How to call script within subfolders - perl

I have a script that I'm using to remove duplicate Calendar entries. The root mail folder contains folders with each folder being firstname_lastname, then beneath each other is /Calendar/#msgs/.
As of now, I'm running script manually by going to the users' folder and starting the script /Users/Documents/duplicates/ . --killdups`
Is there a way that I could easily have it loops through all the users mail folders and look in the respective /Calendar/#msgs/ folder and run the script?

There are a couple ways you can go with this, depending on what you want to do.
First, you can make your script search every folder under it's starting directory. You don't specify anything on the command line.
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
my #users = glob( '/Users/*' );
foreach my $user ( #users ) { # $user looks like /Users/Buster
my $calendar_dir = catfile( $user, 'Calendar', '#msgs' );
You could also use opendir to get the list of users so you get back one directory at a time:
opendir my $dh, '/Users' or die ...;
while( my $user = readdir $dh ) {
next if $user =~ /^\.\.?\z/; # and anything else you want to skip
... # do the cool stuff
Second, you can make it search selected folders. Suppose that you are in your home directory. To kill the duplicates for the particular users, you'd call your script with those user's names: --killdups Buster Mimi Roscoe
To go through all users, maybe something like this (it almost looks like you are on MacOS X, but not quite, so I'm not sure which path you need), using a command-line glob: --killdups /Users/*
The solution looks similar, but you take the users from #ARGV instead of using a glob:
foreach my $user ( #ARGV ) {
That should be enough to get you started. You'll have to integrate this with the rest of your script and fix up the paths in each case to be what you need, but that's just simple string manipulation (or even simpler than that with File::Spec.

Pass in the folders it should look at on the command line. The arguments will be in #ARGV, you just loop over it.

Edit: Maybe you prefer an elegant Perl solution ?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# CC-by Cedric 'levif' Le Dillau.
use File::Find;
#ARGV = qw(.) unless #ARGV;
find sub { apply_to_folder($File::Find::name) if -d }, #ARGV;
sub apply_to_folder {
my $folder = shift;
printf "folder: %s\n", $folder;
Then, yourapply_to_folder() function can be whatever you want.
Note that replacing -d by -f or -f && -x can change the filtering feature.
(help can be found with perldoc -f -X)
Older proposition was:
Try using:
$ find "/Calendar/#msgs/" -type d -exec "{}" --killdups \;
Or perl's opendir()/readdir() functions:
$ perldoc -f opendir


File::Find in Perl - Looking for files only

I have a script like this to list every FILES inside my root path
use strict;
use File::Find qw(find);
my $path = "<my root path>";
find(\&Search, $path);
sub Search{
my $filename = $File::Find::name;
if(-f $filename){
print $filename."\n";
My point is to try to list all the FILES. However, it also listed the symlink inside my $root. I modify my Search function like this and it worked:
sub Search{
my $filename = $File::Find::name;
#Check if $filename is not symlink first
if(!-l $filename){
if(-f $filename){
print $filename."\n";
But it seem awkward right ? Why do we need two if condition just to verify $filename is the real file and not a symlink !!!
Is there anyone can suggest a better, more decent solution for this ?
Thank you and best regards.
-f is testing for file, and that includes symlinks. So yes, you do have to test both.
One slightly useful thing, is that you can probably just do:
if ( -f and not -l ) {
because File::Find sets $_ to the current file, and the file tests default to using that too. (won't work if you turn on no_chdir though).
You may also want to consider File::Find::Rule as an alternative to File::Find.
stat and lstat are identical except when it comes to symlinks. The former collects information about the linked file, whereas the latter collects information about the link itself.
The -X EXPR uses stat. lstat is needed here.
sub Search {
my $filename = $File::Find::name;
if (!lstat($filename)) {
warn("Can't stat $filename: $!\n");
say $filename if -f _;
Bonus: Error checking becomes much simpler when you pre-call stat or lstat.

Perl search for a particular file extension in folder and sub folder

I have a folder which has over 1500 files scattered around in different sub-folders with extension .fna. I was wondering if there is a simple way in Perl to extract all these files and store them in a different location?
As File::Find is recommended everywhere, let me add that there are other, sometimes nicer, options, like or Path::Class traverse function.
Which OS are you using? If it's Windows, I think a simple xcopy command would be a lot easier. Open a console window and type "xcopy /?" to get the info on this command. It should be something simple like:
xcopy directory1/*.fna directory2 /s
use File::Find;
my #files;
find(\&search, '/some/path/*.fna');
sub search {
push #files, $File::Find::name;
Without much more information to go on, you don't need a perl script to do something as easy as this.
Here's a *nix one-liner
find /source/dir -name "*.fna" -exec mv -t /target/dir '{}' \+ -print
sorry for the late response. I was away for a conference. Here is my code which seem to work fine so far.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use FileHandle;
open my $out, ">>results7.txt" or die;
my $parent = "/home/denis/Denis_data/Ordered species";
my ($par_dir, $sub_dir);
opendir($par_dir, $parent);
while (my $sub_folders = readdir($par_dir)) {
next if ($sub_folders =~ /^..?$/); # skip . and ..
my $path = $parent . '/' . $sub_folders;
#my $path = $sub_folders;
next unless (-d $path); # skip anything that isn't a directory
chdir($path) or die;
system 'perl';
print $out $path."\n";
#chdir('..') or die;
I will also try the File::Finder option. The above one looks quite messy.

