Non integrated change lists between two branches - perl

when I use the following command in command line it's giving list of non integrated change lists.
p4 interchanges -t $branch1 #$date1, #$date2 $branch2 > changes.txt
But when I use this command in a Perl script as below it's not giving output:
$cmd = system ("p4 interchanges -t $branch1 #$date1, #$date2 $branch2 > changes.txt");
The output message in commandline is some error as given below:
branch1, - all revision(s) already integrated.
The issue is because of the comma used between date1 and date2? How to use this command in a Perl script?

This is why it is so important to turn on the strict and warnings pragmas. The string "#$date1" does not mean what you think it does. It is trying to dereference $data1 as a an array. Because strict isn't on it is treating the contents of $date1 as a symbolic reference. If you had turned on strict you would have seen an error message like:
Can't use string ("2010-08-30") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at line 10.
You should probably say this instead:
system "p4 interchanges -t $branch1\#$date1,\#$date2 $branch2 > changes.txt";
if ($?) {
die "saw exit code: ", $? >> 8;
You may also have a problem if you expect $branch1, $date1, etc. to be shell variables instead of Perl variables. In that case you should say:
system "p4 interchanges -t $ENV{branch1}\#$ENV{date1},\#$ENV{date2} $ENV{branch2} > changes.txt";
if ($?) {
die "saw exit code: ", $? >> 8;

If you're going to be doing a lot of Perforce with Perl, try the P4Perl, which wraps Perforce in a Perl-native API.
Cribbing from the documentation, your system() call could be implemented as:
use P4;
my $p4 = new P4;
$p4->SetClient( $clientname );
$p4->SetPort ( $p4port );
$p4->SetPassword( $p4password );
$p4->Connect() or die( "Failed to connect to Perforce Server" );
my $c = $p4->Run( "interchanges", "-t", $branch1, "#".$date1, "#".$date2, $branch2 );
$c will contain an array reference with each of the unintegrated changelists.


Using single quotes inside argument to recursive system bash call

I have a Perl script which needs to run another Perl script using the system command. However, has been aliased in ~/.bashrc so I need to ensure that it is run after ~/.bashrc has been loaded. I can achieve this by using bash with the -lc option.
For this question, I simplify the problem as much as I think is needed, by considering the following version of
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dump qw(dd dump);
say "Received \#ARGV: " . dump #ARGV;
and here is
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dump qw(dd dump);
my $cmd = qq( --opt='This option contains '"'"'single'"'"' quotes');
say "cmd = " . dump($cmd);
system( "$cmd" );
say "-----";
system( 'bash -c ' . "$cmd" );
say "-----";
system( 'bash -c ' . "'$cmd'" );
say "-----";
system( "bash -c \"$cmd\"" );
gives output:
cmd = " --opt='This option contains '\"'\"'single'\"'\"' quotes'"
Received #ARGV: "--opt=This option contains 'single' quotes"
Received #ARGV: ()
Received #ARGV: "--opt=This"
Received #ARGV: "--opt=This option contains single quotes"
We see that this works fine, when is run directly without using bash -c. When I use bash -c to run the command, none of the three alternatives are working correctly.
How can I run with an argument containing single quotes and at the same time using using bash -c ?
You should avoid this quoting madness at first place but if you insist, you should avoid at least one level of quoting by using system ARRAY version.
my $cmd = q{ --opt='This option contains '"'"'single'"'"' quotes'};
system( qw(bash -c), $cmd );
It makes it only one level of quoting madness.
my $option = q{This option contains 'single' quotes} =~ s/'/'"'"'/gr; # '
my $cmd = qq{ --opt='$option'};
system( qw(bash -c), $cmd );
There you can make some simple helper
sub sq ($) { "'" . $_[0] =~ s/'/'"'"'/gr . "'" } # "
my $option = q{This option contains 'single' quotes};
my $cmd = qq{ --opt=#{[sq $option]}};
system( qw(bash -c), $cmd );
After some trial and error, I arrived at:
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $cmd = qq( --opt='This option contains '"'"'single'"'"' quotes');
$cmd =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
system( 'bash -c ' . "'$cmd'" );
It seems to work, for this test case at least..
This also follows the approach suggested by #ysth in this answer:

Capture the output of Perl's 'system()'

