Is there an interpreter for sending commands to Selenium? - perl

I'm a Perl programmer doing some web application testing using Selenium. I was wondering if there's some kind of interactive interpreter which would allow me to type Selenium commands at a prompt and have them sent to selenium.
The way I'm currently developing code is to type all of the commands into a Perl script, and then execute the script. This make the development process painfully slow, because it makes it necessary to rerun the entire script whenever I make a change.
(If I were a Ruby programmer, I bet the Interactive Ruby Shell could help with this, but I'm hoping to find a solution for Perl.) Thanks!

The Java-based SeleniumServer has an --interactive mode.

I don't know about a Selenium shell, but if you are looking for a Perl REPL, there are modules such as Devel::REPL and Carp::REPL. I've made shells for various simple things using my Polyglot module, although I haven't looked at that in awhile.

May I ask why it's "necessary to re-run the entire script"? Since your solution is an interactive shell, i'm assuming that it's NOT because you need previous commands to set something up. If that's a correct assumption, simply make your set of Selenium commands in Perl script in such a way that you can skip the first N commands.
You can do it by explicit "if" wrappers.
Or you can have a generic "call a Selenium command based on a config hash" driver executed in a loop, and adding the config hash for every single Selenum command to an array of hashes.
Then you can either have an input parameter to the test script that refers to a # in an array; or you can even include unique labels for each test as a part of a config hash and pass "start with test named X" or even "only do test named X" as input on command line.


How to cleanly pass command-line parameters when test-running my Python script?

So I'm writing Python with IDLE and my usual workflow is to have two windows (an editor and a console), and run my script with F5 to quickly test it.
My script has some non-optional command line parameters, and I have two conflicting desires:
If someone launches my script without passing any parameters, I'd like him to get an error telling him to do so (argparse does this well)
When I hit F5 in IDLE, I'd like to have my script run with dummy parameters (and I don't want to have more keystrokes than F5 to have this work, and I don't want to have a piece of code I have to remember to remove when I'm not debugging any more)
So far my solution has been that if I get no parameters, I look for a params.debug file (that's not under source control), and if so, take that as default params, but it's a bit ugly... so would there be a cleaner, more "standard" solution to this? Do other IDEs offer easier ways of doing this?
Other solutions I can think of: environment variables, having a separate "launcher" script that's the one taking the "official" parameters.
(I'm likely to try out another IDE anyway)
With some editors you can define the 'execute' command,
For example with Geany, for Python files, F5 is python2.7 %f. That could be modified to something like python2.7 %f dummy parameters. But I use an attached terminal window and its line history more than F5 like commands.
I'm an Ipython user, so don't remember much about the IDLE configuration. In Ipython I usually use the %run magic, which is more like invoking the script from a shell than from an IDE. Ipython also has a better previous line history than the shell.
For larger scripts I like to put the guts of the code (classes, functions) in one file, and test code in the if __name__ block. The user interface is in another file that imports this core module.
Thanks for your question. I also searched for a way to do this. I found that Spyder which is the IDE I use has an option under Run/Configure to enter the command line parameters for running the program. You can even configure different ones for the different editors you have open.
Python tracker issue 5680 is a proposal to add to Idle a way to set command lines args for F5 Run module. You are free to test any of the proposed patches if you are able to apply them.
In the meanwhile conditionally extending sys.argv as done below should fulfill your requirements.
import sys
in __name__ == '__main__':
if 'idlelib.PyShell' in sys.modules:
sys.argv.extend(('a', '-2')) # add your argments here.
print(sys.argv) # in use, parse sys.argv after extending it
# ['C:\\Programs\\python34\\', 'a', '-2']

how to read texts on the terminal inside perl script

Is there any way to capture the texts on termianl screen inside a perl script. I know there are some functions like system,exec,backticks but the problem is that they execute commands FROM the script.For ex:- in terminal i write cd/ (or) ls,and after that i run my perl script which will read what was written on termianl screen(in this case, scipt will capture cd/ (or) ls-whichever was given to termianl). I came with one solution that by passing the commands which you wrote on termianl as a command line arguments to the script,but any other way???
Like this maybe:
history | perl -ne 'print $_'
As I understand it, in a situation where you've typed some stuff into a terminal like this:
[tai#littlerobot ~] echo "Hello"
[tai#littlerobot ~] perl
You want to be able to access the echo "Hello" part, and possibly also the Hello that was that command's output.
Perl does not provide such a feature. No programming language does or can provide such a feature because the process in which your script/program runs has no intrinsic knowledge about what happened in the same terminal before it was run. The only way it could access this text would be if it could ask the currently running terminal, which will have some record of this information (i.e. the scrollback buffer), even if it cannot distinguish between which characters in the text were typed by you, and which are output. However, I know of no terminal that exposes that information via any kind of public API.
So if you want to be able to access that echo "Hello", you'll need to pass it to your script. Piping history to your script (as shown by Mark Setchell in his answer) is one technique. history is a shell built-in, so it has as much knowledge as your shell has (which is not quite the same knowledge as your terminal has). In particular it can give you a list of what commands have been typed in this shell session. However, it cannot tell you about the output generated by those commands. And it cannot tell you about other shell sessions, so doing this in Perl is fairly useless:
my #history = `tcsh -c history`;
The last thing you could try (though it would be incredibly complicated to do) would be to ask the X server (or Windows if running on that operating system) for a screen shot and then attempt to locate which rectangle the current terminal is running in and perform OCR on it. This would be fraught with problems though, such as dealing with overlapping windows.
So, in summary, you cannot do this. It's nothing to do with Perl. You cannot do this in any programming language.

