Update a document in RavenDB - asp.net-mvc-2

I am using asp.net MVC2.
I have a model defined as
public class Department
public object Id { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Department Name is required")]
[DisplayName("Department Name")]
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool Active { get; set; }
How to update an existing department document through my controller?
my edit action is defined as
public ActionResult Edit(string id, Department department)
answer stated here tells there is a PATCH command to update a document.
But i didn't find this in IDocumentSession class in Raven's Client API
I do not want to first get the document and then update it like the way it is done in RavenDB's MVCMusicStore example
var albumModel = session.Load<Album>(id);
//Save Album
UpdateModel(albumModel, "Album");

You need to use code like this:
new PatchCommandData{
Key = "users/15",
Patches = new [] {
Type = "Set",
Name = "Email",
Value = "Ayende"
See this thread on the discussion group for more info


asp.net web api server data not syncing with database between BL

Hello I am new to servers and REST API and am trying to extract data from a dynamically created table and the data does not sync with the data in the database.
I have an sql database from which I extracted an entity database in asp.net web project.
This is an example for GET of one entity class (exists in database):
public class EmployeeBL
private FSProject1Entities db = new FSProject1Entities();
public List<Employee> GetEmployees(string fname, string lname, string depID)
return GetEmployeeSearchResult(fname, lname, depID);
And this is an example for a method from a class such as I created in order to combine data from 2 tables:
public class ShiftEmployeeDataBL
private FSProject1Entities db = new FSProject1Entities();
private List<ShiftEmployeeDataBL> GetEmployeeByShiftID(int id)
List<ShiftEmployeeDataBL> shiftEmpData = new List<ShiftEmployeeDataBL>();
foreach (Employee emp in db.Employee)
{//build list... }
return shiftEmpData;
My problem is that db.Employee via this GET request path (ShiftEmployeeData) is old data and via Employee GET request is good data (assuming the data was updated via Employee path).
And vice versa - it would appear that if I update Employee via ShiftEmployeeData class, it would appear as good data for ShiftEmployeeData class and not update for Employee.
I have APIcontrollers for both classes.
what is happening? I feel like I am missing something.
I tried closing cache options in browser.
update with code for elaboration:
entity Employee:
public partial class Employee
public int ID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public int StartWorkYear { get; set; }
public int DepartmentID { get; set; }
employee update(auto generated by entity model code generation from db):
public void UpdateEmployee(int id, Employee employee)
Employee emp= db.Employee.Where(x => x.ID == id).First();
emp.FirstName = employee.FirstName;
emp.LastName = employee.LastName;
emp.StartWorkYear = employee.StartWorkYear;
emp.DepartmentID = employee.DepartmentID;
employeeshiftdata class (not a db table but still in the models folder):
public class EmployeeShiftData
public int ID { get; set; } //EmployeeID
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public int StartWorkYear { get; set; }
public string DepartmentName { get; set; }
public List<Shift> Shifts { get; set; }
employeeshift GET part of the controller:
[EnableCors(origins: "*", headers: "*", methods: "*")]
public class EmployeeShiftDataController : ApiController
private static EmployeeShiftDataBL empShiftDataBL = new EmployeeShiftDataBL();
// GET: api/EmployeeShiftData
public IEnumerable<EmployeeShiftData> Get(string FirstName = "", string LastName = "", string Department = "")
return empShiftDataBL.GetAllEmployeeShiftData(FirstName, LastName, Department);
Would need to see the code that interacts with the database, especially the code that makes the updates.
If the changes are written with Entity Framework, are the models themselves properly related with navigational properties?
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<EmployeeShift> EmployeeShifts { get; set; }
// etc.
public class EmployeeShift
public int Id { get; set; }
public Int EmployeeID { get; set; }
public Employee Employee { get; set; }
// etc.
If those are good, and both models are covered by Entity Framework's context tracking, then both should be updated.

How to customize MongoDb collection name on .Net Core Model?

I can't find annotation for MongoDb, what can in .Net Core model modify collection name. In SQL database it will be [Table("all_sessions")].
My model name and collection name are different. I have not change model or collection name.
public class Session
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Expires { get; set; }
public string Session { get; set; }
My collection name is all_sessions.
I expect get working Session model with all_sessions collection.
So time ago i was fancing similar issue and i've created my own implementation of that pattern.
So first part is to create custom attribute:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = false)]
public class BsonCollectionAttribute : Attribute
private string _collectionName;
public BsonCollectionAttribute(string collectionName)
_collectionName = collectionName;
public string CollectionName => _collectionName;
Second part is to obtain the value of this attribute with reflection
private static string GetCollectionName()
return (typeof(T).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BsonCollectionAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault()
as BsonCollectionAttribute).CollectionName;
I'am doing that in repository class, so example method from mthat class looks like that:
public async Task InsertOne(T model)
var collectionName = GetCollectionName();
var collection = Database.GetCollection<T>(collectionName);
await collection.InsertOneAsync(model);
In the end my model looks like:
public class User
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
Hope that i've helped ;)

