How to get a copy of whole element in jQuery? - jquery-selectors

I want to get the selected element and then insert it's copies in few places.
var template = $("#info-" + country + " > .stats > .template").clone();
$(template).insertBefore("#info-" + country + " > .stats > .template");
What I'm doing wrong that it doesn't copy the element and insert it?
P.S. The element which I'm selecting to copy is display:none.

You have an extra wrap there, template is already a jQuery object, you just need:
var template = $("#info-" + country + " > .stats > .template").clone();
template.insertBefore("#info-" + country + " > .stats > .template");
Or a bit simpler:
var template = $("#info-" + country + " > .stats > .template");
Or use .before() with a function, like this:
$("#info-" + country + " > .stats > .template").before(function() {
return $(this).clone();


HTML String on Object Property Won't Update

I have an object constructor that sets some properties, and later uses them to concatenate a string to write to the DOM. I can see that this works in some cases, but not in others.
function Fighter(name, level, attackPts, defencePts, imgSource) {
this.attackPts = attackPts;
this.defencePts = defencePts;
this.img = "style='background: #444 url(" + imgSource + ") no-repeat center'";
this.char_card_name = "<h3>" + + "</h3>";
this.char_card_hitdef = "<h4>" + this.attackPts + "/" + this.defencePts + "</h4>";
this.char_card = "<div class='fighter " + faction + "' " + "id='" + + "'>" + this.img + this.char_card_name + this.char_card_hitdef + "</div>";
In a game function later on I modify the attack and defense points for this "Fighter" object, and that works as expected, and my console.log() tests verify that the concatenated properties also update . . . . up until the final string to pull it all together and display:
this.char_card = "<div class='fighter " + faction + "' " + "id='" + + "'>" + this.img + this.char_card_name + this.char_card_hitdef + "</div>";
When I log this property, those attack and defense numbers don't budge, even though they update successfully in the previous property, this.char_card_hitdef
What could I be overlooking here? I crawled all over the web looking for scope or variable reference issues, but my log statements bring me right back to this one pinching point.
Because you are still in the constructor, you need to refer to the variables without this. that are a parameter AND property of the Object Fighter.
So change
this.char_card = "<div class='fighter " + faction + "' " + "id='" + + "'>" + this.img + this.char_card_name + this.char_card_hitdef + "</div>";
this.char_card = "<div class='fighter " + faction + "' " + "id='" + name + "'>" + this.img + this.char_card_name + this.char_card_hitdef + "</div>"
And all other properties that refer to properties above them.
You can read more about constructors here

Issues with naming ranges for charts within the Google Spreadsheet Script

I've been trying for days to create charts with an intelligent range, that differs when the data in the google spreadsheet is updated. However i succeeded doing so, i can't get the .setOption aspect to work. I want for example, a title, description etc with the chart. But this is not the main issue since i can insert there by hand.
More important however is the range name, because there isn't when i use the script. So, within the chart it is not possible to see what each column represents, and i really want to fix that. I tried to use the .setNamedRange() aspects, but that is not working.
Someone who can help me with that?
function check() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var end = sheet.getLastRow();
var start = (end - 5);
var endnew = (end - 4);
var startnew = (end - 6);
if(sheet.getCharts().length == 0){
Logger.log("Er is geen grafiek");
var chartBuilder = sheet.newChart()
.addRange(sheet.getRange("A" + startnew + ":" + "A" + endnew)) // should have a name
.addRange(sheet.getRange("B" + startnew + ":" + "B" + endnew)) // should have a name
.addRange(sheet.getRange("E" + startnew + ":" + "E" + endnew)) //should have a name
.setOption('title', 'Effectief gebruik kantoorruimte') //not working
.setPosition(10, 10, 0, 0)
var chart =;
Logger.log("Er is wel een grafiek");
var charts = sheet.getCharts();
for (var i in charts) {
var chart = charts[i];
var ranges = chart.getRanges();
var builder = chart.modify();
for (var j in ranges) {
var range = ranges[j];
.addRange(sheet.getRange("A" + (start) + ":" + "A" + end)) //should have a name
.addRange(sheet.getRange("B" + (start) + ":" + "B" + end)) //should have a name
.addRange(sheet.getRange("E" + (start) + ":" + "E" + end)) // should have a name
.setOption('title', 'Effectief gebruik kantoorruimte')
I'm assuming that this code is the issue?
.addRange(sheet.getRange("A" + (start) + ":" + "A" + end))
Maybe try using the JavaScript toString() method to make sure that your text formula is working.
.addRange(sheet.getRange("A" + start.toString() + ":" + "A" + end.toString()))
There is a different format that you can use:
getRange(row, column, numRows, numColumns)
So, it would be:
getRange(start, 1, 1, numColumns)
That starts on row "start" in column A. It gets one row of data, and how ever many number of columns.

