How does multithreading work in Objective-C on the iPhone? - iphone

I'm confused about the concept of "threads" in iPhone development:
Why are threads necessary / useful?
How can threads be used in Objective-C?

You need multi-threading in objective c because sometimes you need functions/code to run "in the background" (read: on another thread). For instance (but not explicitly) you might need to download large amounts of data off the internet (a picture, or a video).
In this case running the download on the 'main' thread will cause the iphone to freeze before the download is complete. So you use multi-threading to download the data AND let the iphone work all at the same time.
There are lots of ways to do multithreading in objective-c. To be honest you need to look it up yourself, we're not here to just spoonfeed you.
Things to look up are: NSURLConnection and the method [self performSelector:onThread:...]

More simple...If you want to run some methods(processes) parallely you can use threads...One thread is doing one stuff while another doing other stuff... So u can use threads if you need something to be done when another thing is doing...
Example: Thread 1: sending request to server
Thread 2: preparing information(image,text etc) to be sent.
So in general this is the purpose of threads

Recently, Apple suggests that programmers should move away from thread and use an alternative solution with more advantages, better performances and much more easier to implement; it's Concurrency Programming:

The recommended way to implement concurrency is using queues.
For those who just want to execute a method / block in a separate thread - use this code:
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
[self longMehtod];
for further information read the Concurrency Programming Guide from Apple


Multithreading in ios

Need your help.
In my application, i want to implement a background process which keeps running continuously and downloads the updated data and stores it in document folder.
And my main thread should keep checking the document folder and display the updated data in view control.
The child thread should end once the view disappears. and start again once the view appears.
What is the best way to do it? NSThread or NSOperationQueue? What precautions are required?
I also have to access few variables of the class. So is should be thread safe.
Thanks in advance.
If you do not need to update a progress bar or something in iOS5 there is one great API method + sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler: that allows you to run async download as a block inside NSOperationQueue. If not you should look into third party libs such as ASIHTTP request or better the last one) or you need to build you own download manager, not a simple task
there are two ways to do it..
First: You use NSOperationQueue which is a bit bulkier as it is build on GCD but does have some extra features.
Second: You use GCD (grand central dispatch) looking at requirements I would say GCD seems fine as you can easily access any thread(main or background) this would be slightly quicker.
You can have a look at - (void)performSelectorInBackground:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)arg This method creates a new thread in your application, putting your application into multithreaded mode if it was not already. In your viewDidDisappear, you can stop the task when your view disappears
From Apple Docs. Apple encourages to investigate the alternative Mac OS X technologies for implementing concurrency. This is especially true if you are not already familiar with the design techniques needed to implement a threaded application. These alternative technologies simplify the amount of work you have to do to implement concurrent paths of execution and offer much better performance than traditional threads.

Implementing multithread using XCode for IPhone

Is there a way implement multi threading in IPhone using xcode? Could you refer me to few tuts that I could use.
Thanks and Regards
Abishek R Srikaanth
The easiest way to implement multi-threading is probably going to be using NSOperationQueue. You subclass NSOperation, or create an NSBlockOperation with the code block you want to run in the background. Set a completion block if you need to be notified on the main thread when the background task finishes. Then add your operation to an NSOperationQueue and you're set! You can also set dependancies on the operation to run a series of events one at a time, or add many operations to the queue if you don't care what order they're executed in.
There are other ways of doing threading, but NSOperation is especially nice since it wraps everything up into a neat unit of work, where you're less likely to make shared memory mistakes, and also you can trust NSOperationQueue to look at the number of cores in your device and do the right thing when it comes to running many operations at once.

Killing a thread or an alternative

Is there any way I can kill a thread spawn through:
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(serverFetchInThread) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
The scenario I am working on is that in my main thread I am letting user enter data in my search bar and what ever user is typing I need to send to server for searching in a separate thread. Now, if user changes his selection by deleting old data and entering new data I do not want the previous thread to waste its time, kill it and spawn a new thread with new data.
Be there any other better way to handle this situation, please guide me.
No, there is no way to kill a thread from another thread. And for good reason as there is no way to do so in a fashion where the targeted thread is killed without risk of crashing the app.
To directly answer your question; you need to have some kind of a flag that indicates to the thread that it should stop doing whatever it is doing and exit.
However, a couple of questions are raised by your question:
First, why are you using threads and not using GCD? Concurrency via GCD or NSOperation is the generally recommended way to solve such problems.
Secondly, if you are talking to a server, are you using HTTP (most of the time, that is the case)? If so, why not directly use the asynchronous features of NSURL and friends?
Have a good look at using NSOperationQueue.
You can subclass NSOperation it to wrap up your server communications, and even make that queue serial (maximum operations = 1).
If a server operation is not yet finished and user has generated more input, you can cancel the existing one, and add the new one.
Due to the effect of the NSOperation wrapping your connection, you can just use the simple synchronous version and keep the connection handling very straightforward.
Also worth mentioning is compatibility. I would prefer to use GCD and blocks, but for compatibility, NSOperationQueue is required.

NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest - is it possible to implement without leak

Is there a way to implement NSURLConnection without it leaking? A number of Apps including NYTimes and others (including mine) suffer from this. Anyone have a working implementation?
It appears that best practice is to use NSURLConnection asynchronously.
According to the documentation, +[NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:returningResponse:error:] is built on top of the asynchronous loading code made available by NSURLConnection. It would not be difficult to reimplement this by spawning and blocking on an NSThread, running the request asynchronously in the background on a run loop and ending the thread once either connectionDidFinishLoading: or connection:didFailWithError: is received.
Of course, you are better off using the asynchronous code in the first place; it makes for a much better user experience

Is there any sample code to do iPhone mulitithreading tasks?

I have some slow internet task to save and load file, I'd like to do those slow tasks in some background thread. I am wondering whether that's doable, and if it is, any sample code?
Then after it is finished, I'd like it to notice back to the main thread, so that I could update the UI.
Take a look at NSURLConnection. It will load an NSURL (using NSURLRequest) in the background, and send delegate methods regarding its status.
Ultimately the device you are running your code on has a single processor and cannot possibly load large quantities (gigabytes) of data. The best route, by is likely that suggested by Ben (NSURLConnection asynchronously) which gives you the added advantage of being able to cleanly cancel and handle error messages. While it isn't technically threaded in the way you probably think you want it to be, it is well integrated with the event loop and is non-blocking. If that is still not enough, I would suggest looking at NSOperation and NSOperationQueue. You can fire off an NSOperation sub-class object and perform the download there (I would still advise doing it asynchronously there so as to enable canceling, pausing, etc).
Log in to the iPhone Developer Center and search for Introduction to Threading Programming. Or, maybe you can log in and use this link:
If you do decide you need a background thread even after using asynchronous HTTP calls to gather the data, don't forget to wrap the background thread code in a new NSAutoReelasePool and then release it at the end.