How to implement NTLM Authentication for UIWebView? - iphone

I have a use case where a UIWebView may need to connect with a web server secured with NTLM. I also have a use case where I already have the credentials to be passed. So instead of forcing the user to enter them, how do I perform the handshake with the UIWebView?
Using this method here works well enough when you are doing simple GET requests, but utterly fails when doing POSTs, for the mere fact that it is doing a GET after it is posted.
The ASIHttpRequest and ASIWebPageRequest have the same problem. GET requests work wonders, but any POSTs just don't work. If only the world worked on just GET requests.
I have been able to use this method of including the username and password in the HTTP request string, but that is so grossly insecure as to defy reason for using it. Using a sniffer I am able to see the three-way handshake occur without any problems on both GET and POST requests.

You can set the default credential:
NSURLProtectionSpace *protectionSpace = [[NSURLProtectionSpace alloc]
initWithHost: _host
port: 80
protocol: #"http"
realm: _host
[[NSURLCredentialStorage sharedCredentialStorage] setDefaultCredential:[NSURLCredential credentialWithUser:_username password:_password persistence:NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession] forProtectionSpace:protectionSpace];
Now you can let your webviews do the request, and when it encounters your protenctionSpace it logs in using the given credentials

As of iOS 3.2 and 4.1, there is no public delegate for intercepting the NTLM challenge. There is, however, a private API that can be overriden to give proper support for this. Since this would put your application in danger of being rejected, I will forgo posting the code because it is of no worth for App Store development at the present time.

If you're willing to try some experimental code, you could use ASIWebPageRequest.
It would be a bit hacky, as you'd have to download the page content with ASIWebPageRequest, load it into a UIWebView, then capture any link clicks in the web view and repeat the process again (if the content at the URL requires authentication). Also, I think you'd have to manage your own history stack.
I don't think it would be easy, but it does seem doable, and it seems like it should work as long as the ASIWebPageRequest code isn't too buggy or limited.

UIWebView doesn't support authentication at all. Up to iPhone OS 3.1, you could add credentials to the central credential storage and UIWebView would at least work with basic authentication. But starting with iOS 4.0, I don't see any way to use authentication (except cookie or URL based forms authentication).


URLSession: how to check what cookies were sent with the request?

There is no doubt that the HTTPCookie is indeed inside the HTTPCookieStorage, but I wonder if there is any way to confirm that it's being sent from programmatic standpoint?
Of course intercepting HTTP traffic via sniffers doesn't count.
There is no way to check that programmatically - the notion of HTTPCookieStorage being configured on the URLSessionConfiguration leads to it completely obscuring the Cookie-related details from the programmer. It operates like magic way out of scope of your vision.
To be honest, I couldn't even tell you that happens if you set Cookie header manually via allHTTPHeaderFields but if there were already cookies for this very same domain and path in the HTTPCookieStorage - like, do they get merged, or does your custom header get discarded...

Problems with Phototobucket oAuth

Seems like a lot of people have problems getting oAuth to work with Photobucket and now I'm one of them, I keep getting:
"Authentication failed signature check failed"
When trying to get a request token, here is the header info I send along:
OAuth realm=""
and my BASE string used to generate the signature:
Everything seems on the up and up and I'm using the same library that I've been using for several other photo/video sharing sites with no problems, this is on iOS...
Turns out that even though photobucket causes your requests to sometimes go to (your special load balancing URL) you still have to specify your base string as which makes no sense and TOTALLY BREAKS oAuth since you're now setting your base string to a different url than where you're making the request :p
So, be vigilant and always make sure your base string is

Synchronous request or asynchronous when checking user's login data

In my application i need to implement verification if user has entered correct login and password or not. the login and the password are stored at the web server so i have to organize correct connection to the server. I'm an absolute beginner in everything about http requests and all that stuff. Actually i downloaded ASIHTTPRequest library and added it to my project just yesterday. My main problem is that i don't have an actual server by now (and i' m using just a conventional URL which later will be replaced with true server name but i want my code to be correct already)so i cannot test myself whether i'm doing things correctly or not.So my questions are:
1)What is the best way to organize verifying user's login and password? Should i use synchronous request or asynchronous? For all i know synchronous requests are rare in use cause they stop the application while the request is being performed but there's really nothing else needed to be done in this event so i'm a bit confused.What would you use?
2)I suppose verifying user's login and password by using http requests is pretty common task so there must be a general rule what kind of data the web server returns. I don't want to invent a wheel. should i use NSString returned by responseString to check if user's login and password match? What does server returns usually in such cases? How should my code look like? Something like
ASIHTTPRequest *request = [ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL:someUrl];
[request startSynchronous];
NSString *response = [request responseString];
if ([response isEqualToString:#"login and password match"])
//user enters next screen
//user is notified about the error
or something else? What would you do?
3)This request is not only i need to implement. Later i'm going to connect to the same URL with a different request. So how does the server know what kind of request is currently being used?
I really need your advice. Great thanks in advance
I have tried to answer your question,
Q:1. Synchronous or Asynchronous request model for login?
-> As per apple's documentation
A synchronous load is built on top of the asynchronous loading code made
available by the class. The calling thread is blocked while the asynchronous
loading system performs the URL load on a thread spawned specifically for
this load request.
NSURLConnection provides support for downloading the contents of an
NSURLRequest in a synchronous manner using the class method
sendSynchronousRequest:returningResponse:error:. Using this method is
not recommended, because it has severe limitations:
The client application blocks until the data has been completely
received, an error is encountered, or the request times out.
Minimal support is provided for requests that require authentication.
There is no means of modifying the default behavior of response
caching or accepting server redirects.
As you are unaware of server side implementation, which may involve:
1. Redirection and other mechanisms for fulfilling the request.
2. It may require some proxy authentication or other similar stuff.
Q:2. What does server returns usually in such cases?
In general, a web service is implemented at server-side which returns XML or JSON as repsonse which you have to parse and use.
example response may look like:
for XML:
<statusMessage>Login Successful.</statusMessage>
for JSON
"statusCode" = "0"
"statusMessage" = "Login Successful."
tags(for XML) and keys(for JSON) will depend upon you sever implementation.
3. How does the server know what kind of request is currently being used?
-> The URL which you will use for request will tell server, what you are looking for?
for example"1";
The bold path item represents services which you are calling.