I need to run a shell command with system() in Perl. For example,
The system call will print to STDOUT, but I want to capture the output into a variable so that I can do future processing with my Perl code.
That's what backticks are for. From perldoc perlfaq8:
Why can't I get the output of a command with system()?
You're confusing the purpose of system() and backticks (``). system()
runs a command and returns exit status information (as a 16 bit value:
the low 7 bits are the signal the process died from, if any, and the
high 8 bits are the actual exit value). Backticks (``) run a command
and return what it sent to STDOUT.
my $exit_status = system("mail-users");
my $output_string = `ls`;
See perldoc perlop for more details.
IPC::Run is my favourite module for this kind of task. Very powerful and flexible, and also trivially simple for small cases.
use IPC::Run 'run';
run [ "command", "arguments", "here" ], ">", \my $stdout;
# Now $stdout contains output
Simply use similar to the Bash example:
$variable=`some_command some args`;
That's all. Notice, you will not see any printings to STDOUT on the output because this is redirected to a variable.
This example is unusable for a command that interact with the user, except when you have prepared answers. For that, you can use something like this using a stack of shell commands:
$variable=`cat answers.txt|some_command some args`;
Inside the answers.txt file you should prepare all answers for some_command to work properly.
I know this isn't the best way for programming :) But this is the simplest way how to achieve the goal, specially for Bash programmers.
Of course, if the output is bigger (ls with subdirectory), you shouldn't get all output at once. Read the command by the same way as you read a regular file:
open CMD,'-|','your_command some args' or die $#;
my $line;
while (defined($line=<CMD>)) {
print $line; # Or push #table,$line or do whatever what you want processing line by line
close CMD;
An additional extended solution for processing a long command output without extra Bash calling:
my #CommandCall=qw(find / -type d); # Some example single command
my $commandSTDOUT; # File handler
my $pid=open($commandSTDOUT),'-|'); # There will be an implicit fork!
if ($pid) {
#parent side
my $singleLine;
while(defined($singleline=<$commandSTDOUT>)) {
chomp $line; # Typically we don't need EOL
close $commandSTDOUT; # In this place $? will be set for capture
$exitcode=$? >> 8;
} else {
# Child side, there you really calls a command
open STDERR, '>>&', 'STDOUT'; # Redirect stderr to stdout if needed. It works only for child - remember about fork
exec(#CommandCall); # At this point the child code is overloaded by an external command with parameters
die "Cannot call #CommandCall"; # Error procedure if the call will fail
If you use a procedure like that, you will capture all procedure output, and you can do everything processing line by line. Good luck :)
I wanted to run system() instead of backticks because I wanted to see the output of rsync --progress. However, I also wanted to capture the output in case something goes wrong depending on the return value. (This is for a backup script). This is what I am using now:
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Term::ANSIColor qw(colored colorstrip);
sub mysystem {
my $cmd = shift; # "rsync -avz --progress -h $fullfile $copyfile";
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile();
# I want to have rsync progress output on the terminal AND capture it in case of error.
# Need to use pipefail because 'tee' would be the last cmd otherwise and hence $? would be wrong.
my #cmd = ("bash", "-c", "set -o pipefail && $cmd 2>&1 | tee $filename");
my $ret = system(#cmd);
my $outerr = join('', <$fh>);
if ($ret != 0) {
logit(colored("ERROR: Could not execute command: $cmd", "red"));
logit(colored("ERROR: stdout+stderr = $outerr", "red"));
logit(colored("ERROR: \$? = $?, \$! = $!", "red"));
close $fh;
return $ret;
# And logit() is something like:
sub logit {
my $s = shift;
my ($logsec, $logmin, $loghour, $logmday, $logmon, $logyear, $logwday, $logyday, $logisdst) = localtime(time);
$logyear += 1900;
my $logtimestamp = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $logyear, $logmon+1, $logmday, $loghour, $logmin, $logsec);
my $msg = "$logtimestamp $s\n";
print $msg;
open LOG, ">>$LOGFILE";
print LOG colorstrip($msg);
close LOG;

How do I make Perl’s system() format arguments using scientific notation?

