sms access project - iphone

i was searching on the net for a method which can inform an incoming message on receivers phone.
but everyone said it is not possible
but there is an app. which is approved from apple
here is the url
if i am not wrong this is doing similar kind of work...(i.e. accessing incoming sms)
please reply i am waiting...
and sorry if i am wrong about the working of that app...

This is not sms, but an alternative chat protocol, most probably using the push notification service.


Is it possible to create an app that auto responds to phone calls with a text message, and auto replies to received texts and emails?

I have not been able to find any information about the topic online, so I am assuming it is not possible, but is there a way to create an app that when turned on will respond to all incoming calls by sending them to voicemail and responding with a text message? I know you can set the reply with message in iOS6, but we would want the message to be sent automatically when the call is recieved, currently the respond with message the user still needs to hit a button when the call comes in to send this. We would also want to respond to any incoming SMS/imessages with a text. As well as reply automatically via email to any incoming emails. If anyone could link me to an apple site or somewhere that says you can't do this? Thanks for your help.
Edit - is there any way to get information about notifications for these items? I was thinking if you can't directly handle the call itself, on a timed loop you could check to see if there were any missed calls or any info relating to those? Thanks
Not unless you want to develop and application for jailbroken phones, which will not be allowed in the Apple App Store.

iOS: Detect SMS / Email Recipients

Is it possible to check how many of the recipients of your mail or sms successfully received the message you are sending? For instance I will send an SMS to 5 people and only 3 people received the message actually, how can I programmatically identify the number of recipients that actually receives my message? Please help me guys.. I'm really stuck with this..
It's not possible. SMS messaging is a one-way data flow. You send the message and the network will try to send it on. There is no receipt mechanism.
When they introduced iMessage, that has a delivery receipt mechanism (although it isn't always 100% correct) and can also mark if it has been read (if the recipient has read receipt turned on). But that isn't available for you to access programatically.
So, the short answer to your question is
For iOS application, the answer may be "NO".
However, I am sorry to disagreed with Nick.
SMS was defined to have two-way communication between Message center and mobile terminal (MT). End user should be allow to read the SMS recipient.
If you want more information, you can check GSM Technical Specification (phase2+).
or in general language as following link:
All the world mobile hand set developer (including Apple) should follow this industrial standard.
I found the "SMS recipient" setting from other mobile device, but NO iPhone.
In short, SMS support 2-way messaging, but Apple do follow the rule.
For your information, but NOT yet evaluated:
If build the SMS with your own application, you can try to add "heading" before as following link. Please share with us for you test with the message in this page after you try.
As I want to have the answer too, so I just google around.
and found a answer seem make sense.
This is the answer from offical iOS developer guide.
Wish this can help.
If the user requests that the message be sent, the system queues it for delivery and invokes the delegate object’s messageComposeViewController:didFinishWithResult: method. The result is one of “sent,” “cancelled,” or “failed.”

Sending and receiving sms in backend of iPhone

I am new to iPhone application development. In the application that I am developing for iPhone there is a module which sends the sms without knowing to the user to my sms server and gets the response and displays the result. Is there any way to send and receive sms message in app?
Thanks in advance.
You should use data instead of SMS.
SMS are not a way to send information between a client and a server, but Internet is. And by using data, you also get a much more reliable transfer protocol (SMS aren't).
You shouldn't send SMS without the agreement of your users, because it can become really costly. Imagine you have a user on vacation in another country, and think that your app is using wifi, while it is using SMS. This user will be really mad when he will get is cellphone bill.
So even if you can do it, I think you shouldn't. And if you really need to do this, be sure that it is really clear to the user that your app is going to send SMS from his phone (with the charge of a normal SMS).
This is not possible with the iPhone SDK as it stands. It's probably not possible with any mobile platform without the user knowing about it as it's an obvious security hole.
I am also working on GPS-based application and I can have the device stop sending SMS back to the user every time the user send an SMS command. I think as long as the SMS is sent, it should be fine.
If the user wants to see the status of the device, then I might have to establish communication between my server and the device via TCP/UDP and have the iPhone app "parse" the information and display the status. Perhaps the best way is to have the server respond to the iPhone app saying "The device received your SMS command" and display it on the app so that the user knows his/her SMS were sent.
But yes, if we could get the location via SMS, then I could send those coordinates to the Google Maps app in the iPhone itself and it would display it for you.
I am the author of an App on Android which does this, called ImHerePlus. Check it out and see if it helps.

Can your iphone app interact with the modem and still be accepted by apple?

I don't want my app to probe the nether parts of the iPhone... just use the modem to send a simple SMS message. Is this a deal-breaker with Apple? Why?
I'm considering a workaround where outgoing SMS are routed to a URL I set up to bounce the message on to the intended recipient. Do you think this is a feasible route to consider?
How to programmatically send SMS on the iPhone?
basically, you can open the sms app but you'll have to route through an (internet-based) sms gateway if you don't want to leave your app to send it.
SMS may be limited by the phone operator. This is a no-go if the user doesn't know a SMS is being sent.
Besides, interacting with something low-level like a device seems to be something Apple wouldn't like.
I don't know enough about phone protocols to be of any other help, though.

how to send SMS/Email from an application

first of all thanks a lot to all of you for past valuable suggestions,we are creating an application where on certain events wants to send email/sms to specified phone number we already tried with the openURL call but it opens the existing inbuilt email/sms application of the iphone.Our requirement is to send sms/email without opening the inbuilt iphone email/sms application is it possible if yes what are the supported API's to achieve it.
thanks in advance.
You can do this with a short code by way of a SMS/MMS aggregator like OpenMarket or as another person has posted you can use the SMS Gateway but this requires the knowledge of the end users carrier name. If your replying to a SMS on the iPhone I believe you can use the API which in turn would give you the carrier id of the incoming SMS message you would like to reply to.
Maybe you could explain your problem a little more so we can better grasp your question.
You can see my other answer from a similar question. Basically you can send an email to the phone if you know the provider. The provider will then format the email into a SMS message.