iPhone SDK << meaning? - iphone

Hi another silly simple question. I have noticed that in certain typedefs in Apple's frameworks use the symbols "<<" can anyone tell me what that means?:
enum {
UIViewAutoresizingNone = 0,
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin = 1 << 0,
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth = 1 << 1,
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin = 1 << 2,
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin = 1 << 3,
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight = 1 << 4,
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin = 1 << 5
typedef NSUInteger UIViewAutoresizing;
Edit: Alright so I now understand how and why you would use the left bit-shift, my next question is how would I test to see if the the value had a certain trait using and if/then statement or a switch/case method?

This is a way to create constants that would be easy to mix. For example you can have an API to order an ice cream and you can choose any of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavours. You could use booleans, but that’s a bit heavy:
- (void) iceCreamWithVanilla: (BOOL) v chocolate: (BOOL) ch strawerry: (BOOL) st;
A nice trick to solve this is using numbers, where you can mix the flavours using simple adding. Let’s say 1 for vanilla, 2 for chocolate and 4 for strawberry:
- (void) iceCreamWithFlavours: (NSUInteger) flavours;
Now if the number has its rightmost bit set, it’s got vanilla flavour in it, another bit stands for chocolate and the third bit from right is strawberry. For example vanilla + chocolate would be 1+2=3 decimal (011 in binary).
The bitshift operator x << y takes the left number (x) and shifts its bits y times. It’s a good tool to create numeric constants:
1 << 0 = 001 // vanilla
1 << 1 = 010 // chocolate
1 << 2 = 100 // strawberry
Voila! Now when you want a view with flexible left margin and flexible right margin, you can mix the flags using bitwise or: FlexibleRightMargin | FlexibleLeftMargin → 1<<2 | 1<<0 → 100 | 001 → 101. On the receiving end the method can mask the interesting bit using logical and:
// 101 & 100 = 100 or 4 decimal, which boolifies as YES
BOOL flexiRight = givenNumber & FlexibleRightMargin;
Hope that helps.

The << means that all bits in the expression on the left side are shifted left by the amount on the right side of the operator
so 1 << 1 means:
0001 becomes 0010 (those are binary numbers)
another example:
0001 0100 << 2 = 0101 0000
most of the time shift left is the same as multiply by 2.
when high bits are set and you shift them left (in a 16 bit integer 1000 0000 0000 0000 << 1) they will be discarded or wrapped around (i don't know how it is done in each language)

Its a bit shift.
In C-inspired languages, the left and
right shift operators are "<<" and
">>", respectively. The number of
places to shift is given as the second
argument to the shift operators.

Bit Shift!!!
For example
500 >> 4 = 31,
Original: 111110100
1st Shift:011111010
2nd Shift:001111101
3rd Shift:000111110
4th Shift:000011111 which equals 31.
Same as
500/16 = 31
500/2^4 = 31

Bitwise shift left. For more info see the Wikipedia article.


EditorGuiLayout.MaskField issue with large enums

I'm working on an input system that would allow the user to translate input mappings between different input devices and operating systems and potentially define their own.
I'm trying to create a MaskField for an editor window where the user can select from a list of RuntimePlatforms, but selecting individual values results in multiple values being selected.
Mainly for debugging I set it up to generate an equivalent enum RuntimePlatformFlags that it uses instead of RuntimePlatform:
public enum RuntimePlatformFlags: long
In this linked screenshot, only the first 4 options were selected. The integer next to "Platforms: " is the mask itself.
I'm not a bitwise wizard by a large margin, but my assumption is that this occurs because EditorGUILayout.MaskField returns a 32bit int value, and there are over 32 enum options. Are there any workarounds for this or is something else causing the issue?
First thing I've noticed is that all values inside that Enum is the same because you are shifting 0 bits to left. You can observe this by logging your values with this script.
// Shifts 0 bits to the left, printing "0" 36 times.
for(int i = 0; i < 36; i++){
Debug.Log(System.Convert.ToString((0 << i), 2));
// Shifts 1 bits to the left, printing values up to 2^35.
for(int i = 0; i < 36; i++){
Debug.Log(System.Convert.ToString((1 << i), 2));
The reason inheriting from long does not work alone, is because of bit shifting. Check out this example I found about the issue:
UInt32 x = ....;
UInt32 y = ....;
UInt64 result = (x << 32) + y;
The programmer intended to form a 64-bit value from two 32-bit ones by shifting 'x' by 32 bits and adding the most significant and the least significant parts. However, as 'x' is a 32-bit value at the moment when the shift operation is performed, shifting by 32 bits will be equivalent to shifting by 0 bits, which will lead to an incorrect result.
So you should also cast the shifting bits. Like this:
public enum RuntimePlatformFlags : long {
OSXEditor = (1 << 0),
OSXPlayer = (1 << 1),
WindowsPlayer = (1 << 2),
OSXWebPlayer = (1 << 3),
// With literals.
tvOS = (1L << 32),
Switch = (1L << 33),
// Or with casts.
Lumin = ((long)1 << 34),
BJM = ((long)1 << 35),

