Tutorial for MGTwitterEngine for Iphone - iphone

Is there a good tutorial available to use MGTwitterEngine on the Iphone?
Call me dumb but I cant figure it out.
All I want to do is update the users twitter status through my Iphone app.
Basic Authentication is not supported any more. So how do i do this? Im looking for the easiest most simple way available.

try this:


Implementation of Reddit,StumbleUpon,del.icio.us and Digg in iPhone app

I want to know, Is it possible to integrate Reddit, StumbleUpon, del.icio.us and Digg in iPhone app? I have to implement all this in my iPhone app. Please give me the some any example link about all these points.
For Delicious you can use sharKit
Digg has a REST API clearly documented here: http://developers.digg.com/documentation

Getting Started With Twitter for iOS

For quite a while now, I've been trying to find a good way to simply post updates/photos to a user's twitter account via my iOS app. I've looked at ShareKit, but I really need to be able to design my own UI. Also, I've taken a look at MGTwitterEngine, but am unsure as how to implement it. Is there a "right" way to go about posting updates to Twitter with a custom UI on iOS?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Given Apple's TWTweetRequest object, calls made to the Twitter service can now be orchestrated right through iOS without the need for an external framework or engine. Just look at the Twitter developer docs and make the calls you need, specifying the correct information in a dictionary for the process to complete successfully.

EverNote Api for iphone

Hi I am using Evernote Api for iphone. I downloaded Api from developers site of evernote. But I dont know how to use it...Any one know about this or have any links or examples to understand this?
Adding iOS sample code is a top priority. In the meantime, please have a look at http://digitalpericope.net/?p=27, which might help you get started.

iphone - have a button load a new page

I'm trying to learn iphone app. development. Can someone direct me to a tutorial that explains how to add a button which loads a webpage.
Thanks so much
p.s. you won't get far if you can not find a simple information like that using google.
Most likely you'll have a lot of questions - try to look into Apple sample applications.

Calling Twitter API in Xcode Iphone Application

Is there any wrapper available for Twitter in X-Code? if not then do I have to call original Twitter API in my Iphone's application?
Why not give http://mattgemmell.com/2008/02/22/mgtwitterengine-twitter-from-cocoa a go, it works with the iPhone and has been recommended by quite a few people.
You can try MGTwitterEngine.
I am just starting to look at it myself.