Foundation 5 and accordion

I'm using the Foundation 5 framework and trying to use the accordion.
If I use the sample code all ok:
If I try to use div tags and / or sectin in place of tag dl and dd does not work
Because the accordion code is with hardcoded tag names :) ... and you can't even configure them.
This is part of the accordion code:
.on('click.fndtn.accordion', '[' + this.attr_name() + '] dd > a', function (e) {
var accordion = S(this).closest('[' + self.attr_name() + ']'),
target = S('#' + this.href.split('#')[1]),
siblings = S('dd > .content', accordion),
aunts = $('> dd', accordion),
settings = + '-init'),
active_content = S('dd > .content.' + settings.active_class, accordion),
active_parent = S('dd.' + settings.active_class, accordion);
You can see the dd and dl tag names inside :) ... but - of course - you can make them configurable :) ...

Using FTSearch with date fields

I have code that will search particular fields in the document to find the values that the user selects and places those documents in a folder. I have the code working, but I'm stuck on how to proceed with doing the same thing with date fields. I need to be able to find documents within a date range. Can anyone help me with how to go about doing this? Here is the code that I have:
Sub Initialize
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim RemoveView As NotesView
Dim RemoveDoc As NotesDocument
Dim RemoveEntry As NotesViewEntryCollection
Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim view As NotesView
Dim j As Integer
Dim DialogDoc As NotesDocument
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Folder$ = "(UseOfForceSearch)"
'Clear folder before inputting current search results.
Set RemoveView = db.GetView(Folder$)
Set RemoveDoc = RemoveView.GetFirstDocument
If Not (RemoveDoc Is Nothing) Then
Set RemoveEntry = RemoveView.AllEntries
Call RemoveEntry.RemoveAllFromFolder(Folder$)
End If
If Not (db.IsFTIndexed) Then
answer = MessageBox(" Sorry. This database is not full-text indexed." + "Do you want to create an index?", MB_YESNO)
If (answer = IDYES) Then
Call db.UpdateFTIndex(True)
End If
End If
Set DialogDoc = db.Createdocument
searchForm$ = "$Force"
Form$ = "ReportDialog" 'Ask user for specifics of search using ReportDialog
Title$ = "Use of Force Search Criteria"
DialogDoc.Form = Form$
DialogDoc.StartDate = DialogDoc.StartDate(0)
DialogDoc.EndDate = DialogDoc.EndDate(0)
DialogDoc.Field1 = DialogDoc.Field1(0)
DialogDoc.Value1 = DialogDoc.Value1(0)
DialogDoc.Field2 = DialogDoc.Field2(0)
DialogDoc.Value2 = DialogDoc.Value2(0)
DialogDoc.Field3 = DialogDoc.Field3(0)
DialogDoc.Value3 = DialogDoc.Value3(0)
DialogDoc.Field4 = DialogDoc.Field4(0)
DialogDoc.Value4 = DialogDoc.Value4(0)
DialogDoc.Field5 = DialogDoc.Field5(0)
DialogDoc.Value5 = DialogDoc.Value5(0)
DialogDoc.Logic1 = DialogDoc.Logic1(0)
If (ws.DialogBox(Form$, True, True, False, True, False, False, Title$,DialogDoc,True)) Then
Exit Sub
End If
SDate$ = CStr(DialogDoc.StartDate(0))
EDate$ = CStr(DialogDoc.EndDate(0))
Field1$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Field1(0)))
Field2$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Field2(0)))
Field3$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Field3(0)))
Field4$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Field4(0)))
Field5$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Field5(0)))
Oper$ = "contains"
Value1$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Value1(0)))
Value2$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Value2(0)))
Value3$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Value3(0)))
Value4$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Value4(0)))
Value5$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Value5(0)))
Logic1$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Logic1(0)))
Logic2$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Logic2(0)))
Logic3$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Logic3(0)))
Logic4$ = UCase(CStr(DialogDoc.Logic4(0)))
Set Date1 = New NotesDateTime(SDate$)
Set Date2 = New NotesDateTime(EDate$)
Date1ForReport$ = Date1.DateOnly
Date2ForReport$ = Date2.DateOnly
datemax = Date2.timedifference(Date1)
DaysBetween = datemax \ 86400
If(DaysBetween > (366 * 1)) Then
MessageBox "Date range cannot exceed 1 year.",48,"Error:"
GoTo EnterDialog
End If
For i = 1 To 1
searchForm$ = "(FIELD Form contains $Force) and "
Expr1$ = "FIELD " + Field1$ + " " + Oper$ + " " + Value1$
Expr2$ = "FIELD " + Field2$ + " " + Oper$ + " " + Value2$
Expr3$ = "FIELD " + Field3$ + " " + Oper$ + " " + Value3$
Expr4$ = "FIELD " + Field4$ + " " + Oper$ + " " + Value4$
Expr5$ = "FIELD " + Field5$ + " " + Oper$ + " " + Value5$
FinalExpr$ = searchForm$ + Expr1$
If(Logic1$ <> "") Then
FinalExpr$ = FinalExpr$ + " " + Logic1$ + " " + Expr2$
ElseIf (Logic2$ <> "") Then
FinalExpr$ = FinalExpr$ + " " + Logic1$ + " " + Expr2$ + " " + Logic2$ + " " + Expr3$
ElseIf (Logic3$ <> "") Then
FinalExpr$ = FinalExpr$ + " " + Logic1$ + " " + Expr2$ + " " + Logic2$ + " " + Expr3$ + " " + Logic3$ + " " + Expr4$
ElseIf (Logic4$ <> "") Then
FinalExpr$ = FinalExpr$ + " " + Logic1$ + " " + Expr2$ + " " + Logic2$ + " " + Expr3$ + " " + Logic3$ + " " + Expr4$ + " " + Logic4$ + " " + Expr5$
End If
FinalExpr$ = FinalExpr$
Print "Searching..."
' the number 16384 means fuzzy search
Set dc = db.FTSearch(FinalExpr$,0,,16384)
Folder$ = "(UseOfForceSearch)"
Call dc.PutAllInFolder(Folder$,True)
Print "Search Completed with " + CStr(dc.Count) + " results."
Set view = db.getView(Folder$)
Exit Sub
MessageBox "Error" & Str(Err) & ": " & Error$,16,"Error!"
Exit Sub
End Sub
You can use operators = / < / > / <= / >= for date fields in FTSearch.
Example: FIELD YourDateField > 01/30/2013 or [YourDateField] > 01/30/2013.
To find documents within a date range you'd write:
[YourDateField] >= 01/01/2013 AND [YourDateField] <= 12/31/2013
Look here for a complete list of search options.