From my Perl program, I am trying to run another command written in C using system. The command requires several arguments: a string, a float, two integers, a pair of floats, and another string. I am running this as
my $arg1="electron";
my $arg2=0.511;
# more definitions
system("./fermions $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4 " .
"$arg5 $arg6 \"string\" > outfile.out");
I need to vary $arg5 to be several different float values. I made it work by setting $arg5="1.0e5" and then running an if-statement in the for-loop to change the value as a string. I would like to be able to do this as floats, and tried
system("./fermions $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4 " .
"%e $arg6 \"string\" >outfile.out",
but that did not work. Is there another alternative, or is my if-statement option the only one?
If you want to use printf notation (like "%e"), you need to use the Perl sprintf builtin. Otherwise you just end up passing "%e" as a literal argument.
Important: You should always check the return value from Perl’s system function to determine whether the command failed.
Use Perl’s sprintf to format the float values as in the code below. Yes, you may be able to get away with using the command as your format specifier, but you’re likely to get surprising results if the command has stray % characters elsewhere. Using two steps is safer.
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my #float_values = (1.0e5, 3.14159, 2.71828);
for my $f (#float_values) {
my $arg5 = sprintf "%e", $f;
system(qq[./fermions $arg5 "string" >> outfile.out]) == 0
or warn "$0: fermions failed";
In case you aren’t familiar with the syntax, qq[...] works like a double-quoted string, but the different delimiter means you don’t have to escape double-quotes in your command.
Note that I elided the other arguments for typographical purposes, but you can interpolate them along with the value of $arg5. Another subtle change is the switch to >> for appending rather than > for clobbering.
Using a stand-in for fermions
#! /usr/bin/env perl
$" = "][";
warn "[#ARGV]\n";
the output of the two programs running together is
With respect to terminology, a system call refers to a low-level request for service from the operating system, e.g., open, close, unlink, and so on. Although Perl’s system function makes use of system calls, the two concepts are distinct.
To be really safe about the shell not fudging your command-line arguments, use the techniques described in the “Safe Pipe Opens” section of perlipc. Perl’s system and exec functions bypass the shell when given a list of arguments rather than a single string containing the entire command.
Your situation is a little trickier because you want to redirect the standard output. The code below forks a child, sets the child’s STDOUT to append to outfile.out, and then runs fermion with exec in the child. The parent waits for the child to exit and reports any failure.
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my #float_values = (1.0e5, 3.14159, 2.71828);
for my $f (#float_values) {
my $arg5 = sprintf "%e", $f;
my $pid = fork;
if (defined $pid) {
if ($pid == 0) {
my $path = "outfile.out";
open STDOUT, ">>", $path or die "$0: open $path: $!";
exec "./fermions", $arg5, "string" or die "$0: exec: $!";
else {
local $!;
my $pid = waitpid $pid, 0;
warn "$0: waitpid: $!" if $pid == -1 && $!;
warn "$0: fermion exited " . ($? >> 8) if $?;
else {
die "$0: fork: $!";

perl backticks: use bash instead of sh

I noticed that when I use backticks in perl the commands are executed using sh, not bash, giving me some problems.
How can I change that behavior so perl will use bash?
PS. The command that I'm trying to run is:
paste filename <(cut -d \" \" -f 2 filename2 | grep -v mean) >> filename3
The "system shell" is not generally mutable. See perldoc -f exec:
If there is more than one argument in LIST, or if LIST is an array with more than one value, calls execvp(3) with the arguments in LIST. If
there is only one scalar argument or an array with one element in it, the argument is checked for shell metacharacters, and if there are any, the
entire argument is passed to the system's command shell for parsing (this is "/bin/sh -c" on Unix platforms, but varies on other platforms).
If you really need bash to perform a particular task, consider calling it explicitly:
my $result = `/usr/bin/bash command arguments`;
or even:
open my $bash_handle, '| /usr/bin/bash' or die "Cannot open bash: $!";
print $bash_handle 'command arguments';
You could also put your bash commands into a .sh file and invoke that directly:
my $result = `/usr/bin/bash`;
`bash -c \"your command with args\"`
I am fairly sure the argument of -c is interpreted the way bash interprets its command line. The trick is to protect it from sh - that's what quotes are for.
This example works for me:
$ perl -e 'print `/bin/bash -c "echo <(pwd)"`'
To deal with running bash and nested quotes, this article provides the best solution: How can I use bash syntax in Perl's system()?
my #args = ( "bash", "-c", "diff <(ls -l) <(ls -al)" );
I thought perl would honor the $SHELL variable, but then it occurred to me that its behavior might actually depend on your system's exec implementation. In mine, it seems that exec
will execute the shell
(/bin/sh) with the path of the
file as its first argument.
You can always do qw/bash your-command/, no?
Create a perl subroutine:
sub bash { return `cat << 'EOF' | /bin/bash\n$_[0]\nEOF\n`; }
And use it like below:
my $bash_cmd = 'paste filename <(cut -d " " -f 2 filename2 | grep -v mean) >> filename3';
print &bash($bash_cmd);
Or use perl here-doc for multi-line commands:
$bash_cmd = <<'EOF';
for (( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )); do
echo "${i}"
print &bash($bash_cmd);
I like to make some function btck (which integrates error checking) and bash_btck (which uses bash):
use Carp;
sub btck ($)
# Like backticks but the error check and chomp() are integrated
my $cmd = shift;
my $result = `$cmd`;
$? == 0 or confess "backtick command '$cmd' returned non-zero";
return $result;
sub bash_btck ($)
# Like backticks but use bash and the error check and chomp() are
# integrated
my $cmd = shift;
my $sqpc = $cmd; # Single-Quote-Protected Command
$sqpc =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
my $bc = "bash -c '$sqpc'";
return btck($bc);
One of the reasons I like to use bash is for safe pipe behavior:
sub safe_btck ($)
return bash_btck('set -o pipefail && '.shift);