Find most significant bit in Swift

I need to find the value (or position) of the most significant bit (MSB) of an integer in Swift.
Input number: 9
Input as binary: 1001
MS value as binary: 1000 -> (which is 8 in decimal)
MS position as decimal: 3 (because 1<<3 == 1000)
Many processors (Intel, AMD, ARM) have instructions for this. In c, these are exposed. Are these instructions similarly available in Swift through a library function, or would I need to implement some bit twiddling?
The value is more useful in my case.
If a position is returned, then the value can be easily derived by a single shift.
Conversely, computing position from value is not so easy unless a fast Hamming Weight / pop count function is available.
You can use the flsl() function ("find last set bit, long"):
let x = 9
let p = flsl(x)
print(p) // 4
The result is 4 because flsl() and the related functions number the bits starting at 1, the least significant bit.
On Intel platforms you can use the _bit_scan_reverse intrinsic,
in my test in a macOS application this translated to a BSR
import _Builtin_intrinsics.intel
let x: Int32 = 9
let p = _bit_scan_reverse(x)
print(p) // 3
You can use the the properties leadingZeroBitCount and trailingZeroBitCount to find the Most Significant Bit and Least Significant Bit.
For example,
let i: Int = 95
let lsb = i.trailingZeroBitCount
let msb = Int.bitWidth - 1 - i.leadingZeroBitCount
print("i: \(i) = \(String(i, radix: 2))") // i: 95 = 1011111
print("lsb: \(lsb) = \(String(1 << lsb, radix: 2))") // lsb: 0 = 1
print("msb: \(msb) = \(String(1 << msb, radix: 2))") // msb: 6 = 1000000
If you look at the disassembly(ARM Mac) in LLDB for the Least Significant Bit code, it uses a single instruction, clz, to count the zeroed bits. (ARM Reference)
** 15 let lsb = i.trailingZeroBitCount
0x100ed947c <+188>: rbit x9, x8
0x100ed9480 <+192>: clz x9, x9
0x100ed9484 <+196>: mov x10, x9
0x100ed9488 <+200>: str x10, [sp, #0x2d8]

Issue with circular shift BITMASK

i'm having one enum
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, Node) {
NodeTop ,
NodeLeft ,
NodeBottom ,
NodeRight ,
} ;
and property as,
#property Node node;
now in my controller i'm assigning node multiple values using pipeline,
node =top | left | bottom | right ;
(Q-1 does node have 0000,0011 kind of values using NodeTop,Left OR simply final result of ORing of top|left|bottom|right?)
this way NSLog("%d",node); giving result 1.
now if node contains 0001 , i want to left shift it by 1 so i tried
which changes node value 1 to 2 but is it does not seem really changing 0001 to 0010?
in short i want node to have value like 0001,
and later on i want to shift its value like,
Any help? let me know if question is not clear!
You can use NS_OPTIONS to create a bit mask where each value is defined as 1<<n. This NSHipster post explain the usage of both NS_ENUM and NS_OPTIONS.
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, Node) {
NodeTop = 1 << 0, // 1
NodeLeft = 1 << 1, // 2
NodeBottom = 1 << 2, // 4
NodeRight = 1 << 3 // 8
That way when you write
NodeTop | NodeBottom
it will be the same as
...0001 | ...0100 = ....0101
And shifting the bit will move it to the next option
Node node = NodeBottom<<1; // = NodeRight
since ...0100 << ...1000.
which changes node value 1 to 2 but is it does not seem really changing 0001 to 0010?
It does. 0010 binary is 2 decimal.
You can only bitwise OR these values together in a meaningful way if you make each value correspond to a different bit, e.g.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, Node) {
NodeTop = 1,
NodeLeft = 2,
NodeBottom = 4,
NodeRight = 8
node = NodeTop; // 0b0001 = 0x01 = 1
node <<= 1; // 0b0010 = 0x02 = 2 = NodeLeft
node <<= 1; // 0b0100 = 0x04 = 4 = NodeBottom
Well as for the circular bit shifting, I think the best you can do is something like this (quickly thrown together C code)
enum test {
test1 = 1,
test2 = 2,
test4 = 4,
test8 = 8
static enum test val(enum test input) {
while(input >= 16) //Or whatever max bit you want
input = input >> 4; //Be sure to shift by the appropriate number
return input;
Then when you run this code:
enum test foo = test1;
foo = val(foo << 5);
foo will be test2

