Why does let require a vector? - macros

I never really thought about this until I was explaining some clojure code to a coworker who wasn't familiar with clojure. I was explaining let to him when he asked why you use a vector to declare the bindings rather than a list. I didn't really have an answer for him. But the language does restrict you from using lists:
=> (let (x 1) x)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: let requires a vector for its binding (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
Why exactly is this?

Mostly readability, I imagine. Whenever bindings are needed in Clojure, a vector is pretty consistently used. A lot of people agree that vectors for bindings make things flow better, and make it easier to discern what the bindings are and what the running code is.
Just for fun:
user=> (defmacro list-let [bindings & body] `(let ~(vec bindings) ~#body))
user=> (macroexpand-1 '(list-let (x 0) (println x)))
(clojure.core/let [x 0] (println x))
user=> (list-let (x 0 y 1) (println x y))
0 1

This is an idiom from Scheme. In many Scheme implementations, square brackets can be used interchangeably with round parentheses in list literals. In those Scheme implementations, square brackets are often used to distinguish parameter lists, argument lists and bindings from S-expressions or data lists.
In Clojure, parentheses and brackets mean different things, but they are used the same way in binding declarations.

Clojure tries very hard to be consistent. There is no technical reason with a list form could not have been used in let, fn, with-open, etc... In fact, you can create your own my-let easily enough that uses one instead. However, aside from standing out visibly, the vector is used consistently across forms to mean "here are some bindings". You should strive to uphold that ideal in your own code.

my guess is that it's a convention
fn used it, defn used it, loop uses.
it seems that it's for everything that resembles a block of code that has some parameters; more specific, the square brackets are for marking those parameters
other forms for blocks of code don't use it, like if or do. they don't have any parameters

Another way to think about this is that let is simply derived from lambda. These two expressions are equivalent:
((fn [y] (+ y 42)) 10)
(let [y 10] (+ 42 y))
So as an academic or instructional point, you could even write your own very rudimentary version of let that took a list as well as a vector:
(defmacro my-let [x body]
(list (list `fn[(first x)]
(last x)))
(my-let (z 42) (* z z))
although there would be no practical reason to do this.


let vs let* in LISP - is there a difference in efficiency?

This should be a quick one: I've been asking myself often whether there's a difference in efficiency between the LISP special functions let and let*? For instance, are they equivalent when creating only one variable?
As Barmar pointed out, there shouldn't be any performance difference in "production ready" Lisps.
For CLISP, both of these produce the same (bytecode) assembly:
(defun foo (x) (let ((a x) (b (* x 2))) (+ a b)))
(defun bar (x) (let* ((a x) (b (* x 2))) (+ a b)))
Though for non-optimizing, simple interpreters (or also compilers) there could very well be a difference, e.g. because let* and let could be implemented as simple macros, and a single lambda with multiple parameters is probably more efficient than multiple lambdas with a single parameter each:
;; Possible macro expansion for foo's body
(funcall #'(lambda (a b) (+ a b)) x (* x 2))
;; Possible macro expansion for bar's body
(funcall #'(lambda (a) (funcall #'(lambda (b) (+ a b)) (* x 2))) x)
Having multiple lambdas, as well as the (avoidable) closing over a could make the second expansion less "efficient".
When used with only one binding, then there shouldn't be any difference even then, though.
But if you're using an implementation that isn't optimizing let* (or let), then there's probably no point discussing performance at all.
There shouldn't be any performance difference. The only difference between them is the scope of the variables, which is dealt with at compile time. If there's only one variable, there's absolutely no difference.

a `let' binding is not available for subsequent `let' bindings?

