fsolve with solution bounds - matlab

Is there a way to use fsolve in MATLAB, specifying a bound for the solution? i.e. all solution variables > 0

Not directly, but one solution to this problem is to add a term to your equation which constrains your problem.
I don't have the optimization toolbox, so I can't give you a specific example using fsolve, but here's how I would do it with fminsearch, which has the same issue.
myFun = #(args) abs( sin(args(1)) + cos(args(2)) )
fminsearch(myFun, [0, 0])
ans =
-0.8520 0.7188
But if I want to constrain my problem to positive solutions
myFun = #(args) abs(sin(args(1)) + cos(args(2))) + (args(1)<0) + (args(2)<0)
fminsearch(myFun, [0, 0])
ans =
0.0000 1.5708
There should be a way to tweak your equation similarly to solve your problem.

You should be using lsqnonlin, which is very much like fsolve, but allows you to specify bound constraints.
Another approach is to use a transformation of variables. For example, to enforce x>=0, then instead of solving F(x)=0 w.r.t. x, solve F(z.^2)=0 w.r.t. z and then use x=z.^2 as your solution. This has a few subtle hazards. For example, you must avoid using z(i)=0 as the initial guess, but it often works.

No. However, instead of solving for F(x)=0, you can minimize abs(F(x)) using e.g. FMINBND.
Unfortunately, fminbnd does not seem to support array-valued arguments (which I assume is what you want). For this to work, you need to turn to FMINCON from the optimization toolbox.


Matlab: Solving a linear system of anonymous functions

I have a system of equations...
dF(a,b,c)/da = 0;
dF(a,b,c)/db = 0;
dF(a,b,c)/dc = 0;
where a,b,c are unknown variable constants and dF/d* are anonymous functions of the variables. I have to solve for a,b and c in an optimization problem. When the system reduces to just one equation, I use Matlab's fzero to solve for the variable and it works. For example
var_a = fzero(#(a) dF(a)/da,0);
After noticing that fzero and fsolve give dramatically different answers for some cases I did some searching. From what I gather, fzero only works for a single equation of a single variable? So moving to a system of equations, I'd like to choose the most appropriate method. I've used Matlab's solve in the past, but I believe that is for symbolic expressions only? What is the best method for solving a linear system of anonymous functions, which all equal zero?
I tried the following, and got back results
vars = fsolve(#(V)[dF(V)/da;dF(V)/db;dF(V)/dc],zeros(1,3));
where vars contains all 3 variables, but after reading the examples in the previous link, Fsolve couldn't exactly find the zeros for x^2 and x^3. The solution vector in the system I presented above is all zeros and the functions are polynomials. Putting this all together, I'm wondering if fsolve isn't the best choice?
Can I build a system of calls to fzero? Something along the lines of
vars = [fzero(#(a) dF(a,b,c)/da,0);
fzero(#(b) dF(a,b,c)/db,0);
fzero(#(c) dF(a,b,c)/dc,0)];
which I don't think would work (how would each dF/d* get the other 2 variable inputs?) or would it?
Any thoughts?
You can numerically solve to minimize any function using 'lsqnonlin'. To adopt this for a system of equations, simply turn them into a single function with a vector input. Something like this:
fToMinimize = #(abc) ...
(dF(ABC(1),ABC(2),ABC(3))/da)^2 +...
(dF(ABC(1),ABC(2),ABC(3))/db)^2 +...
(dF(ABC(1),ABC(2),ABC(3))/dc)^2 ;
abcSolved = lsqnonlin(fToMinimize, [0 0 0])
If you have a guess for the values of a, b, and c, you can (and should) use those instead of the [0 0 0] vector. There are also many options within the lsqnonlin function to adjust behavior. For example how close to the best answer you want to get. If the functions are well behaved, you should be able to tighten the tolerance down a lot, if you are looking for a near exact answer.

How to find the intersections of two functions in MATLAB?

