In Scala, plural object name for a container of public static methods? - scala

I've written a Scala trait, named Cache[A,B], to provide a caching API. The Cache has the following methods, asyncGet(), asyncPut(), asyncPutIfAbsent(), asyncRemove().
I'm going to have a few static methods, such as getOrElseUpdate(key: A)(op: => B). I don't want methods like this as abstract defs in the Cache trait because I don't want each Cache implementation to have to provide an implementation for it, when it can be written once using the async*() methods.
In looking at Google Guava and parts of the Java library, they place public static functions in a class that is the plural of the interface name, so "Caches" would be the name I would use.
I like this naming scheme actually, even though I could use a Cache companion object. In looking at much of my code, many of my companion objects contain private val's or def's, so users of my API then need to look through the companion object to see what they can use from there, or anything for that matter.
By having a object named "Caches" is consistent with Java and also makes it clear that there's only public functions in there. I'm leaning towards using "object Caches" instead of "object Cache".
So what do people think?

Scala's traits are not just a different name for Java's interfaces. They may have concrete (implemented) members, both values (val and var) and methods. So if there's a unified / generalized / shared implementation of a method, it can be placed in a trait and need not be replicated or factored into a separate class.

I think the mistake starts with "going to have a few static methods". Why have static methods? If you explain why you need static methods, it will help figure out what the design should be.


When should I use a regular class in Scala?

It seems to me that I can make just about anything using object, trait, abstract class and in rare occasions, case class. Most of this is in the form object extends trait. So, I'm wondering, when should I, if ever, use a plain, standard class?
This is not a right place to ask this question
Looks like you are new Scala
Class is a specification for something(some entity) you want to model . It contains behavior and state
There is only one way to declare so called regular class using keyword class
Both trait and abstract class are used for inheritance.
trait is used for inheritance (generally to put common behavior in there). trait is akin to interface in Java. multiple inheritance possible with traits but not abstract class.
A class can extends one class or abstract class but can mixin any number of traits. Traits can have behavior and state.
case class is a nothing but a class but compiler produces some boilerplate code for us to make things easy and look good.
object is used when you want to declare some class but you want to have single instance of the class in the JVM (remember singleton pattern).
If an object performs stateful computations on its members i.e. its members are declared with vars;
Or, even if its member are only declared with vals but those vals store mutable data structures which can be edited in place, then it should be an ordinary (mutable) class akin to a Java mutable object.
The idiomatic way of using Case classes in Scala is as immutable types i.e. all the constructor arguments are vals. We could use vars but then we lose the advantages of case classes like equality comparisons will break over time.
Some advise from Programming in Scala by Odersky et al on deciding between using traits, abstract classes and concrete classes:
If the behavior will not be reused, then make it a concrete class. It is not reusable behavior after all.
If it might be reused in multiple, unrelated classes, make it a trait.
Only traits can be mixed into different parts of the class hierarchy.
If you want to inherit from it in Java code, use an abstract class.
Since traits with code do not have a close Java analog, it tends to be
awkward to inherit from a trait in a Java class. Inheriting from a
Scala class, meanwhile, is exactly like inheriting from a Java class.
As one exception, a Scala trait with only abstract members translates
directly to a Java interface, so you should feel free to define such
traits even if you expect Java code to inherit from it. See Chapter 29
for more information on working with Java and Scala together.
If you plan to distribute it in compiled form, and you expect outside
groups to write classes inheriting from it, you might lean towards
using an abstract class. The issue is that when a trait gains or loses
a member, any classes that inherit from it must be recompiled, even if
they have not changed. If outside clients will only call into the
behavior, instead of inheriting from it, then using a trait is fine.
If efficiency is very important, lean towards using a class. Most Java
runtimes make a virtual method invocation of a class member a faster
operation than an interface method invocation. Traits get compiled to
interfaces and therefore may pay a slight performance overhead.
However, you should make this choice only if you know that the trait
in question constitutes a performance bottleneck and have evidence
that using a class instead actually solves the problem.
If you still do not know, after considering the above, then start by
making it as a trait. You can always
change it later, and in general using a trait keeps more options open.