Executing system commands safely while coding in Perl

Should one really use external commands while coding in Perl? I see several disadvantages of it. It's not system independent plus security risks might also be there. What do you think? If there is no way and you have to use the shell commands from Perl then what is the safest way to execute that particular command (like checking pid, uid etc)?
It depends on how hard it is going to be to replicate the functionality in Perl. If I needed to run the m4 macro processor on something, I'd not think of trying to replicate that functionality in Perl myself, and since there's no module on that looks suitable, it would appear others agree with me. In that case, then, using the external program is sensible. On the other hand, if I needed to read the contents of a directory, then the combination of readdir() et al plus stat() or lstat() inside Perl is more sensible than futzing with the output of ls.
If you need to execute commands, think very carefully about how you invoke them. In particular, you probably want to avoid the shell interpreting the arguments, so use the array form of system (see also exec), etc, rather than a single string for the command plus arguments (which means the shell is used to process the command line).
Executing external commands can be expensive simply because it involves forking new process and watching for its output if you need it.
Probably more importantly, should external process fail for any reason, it may be difficult to understand what happened by means of your script. Worse still, surprisingly often external process can be stuck forever, so will be your script. You can use special tricks like opening pipe and watching for output in loop, but this itself is error-prone.
Perl is very capable of doing many things. So, if you stick to using only Perl native constructs and modules to accomplish your tasks, not only it will be faster because you never fork, but it will be more reliable and easier to catch errors by looking at native Perl objects and structures returned by library routines. And of course, it will be automatically portable to different platforms.
If your script runs under elevated permissions (like root or under sudo), you should be very careful as to what external programs you execute. One of the simple ways to ensure basic security is to always specify commands by full name, like /usr/bin/grep (but still think twice and just do grep by Perl itself!). However, even this may not be enough if attacker is using LD_PRELOAD mechanism to inject rogue shared libraries.
If you are willing to go very secure, it is suggested to use tainted check by using -T flag like this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -T
Taint flag will be also enabled by Perl automatically if your script was determined to have different real and effective user or group ids.
Tainted mode will severely limit your ability to do many things (like system() call) without Perl complaining - see more at, but it will give you much higher security confidence.
Should one really use external commands while coding in Perl?
There's no single answer to this question. It all depends on what you are doing within the wide range of potential uses of Perl.
Are you using Perl as a glorified shell script on your local machine, or just trying to find a quick-and-dirty solution to your problem? In that case, it makes a lot of sense to run system commands if that is the easiest way to accomplish your task. Security and speed are not that important; what matters is the ability to code quickly.
On the other hand, are you writing a production program? In that case, you want secure, portable, efficient code. It is often preferable to write the functionality in Perl (or use a module), rather than calling an external program. At least, you should think hard about the benefits and drawbacks.

Possible to use Powershell to type a command into a third-party command line program?

I have an old, third party, command line, proprietary program which I'm calling from PowerShell.
Once started, this program accepts commands typed in followed by enter (like any other program), but it's very basic. It doesn't have flags, doesn't accept piped in arguments, etc. You have to start the program, type your command, hit enter and parse the results.
Is there a way I can use PowerShell to type in a command and get the resulting output? Right now the best solution I have is to call SendKeys.Send in a background job, but I'm not sure this will work.
Is there a better way?
check out this to see if it would work for you:
legacy programs are hard to tell, however. this works with standard windows programs.

How to discover command line options (if any) for an undocumented executable of unknown origin?

Take an undocumented executable of unknown origin. Trying /?, -h, --help from the command line yields nothing. Is it possible to discover if the executable supports any command line options by looking inside the executable? Possibly reverse engineering? What would be the best way of doing this?
I'm talking about a Windows executable, but would be interested to hear what different approaches would be needed with another OS.
In linux, step one would be run strings your_file which dumps all the strings of printable characters in the file. Any constants chars will thus be shown, including any "usage" instructions.
Next step could be to run ltrace on the file. This shows all function calls the program does. If it includes getopt (or familiar), then it is a sure sign that it is processing input parameters. In fact, you should be able to see exactly what argument the program is expecting since that is the third parameter to the getopt function.
For Windows, you can see this question about decompiling Windows executables. It should be relatively easy to at least discover the options (what they actually do is a different story).
If it's a .NET executable try using Reflector. This will convert the MSIL code into the equivalent C# code which may make it easier to understand. Unfortunately private and local variable names will be lost, as these are not stored in the MSIL but it should still be possible to follow what's going on.