Lets say, I have a function 'x' and a function '2sin(x)'
How do I output the intersects, i.e. the roots in MATLAB? I can easily plot the two functions and find them that way but surely there must exist an absolute way of doing this.
If you have two analytical (by which I mean symbolic) functions, you can define their difference and use fzero to find a zero, i.e. the root:
f = #(x) x; %defines a function f(x)
g = #(x) 2*sin(x); %defines a function g(x)
%solve f==g
xroot = fzero(#(x)f(x)-g(x),0.5); %starts search from x==0.5
For tricky functions you might have to set a good starting point, and it will only find one solution even if there are multiple ones.
The constructs seen above #(x) something-with-x are called anonymous functions, and they can be extended to multivariate cases as well, like #(x,y) 3*x.*y+c assuming that c is a variable that has been assigned a value earlier.
When writing the comments, I thought that
syms x; solve(x==2*sin(x))
would return the expected result. At least in Matlab 2013b solve fails to find a analytic solution for this problem, falling back to a numeric solver only returning one solution, 0.
An alternative is
s = feval(symengine,'numeric::solve',2*sin(x)==x,x,'AllRealRoots')
which is taken from this answer to a similar question. Besides using AllRealRoots you could use a numeric solver, manually setting starting points which roughly match the values you have read from the graph. This wa you get precise results:
For a higher precision you could switch from fzero to vpasolve, but fzero is probably sufficient and faster.

Matlab equivalent to Mathematica's FindInstance

I do just about everything in Matlab but I have yet to work out a good way to replicate Mathematica's FindInstance function in Matlab. As an example, with Mathematica, I can enter:
FindInstance[x + y == 1 && x > 0 && y > 0, {x, y}]
And it will give me:
{{x -> 1/2, y -> 1/2}}
When no solution exists, it will give me an empty Out. I use this often in my work to check whether or not a solution to a system of inequalities exists -- I don't really care about a particular solution.
It seems like there should be a way to replicate this in Matlab with Solve. There are sections in the help file on solving a set of inequalities for a parametrized solution with conditions. There's another section on spitting out just one solution using PrincipalValue, but this seems to just select from a finite solution set, rather than coming up with one that meets the parameters.
Can anybody come up with a way to replicate the FindInstance functionality in Matlab?
Building on what jlandercy said, you can certainly use MATLAB's linprog function, which is MATLAB's linear programming solver. A linear program in the MATLAB universe can be formulated like so:
You seek to find a solution x in R^n which minimizes the objective function f^{T}*x subject to a set of inequality constraints, equality constraints, and each component in x is bounded between a lower and upper bound. Because you want to find the minimum possible value that satisfies the above constraint given, what you're really after is:
Because MATLAB only supports inequalities of less than, you'll need to take the negative of the first two constraints. In addition, MATLAB doesn't support strict inequalities, and so what you'll have to do is enforce a constraint so that you are checking to see if each variable is lesser than a small number, perhaps something like setting a threshold epsilon to 1e-4. Therefore, with the above, your formulation is now:
Note that we don't have any upper or lower bounds as those conditions are already satisfied in the equality and inequality constraints. All you have to do now is plug this problem into linprog. linprog accepts syntax in the following way:
x = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq);
f is a vector of coefficients that work with the objective function, A is a matrix of coefficients that work with the inequality, b is a vector of coefficients that are for the right-hand side of each inequality constraint, and Aeq,beq, are the same as the inequality but for the equality constraints. x would be the solution to the linear programming problem formulated. If we reformulate your problem into matrix form for the above, we now get:
With respect to the linear programming formulation, we can now see what each variable in the MATLAB universe needs to be. Therefore, in MATLAB syntax, each variable becomes:
f = [1; 1];
A = [-1 0; 0 -1];
b = [1e-4; 1e-4];
Aeq = [1 1];
beq = 1;
As such:
x = linprog(f, A, b, Aeq, beq);
We get:
Optimization terminated.
x =
If linear programming is not what you're looking for, consider looking at MATLAB's MuPAD interface: http://www.mathworks.com/help/symbolic/mupad_ug/solve-algebraic-equations-and-inequalities.html - This more or less mimics what you see in Mathematica if you're more comfortable with that.
Good luck!
Matlab is not a symbolic solver as Mathematica is, so you will not get exact solutions but numeric approximations. Anyway if you are about to solve linear programming (simplex) such as in your example, you should use linprog function.

