best Social Network for Moodle integration? [closed] - moodle

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Closed 10 years ago.
I´m going to set-up an adapted social network for my company and I need to be logged through moodle so I´m looking for the best option... any suggestion?
i´m gattering information about elgg, mahara, socialengine, Buddypress ... the most important is that we need users to be logged only one time
thanks in advance

moodle social networking integration best option is joomdle (joomsocial extension).

by de way, the best opcion for me was Joomla + JomSocial(plugin) + Joomdle (plugin) despite Elgg is the best Social Network creator system, it hasen´t good connection with Moodle


Twitter - award a user for following [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am building a site that has a points system for the user. I would like to award them points if they follow the site on Twitter but don't really know where to start.
In essence I would like the following to occur:
User clicks link inside of admin that takes them to twitter
They follow the site
Once followed it redirects them back to the site
Anyone got ideas on where to find a guide on this?
check out web intents # - it has sample code. Also logon on to your twitter account and go to the first one is probably the one you're most likely to use though.
Good luck!
Rachel :)

Offline iPhone Map with offline routing [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am developing an iPhone app with :
offline map
offline routing
like : mtrip, offMap ...
I research alot (routeme, navit ...):
But i can not find any frame work or good solution for Offline Routing.
Can anyone suggest some idea, framework to use (free or paid) ?
Thanks alot is the solution.
This is pretty late, but I thought I'd chip in here since no one else has.
You may want to take a look at Waze's offline routing algorithm: . I must warn you, their open source implementation is under the GPL v2.

What is the best framework for developing facebook applications? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I saw some frameworks and wanted to know which one is the best.
Raw PHP, .net, Java...? Another?
I would answer this question with another question:
Which is the language or framework
you are more comfortable with?
But if that does not answer your question, and you prefer to try some other language/framework to develop Facebook apps, I believe the best you can do is take a look at the Facebook developer site and check which SDK they offer.
You're going to get a lot of different answers here. Depending on what people prefer to use, they'll say it's the best.As long as you can get what you want done, go with what you know.

What are the open source alternatives for Facebook? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Just want to look at how things are implemented for learning purpose and may even contribute something along the way. So is there any open source facebook clones out there ?
Searching gives
as starting points, a list of active distributed social media sites can be found here
This one is most polished right now:
Not exactly a 'clone' but Diaspora is an open source, decentralised, distributed alternative to Facebook.

How to port a website into a mobile version of it? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Is it possible to port a certain full-blown website into its mobile version? If yes, how to do so?
The question seems to be a bit vague, but I would also like to get a vague idea as to how it can be done. The scalability issues and all.
There are commercial services available which will make creating mobile version of your site fairly simple, if not even a trivial task. For example check out
Some recent articles on this subject I found to be useful:
I hope this will help in finding a good method to create mobile content.