I learn Emacs Lisp, because I want to customize my editor and to be clear I am little bit stuck with how Dynamic binding works.
Here is example:
(setq y 2)
(let ((y 1)
(z y))
(list y z))
==> (1 2)
As a result I get back => (1 2)
Please could some one explain what actually going on. I tried to explain it for my self using concept of frames where each frame create local binding, but it seems like here it works in different way.
Why it doesn't take closest value of 'y' in the nearest frame?
If could describe in details what is going here, I will be so happy.
Thanks in advance. Nick.
In emacs lisp (as in many lisps), the values that will be bound in let are computed in parallel, in the environment "outside" the let.
As an example, the following is (approximately) equivalent:
(let ((a b)
(b a))
(funcall (lambda (a b) ...) b a)
If you want to bind things in sequence, you should use let*, which does what you expected let to do.
Your example seems to be taken straight from the Emacs Lisp Reference. If you scroll down to let*, you'll get the explanation:
This special form is like let, but it binds each variable right after
computing its local value, before computing the local value for the
next variable. Therefore, an expression in bindings can refer to the
preceding symbols bound in this let* form. Compare the following
example with the example above for let:
(setq y 2)
⇒ 2
(let* ((y 1)
(z y)) ; Use the just-established value of y.
(list y z))
⇒ (1 1)
The problem is solved if You use let* which allows You to use the let-mentioned vars:
(setq y 2)
(let* ((y 1)
(z y))
(list y z))
==> (1 1)
The value of y you are setting in the let us only in effect in the BODY of the let, it is not yet in effect yet when you set z in the same let statement.

Negative infinity in Lisp

I'm looking for the standard way to represent negative infinity in Lisp. Is there a symblic value which is recognised by Lisp's arithmetic functions as less than all other numbers?
Specifically, I'm looking for an elegant way to write the following:
(defun largest (lst)
"Evaluates to the largest number in lst"
(if (null lst)
(max (car lst) (largest (cdr lst)))))
ANSI Common Lisp has bignum, which can used to represent arbitrarily large numbers as long as you have enough space, but it doesn't specify an "infinity" value. Some implementations may, but that's not part of the standard.
In your case, I think you've got to rethink your approach based on the purpose of your function: finding the largest number in a list. Trying to find the largest number in an empty list is invalid/nonsense, though, so you want to provide for that case. So you can define a precondition, and if it's not met, return nil or raise an error. Which in fact is what the built-in function max does.
(apply #'max '(1 2 3 4)) => 4
(apply #'max nil) => error
EDIT: As pointed by Rainer Joswig, Common Lisp doesn't allow arbitrarily long argument lists, thus it is best to use reduce instead of apply.
(reduce #'max '(1 2 3 4))
There is nothing like that in ANSI Common Lisp. Common Lisp implementations (and even math applications) differ in their representation of negative infinity.
For example in LispWorks for double floats:

Trouble with this macro

Embarrassingly enough, I'm having some trouble designing this macro correctly.
This is the macro as I have it written:
(defmacro construct-vertices
[xs ys]
(cons 'draw-line-strip
(map #(list vertex %1 %2) xs ys)))
It needs to take in two collections or seqs, xs and ys, and I need it to give me…
(draw-line-strip (vertex 0 1) (vertex 1 1)
(vertex 3 3) (vertex 5 6)
(vertex 7 8))
…for xs = [0 1 3 5 7] and ys = [1 1 3 6 8].
This works just fine if I give my macro plain 'n' simple vectors (e.g. [1 2 3 4] and [2 3 4 5]) but doesn't work if I give it a lazy-seq/anything that needs to be evaluated like (take 16 (iterate #(+ 0.1 %1) 0)) and (take 16 (cycle [0 -0.1 0 0.1])))).
I realize that this is because these are passed to the macro unevaluated, and so I get, for example, (vertex take take) as my first result (I do believe). Unfortunately, everything I've tried to first evaluate these and then carry out my macro-rewriting has failed/looked terribly hacky.
I'm sure I'm missing some sort of basic syntax-quote/unquote pattern here–I'd love some help/pointers!
Thanks so much.
EDIT I should mention, draw-line-strip is a macro, and vertex creates an OpenGL vertex; they are both part of the Penumbra Clojure+OpenGL library.
EDIT 2 This is for a custom graphing tool I need, and the primary motivation for creating it was to be faster than JFreeCharts and company.
EDIT 3 I suppose I should note that I do have a macro version working, it's just horrid and hacky as I mentioned above. It uses eval, as demonstrated below, but like this:
(defmacro construct-vertices
[xs ys]
(cons 'draw-line-strip
(map #(list vertex %1 %2) (eval xs) (eval ys))))
Unfortunately, I get…
error: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Invalid this class index 3171 in constant pool in class file tl/core$draw_l$fn__9357 (core.clj:14)
…when using this with a few thousand-item long list(s). This is because I'm writing far too much into the pre-compiled code, and the classfile can't handle (I suppose) that much data/code. It looks like I need to, somehow, obtain a function version of draw-line-strip, as has been suggested.
I'm still open, however, to a more elegant, less hackish, macro solution to this problem. If one exists!
I looked at the macro expansion for draw-line-strip and noticed that it just wraps the body in a binding, gl-begin, and gl-end. So you can put whatever code inside it you want.
(defn construct-vertices [xs ys]
(dorun (map #(vertex %1 %2) xs ys))))
should work.
Why not something like this, using function instead of macro:
(defn construct-vertices [xs ys]
(apply draw-line-strip (map #(list vertex %1 %2) xs ys)))
That should call draw-line-strip with required args. This example is not the best fit for macros, which shouldn't be used where functions can do.
Note: I didn't try it since I don't have slime set up on this box.
EDIT: Looking again, I don't know if you want to evaluate vertex before calling draw-line-strip. In that case function will look like:
(defn construct-vertices [xs ys]
(apply draw-line-strip (map #(vertex %1 %2) xs ys)))
If you really need draw-line-strip to be a macro and you want a fully general method of doing what the question text describes and you don't care too much about a bit of a performance hit, you could use eval:
(defn construct-vertices [xs ys]
(eval `(draw-line-strip ~#(map #(list 'vertex %1 %2) xs ys))))
; ^- not sure what vertex is
; and thus whether you need this quote
Note that this is terrible style unless it is really necessary.
This looks like a typical problem with some of the macro systems in Lisp. The usual Lisp literature applies. For example On Lisp by Paul Graham (uses Common Lisp).
Usually a macro uses the source it encloses and generates new source. If a macro call is (foo bar), and the macro should generate something different based on the value of bar, then this is generally not possible, since the value of bar is generally not available for the compiler. BAR really has only a value at runtime, not when the compiler expands the macros. So one would need to generate the right code at runtime - which might be possible, but which is usually seen as bad style.
In these macro systems macros can't be applied. A typical solution looks like this (Common Lisp):
(apply (lambda (a b c)
(a-macro-with-three-args a b c))
It is not always possible to use above solution, though. For example when the number of arguments varies.
It's also not a good idea that DRAW-LINE-STRIP is a macro. It should better be written as a function.