MATLAB code help. Backward Euler method

Here is the MATLAB/FreeMat code I got to solve an ODE numerically using the backward Euler method. However, the results are inconsistent with my textbook results, and sometimes even ridiculously inconsistent. What is wrong with the code?
function [x,y] = backEuler(f,xinit,yinit,xfinal,h)
%f - this is your y prime
%xinit - initial X
%yinit - initial Y
%xfinal - final X
%h - step size
n = (xfinal-xinit)/h; %Calculate steps
%Inititialize arrays...
%The first elements take xinit and yinit corespondigly, the rest fill with 0s.
x = [xinit zeros(1,n)];
y = [yinit zeros(1,n)];
%Numeric routine
for i = 1:n
x(i+1) = x(i)+h;
ynew = y(i)+h*(f(x(i),y(i)));
y(i+1) = y(i)+h*f(x(i+1),ynew);
Your method is a method of a new kind. It is neither backward nor forward Euler. :-)
Forward Euler: y1 = y0 + h*f(x0,y0)
Backward Euler solve in y1: y1 - h*f(x1,y1) = y0
Your method: y1 = y0 +h*f(x0,x0+h*f(x0,y0))
Your method is not backward Euler.
You don't solve in y1, you just estimate y1 with the forward Euler method. I don't want to pursue the analysis of your method, but I believe it will behave poorly indeed, even compared with forward Euler, since you evaluate the function f at the wrong point.
Here is the closest method to your method that I can think of, explicit as well, which should give much better results. It's Heun's Method:
y1 = y0 + h/2*(f(x0,y0) + f(x1,x0+h*f(x0,y0)))
The only issue I can spot is that the line:
Should be:
n = abs((xfinal-xinit)/h)
To avoid a negative step count. If you are moving in the negative-x direction, make sure to give the function a negative step size.
Your answers probably deviate because of how coarsely you are approximating your answer. To get a semi-accurate result, deltaX has to be very very small and your step size has to be very very very small.
PS. This isn't the "backward Euler method," it is just regular old Euler's method.
If this is homework please tag it so.
Have a look at numerical recipes, specifically chapter 16, integration of ordinary differential equations. Euler's method is known to have problems:
There are several reasons that Euler’s method is not recommended for practical use, among them, (i) the method is not very accurate when compared to other, fancier, methods run at the equivalent stepsize, and (ii) neither is it very stable
So unless you know your textbook is using Euler's method, I wouldn't expect the results to match. Even if it is, you probably have to use an identical step size to get an identical result.
Unless you really want to solve an ODE via Euler's method that you've written by yourself you should have a look at built-in ODE solvers.
On a sidenote: you don't need to create x(i) inside the loop like this: x(i+1) = x(i)+h;. Instead, you can simply write x = xinit:h:xfinal;. Also, you may want to write n = round(xfinal-xinit)/h); to avoid warnings.
Here are the solvers implemented by MATLAB.
ode45 is based on an explicit
Runge-Kutta (4,5) formula, the
Dormand-Prince pair. It is a one-step
solver – in computing y(tn), it needs
only the solution at the immediately
preceding time point, y(tn-1). In
general, ode45 is the best function to
apply as a first try for most
ode23 is an implementation of an
explicit Runge-Kutta (2,3) pair of
Bogacki and Shampine. It may be more
efficient than ode45 at crude
tolerances and in the presence of
moderate stiffness. Like ode45, ode23
is a one-step solver.
ode113 is a variable order
Adams-Bashforth-Moulton PECE solver.
It may be more efficient than ode45 at
stringent tolerances and when the ODE
file function is particularly
expensive to evaluate. ode113 is a
multistep solver — it normally needs
the solutions at several preceding
time points to compute the current
The above algorithms are intended to
solve nonstiff systems. If they appear
to be unduly slow, try using one of
the stiff solvers below.
ode15s is a variable order solver
based on the numerical differentiation
formulas (NDFs). Optionally, it uses
the backward differentiation formulas
(BDFs, also known as Gear's method)
that are usually less efficient. Like
ode113, ode15s is a multistep solver.
Try ode15s when ode45 fails, or is
very inefficient, and you suspect that
the problem is stiff, or when solving
a differential-algebraic problem.
ode23s is based on a modified
Rosenbrock formula of order 2. Because
it is a one-step solver, it may be
more efficient than ode15s at crude
tolerances. It can solve some kinds of
stiff problems for which ode15s is not
ode23t is an implementation of the
trapezoidal rule using a "free"
interpolant. Use this solver if the
problem is only moderately stiff and
you need a solution without numerical
damping. ode23t can solve DAEs.
ode23tb is an implementation of
TR-BDF2, an implicit Runge-Kutta
formula with a first stage that is a
trapezoidal rule step and a second
stage that is a backward
differentiation formula of order two.
By construction, the same iteration
matrix is used in evaluating both
stages. Like ode23s, this solver may
be more efficient than ode15s at crude
I think this code could work. Try this.
for i =1:n
t(i +1)=t(i )+dt;
The code is fine. Just you have to add another loop within the for loop. To check the level of consistency.
if abs((y(i+1) - ynew)/ynew) > 0.0000000001
ynew = y(i+1);
y(i+1) = y(i)+h*f(x(i+1),ynew);
I checked for a dummy function and the results were promising.

