Hudson: Can't email upstream committers when downstream builds fail - email

I have a set of unit test projects (one per customer), a set of config projects per customer, and a core Java. The unit tests are just JUnit tests, the config projects are just customer-specific xml files, etc, and the core project is the runtime. So the unit tests are testing the specific config for each customer.
So my unit test projects depend upon the core, and their corresponding unit test project. All as Maven2 dependencies.
Now, what I want to happen is, if a developer updates a config project that breaks the unit test project, the build will fail. Even if the unit test or core projects are unchanged.
However, even though in Hudson, it has registered that the core and config projects are upstream to the unit test projects, it still only emails developers when the unit tests fail when they checked in to the unit test project.
I have tried using the "Blame Upstream Committers Plugin", and also the Email-Ext plugin, setting the Committers and Culprits to be emailed. But none of these work, even though I don't see why not.
One thing I can do is merge the unit test and config projects. This is a drastic move as they like the customer config isolated, but it is possible. But I would like to know why the above doesn't work.
Thanks if you can help,

Did you have fingerprinting enabled when you tried the Blame plugin? (Sorry to post this as an answer, can't comment yet)

I am struggling with this same issue. According to the docs for the plugin you need to ensure that you have fingerprinting turned on for both the upstream and downstream project, and that they must fingerprint files that "hudson (jenkins) can determine came from an upstream build". The easiest way to do this is only fingerprint the files that are built in the upstream project.
I think the files need to vary between projects in a unique way (i.e. change every build) as there are several people reporting that upstream projects of earlier builds get blamed (when it does work).
The above is true for either the plugin or the ext-mail plugin with hudson.upstreamCulprits=true enabled.


Multiple SonarQube analysis on one pull-request

We used to have a big project that had SonarQube analysis run on it for every pull-request on GitHub. Everything worked fine.
Then we did some refactoring, and split the code into separate projects. Since the code is related, the repo is still the same. But, instead of running just one build+analysis we run multiple ones per pull-request.
Everything else works fine, except that the SonarQube GitHub plugin writes the problems found in the first build, then removes them in the second build and so on. So I get an email about problems in the first build, but when I go and look at the PR in GitHub, it's all green and no messages anywhere.
Optimally I would like to specify to SonarQube GH plugin that these builds should be handled as separate in the PR, but I haven't found a way to do that yet.
What you are trying to achieve is not possible with the SonarQube GitHub plugin. If you want PR analysis back, you have 2 ways:
Either you gather those projects under the same umbrella, making them modules of a top project
Or you extract them in different repositories
The best solution depends on how your "new" projects are coupled to each other. If they have the same lifecycle (~ the same versioning scheme), then it's best to gather them under a top project. If not (i.e. they can be released independently with different versions), then moving them to dedicated repositories would be the best approach.
It is possible, but requires a complex setup:
- A SonarQube project for each language.
- A Github user for each language
- In each SonarQube project, under the General Settings -> Pull Requests, set a different access token to post back to github for each project.
Now you will have 2 different commenters, one for each project.

Where to store automated tests in source control

My company recently started getting up to date on the usage of TFS, source control, and branching strategies. Our current branching strategy is the basic 'Dev > Main > Release' method, which works well for our small team. However, the issue lies with our automated tests. All of our integration tests and UI tests are written in C# and executed in a nightly build process. In effort to keep source clean and well kept, where exactly should we place the automated test code?
You could place the automated tests inside of each branch. Your automated tests can be merged and treated just like regular code since it will be changing for new development.
The other option could be for you to place it where your projects build-types and build files reside.
It is important to make sure it is checked into source control.

Output binary files linked my version-control server without a build system?

I am trying to setup a internal Mercurial HgWeb server on a Windows 2003 server. The Hgweb part is working. I could just share a folder to put released binary files for each projects. But I am wandering could I still somehow link the version control system with binary build output. So when there is a commit, the build output will automated get update as well for a release?
I know I could have a build system on the server end. But for Delphi, C#, ASP.NET projects and with a few third-party libraries, it seems much more work.
Right now, I am thinking about for each project I will have two repository, one for development (not output binary), the other for release which will including everything including the build result binaries (or only build result including dependency will be a better idea?). But I don't know yet how to make those two synchronize automatically without manually commit twice.
Maybe simply a hook on Dev repository fires every time commit to Master branch which will make another commit to the Release branch?
You really need a build system like CruiseControl.NET to build your binaries after pushes happen to a remote repository that CC.NET is watching. The binaries built can then just be copied to a standard Web server to be served up for download. CC.NET is not complicated to configure and supports Mercurial out-of-the-box. Using a system like this, you can get the extras like build stats, run unit tests before pushing a build to be downloaded, and lots more.