Which data structure should I use for bit stuffing?

I am trying to implement bitstuffing for a project I am working on, namely a simple software AFSK modem. The simplified protocol looks something like this:
0111 1110 # burst sequence
0111 1110 # 16 times 0b0111_1110
0111 1110
... # 80 bit header (CRC, frame counter, etc.)
0111 1110 # header delimiter
... # data
0111 1110 # end-of-frame sequence
Now I need to find the reserved sequence 0111 1110 in the received data and therefore must ensure that neither the header nor the data contains six consecutive 1s. This can be done by bit stuffing, e.g. inserting a zero after every sequence of five 1s:
converts to
converts to
If I want to implement this efficiently I guess I should not use arrays of 1s and 0s, where I have to convert the data bytes to 1s and 0s, then populate an array etc. but bitfields of static size do not seem to fit either, because the length of the content is variable due to the bit stuffing.
Which data structure can I use to do bit stuffing more efficiently?
I just saw this question now and seeing that it is unanswered and not deleted I'll go ahead and answer. It might help others who see this question and also provide closure.
Bit stuffing: here the maximum contiguous sequence of 1's is 5. After 5 1's there should be a 0 appended after those 5 1's.
Here is the C program that does that:
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned long long int ulli;
int main()
ulli buf = 0x0fffff01, // data to be stuffed
temp2= 1ull << ((sizeof(ulli)*8)-1), // mask to stuff data
temp3 = 0; // temporary
int count = 0; // continuous 1s indicator
if((buf & temp2) && count <= 5) // enter the loop if the bit is `1` and if count <= 5
if(count == 5)
temp3 = buf & (~(temp2 - 1ull)); // make MS bits all 1s
temp3 <<= 1ull; // shift 1 bit to accomodeate the `0`
temp3 |= buf & ((temp2) - 1); // add back the LS bits or original producing stuffed data
buf = temp3;
count = 0; // reset count
printf("%llx\n",temp3); // debug only
count = 0; // this was what took 95% of my debug time. i had not put this else clause :-)
temp2 >>=1; // move on to next bit.
printf("ans = %llx",buf); // finally
The problem with this is that if there are more that 10 of 5 consecutive 1s then it might overflow. It's better to divide and then bitstuff and repeat.

