how to setup voice chat over wifi and 3G network? - iphone

I wanted to add a voice chat feature to my business app. I have been trying hard to find anything useful but there is not much help regarding this. Could anyone plz point me to something concrete??
PS: The skype app makes use of this feature.

This is a lot of work as there is no "built in" sdk features or third party off the self components that will help you do it without a lot of work on your end.
Your options (as far as I know) are:
Build your own solution.
Look for a third party solution.
Look for a open source solution.
Voice "chat" could be one of many things like:
using the voice features of a cellular network to a conference call.
using the voice features of a cellular network with a PBX server that supports conference calls.
using a VOIP solution using a SIP stack with a SIP server
using a XMPP Jingle solution (I believe the google voice service uses this)
using your own SIP setup solution
custom solution
None of these options are easy.
Open Source SIP implementations that have iphone ports (that I know of):
SIP & Jingle both use RTP for the actual transport protocol between the parties. RTP is a UDP point-to-point protocol. The ports which form a session are negotiated using other protocols such as RTSP (using SDP in the setup method) and SIP. RTP and RTCP typically use unprivileged UDP ports (1024 to 65535).

For easy Server / Client setup check Jingle Nodes in combination with SIP Communicator which is a Desktop application. But as being opensource I presume you can reuse a lot of the code to make it mobile. Specially for Android. Check this draft of a Jingle Nodes Setup Guide


Is it possible to make a good voice call application with OpenSIPs server?

I am building a free voice call application on Android. I used OpenSIPs open source to make a SIP server and successfully make a call to another phone in WIFI network. However, I couldn't make a call when the phone uses cellular network like 3G/4G. I found out that I should make a STUN and TURN server to find exact SIP address.
Someone told me that it is hard to find SIP address if the user uses 3G or 4G network. So, he said I should use SBC to redirect voice data if I want to make good connections. He said I should make redirect servers to have good quality of service.
Is it possible to make a good voice call service with OpenSIPs server? If it is true, is there voice call services who used OpenSIPs open source? I've searched all documents, but couldn't find the answer.
Thank you.
I decided to make a SIP server using FreeSwitch Open Source. It was much better than OpenSIPs. I didn't have worry about NAT problem on FreeSwitch. It is also very easy to install a SIP server on Linux. Check out the website.

Socket connection between rails and iphone native app

I have an iphone app with rails serving as a backend server.
Now I need to implement a chat functionality using sockets connections.
A lot of examples show you how to implement chat using sockets in browser.
What I need here is how I can implement an application where you create socket server in the rails app , and the client in iphone app which listens to the channel I give them.
I tried using faye(examples given only how to implement client in the browser) and using fayeObjC library for iphone to create client, but am not able to listen to the channel from this library.I know I must be implementing it wrong here.
I'll share my code also here, but first I need to know is there a better solution than this?
Also I appreciate some links to some examples where socket server is in rails and clients are iphone app.
Appreciate any help and mostly need a right direction to implement it.
I tried the faye combination again and it worked.Although still looking for more solutions.
You can check about TCP sockets:
Chat Application Using Ruby
Next link is a comprehensive Networking Guide - Using Internet Sockets
You must keep in mind two major problems to peer-to-peer communications (Chat): reachability and how to receive new messages while your application is in the background (get notifications).
For the last you can use APNS approach: an invisible notification will be pushed to the iPhone indicating that a new message is ready to be read. So your app will make a request for unread messages (what app like WhatsApp does).
Besides TCP sockets you could use websockets (HTTP - so there are no firewall problems).
Best in class - Socket.IO.
Here you will find the wiki (you will find there an extension for Ruby also)
Here an example for iOS chat client for & node.js backend
Another option: XMPP - "stands for eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol. Such a protocol is open-standard and oriented to message exchange (builds and maintains by Jabber community). Message exchange happens near real time, so it is an ideal infrastructure to build chat-like applications. The protocol also implements a mechanism to notify presence information (whether a user is online or not) and the maintenance of a contact list. XMPP is a thorough protocol, which has been adopted also by big companies like Google to build their Instant Messaging service."
Here you will find all about developing a Jabber Client for iOS (enable users to sign in, add buddies, and send messages; how to install and configure a jabber server, create accounts, and interact with the server from an iOS application
I know that SocketRocket by square is a strong native Objective-C library. But it doesn't offer the channel abstraction you seem to be looking for.
If you would consider outsourcing the WebSocket connections then you could use a hosted service like Pusher, who I work for. You can publish messages (trigger events) on channels using the pusher-gem. And you can subscribe to channels and receive messages using one of Pusher's Objective-C libraries.
Other solutions will also have Objective-C libraries and you can find a list of them via this realtime web tech guide.

