No response after submitting form on iPad from UIWebView - forms

I am currently opening a webpage in UIWebView and submitting a form which performs a query on the server side and youtube video is returned (if available). I have no say/control over the server side implementation.
This webview works fine on iPhone/iPod, however, when I try to run the same app on iPad there is no response after submitting the form.
I created a dummy app, compiled on iOS 3.2 and problem is still there.
I put NSLogs in webview delegate methods which shows that after the form is submitted (UIWebViewNavigationTypeFormSubmitted) nothing happens.
I'm unable to figure out why this happens only on iPad and not on iPhone/iPod Touch.
I have created the webview in IB and setting the URL is viewDidLoad
[viewTourWebView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]]];
The URL for reference is
Enter the Tour ID as 10.

The reason it wasn't working is because the form opens the result in a new page, (i.e. _blank) and apparantly all links opening in new window are ignored by uiwebview and its delegates.
I found 2 possible solutions for this:
1) Modifying the html using javascript to replace all _blank with _self for all anchor tags.
2) A more elegant solution which works for handling links which open a new window.
In my case i recreated the web page displaying form on the iphone app and changed _blank to _self.


How to place a web browser inside an iphone application?

such that when the user open the application the website referenced will be loaded in the web browser
I know the code the will open a URL with in an application
[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
But this is not what I need I need the application to display the web browser within its form.
If you are only to show one page I suggest you should use ModalViewController to present the page inside your app and put a UIWebView in it.
If you are to render the web page as an application than you should use UIWebView
If you want to present some pages but also want to make use of navigation functions of the safari inside your app you can use DLWebView framework which suppors ModalView with navigation function.
Here you can watch the video how it works:
You need UIWebView class : UIWebView Class Reference
Also you can try to search for a ready webview with all needful buttons.
Have you looked into UIWebView?
If you need browser functionality within your own app, you will need to create your own, i.e. it's not possible to embed the Safari browser within a view in your own app.

Open on IPhone from webpage that's INSIDE an app

our app loads profile pages from our website INSIDE the app. They have been optimized for iPhone css, but they are still an html page. Our mailto link isnt working as expected.
When clicked, nothing happens. However, when clicked and held (tap and hold), the menu slides up with "new message", "create new contact", "copy", etc.
How should this be formatted to get the to automatically launch?
<a class="action_bubble" target="_blank" rel="external" href="">Send Email</a>
The "call" link works as expected.
<a class="action_bubble" href="tel:1234567890">Call</a>
So, not sure what to do with this...
Here is a project on GitHub that addresses your issue. Basically, when you use a UIWebView controller, you need to decide how to manage the links using the delegate handler for UIWebView. In Interface Builder you can have it automatically recognize phone numbers which is probably why your phone numbers work and it will recognize http links as default behavior. However, mailto and some of the other special href options will need to be handled manually.
make sure "Detection" property is set for your UIWebView like "Phone","Address". you can set it from your IB.
or from code
self.webView.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeAll;
Could it be, that you have just tried within the simulator? The simulator does not have a mail app, so it couldn't be opened. Try on a device. I think your code actually works.
I've just tested on a device: your code works.
A little late to the party but I've found out the following:
iOS has some weird ways to deal with web content
DON'T encapsulate your email address within an A tag, just put it there as plain text
Make sure that in your storyboard (if using one) the webView has the Addresses property checked and you're done ... same goes for phone numbers

Disable the Alert Box in UIWebView

I am loading an External web page in the UIWebView. When the web page loads, there is an Alert Box ( with OK and Cancel buttons) with some Suggestion/ Info about the web page. I want to block this Alert Box when the web page loads in the UIWebView component in my iphone app. How can I implement in my code?
Thanks for your reply. I am not in-charge for the external web page(but i could ask the concern web page owner to do the changes with respect to following requirement). The requirement is that the Alert Box (used to tell about my iphone app) could be shown when we view the web page in iPhone Safari browswer , but not in UIWebView in which I am using the same web page) of my iphone app. I am using the same web page url both in iPhone Safari and in my iPhone app with UIWebView. So requirement is show the Alert box when we view the web page in iPHone Safari and don't show the Alert box when we view the same web page in iPhone app (within in UIWebView). Hope I have clearly explained my requirement. Please give any solution for this.
using stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: method you can change anything you want on the page with any javascript you provide, so you can overload or replace the alert function to do what you want
Are you the one 'in charge' of this external web page? If that's the case, you could do something like this:
Make the UIWebView load externalpage.html?noalert instead of externalpage.html.
Then on externalpage.html you can check whether this query string variable exists, and only show the alert() if it doesn't:
if(! || != 'noalert') {
duplicate: UIWebView: Can I disable the javascript alert() inside any web page?
Since a UIWebView translates all Javascript alerts into native UIAlertViews it is fairly simple to block it on the native end. Looking into UIAlertView.h there is only one public method for showing an alert which is conveniently called: - (void)show;.
#interface UIAlertView (Blocker)
#import "UIAlertView+Blocker.h"
#implementation UIAlertView (Blocker)
- (void)show {
You can find the answer here:

how to naviagate html url to other window

Special thanks in advance for sending me answer........
I m the beginner in iphone development. I was calling html page in the UISegment Controller.The url in that page html page is open in the same page. In html page i wrote the following code
But it open that url in UISegment Control of WebView on same page. I want that url open in new page of safari browser in iphone.
You can assign a delegate to your web view.
In the delegate's class, implement -webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType:. Then use UIApplication's -openURL: to close the app and open the page in MobileSafari.
google in a new window

Launching Safari in-app?

Is it possible to Launch Safari without having the app close? Just like the in-app email compose window.
I'm aware of how to display a webpage in UIWebView. I'd like to use a full web browser, i.e. Safari.
You can use a UIWebView to display web content in your app.
You can create a UIWebView with the URL to display. It will follow any links that the user touches, but that won't give you the address bar, search, navigation buttons, bookmarks or the page (tab) control. Those you'll have to add yourself, but odds are you don't want all of that. (Do you really need Google searches in your app?)
Creating a controller to manage a UIWebView and as much or as little navigation as you need is pretty easy. With a little planning, your custom controller class will also a good thing to keep in your library for the next app.
No you can not make use of the full Safari from within your own application. Your application must terminate for Safari to open.
In iPhone OS 2.0 you also had to terminate in order to send e-mails, so some chance exists that Apple couls open up Safari in the same way for iPhone OS 4.0. Make sure to request it at if you are eager.
The second best option currently available is to roll your own "Browser view controller" using UIWebView. Let it have back, forward, stop/reload buttons, and an extra button for opening in Safari if the user is not content. This is how many of the greatest apps our there, like Tweetie, does it.