Accessing contact info of Incoming calls/sms - iphone

I want to confirm if it is allowed to access the Contact Info of Incoming Calls/SMS programmatically. Are developers allowed to access and retrieve the contact info of incoming calls or sms. Is there any API available for this.

You can access Contact info via a published API. But you can't access any info about an incoming SMS or call to use to look up in Contacts, at least in any app running on a stock OS and that complies with the SDK agreement. The app is in a sandbox.

There is no API for what you want.


Check available status of XMPP user not in buddy list

I am working with XMPP iOS SDK and I need to get the Presence of a user that may or may not be in my buddy list.
Through didReceivePresence delegate method of SDK provides presence of only users that are already added in my buddy list.
Quick help will be appreciated.
You cannot receive presence that are not it your roster. This is per design in XMPP. You need to have the user approve the presence sharing.

How to get user info after verifying a receipt with the App Store?

I want to track the purchases at the server side after verifying a receipt.
But the receipt from apple gives all the info except user's.
So what's the safe way to obtain user's data which has not been tampered with?
You will need to add third party tool for it. apple doesn't allow users information.

How to develop a payment verification for in-app purchase?

I have developed an iPhone application that was rejected. With this application I offer an SMS transmission service. On my website each user has an account and he can buy credits on the website to be able to send SMS.
The reason for rejections was that my app uses an external service, my website. They say I have to use in-app purchase for the credits.
So now I am about to extend my api. So if purchase takes place in-app the web server needs to know that there was a purchase and what type of purchase. This is done using HTTP-POST.
I could build a simple url and register the purchase in the user-account, since I can verify that an purchase was performed correctly in the app store. But to prevent hacking and just for security reason I think there has to be some kind of encryption.
E.g. if the payment process in the app was successful I send a HTTP-POST to my webserver. It contains some encrypted key that can be encrypted by the webserver.
What do you think about all this? How can I make my api safe regarding in-app purchase and what security algorithm could I use?
Any other suggestions or ideas?
You should probably look into the Server Product Model, rather than trying to invent some way for your app on the device to tell the server that credit was purchased after the fact. The section on Verifying Store Receipts will come in handy; in short, your app transmits the contents of transactionReceipt to your server (ideally via HTTPS). Your server base64-encodes it, embeds it in a simple JSON object, and posts it to Apple to get the status and verified purchase information.
I have a complete implementation of storekit including the server code.
Try this
You should check out this wiki article on public key encryption. This is what you'll probably what to be using.
CommonCrypto is a module available for iOS that deals with this type of encryption. Here is a sample project in the iOS developer library that uses this module.
Yes You are correct. That is the best way. When user purchase credit using In-App purchase(IAP) You will have delegate method for purchase succeed. So you can call your Server API in this delegate method and put some flag with credit number in the user table of your server database. You can send this info encrypted and your server would decrypt it and insert in your database.

iPhone in app purchase subscription to web server data. How should I auth?

I'm working on an app that will provide data from a web server to users but only if they've bought an in app purchase subscription. I understand the basics of IAPs but how do I securely make sure the data from the server is only accessible to the app, and only if the subscription has been purchased? I don't want to make the user set up an account, I just want to auth the app/purchase securely.
Thanks in advance :)
I'm going to use subscription model too with IAP.
AFAIK, you SHOULD NOT use a unique phone identifier like the IMEI of the phone to identify the user on your server. According to the Apple documentation, you MUST provide a way so that an user can restore his subscriptions on several devices!
Besides, a call to restoreCompletedTransactions of the SKPaymentQueue will restore ONLY nonconsumable products! Subscriptions are not supported by this method.
See these links : (section « Frequently Asked Questions », point 10)
iPhone - How to recognize the iTunes user of my app
The only way I know is to use a login/password to identify the user on the web server but this could be quite ugly...
However, if someone know another way, could he describe his solution ?
You should upload store receipts to your server, to be able to check them on Apple's site. And, with request you should upload phone identifier. And, of course, store somewhere in the database. After all, you will have information about which phone id has access to subscription.
And, when you will request subscription-related info from your server, you'll be able to check who has acces (via phone id) and who hasn't.

Retrieve SMS information based on user contact details

How can I make my iPhone application retrieve logs of previous SMSs, calls, etc.. based on a user contact?
I'm pretty sure that the API doesn't allow you to do that.