Creating a script to delete old log files, that allows me to pass directory/age/regex arguments

I'm trying to create a PERL script to delete old log files. One of the key things I want the script to be able to do is allow me to pass arguments for directory, name of the file (such as test.log-*), and age of the file.
It's been a while since I've used PERL and I'm not that great anyway, so I'd appreciate some help. I'm also not terribly familiar with the getopt::long module. Here's what I'm thinking so far, and while I'm sure it's not correct, please give me any feedback that might assist.
I want to run the script along the lines of " --dir /release/logs --type test.log-* --days 7"
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
my $file;
my ($dir,$type,$days);
GetOptions( 'dir' => \$dir,
'type' => \$type,
'days' => \$days);
foreach my $file (<$dir/$type>){
if (-M $file < $days) {
print "\n Deleting log more than '$days' old:".$file;
unlink $file;
# or die "\n Failed to remove $file";
If you insist on using Perl, look into File::Find & friends. Though if you're on a *nix box you should probably be aware of find(1) for tasks this common.
try: find /release/logs -name test.log-\* -mtime +7 -delete
If you want to test it out 1st, leave off the -delete flag & it will just print a list of the files it would have otherwise deleted.

How can I create a directory if one doesn't exist using Perl?

Currently, my Perl output is hard-coded to dump into the following Unix directory:
my $stat_dir = "/home/courses/" . **NEED DIR VAR HERE**;
The filename is built as such:
$stat_file = $stat_dir . "/" . $sess.substr($yr, 2, 2) . "_COURSES.csv";
I need a similar approach to building Unix directories, but I need to check if they exist first before creating them.
How can I do auto-numbering (revisions) of the $stat_file so that when these files get pumped into the same directory, they do not overwrite or append to existing files in the directory?
Erm... mkdir $stat_dir unless -d $stat_dir?
It really doesn't seem like a good idea to embed 'extra' questions like that.
Use the -d operator and File::Path.
use File::Path qw(make_path);
eval { make_path($dir) };
if ($#) {
print "Couldn't create $dir: $#";
make_path has an advantage over mkdir in that it can create trees of arbitrary depth.
And use -e to check file exists
my $fileSuffix = 0;
while (-e $filename) {
$filename = $filePrefix . ++$fileSuffix . $fileExtension;
Remember the directory's -d existence doesn't mean -w writable. But assuming you're in a personal area the mkdir($dir) unless(-d $dir) would work fine.
Perl has a built-in function mkdir
Take a look at perldoc perlfunc or the mkdir program from Perl Power Tools.
I believe it is safe to create a directory that already exists, take a look at the docs.

How can I scan multiple log files to find which ones have a particular IP address in them?