MVC 2 how to go to url without redirecting?

Is there a way to go to a url without redirecting to it? Basically I want to call a url from within my application in the background so it can logout a reliant party.
Appreciate the help.
What you are trying to do does not compete us to answer as it's directly related to your own Authentication implementation.
A normal ASP.NET Authentication based in Forms Authentication you will need always to lunch the url from a browser as it is there that relies the Authentication given.
You can give yourself a try by opening your website and log in into it, after that, open other browser brand (not browser window) into your application url... you will see that you also need to login again as the Authentication is hook up into the first browser.
It's Up to you as Application Architect to make this by implementing another way of authentication, normally in this kind'a cases, this happend when consuming web services where you need a authentication code first (given by calling a Login method) and that code is always needed to be appended to the body or header of any call to the system.
This way you can easily remove the authentication code and all procedure calls will fail.
As said, this is not up to us, it's up to you to create the correct Authentication Layer.
from your comment
it's as simple as using WebClient object
WebClient client = new WebClient ();
string reply = client.DownloadString (address);
If you wish to transfer to a new url request you can still use
The problem with this is that by not using a redirect the browsers address bar will not reflect the fact that you have moved their request to another URL.
To have the client visit a given URL in the background you should either make an AJAX call to it or possibly have an image with an src of your logout url (though you'd have to make sure that you return a FileResult of your image too). This is how most analytics packages call to their relevant urls in the background.
The problem here though is that neither is 100% reliable, turn off javascript or images on your browser and these results fail.
From what you've said I think what you're after is for a user to continue to any of a variety of pages rather than a specific logout page. If this is indeed the case your best solution is in fact a double redirect.
Have your application redirect to your logout url but before hand put the url of the page you want them to go to into tempdata. Then in the actionresult for the logout page you can do your logging out as required and return a redirect to the url from tempdata.

Why does Fiddler break my site's redirects?

Why does using Fiddler break my site sometimes on page transitions.
After a server side redirect -- in the http response (as found in Fiddler) I get this:
Object moved
Object moved to here.
The site is an ASP.NET 1.1 / VB.NET 1.1 [sic] site.
Why doesnt Fiddler just go there for me? i dont get it.
I'm fine with this issue when developing but I'm worried that other proxy servers might cause this issue for 'real customers'. Im not even clear exactly what is going on.
That's actually what Response.Redirect does. It sends a 302 - Object moved response to the user-agent. The user-agent then automatically goes to the URL specified in the 302 response. If you need a real server-side redirect without round-tripping to the client, try Server.Transfer.
If you merely constructed the request using the request builder, you're not going to see Fiddler automatically follow the returned redirect.
In contrast, if you are using IE or another browser, it will generally check the redirect header and follow it.
For IE specifically, I believe there's a timing corner case where the browser will fail to follow the redirect in obscure situations. You can often fix this by clicking Tools / Fiddler Options, and enabling both the "Server" and "Client" socket reuse settings.
Thanks user15310, it works with Server.Transfer
Server.Transfer("newpage.aspx", true);
Firstly, transferring to another page using Server.Transfer conserves server resources. Instead of telling the browser to redirect, it simply changes the "focus" on the Web server and transfers the request. This means you don't get quite as many HTTP requests coming through, which therefore eases the pressure on your Web server and makes your applications run faster.
But watch out: because the "transfer" process can work on only those sites running on the server, you can't use Server.Transfer to send the user to an external site. Only Response.Redirect can do that.
Secondly, Server.Transfer maintains the original URL in the browser. This can really help streamline data entry techniques, although it may make for confusion when debugging.
That's not all: The Server.Transfer method also has a second parameter—"preserveForm". If you set this to True, using a statement such as Server.Transfer("WebForm2.aspx", True), the existing query string and any form variables will still be available to the page you are transferring to.
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