Why doesn't Scala have static members inside a class?

I know you can define them indirectly achieve something similar with companion objects but I am wondering why as a language design were statics dropped out of class definitions.
The O in OO stands for "Object", not class. Being object-oriented is all about the objects, or the instances (if you prefer)
Statics don't belong to an object, they can't be inherited, they don't take part in polymorphism. Simply put, statics aren't object-oriented.
Scala, on the other hand, is object oriented. Far more so than Java, which tried particularly hard to behave like C++, in order to attract developers from that language.
They are a hack, invented by C++, which was seeking to bridge the worlds of procedural and OO programming, and which needed to be backwardly compatible with C. It also admitted primitives for similar reasons.
Scala drops statics, and primitives, because they're a relic from a time when ex-procedural developers needed to be placated. These things have no place in any well-designed language that wishes to describe itself as object-oriented.
Concerning why it's important to by truly OO, I'm going to shamelessly copy and paste this snippet from Bill Venners on the mailing list:
The way I look at it, though, is that singleton objects allow you to
do the static things where they are needed in a very concise way, but
also benefit from inheritance when you need to. One example is it is
easier to test the static parts of your program, because you can make
traits that model those parts and use the traits everywhere. Then in
the production program use a singleton object implementations of those
traits, but in tests use mock instances.
Couldn't have put it better myself!
So if you want to create just one of something, then both statics and singletons can do the job. But if you want that one thing to inherit behaviour from somewhere, then statics won't help you.
In my experience, you tend to use that ability far more than you'd have originally thought, especially after you've used Scala for a while.
I also posted this question on scala users google group and Bill Venners one of the authors of "Programming in scala" reply had some insights.
Take a look at this: and
Here is an excerpt:
I think one
goal was simply to be simpler, by having every value be an object,
every operation a method call. Java's statics and primitives are
special cases, which makes the language more "complicated" in some
But another big one I think is to have something you can map Java's
statics to in Scala (because Scala needed some construct that mapped
to Java's statics for interop), but that benefits from OO
inheritance/polymorphism. Singleton objects are real objects. They can
extend a superclass or mix in traits and be passed around as such, yet
they are also "static" in nature. That turns out to be very handy in
Also take a look at this interview with Martin Odersky (scroll down to Object-oriented innovations in Scala section)
Here is an excerpt:
First, we wanted to be a pure object-oriented language, where every value is an object, every operation is a method call, and every variable is a member of some object. So we didn't want statics, but we needed something to replace them, so we created the construct of singleton objects. But even singleton objects are still global structures. So the challenge was to use them as little as possible, because when you have a global structure you can't change it anymore. You can't instantiate it. It's very hard to test. It's very hard to modify it in any way.
To Summarize:
From a functional programming perspective static members are generally considered bad (see this post by Gilad Bracha - the father of java generics. It mainly has to do with side effects because of global state). But scala had to find a way to be interoperable with Java (so it had to support statics) and to minimize (although not totally avoid) global states that is created because of statics, scala decided to isolate them into companion objects.
Companion objects also have the benefit of being extensible, ie. take advantage of inheritance and mixin composition (separate from emulating static functionality for interop).
These are the things that pop into my head when I think about how statics could complicate things:
1) Inheritance as well as polymorphism would require special rules. Here is an example:
// This is Java
public class A {
public static int f() {
return 10;
public class B extends A {
public static int f() {
return 5;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
A ba = new B();
If you are 100% sure about what gets printed out, good for you. The rest of us can safely rely on mighty tools like #Override annotation, which is of course optional and the friendly "The static method f() from the type A should be accessed in a static way" warning. This leads us to
2) The "static way" of accessing stuff is a further special rule, which complicates things.
3) Static members cannot be abstract. I guess you can't have everything, right?
And again, these are just things which came to my mind after I gave the matter some thought for a couple of minutes. I bet there are a bunch of other reasons, why statics just don't fit into the OO paradigm.
It's true, static member don't exists, BUT, it's possible to associate a singleton object to each class:
class MyClass {
object MyClass {
to obtain similar results
Object oriented programming is all about objects and its states(Not touching state full and stateless objects in Java). I’m trying to stress “Static does not belong to objects”. Static fields cannot be used to represent a state of an object so it’s rational to pull off from objects.