Entity Framework one to many : SqlException

I have a little problem when I try to save an item in my DB using EntityFramework.
My classes looks like:
public partial class Site
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string LongName { get; set; }
public string Adress { get; set; }
public City City { get; set; }
public Country Country { get; set; }
public string VATNumber { get; set; }
public class Country
public int CountryId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string IsoCode { get; set; }
And when I try to create a new site in my controller it works, but when I try to add a link to an existing Country :
if (SiteProvider.GetSiteByName(Site.Name) == null)
Site.Country = CountryProvider.GetCountryById(1);//it's working, i see the link to the right country
public static void Create(Site Site)
using (MyDBContext Context = new MyDBContext())
Context.SaveChanges(); //here is the problem
I got this error:
SqlException: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in
table 'Country' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF
Thanks in advance for your help.
Add CountryId property to Site class and when adding a new Site set CountryId instead of Country property
public int CountryId { get; set; }
public Country Country{ get; set; }
You have a slight issue with your use of contexts here. You have used one DBContext instance to load the country (where this country object will be tracked) and then a second DBContext to save the site (where the first country object is a property).
It is preferable to perform all your operations for a single unit of work by using one DB context (that would be shared between your classes) and the responsibility for disposing of it to be handled outside your repository layer.

Entity Framework - Adding parent is also trying to add child when I don't want it to

I have two objects (WishListItem and Product) in a one-to-many relationship. WishListItem has to have a product. Each Product can be in 0 - n WishListItems.
public class WishListItem
public int Id { get; set; }
public int ProductId { get; set; }
public Product Product { get; set; }
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
// ... other properties
The Product has no knowledge of WishListItems. All of the Products exist. I just want to add a new WishListItem. My WishListItem model for the relationship is this:
HasRequired(p => p.Product).WithMany().HasForeignKey(p => p.ProductId);
When I try to add a new item like this:
WishListItem item = new WishListItem();
// ... sets properties
WishListItems.Add(item); // WishListItems is of type DbSet<WishListItem>
This code seems to try to also add a Product. I don't want to add a new Product (or even update it). The Product property is set to null. How do I tell Entity Framework that I only want to add the WishListItem? Do I need to Ignore the Product property (by doing Ignore(p => p.Product); in my WishListItem model) and load the Product separately whenever I load my WishListItem objects?
I have solved my issue. The problem came from another property on the Product object.
private bool _isFreeShippingInitialValue;
public bool IsFreeShipping
return _isFreeShippingInitialValue ||
_isFreeShippingInitialValue = value;
We noticed that when you first get the Product object, the IsFreeShipping.get is called (not sure why) before any child objects are loaded. For example, if _isFreeShippingInitialValue is false and computedValueFromAnotherChildObject is true, IsFreeShipping first returns false (because computedValueFromAnotherChildObject is first false since no child objects have been loaded), then true the next time you try to get IsFreeShipping. This makes EF think the value has changed.
The first item we added to WishListItems worked fine. It was the second item that broke. We believe SaveChanges() (or something prior to it) loaded the Product for the first WishListItem. The SaveChanges() was breaking on the Product of the first WishListItem when we were adding the second item.
So, in short, be careful when computing values in a Property.get using child objects because it can bite you in the butt.
This works for me without adding any new Addresses records. In this model, Person has an optional home address, but address doesn't have any knowledge of the person.
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public virtual Address HomeAddress { get; set; }
public int HomeAddress_id { get; set; }
public class Address
public int Id { get; set; }
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public string Street { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }
In the DbContext override, I have the below code
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasRequired(t => t.HomeAddress).WithMany()
.HasForeignKey(t => t.HomeAddress_id);
I can write a unit test like this.
var addressId = 0;
using (var db = new DataContext())
var address = new Address { City = "test", Country = "test", PhoneNumber = "test", State = "test", Street = "test" };
addressId = address.Id;
using (var db = new DataContext())
var person = new Person { Email = "test#test.com", FirstName = "Testy", LastName = "Tester", HomeAddress_id = addressId };

Entity Framework 4 CTP 5 POCO - Many-to-many configuration, insertion, and update?