Recently there have been a few attackers trying malicious things on my server so I've decided to somewhat "track" them even though I know they won't get very far.
Now, I have an entire directory containing the server logs and I need a way to search through every file in the directory, and return a filename if a string is found. So I thought to myself, what better of a language to use for text & file operations than Perl? So my friend is helping me with a script to scan all files for a certain IP, and return the filenames that contain the IP so I don't have to search for the attacker through every log manually. (I have hundreds)
$dir = ".";
opendir(DIR, "$dir");
#files = grep(/\.*$/,readdir(DIR));
foreach $file(#files) {
open FILE, "$file" or die "Unable to open files";
while(<FILE>) {
print if /;
although it is giving me directory read errors. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Code edited, still saying permission denied cannot open directory on line 10. I am just going to run the script from within the logs directory if you are questioning the directory change to "."
Can you use grep instead?
To get all the lines with the IP, I would directly use grep, no need to show a list of files, it's a simple command:
grep 12\.211\.23\.200 *
I like to pipe it to another file and then open that file in an editor...
If you insist on wanting the filenames, it's also easy
grep -l 12\.211\.23\.200 *
grep is available on all Unix//Linux with the GNU tools, or on windows using one of the many implementations (unxutils, cygwin, ...etc.)
You have to concatenate $dirname with $filname when using files found through readdir, remember you haven't chdir'ed into the directory where those files resides.
open FH, "<", "$dirname/$filname" or die "Cannot open $filname:$!";
Incidentally, why not just use grep -r to recursively search all subdirectories under your log dir for your string?
EDIT: I see your edits, and two things. First, this line:
#files = grep(/\.*$/,readdir(DIR));
Is not effective, because you are searching for zero or more . characters at the end of the string. Since it's zero or more, it'll match everything in the directory. If you're trying to exclude files ending in ., try this:
#files = grep(!/\.$/,readdir(DIR));
Note the ! sign for negation if you're trying to exclude those files. Otherwise (if you only want those files and I'm misunderstanding your intent), leave the ! out.
In any case, if you're getting your die message on line 10, most likely you're hitting a file that has permissions such that you can't read it. Try putting the filename in the die output so you can see which file it's failing on:
open FILE, "$file" or die "Unable to open file: $file";
But as with other answers, and to reiterate: Why not use grep? The unix command, not the Perl function.
This will get the file names you are looking for in perl, and probably do it much faster than running and doing a perl regex.
#files = `find ~/ServerLogs -name "*.log" | xargs grep -l "<ip address>"`'
Although, this will require a *nix compliant system, or Cygwin on Windows.
Firstly get a list of files within your source directory:
opendir(DIR, "$dir");
#files = grep(/\.log$/,readdir(DIR));
And then loop through those files
foreach $file(#files)
// file processing code
My first suggest would be to use grep instead. The right tool for the job, they say...
But to answer your question:
readdir just returns the filenames from the directory. You'll need to concatenate the directory name and filename together.
$path = "$dirname/$filname";
open FH, $path or die ...
Then you should ignore files that are actually directories, such as "." and "..". After getting the $path, check to see if it's a file.
if (-f $path) {
open FH, $path or die ...
while (<FH>)
BTW, I thought I would throw in a mention for File::Next. To iterate over all files in a directory (recursively):
use Path::Class; # always useful.
use File::Next;
my $files = File::Next::files( dir(qw/path to files/) ); # look in path/to/files
while( defined ( my $file = $files->() ) ){
$file = file( $file );
say "Examining $file";
say "found foo" if $file->slurp =~ /foo/;
File::Next is taint-safe.
~ doesn't auto-expand in Perl.
opendir my $fh, '~/' or die("Doin It Wrong"); # Doing It Wrong.
opendir my $fh, glob('~/') and die( "Thats right!" );
Also, if you must use readdir(), make sure you guard the expression thus:
while (defined(my $filename = readdir(DH))) {
If you don't do the defined() test, the loop will terminate if it finds a file called '0'.
Have you looked on CPAN for log parsers? I searched with 'log parse' and it yielded over 200 hits. Some (probably many) won't be relevant - some may be. It depends, in part, on which web server you are using.
Am I reading this right? Your line 10 that gives you the error is
open FILE, "$file" or die "Unable to open files";
And the $file you are trying to read, according to line 6,
#files = grep(/\.*$/,readdir(DIR));
is a file that ends with zero or more dot. Is this what you really wanted? This basically matches every file in the directory, including "." and "..". Maybe you don't have enough permission to open the parent directory for reading?
EDIT: if you only want to read all files (including hidden ones), you might want to use something like the following:
opendir(DIR, ".");
#files = readdir(DIR);
foreach $file (#files) {
if ($file ne "." and $file ne "..") {
open FILE, "$file" or die "cannot open $file\n";
# do stuff with FILE
Note that this doesn't take care of sub directories.
I know I am way late to this discussion (ran across it while searching for grep related posts) but I am going to answer anyway:
It isn't specified clearly if these are web server logs (Apache, IIS, W3SVC, etc.) but the best tool for mining those for data is the LogParser tool from Microsoft. See for more info.
LogParser will allow you to write SQL-like statements against the log files. It is very flexible and very fast.
Use perl from the command line, like a better grep
perl -wnl -e '/ and print;' *.log > output.txt
the benefit here is that you can chain logic far easier
perl -wnl -e '(/[1-11]/ or /denied/i ) and print;' *.log
if you are feeling wacky you can also use more advanced command line options to feed perl one liner result into other perl one liners.
You really need to read "Minimal Perl: For UNIX and Linux People", awesome book on this very sort of thing.
First, use grep.
But if you don't want to, here are two small improvements you can make that I haven't seen mentioned yet:
1) Change:
#files = grep(/\.*$/,readdir(DIR));
#files = grep({ !-d "$dir/$_" } readdir(DIR));
This way you will exclude not just "." and ".." but also any other subdirectories that may exist in the server log directory (which the open downstream would otherwise choke on).
2) Change:
print if /;
print if /12\.211\.23\.200/;
"." is a regex wildcard meaning "any character". Changing it to "\." will reduce the number of false positives (unlikely to change your results in practice but it's more correct anyway).