How to refresh or reload a App in Multitasking - iphone

When my Iphone-App was already running and I try to go back to it then it cannot refresh or reload the news or tables automatically.
How could i set an automatic refresh on the quickstart of the App?

To add to the previous answer, you can do this in your app delegate's applicationWillBecomeForeground: method, which is called when your app is about to be returned to the foreground.
There's also the UIApplicationWillEnterForeground notification, which you can sign up for to allow any object (like a view controller, for example) to be notified when the app is about to return to the foreground. Either technique should get the desired effect.

You can try go call code to do that like : [self.tableView reloadData]; or [self.myNetwork reloadNews];


viewWillAppear and UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification

I am using the UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification to refresh my tableview when the app becomes active. My problem is that in my ViewWillAppear, I am also calling a method to refresh this table's data.
This is causing the table to be refreshed twice upon application launch. How can I get one of them not to fire when the app is initially launched? Refreshing the table has some intensive processing of network and local data.. so I would really like o only perform this action once.
You need to use UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification instead of UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification.
The latter is posted every time your app becomes active (initial launch, back to app after call/sms interruption, etc.). But the former is posted only in case of wake up from background. Note that in this case viewWillAppear is not called (as it should seems to be at the first sight).
One way to do it would be with a flag, that you can set up in didFinishLaunching, since that is only executed once per launch.

When to show Alert for Startup and coming out of background?

In my project I show an Alert to the user to indicate an 'empty list'.
Right now, I show it in AppDelegate>applicationDidBecomeActive.
I'm doing this because I want the alert to show if the list is empty
at app startup and when coming out of the background (iOS 4.2 through 5.x).
I use a method in the AppDelegate, and call it with a slight delay, and I still get this notice.
[self performSelector:#selector(checkForNoMessages) withObject:nil afterDelay:1.0];
However, this causes a "wait_fences" notice in the debugger and I'd prefer not to submit to Apple with this notice.
Where is the proper place to put a popup Alert so that it appears:
1) At App startup
2) When the App is coming out of the background?
Do I need the Alert in more than one place?
I recommend writing a method in your AppDelegate or better in your root view controller which shows the message. Maybe with some arguments, so you can reuse it but that's up to you.
If you are following the MVC architecture ask your model about existing entries and trigger the Alert message if necessary. But encapsulate this behavior in a controller as well.
application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: and applicationDidBecomeActive: are the places where you want to delegate this task to your controller.
More about iOS Multitasking:
Don't forget that you have to call the methods from the main thread.
And do all startup stuff first.
OK - the problem wasn't where I called the alert, it was because it was in a method. Once I moved the code from a method into applicationDidBecomeActive, all is well.

call method in applicationwillenterforeground not working

I'm trying to get my views to update when the user returns to the app while it is running in the background. My problem is this, I call the method that updates the view and a couple of UILabels but they dont update. The strange thing is, is that I have an NSLog in the method to ensure it is being fired. So I load the app, I hit the home button to return to the home screen, I open the app, I DO get an Log reading that the method I need fired IS indeed fired but the view sint updated. Help. Please.
Use applicationDidBecomeActive for this purpose.
Template implementation has the following comment:
Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface.

Deferentiating the push notification handler when application is foreground and background

It is said that (correct me if I'm wrong) if the application is in the foreground we have to handle push notifications in the "didReceiveRemoteNotification" and if the application is in the background using "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" when user taps the "view" button of the app. As I dont have a phone to test I want to know whether I am handling this properly.
1) What will be invoked when I taps on the "View" button in the push notification?
2) Let say I am running the application in the foreground and push notification receives at the same time. Will I be given the push notification alert? If so what will happen if the user click on the View button?
3) In this thread How to handle push notifications if the application is already running? it says:
"alert" key will not be there directly under the userInfo dictionary, you need to get another dictionary with name "aps" and then get the "alert" or "body" from "aps" dictionary"
Is this true?
4) I need to push to a certain view when the user clicks on the View button. Hence do I need to handle that code in both methods?
Thank you
There's a nice rundown of the methods invoked by a push notification in this Apple vid: - make sure you visit download the full version in iTunes.
This direct link might work:
Either way, the general idea is that if your app isn't in the foreground, tapping your view button will trigger didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, and if it is the foreground app, you'll get the didReceiveRemoteNotification.
I don't think you'll get the alert. The method didReceiveRemoteNotification will be called, and it'll be up to you to show a UIAlert if you want.
Yes - that's true.
Yes, but I think you can simplify this by creating a third method specifically designed to handle your view. You can call this from both didFinishLaunching (only if it launched via a notification), and didReceiveRemoteNotification. This way, if your app needs to be launched, you can have time to do any other setup you might need to do for the app to work right out of the get-go (load saved data, init tabbar controllers or anything else like that).
Best of luck

quit app in iOS4

I have an old app which did many UI initialization work in viewDidLoad of various views. In iOS4 home button just put the app in background so viewDidLoad won't get called when re-launching the app.
I don't want to put those initialization procedures in viewWillAppear as it is unnecessary to re-initialize the data every time the view appear.
How can I completely quit my app when user press the home button? or any simple way to reload the view controllers that sit inside a tabBarController?
There is a key in your app's Info.plist file called UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend, set it to the boolean YES, which will essentially revert the home button's functionality to pre-iOS4 and completely exit your app when the home button is tapped.
Try disabling backgrounding. Apple has this in their documentation
Try to check.
you have to look up to the UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification i think, but in the uiapplicationdelegate-protocol, there are even some other interesting things for you
or perfectly for you:
UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification as a new notification in ios4 for this problem