I really need someone to help me to fully understand how to do many-to-many relationship with Entity Framework 4 CTP 5, POCO. I need to understand 3 concepts:
How to config my model to indicates
some tables are many-to-many.
How to properly do insert.
How to properly do update.
Here are my current models:
public class MusicSheet
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Key { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Author> Authors { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Tag> Tags { get; set; }
public class Author
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Bio { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<MusicSheet> MusicSheets { get; set; }
public class Tag
public int ID { get; set; }
public string TagName { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<MusicSheet> MusicSheets { get; set; }
As you can see, the MusicSheet can have many Authors or Tags, and an Author or Tag can have multiple MusicSheets.
Again, my questions are:
What to do on the
EntityTypeConfiguration to set the
relationship between them as well as
mapping to an table/object that
associates with the many-to-many
How to insert a new music sheets
(where it might have multiple
authors or multiple tags).
How to update a music sheet. For
example, I might set TagA,
TagB to MusicSheet1, but later I need to change the tags to TagA
and TagC. It seems like I need
to first check to see if the tags
already exists, if not, insert the
new tag and then associate it with
the music sheet (so that I doesn't
re-insert TagA?). Or this is
something already handled by the
Thank you very much. I really hope to fully understand it rather than just doing it without fully understand what's going on. Especially on #3.
In the EF4 CTP5 the relationship is done by default convention when you put public virtual ICollection in each of the classes of the many to many relationship, as you already have done, your context class should look like this:
public class YourContextName : DbContext
public DbSet<MusicSheet> MusicSheets { get; set; }
public DbSet<Tag> Tags { get; set; }
public DbSet<Author> Authors { get; set; }
Very simple you just create a instance of the MusicSheet class and then add all the instances of you authors and tags to each of the collections of Authors and Tags in your MusicSheet, and then add your instance of MusicSheet to your context collection of MusicSheets and then call SaveChanges:
MusicSheet musicSheet = new MusicSheet
Title = "Music Sheet 1",
Key = "Key",
Authors = new List<Author>
new Author
Name = "Author 1",
Bio = "Author 1 biographic text..."
new Author
Name = "Author 2",
Bio = "Author 2 biographic text..."
Tags = new List<Tag>
new Tag {TagName = "TagA"},
new Tag {TagName = "TagC"}
var context = new YourContextName();
To update you have to load your MusicSheet and remove the tags you don't want and then add the ones you need to add, this is how:
var context = new YourContextName();
var myMusicSheet = context.MusicSheets.First();
//The Tag you wnat to remove.
var tagToRemove = myMusicSheet.Tags.First();
var tagToAdd = new Tag {TagName = "TagX"};
context.Entry(myMusicSheet).State = EntityState.Modified;
You can also find any author and/or tag that you know that exist and added to your MusicSheet and vice versa, but this is the foundation.
Remember this is for the EF4 CTP5 Code first...
Excuse me my English is not my main language, I hope this can help you, best regards from Dominican Republic.
PS: Don't forget to add references to EntityFramework and System.Data.Entity, is your responsibility to do anything else like unit test, validation, exception handling...etc
First you need to add a constructor to your models:
public class Tag
public int ID { get; set; }
public string TagName { get; set; }
public Tag()
MusicSheets = new List<MusicSheet>();
public virtual ICollection<MusicSheet> MusicSheets { get; set; }
...Then you can do something like this:
var context = new YourContextName();
var newMusicSheet = new MusicSheet();
newMusicSheet.Title = "Newly added Music Sheet";
//Your existing Tag.
var existingTag = contex.Tags.Find(3);
context.Entry(existingTag).State = EntityState.Modified;
You can do the same for all your models.
I hope this can help you!
You do not really need an EntityTypeConfiguration to set the relationship between them. It should work as it is right now. With CTP5 all you have to do to establish a many-to-many relationship is to include ICollection in both entities.
Now about how to perform inserts and deletes, there are two ways I know of. The one I usually use is create an entity for the resultant table of the many-to-many relationship, then create an instance of this entity and feed it with all the data that is required, including instances of the other entities (the ones that have the many-to-many relationship). And finally I simply add it to the repository and commit the transaction (usually using a UnitOfWork class).
Quick example:
public class Item
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Bid> Bids { get; set; }
public class User
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Username{ get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Bid> Bids { get; set; }
public class Bid
public int ID { get; set; }
public float Amount { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public virtual Item Item { get; set; }
public virtual User User { get; set; }
Then I would simply create instances of the Bid entity.
public void PlaceBid(User user, Item item, int amount)
if (ValidateBid(amount, user, item))
Bid bid = new Bid
Amount = amount,
Date = DateTime.Now,
User = user,
Item = item
catch (Exception ex)
//TODO: Log the exception