extract/slice/reorder lists in (emacs) lisp?

In python, you might do something like
i = (0, 3, 2)
x = [x+1 for x in range(0,5)]
to get (1, 4, 3).
In (emacs) lisp, I wrote this function called extract which does something similar,
(defun extract (elems seq)
(mapcar (lambda (x) (nth x seq)) elems))
(extract '(0 3 2) (number-sequence 1 5))
but I feel like there should be something built in? All I know is first, last, rest, nth, car, cdr... What's the way to go? ~ Thanks in advance ~
If your problem is the speed then use (vector 1 2 3 4 5) instead of a list, and (aref vec index) to get the element.
(defun extract (elems seq)
(let ((av (vconcat seq)))
(mapcar (lambda (x) (aref av x)) elems)))
If you're going to extract from the same sequence many times of course it make sense to store the sequence in a vector just once.
Python lists are indeed one-dimensional arrays, the equivalent in LISP are vectors.
I've only done simple scripting in elisp, but it's a relatively small language. And extract is a very inefficient function on linked lists, which is the default data structure in emacs lisp. So it's unlikely to be built-in.
Your solution is the best straightforward one. It's n^2, but to make it faster requires a lot more code.
Below is a guess at how it might work, but it might also be totally off base:
sort elems (n log n)
create a map that maps elements in sorted elem to their indices in original elem (probably n log n, maybe n)
iterate through seq and sorted elem. Keep only the indices in sorted elem (probably n, maybe n log n, depending on whether it's a hash map or a tree map)
sort the result by the values of the elem mapping (n log n)
From My Lisp Experiences and the Development of GNU Emacs:
There were people in those days, in 1985, who had one-megabyte machines without virtual memory. They wanted to be able to use GNU Emacs. This meant I had to keep the program as small as possible.
For instance, at the time the only looping construct was ‘while’, which was extremely simple. There was no way to break out of the ‘while’ statement, you just had to do a catch and a throw, or test a variable that ran the loop. That shows how far I was pushing to keep things small. We didn't have ‘caar’ and ‘cadr’ and so on; “squeeze out everything possible” was the spirit of GNU Emacs, the spirit of Emacs Lisp, from the beginning.
Obviously, machines are bigger now, and we don't do it that way anymore. We put in ‘caar’ and ‘cadr’ and so on, and we might put in another looping construct one of these days.
So my guess is, if you don't see it, it's not there.