Promoting several modules (integration -> milestone) in ivy

Ivy is great for managing dependencies, but it isn't meant to handle the entire software lifecycle across many modules. That said, it does have several features that seem to support it (such as the status and branch attributes), and the ivy best practices blurb alludes to being able to promote integration revisions to milestone or release, "with some work".
Unfortunately I haven't found definitive guidance on how to manage the dev -> test -> deploy cycle. Here are some things I want to achieve:
(Given that devs typically work across many modules in a local workspace)
Dev can locally publish changes to a module, so that other modules in the workspace can get the updated artifacts.
Dev can designate a version as "ready to deploy to test" with one command.
Tester can designate a version as "ready for prod" with one command.
Dev can rebuild any version from source and the appropriate dependencies are picked up correctly (aka repeatable builds).
Some things I'm fairly clear about are:
The revision status should be used to denote whether that revision is meant only for development, is ready for testing, or is ready for production
The branch attribute should be sufficient to handle different project branches
Here is what I'm grappling with:
How to promote integration builds
Say I have these modules checked out in my workspace:
Now I'm happy with module a, and decide to publish a milestone using the checked out versions in my workspace. What needs to happen in the repo is:
e-1.0-RC1 gets published
d-1.1-RC2 gets published, referencing e-1.0-RC1 as a dependency
c-2.0-RC1 gets published, referencing d-1.1-RC2 as a dependency
b-3.3-RC1 gets published, referencing e-1.0-RC1 as a dependency
Finally, a-7.1-RC2 gets published, referencing c-2.0-RC1 and b-3.3-RC1 as dependencies.
If I try to roll my own for this, I'd probably end up doing some workspace management, ivy.xml find & replace, etc. Before I open that can of worms, I'd like to get some opinions. What's the best way to tackle this?
You can use recursive delivery to publish modules and their dependencies with a higher status.
Using your example:
e-1.0-RC1 gets published with an integration status
d-1.1-RC2 gets published with an integration status, referencing e-1.0-RC1 as a dependency
c-2.0-RC1 gets published with an integration status, referencing d-1.1-RC2 as a dependency
b-3.3-RC1 gets published with an integration status, referencing e-1.0-RC1 as a dependency
a-7.1-RC2 gets published with an integration status, referencing c-2.0-RC1 and b-3.3-RC1 as dependencies.
Finally, you decide to promote a-7.1-RC2 to a milestone status, so you do a recusive delivery (use the delivertarget attribute). This will recursively call the delivertarget for each dependency that has a status lower than milestone and publish it with a milestone status.
The nice thing about this, is that you don't need (or want) to have each project checked out in your workspace, just a. This also means that it's much easier to create a deployment pipeline and have your CI server:
run unit tests for a,
build a,
publish a as integration,
deploy a to a System Test environment,
run some System Tests
promote a from integration to milestone (which promotes it's dependencies)
deploy a to a Acceptance Test environment,
run some Acceptance Tests
promote a from milestone to release (which promotes it's dependencies)
deploy a to production (or upload it to a download site)
At no time does the pipeline need to access the dependant projects and, since the recursive delivery is generic, when you add or remove dependencies (via your ivy.xml files), you don't need to change anything in your pipeline.
I've marked this answer as a community wiki. Anyone else care to expand on it or correct anything I got wrong?
How do you do the line?:
promote a from milestone to release (which promotes it's dependencies)
I was planning on doing a retrieve and publish. Is there a better way?

What exactly is considered "breaking the build?"

In a CI environment, what exactly is considered a broken build?
There are several answers I can imagine (any combination of compiles, tests pass, metrics are in range, documentation exists etc.) , but I am not sure which of these are cannoncial.
For example, just today it happened to me that I actually checked in all code changes but forgot to commit the Visual Studio project file, thus breaking the unit tests. (even though I literally triple checked my commit, as it's a public OSS project on google code).
I was easily able to fix this in under a minute after my first commit, but should I consider myself a buildbreaker now?
How do you configure your CI environment: Is every revision built or only the newest version after each complete build, or do you use time based checking for new revs?
Ideally, you have
automated script that is scheduled to run each night to build the application from source code.
Scripts to copy the binaries to a directory/set of directories from which another script can be run to deploy the application if it is running in your environment, or used to create deliverables for a customer.
Automated suite of tests that run and verify all components pass all tests.
Automated script that verifies that the build has been built correctly.
Automated script/monitoring system that sends out an alert if the verification script fails.
When an alert is generated by the above process, then that is considered "breaking the build".
But since procedures/processes can vary from company to company, there may be alternate definitions. In some places it may be breaking the unit tests. Others it may be checking in source code that results in the code being unabl to compile.
Breaking the build is commiting any changes that make it impossible (or possible but not smart to do) to deploy the project.
Fixing a broken build does not repair the broken build, but makes it possible to create a new non-broken build.
I configure my CI-server to create a minimal build on every commit, and create a maximum build every period of time. The period depends on the number of people working on the project (more people is more commits) and the build duration (You can run your unit test suite every time, but the 30min. acceptance test suite once or twice a day).
Breaking a build is preventing any user that relies on the same standard tools and set of code than your CI environnment to get a compiling and running system.
If your coworkers cannot compile the system when they're up to date, because some config is missing, the build is broken, isn't it ?
If you coworkers cannot be confident that unit tests pass, because one of them is flaky, the build is broken, isn'it ?
If you have automated performance tests, and you're project have to be optimized, I would go as far as too say that if you code doesn't run fast enough, you've broken the build (but that is arguable)
I would not be so strongly minded about code coverage, or other metrics for example.
Breaking the build can happen. CI is just there to make sure it doesn't happen too much on the day you're supposed to ship ;)
for us, we use the term "breaking the build" any time the test suite fails after a new commit.
so, in your instance, yes you would have broken the build (according to our company at least)
As long as you broke the build because of a simple human error (like forgetting to commit something) and as long as this is an exception and not the rule, I would say it's OK. As long as you take care to fix this quickly :)
On the other hand, if somebody breaks builds on a regular basis by not executing the complete build locally on his/her machine before committing, then this is a sign of an ill-disciplined team member who doesn't really care for other team members and for the development process.
My experience is that one effective way to make people be more careful is to set up your CI server to send an email when (and only when) the status of the build changes, with the "culprit" on the To: list and the rest of the team on the Cc:. I guess you can could call it a "shame factor" ;)
A broken build is anything that doesn't pass the automated test suite.
You're a build breaker. ;) That's not really a big deal as long as you fix it fast. The whole point of a CI environment is to catch bugs, not make people afraid to commit.
My company builds the tip of each branch that is either in production or next up for production. We do this on every commit and each day at 4am. We're using Mercurial, so commit here means pushing changes to the integration repo.