How can Perl's system() print the command that it's running?

In Perl, you can execute system commands using system() or `` (backticks). You can even capture the output of the command into a variable. However, this hides the program execution in the background so that the person executing your script can't see it.
Normally this is useful but sometimes I want to see what is going on behind the scenes. How do you make it so the commands executed are printed to the terminal, and those programs' output printed to the terminal? This would be the .bat equivalent of "#echo on".
I don't know of any default way to do this, but you can define a subroutine to do it for you:
sub execute {
my $cmd = shift;
print "$cmd\n";
my $cmd = $ARGV[0];
And then see it in action:
pbook:~/foo rudd$ perl ls
file1 file2
As I understand, system() will print the result of the command, but not assign it. Eg.
[daniel#tux /]$ perl -e '$ls = system("ls"); print "Result: $ls\n"'
bin dev home lost+found misc net proc sbin srv System tools var
boot etc lib media mnt opt root selinux sys tmp usr
Result: 0
Backticks will capture the output of the command and not print it:
[daniel#tux /]$ perl -e '$ls = `ls`; print "Result: $ls\n"'
Result: bin
Update: If you want to print the name of the command being system() 'd as well, I think Rudd's approach is good. Repeated here for consolidation:
sub execute {
my $cmd = shift;
print "$cmd\n";
my $cmd = $ARGV[0];
Use open instead. Then you can capture the output of the command.
print LS;
Here's an updated execute that will print the results and return them:
sub execute {
my $cmd = shift;
print "$cmd\n";
my $ret = `$cmd`;
print $ret;
return $ret;
Hmm, interesting how different people are answering this different ways. It looks to me like mk and Daniel Fone interpreted it as wanting to see/manipulate the stdout of the command (neither of their solutions capture stderr fwiw). I think Rudd got closer. One twist you could make on Rudd's response is to overwite the built in system() command with your own version so that you wouldn't have to rewrite existing code to use his execute() command.
using his execute() sub from Rudd's post, you could have something like this at the top of your code:
if ($DEBUG) {
*{"CORE::GLOBAL::system"} = \&{"main::execute"};
I think that will work but I have to admit this is voodoo and it's been a while since I wrote this code. Here's the code I wrote years ago to intercept system calls on a local (calling namespace) or global level at module load time:
# importing into either the calling or global namespace _must_ be
# done from import(). Doing it elsewhere will not have desired results.
if ($do_system) {
if ($do_system eq 'local') {
*{"$callpkg\::system"} = \&{"$_package\::system"};
} else {
*{"CORE::GLOBAL::system"} = \&{"$_package\::system"};
Another technique to combine with the others mentioned in the answers is to use the tee command. For example:
open(F, "ls | tee /dev/tty |");
while (<F>) {
print length($_), "\n";
This will both print out the files in the current directory (as a consequence of tee /dev/tty) and also print out the length of each filename read.