Objects that defy gravity but collide with others in Box2D. How? - iphone

newbie to iPhone game development and Box2D here.
I'm developing a game in which I can move (drag) otherwise stationary objects that can collide with other objects.
How do I make these objects stationary in a Box2D world with gravity while maintaining their ability to collide with dynamic bodies?
One random thought is to exert a force equal to gravity on these objects all the time. Any better or simpler approaches? Will static bodies help?

Static bodies will collide with dynamic objects but not other static objects. That sounds like what you want, but it's not clear from your description what the "other bodies" in question are.
You cannot disable gravity on a per-object basis; exerting a force equal to the opposite of gravity will usually work but can, due to rounding errors, accumulate small velocities. A better approach is to set gravity to 0 and manually apply a gravitational force on the objects you do want affected by gravity.


Raycasting Layermask vs RaycastAll

Hi I have a small question on how the raycasting with layermasks work vs using RaycastAll.
I am trying to project my rays from inside my object and layermask the rays to collide with the same layer as the original object, therefore i need to ignore the "hit" on the original object itself.
My question is: when Raycasting uses a layermask does it register a collision with other undesirable layers too and then simply ignore them, or does it not even register a collision with those layers in the first place? Would it be worse or equal on performance if I used RaycastAll to logically decide to respond to a layer or not vs somehow using strictly layermasks? Or is it not even an appreciable difference?
I know some posts say that "if you cast it from inside the object it wont collide with that object" but evidently it does.
You can take a look at official Unity's physics preformance tutorial. To start with, Raycast is rather cheap operation but it's performance really depends on how you actually do Raycasting. For example, for one of your questions - RaycastAll is more expensive than doing Raycast on a separate layer, it's also mentioned in the link above. It's based on how actually physics work. Unity doesn't implement physics itself, instead it uses existing solutions (like PhysiX for 3d, and earlier it was Box2d for 2d physics).
Also the length of your ray actually influences Raycast's performance. The shorter ray you cast the better performance you get. The worst case is Raycasting to infinity. Another case is that Collider.Raycast is cheaper than Physics.Raycast.
It's no secret, that there is nothing more that some bunch of math equations behind physics in game development so you may thing in such things - the simplier equation you have, the better performance and time to complete you get. So Raycast can be treated as system of equations where you have the equation of the line (actual Raycast) and some number of equations, which describe some 2d/3d object in plane/space and the task is two calculate the points of intersection between your line (Ray) and other objects.
If you don't have complex physics in your game you may not see the difference between RaycastAll and Raycast with layermask, or shorter ray's length, but performance really differs.

interaction with objects in xna

I'm new to using xna and I want to make my player collide with with multipe walls from the same class. So I looked around and I understood that the best way for doing that is to create a list of variables containing the walls id's and make a loop that circles them all and then returns the variable of the objects that collide.
My question is if there is a faster more efficient way for doing that? I mean if I have like 10000 objects that loop can cause a lot of memory use.
Thx in advance
Option 1) If these 10000 object are walls of a level, then you should probably use some sort of grid (like this very old example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda#mediaviewer/File:Legend_of_Zelda_NES.PNG)
With a grid you only have to check collision with adjacent objects, or only with objects that are nearby.
Option 2) If these 10000 objects are enemies or bullets that move more freely, then you could also calculate the distance first and only check for collision if the objects are nearby.
But may I ask why you are using XNA? I used to work with XNA 4.x but in my understanding it is pretty much dead (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/389018/microsoft-email-confirms-plan-to-cease-xna-support). If you're new to XNA, I would advice to use other software to make games (like Unity3D). In Unity3D the hard part of collision detection is done for you (is has standard functions for collision detection) and Unity3D also works with C# (like XNA)
You always want to do the least amount of processing to get the job done. For a tiled 2D game you usually have a 2 dimensional grid. When the player want to walk on a certain tile you can check that tile if it is allowed to walk there. In this case you just have to check a single tile. If you have a lot of NPC's you could divide your map into sections and keep track of in what sections the NPC's are. Now you just have to do collision detection on the enemies within your section.
When you need expensive collision, pixel perfect or polygon collision you should first check if an object is even close with a simple radius float or BoundingSphere only then you go on with more expensive collision detection.
Same goes for pretty much anything, if you have a 100x100 tilemap but only need to draw 20x10 for the screen then you should just render that portion by calculations. In unreal, mappers create invisible boxes, when inside these boxes it only draws a certain part of the map and only checks collision within these boxes. GameDev is all about tricks to make things work smoothly.

Unity Collision Behavior

In Unity I noticed that the collision boxes of two moving objects are intersecting and entering each other physically. Is this a normal behaviour?
Also, changing the collision detection to Continuous has little to no effect.
Min Penetration For Penalty How deep in meters are two objects allowed
to penetrate before the collision solver pushes them apart. A higher
value will make objects penetrate more but reduces jitter.

iPhone cocos2d box2d body collision detection without applying force

I am writing Cocos2D box2d game for iPhone.
I've 2 dynamic bodies, and I hope they are applied force from outside, but they don't apply force each other and detect their collision.
How can I achieve this?
And also I hope they move together at the same position after collision.
How can I do this?
they don't apply force each other and detect their collision
Sounds like you might want to look at collision filtering. This answer has a bit of code that changes the collision filtering index of a body dynamically https://stackoverflow.com/a/11283206/735204
they move together at the same position after collision
Probably some kind of joint (eg weldjoint?)
From the manual: http://www.box2d.org/manual.html
Joints are used to constrain bodies to the world or to each other. Typical examples in games include ragdolls, teeters, and pulleys. Joints can be combined in many different ways to create interesting motions.
Some joints provide limits so you can control the range of motion. Some joint provide motors which can be used to drive the joint at a prescribed speed until a prescribed force/torque is exceeded.
Joint motors can be used in many ways. You can use motors to control position by specifying a joint velocity that is proportional to the difference between the actual and desired position. You can also use motors to simulate joint friction: set the joint velocity to zero and provide a small, but significant maximum motor force/torque. Then the motor will attempt to keep the joint from moving until the load becomes too strong.
Sorry about last answer, just checking that I can write it.
What about this?
bodyDef.isSensor = true;
and use ContactListener to detect collision. Box2d for collision detection
Also you can use box2d filters. For example:
REMEMBER: if groupIndex < 0, same bodies never collide with each other. That is what you need.
b2Filter bodyFilter;
bodyFilter.groupIndex = -1;
bodyFilter.categoryBits = 0x0002;
fixtureDef.filter = bodyFilter;

Box2d - Dynamic Sensors?

so I have this dynamic body, that I just want to know when an object collides with it, but even if this object collides with it, the dynamic body will always move at the same time and will only affect by gravity and the floor.
I tried kinmestic bodies and sensor, but it's not affected by gravity. I can add gravity but how can I add also that it will collide with the floor and stop?
I don't care what, but I most find a solution for that. Thanks.
There is no need for sensor in your case. You have to implement the b2ContactListener. Here is the manual how to do it: http://www.box2d.org/manual.html