When to use an abstract class with no interface?

Whenever I create an abstract class I tend to create an interface to go along with it and have other code refer to the interface and not the abstract class. Usually when I don't create an interface to start with I regret it (such as having to override all implimented methods to stub the class for unit testing or later down the line new classes don't need any of the implimentation and override everything also finding themselves unable to extend any other class).
At first I tried to distinguish when to use an interface and when to use an abstract class by considering is-a vs able-to but I still would end up suffering later down the line for not making an interface to start with.
So the question is when is it a good idea to only have an abstract class and no interface at all?
When you wish to "give" some base class functionality to derived classes but when this functionality is not sufficient to instantiate a usable class, then go for abstract classes.
When you wish that some classes completely implement a set of methods (a public contract), then it is a convenient to define such contract with interfaces and enforce them onto classes by making them inherit this interface.
In short:
With abstract classes you give some common base functionality to derived classes. No further actions are necessary unless abstract class has some stubs (which have to be implemented down there).
With interfaces you require derived classes to implement a set of functions and you do not pass along any implementation.
So the question is when is it a good idea to only have an abstract class and no interface at all?
When you do not wish to enforce any public contract (a set of methods/properties defined by an interface).
Also when you do not plan to use certain coding techniques like casting object to an interface type (run-time polymorphism) or limit allowed input (some method argument will only accept object of types which implement certain interfaces).
Well, the main case it is useful to have only an abstract class without any interface is to mark a certain type. It is useful to be able to check if an object "is-a" something. These interface "mark" an objet to be of a certain type. Depending on the language you use, different design patterns apply ...
These sort of abstract classes exist in java. You can also use them in C++ with RTTI.

Pseudo-multiple-inheritance with extension methods on interfaces in C#?

Similar question but not quite the same thing
I was thinking that with extension methods in the same namespace as the interface you could get a similar effect to multiple inheritance in that you don't need to have duplicate code implementing the same interface the same way in 10 different classes.
What are some of the downsides of doing this? I think the pros are pretty obvious, it's the cons that usually come back to bite you later on.
One of the cons I see is that the extension methods can't be virtual, so you need to be sure that you actually do want them implemented the same way for every instance.
The problem that I see with building interface capability via extension methods is that you are no longer actually implementing the interface and so can't use the object as the interface type.
Say I have a method that takes an object of type IBar. If I implement the IBar interface on class Foo via extension methods, then Foo doesn't derive from IBar and can't be used interchangeably with it (Liskov Substitution principle). Sure, I get the behavior that I want added to Foo, but I lose the most important aspect of creating interfaces in the first place -- being able to define an abstract contract that can be implemented in a variety of ways by various classes so that dependent classes need not know about concrete implementations.
If I needed multiple inheritance (and so far I've lived without it) badly enough, I think I'd use composition instead to minimize the amount of code duplication.
A decent way to think about this is that instance methods are something done by the object, while extension methods are something done to the object. I am fairly certain the Framework Design Guidelines say you should implement an instance method whenever possible.
An interface declares "I care about using this functionality, but not how it is accomplished." That leaves implementers the freedom to choose the how. It decouples the intent, a public API, from the mechanism, a class with concrete code.
As this is the main benefit of interfaces, implementing them entirely as extension methods seems to defeat their purpose. Even IEnumerable<T> has an instance method.
Edit: Also, objects are meant to act on the data they contain. Extension methods can only see an object's public API (as they are just static methods); you would have to expose all of an object's state to make it work (an OO no-no).