intersection of two line

how can one obtain coordinates of intersections of two line diagrams with given expression or equation?
for example:
L1= sin(2x) , L2= Ln(x); or anything else.
Amazingly, nobody has yet suggested using the function designed to do this in matlab. Use fzero here. Fzero is a better choice than fsolve anyway, which requires the optimization toolbox. And, yes, you could do this with Newton's method, or even bisection or the secant method. But reinventing the wheel is the wrong thing to do in general. Use functionality that already exists when it is there.
The problem at hand is to find a point where
sin(2*x) == log(x)
Here log(x) refers to the natural log. Do this by subtracting one from the other, then looking for a zero of the result.
fun = #(x) sin(2*x) - log(x);
Before you do so, ALWAYS plot it. ezplot can do that for you.
The plot will show a single root that lies between 1 and 2.
ans =
Since you tagged with matlab, you can do it with fsolve(#(x)sin(2*x)-log(x),1) which gives 1.3994 (1 is the initial starting point or guess). The y-coordinate is log(1.3994) = 0.3361.
That is, you use fsolve, pass it the function you want to solve for the zero of, in this case sin(2*x) == log(x) so you want sin(2*x) - log(x) == 0 (log is the natural log in matlab).
If you already have functions set up like, e.g. L1 = #(x)sin(2*x) and L2 = #(x)log(x) (or in functions L1.m and L2.m) you can use fsolve(#(x)L1(x)-L2(x),1).
In general, you have to solve the equation L1(x) = L2(x). If you don't know from the beginning what L1 and L2 are (linear, polynominal...) then the only solution is numeric solving for example with Netwon algorithm. The problem is then reduced to finding roots (zeros) of function f(x) = L1(X) - L2(X).
This is not a trivial question: what you're asking for is a general method for solving any mathematical equation.
For instance, you could consider using the bisection method, or Newton's method.
There is no general answer.
As a general non-analytic solution, when you have any 2 curves described by 2 sets of points, there is great submission at File Exchange - Fast and Robust Curve Intersections.