Convert 16bit colour to 32bit

I've got an 16bit bitmap image with each colour represented as a single short (2 bytes), I need to display this in a 32bit bitmap context. How can I convert a 2 byte colour to a 4 byte colour in C++?
The input format contains each colour in a single short (2 bytes).
The output format is 32bit RGB. This means each pixel has 3 bytes I believe?
I need to convert the short value into RGB colours.
Excuse my lack of knowledge of colours, this is my first adventure into the world of graphics programming.
Normally a 16-bit pixel is 5 bits of red, 6 bits of green, and 5 bits of blue data. The minimum-error solution (that is, for which the output color is guaranteed to be as close a match to the input colour) is:
red8bit = (red5bit << 3) | (red5bit >> 2);
green8bit = (green6bit << 2) | (green6bit >> 4);
blue8bit = (blue5bit << 3) | (blue5bit >> 2);
To see why this solution works, let's look at at a red pixel. Our 5-bit red is some fraction fivebit/31. We want to translate that into a new fraction eightbit/255. Some simple arithmetic:
fivebit eightbit
------- = --------
31 255
eightbit = fivebit * 8.226
Or closely (note the squiggly ≈):
eightbit ≈ (fivebit * 8) + (fivebit * 0.25)
That operation is a multiply by 8 and a divide by 4. Owch - both operations that might take forever on your hardware. Lucky thing they're both powers of two and can be converted to shift operations:
eightbit = (fivebit << 3) | (fivebit >> 2);
The same steps work for green, which has six bits per pixel, but you get an accordingly different answer, of course! The quick way to remember the solution is that you're taking the top bits off of the "short" pixel and adding them on at the bottom to make the "long" pixel. This method works equally well for any data set you need to map up into a higher resolution space. A couple of quick examples:
five bit space eight bit space error
00000 00000000 0%
11111 11111111 0%
10101 10101010 0.02%
00111 00111001 -1.01%
Common formats include BGR0,
RGB0, 0RGB, 0BGR. In the code below I have assumed 0RGB. Changing this
is easy, just modify the shift amounts in the last line.
unsigned long rgb16_to_rgb32(unsigned short a)
/* 1. Extract the red, green and blue values */
/* from rrrr rggg gggb bbbb */
unsigned long r = (a & 0xF800) >11;
unsigned long g = (a & 0x07E0) >5;
unsigned long b = (a & 0x001F);
/* 2. Convert them to 0-255 range:
There is more than one way. You can just shift them left:
to 00000000 rrrrr000 gggggg00 bbbbb000
r <<= 3;
g <<= 2;
b <<= 3;
But that means your image will be slightly dark and
off-colour as white 0xFFFF will convert to F8,FC,F8
So instead you can scale by multiply and divide: */
r = r * 255 / 31;
g = g * 255 / 63;
b = b * 255 / 31;
/* This ensures 31/31 converts to 255/255 */
/* 3. Construct your 32-bit format (this is 0RGB): */
return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
/* Or for BGR0:
return (r << 8) | (g << 16) | (b << 24);
Multiply the three (four, when you have an alpha layer) values by 16 - that's it :)
You have a 16-bit color and want to make it a 32-bit color. This gives you four times four bits, which you want to convert to four times eight bits. You're adding four bits, but you should add them to the right side of the values. To do this, shift them by four bits (multiply by 16). Additionally you could compensate a bit for inaccuracy by adding 8 (you're adding 4 bits, which has the value of 0-15, and you can take the average of 8 to compensate)
Update This only applies to colors that use 4 bits for each channel and have an alpha channel.
There some questions about the model like is it HSV, RGB?
If you wanna ready, fire, aim I'd try this first.
#include <stdint.h>
uint32_t convert(uint16_t _pixel)
uint32_t pixel;
pixel = (uint32_t)_pixel;
return ((pixel & 0xF000) << 16)
| ((pixel & 0x0F00) << 12)
| ((pixel & 0x00F0) << 8)
| ((pixel & 0x000F) << 4);
This maps 0xRGBA -> 0xRRGGBBAA, or possibly 0xHSVA -> 0xHHSSVVAA, but it won't do 0xHSVA -> 0xRRGGBBAA.
I'm here long after the fight, but I actually had the same problem with ARGB color instead, and none of the answers are truly right: Keep in mind that this answer gives a response for a slightly different situation where we want to do this conversion:
If you want to keep the same ratio of your color, you simply have to do a cross-multiplication: You want to convert a value x between 0 and 15 to a value between 0 and 255: therefore you want: y = 255 * x / 15.
However, 255 = 15 * 17, which itself, is 16 + 1: you now have y = 16 * x + x
Which is actually the same as doing a for bits shift to the left and then adding the value again (or more visually, duplicating the value: 0b1101 becomes 0b11011101).
Now that you have this, you can compute your whole number by doing:
a = v & 0b1111000000000000
r = v & 0b111100000000
g = v & 0b11110000
b = v & 0b1111
return b | b << 4 | g << 4 | g << 8 | r << 8 | r << 12 | a << 12 | a << 16
Moreover, as the lower bits wont have much effect on the final color and if exactitude isnt necessary, you can gain some performances by simply multiplying each component by 16:
return b << 4 | g << 8 | r << 12 | a << 16
(All the left shifts values are strange because we did not bother doing a right shift before)