What is an empty interface used for

I am looking at nServiceBus and came over this interface
namespace NServiceBus
public interface IMessage
What is the use of an empty interface?
Usually it's to signal usage of a class. You can implement IMessage to signal that your class is a message. Other code can then use reflection to see if your objects are meant to be used as messages and act accordingly.
This is something that was used in Java a lot before they had annotations. In .Net it's cleaner to use attributes for this.
#Stimpy77 Thanks! I hadn't thought of it that way.
I hope you'll allow me to rephrase your comment in a more general way.
Annotations and attributes have to be checked at runtime using reflection. Empty interfaces can be checked at compile-time using the type-system in the compiler. This brings no overhead at runtime at all so it is faster.
Also known as a Marker Interface:
In java Serializable is the perfect example for this. It defines no methods but every class that "implements" it has to make sure, that it is really serializable and holds no reference to things that cannot be serialized, like database connections, open files etc.
In Java, empty interfaces were usually used for "tagging" classes - these days annotations would normally be used.
It's just a way of adding a bit of metadata to a class saying, "This class is suitable for <this> kind of use" even when no common members will be involved.
Normally it's similar to attributes. Using attributes is a preferred to empty interfaces (at least as much as FxCop is aware). However .NET itself uses some of these interfaces like IRequiresSessionState and IReadOnlySessionState. I think there is performance loss in metadata lookup when you use attributes that made them use interfaces instead.
An empty interface acts simply as a placeholder for a data type no better specified in its interface behaviour.
In Java, the mechanism of the interface extension represents a good example of use. For example, let's say that we've the following
interface one {}
interface two {}
interface three extends one, two {}
Interface three will inherit the behaviour of 'one' and 'two', and so
class four implements three { ... }
has to specify the two methods, being of type 'three'.
As you can see, from the above example, empty interface can be seen also as a point of multiple inheritance (not allowed in Java).
Hoping this helps to clarify with a further viewpoint.
They're called "Mark Interfaces" and are meant to signal instances of the marked classes.
For example... in C++ is a common practice to mark as "ICollectible" objects so they can be stored in generic non typed collections.
So like someone over says, they're to signal some object supported behavior, like ability to be collected, serialized, etc.
Been working with NServiceBus for the past year. While I wouldn't speak for Udi Dahan my understanding is that this interface is indeed used as a marker primarily.
Though I'd suggest you ask the man himself if he'd had thoughts of leaving this for future extension. My bet is no, as the mantra seems to be to keep messages very simple or at least practically platform agnostic.
Others answer well on the more general reasons for empty interfaces.
I'd say its used for "future" reference or if you want to share some objects, meaning you could have 10 classes each implementing this interface.
And have them sent to a function for work on them, but if the interface is empty, I'd say its just "pre"-work.
Empty interfaces are used to document that the classes that implement a given interface have a certain behaviour
For example in java the Cloneable interface in Java is an empty interface. When a class implements the Cloneable interface you know that you can call run the clone() on it.
Empty interfaces are used to mark the class, at run time type check can be performed using the interfaces.
For example
An application of marker interfaces from the Java programming language is the Serializable interface. A class implements this interface to indicate that its non-transient data members can be written to an ObjectOutputStream. The ObjectOutputStream private method writeObject() contains a series of instanceof tests to determine writeability, one of which looks for the Serializable interface. If any of these tests fails, the method throws a NotSerializableException.
An empty interface can be used to classify classes under a specific purpose. (Marker Interface)
Example : Database Entities
public interface IEntity {
public class Question implements IEntity {
// Implementation Goes Here
public class Answer implements IEntity {
// Implementation Goes Here
For Instance, If you will be using Generic Repository(ex. IEntityRepository), using generic constraints, you can prevent the classes that do not implement the IEntity interface from being sent by the developers.