folder.
so that will add automatically to your project.
Which will include in lib folder automatically so you don't have to include always.
Hope this help you,

Eclipse 3.4 GWT 1.6 project - how to reference source from other projects?

I've got a GWT 1.6 project in Eclipse 3.4 and am trying to reference source from another (non-GWT) project in my workspace. I've added the project to my build path, but I can't run the application in hosted mode. When I do, I get a "no source code is available" error.
I've done some searching and reading and have tried a few things that others have suggested (including creating a jar from the dependent project and linking to it), but frankly nothing has worked.
If you're actually doing this, could you please help me out with a simple step-by-step setup? I'd really appreciate it, thanks!
I have 2 Eclipse Projects. One is gwt project and one is not. Here's the directory structure that works for me:
-- gwt-project
-- src/main/java
-- com.gwt.GwtProjectModule
-- GwtProjectModule.gwt.xml
-- non-gwt-project
-- src/main/java
-- nongwt.gwt.xml
nongwt.gwt.xml tells gwt to look inside "client" package, here's what it looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Google Inc.//DTD Google Web Toolkit 1.7.0//EN" "">
<module rename-to='nongwt'>
<inherits name='' />
<source path="client" />
GwtProjectModule.gwt.xml can then inherit source code from nongwt. Here's the relevant line from inside GwtProjectModule.gwt.xml:
<inherits name="" />
Make sure you include non-gwt-project inside gwt-project's classpath in eclipse. It's the normal drill; right click on gwt-project, choose properties, choose "Java Build Path", click "Projects" tab, and "non-gwt-project"
Or, instead of including non-gwt-project in gwt-project's classpath as a project reference, you can also jar the contents of non-gwt--project, ensure that you include the source in the jar, and then include the jar in gwt-project's classpath.
Good Luck!
I know this post is quite old but as I spent quite a lot of time on this issue and finally found the way to do it, I thought I might share the answer :
once you've created your launch configuration, open it run>run configurations...
go to classpath tab and select user entries. add advanced>folder and select the source folder of your other module project. If as me you've separated the module conf file in a src/main/resources folder you have to add it as well.
should work.
The client-side code in your GWT project (the classes under the client package) can't reference any classes that aren't in a GWT module.
If you've got code in another project that you want to reference from client code in your GWT project, you need to:
Make sure it's all "GWT safe", which means it doesn't reference any JRE classes that aren't emulated by GWT (, or reference any classes that reference JRE classes not emulated
Make sure all referenced classes are within a GWT module. This means putting a MyOtherProject.gwt.xml file in your other project, and all the referenced classes must be under a client subpackage
Make your GWT project inherit from the other project. So add the following to your GWT project's gwt.xml module file:
<inherits name='com.yourCompany.otherProject.MyOtherProject' />
Boden: add the following to your module file
<source path=""></source>
in addition to your other sources, eg:
<source path=""></source>
<source path="com.acme.otherpackage"></source>
then the compiler won't complain.
Atleast that's how I solved it. Not sure if using path="" allows inclusion of everything, I'm assuming it's the default value when no sources are specified.
This is a fantastic solution of your problem proposed by Sven Buschbeck (must a norwegian, lol!), worked for me!
When work­ing on sev­eral large scale projects (in Eclipse), it’s con­ve­nient and of course more effi­cient to share and reuse code via com­mon libraries. While those are in an early stage they need to be changed a lot and there­fore it’s handy to link projects in instead of cre­at­ing new jars each time the library has been updated.
Unfor­tu­nately, this stan­dard approach for Java devel­op­ment in Eclipse does not work that straight for­ward as with plain old Java projects, it requires three steps in total:
Link the library project to all rel­e­vant projects (“Project
Pref­er­ences” -> “Java Build Path” -> “Projects” -> “Add…”)
Then, add the client-side code of the library (by adding it as a
mod­ule.) There­fore, edit the gwt.xml of your appli­ca­tion and add
for exam­ple
where Super­Lib is the file name of the gwt.xml file in you library
project and before that is the pack­age it lies in.
Add the code to the project by link­ing a source folder.
Unfor­tu­nately, this is required if you do not want to write an Ant
script to com­pile your appli­ca­tion. (If you pre­fer Ant check
this out) I don’t like the idea of using such a script because if
you for­get to run it each time you make changes, you will end up in
confusion—let’s go for the con­ve­nient, auto­matic way then.
Add a folder to your appli­ca­tion project; open the “advanced” sec­tion in the folder cre­ation dia­log, select “Link to alter­nate loca­tion” and pick the source folder (usu­ally “src”) of your library project. (Hint: if you work within a team using a ver­sion­ing sys­tem, you can cre­ate a vari­able for that folder and use this instead. This way, each of your col­leagues can put the library project in a dif­fer­ent folder and accom­mo­date for that by adjust­ing the vari­able :) )
Right click the folder, “Build Path” -> “Use as Source Folder”. Done.
Sur­pris­ingly, the GWT plu­gin for Eclipse does not honor the project link­ing, thus all the ref­er­ences need to be made explicit or you will end up with lots of the fol­low­ing: ClassNotFoundException.
GWT doesn't know about that other code because it is not in the client directory of your project. You need to add the source path for the other code to the .gwt.xml file. Just added it to the xml as follows
<source path="common" />
common is the directory where the extra code is for this example.
Check out the XML Element Reference section of this doc
In your gwt project, go to properties, Java build path, source, click "link source" and point to your non-gwt project source package that you wish to include.
Edit: Found a eclipse fix. Run config > Classpath > Advanced > Add folder > otherproject/src .
Reason: Eclipse adds the bin folders of exported projects. GWT needs the src folders.
Elaborating on my comment.
I am using gwt 2.8 on Eclipse Neon, Java 1.8.0_92. Referring to another project in eclipse fails to launch devmode, because it cannot find the source for referred files from the other project.
What worked:
Switched to 'ant devmode' completely. Made the following changes to build.xml:
<target name="gwtc" ...>
<java ...>
<pathelement location="src"/>
<pathelement location="../otherproject/src"/><!-- Added -->
<target name="devmode" ...>
<java ...>
<pathelement location="src"/>
<pathelement location="../otherproject/src"/><!-- Added -->
Now do a production build with 'ant' or start devmode with 'ant devmode'.
Other things I noticed
Using the method in the accepted answer, otherproject/src/foo.gwt.xml is picked up (complains if not available), and static values from classes are picked up. Nothing else is. Very weird.
I understand that the DevMode/gwtc executables pick up sources from their class path. So all that is needed is for eclipse to add referred projects to their class path. I was not able to achieve this but this seems possible. FIXED see top.