Any advice for iPhone Wireless Comms with Embedded Linux Device?

I am looking for advice on protocols for use in LAN comms between an iPhone and an embedded Linux device. The embedded Linux device requires the following functionality...
Connectible to Wireless LAN.
Discoverable as a device on the Wireless LAN.
(Virtually) connectible with iPhone.
Remotely Callable API provided to the iPhone.
Able to remotely call back functions on the iPhone.
I am looking to use platform independent protocols to achieve this functionality because the mobile application will be ported from the iPhone to other mobile platforms like Android. Since I am a newbie with Embedded Linux, my research (and possibly naivety) suggests that said functionality could be realised with the following protocols...
DHCP for obtaining dynamic IP address.
DNLA? (Bonjour is native to iOS right?)
Connection-oriented communication implies TCP.
SOAP or REST architecture on HTTP.
SOAP or REST architecture on HTTP.
Can you suggest other, more suitable protocols? Am I barking up the wrong tree? Is there a much more simple way I could achieve this functionality? For example, providing the remote API using only a TCP socket?
Any advice you can offer is welcome...
Look into 0mq. It's a scalable messaging library that provides a message queue without requiring a message broker.
-Has objective-c bindings to help you implement in iOS
-Has java bindings to help you implement in Android.
-Small footprint.
I did something similar - an Arduino that streams data to an iPhone app connected over WiFi using the UDP protocol.

How to do peer-to-peer communication in an iPhone app?

I'm trying to write a simple chat application for the iPhone (as an experiment). Is there a simple way for two devices to discover each others' IP addresses, and given the addresses is there a simple API or protocol that would let me send text messages back and forth?
I've investigated SIP (specifically Sofia and eXosip), but these tools exist as C libraries and are beyond my current ability to port them to the iPhone.
Update: I'm trying to connect two devices over the Internet (i.e. not over Bluetooth or a local wireless network, which is what GameKit does).
You're going to need a server that provides the match making service. Game Center makes this pretty easy, but your users will have to have Game Center accounts.
Alternatively, you can set up an XMPP (formerly Jabber, it's what powers Google Chat) server (I've never done this, but there are several available) and use the XMPP Framework for Cocoa. There are instructions for using it in iPhone apps here.
I'm sure there are other chat servers and client source also available. IRC and Mobile Colloquy come to mind.
Finally, you could write your own server using your favorite server language / framework. This isn't too hard (I've done it myself), but it's far from what I'd call simple, and I wouldn't use it for a production system.
There is support for exactly this kind of ad-hoc peer-to-peer networking in GameKit. Have a look at the second half of the GameKit documentation for details:
NSNetService is a good option.
Take a look at WebRTC Datachannels. WebRTC is a newer option with native iOS support a standard that is still being finalized, but it is more flexible should the iOS app need to communicate with browser or even android peers

bidirectional google wave jabber gateway for google talk or ichat

I've understood that Google Wave is built around the XMPP platform, as such I was thinking that it should be possible to access it with a jabber client like ichat or google talk. The advantage is that it's a lot faster to answer or read specific waves then going through a javascript jit in a browser.
Now you can add the xmpplite bot
but that is gwave -> xmpp only. It would be nice if one could also post to the wave with a jabber or e-mail client. Does anyone know a bot or a method of doing so?
The wave federation protocol is based on XMPP, but XMPP/BOSH isn't used for client-server communication, so it's not possible directly yet. However, since Google App Engine's XMPP service is bidirectional, there really isn't anything stopping the development of a robot which can be gwave <-> xmpp.