How to use Netbeans Variable Formatters?

By default when viewing watches/variables of objects in Netbeans, it shows its address instead of its value. This is quite tiresome since I have to expand the variable to see its real value (e.g. for Double, Integer, Date, etc). As it turns out, Netbeans has "Variable formatters" but there is hardly any documentation that i can find for it.
How would I go about displaying e.g. a simple Date variable in a human readable format in the Watches/Variables window? I don't fully understand the "Edit Variable Formatter" dialog.
I was able to properly do it for Double and Integer by using the following code snippet:
So the code seems to run in the context of the Double/Integer class. How would I refer to the actual variable if I need to do something more advanced such as:
return DateHelpers.formatDate(dateVariableName??, "yyyy-MM-dd");
In the variables view, you have a small $ icon (at the top left) which tooltip says :"Show variable value as toString() or formatted value".
Just click that, it will show you the "value" of those variables.
EDIT: If you want to add a variable formatter, it's very simple. On the variable formatter view, just click the "Add ..." button then:
In "Formatter Name" put the name of you formatter eg. "My Date formatter"
"Class Types" put your complete class name eg. java.util.Date
Select "Value formatted as a result of code snippet" and type the code to apply. For instance:
but if you want to manipulate the data or display some other thing you can. For instance:
toString() + " (" + getTime() + ")"
Which will display the time in human readable format plus the time as a long.
Don't forget to select the $ icon on the view to apply your formatter.
My answer won't solve the question. It will rather echo the previous answers. First, I haven't seen the $ sign in the variables-panel in NetBeans. Seems it was replaced with a context menu in current versions.
I haven't found the answer to the actual question, as of how you would reference the variable to debug, within the "Variable Formatters" Dialog. Something like "this" or "$1" isn't working definitely. Also the facility does not seem to know about Standard Java JRE classes like SimpleDateFormatter.
So when debugging Java JRE classes, I guess you have to live with what they're offering in terms of public methods.
Here's a workaround for the especially user friendly Date class, if you're stuck with a JDK below version 8 (as me). Just create a new Variable Formatter in NetBeans via
Tools > Options > Java > Variable Formatters > Add
Then in the "Class Types" editfield enter:
Under "Value formatted as a result of code snippet" use one of the next snippets.
// German format - "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm"
((getDate() < 10) ? ("0" + getDate()) : getDate()) + "." + ((getMonth() < 9) ? ("0" + (getMonth() + 1)) : (getMonth() + 1) ) + "." + (getYear() + 1900) + " " + ((getHours() < 10) ? "0" + getHours() : getHours()) + ":" + ((getMinutes() < 10) ? "0" + getMinutes() : getMinutes()) + ":" + ((getSeconds() < 10) ? "0" + getSeconds() : getSeconds())
// US format - "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm"
((getMonth() < 9) ? ("0" + (getMonth() + 1)) : (getMonth() + 1) ) + "/" + ((getDate() < 10) ? ("0" + getDate()) : getDate()) + "/" + (getYear() + 1900) + " " + ((getHours() < 10) ? "0" + getHours() : getHours()) + ":" + ((getMinutes() < 10) ? "0" + getMinutes() : getMinutes()) + ":" + ((getSeconds() < 10) ? "0" + getSeconds() : getSeconds())
// ISO-8601 - "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"
(getYear() + 1900) + "-" + ((getMonth() < 9) ? ("0" + (getMonth() + 1)) : (getMonth() + 1) ) + "-" + ((getDate() < 10) ? ("0" + getDate()) : getDate()) + " " + ((getHours() < 10) ? ("0" + getHours()) : getHours()) + ":" + ((getMinutes() < 10) ? ("0" + getMinutes()) : getMinutes()) + ":" + ((getSeconds() < 10) ? ("0" + getSeconds()) : getSeconds())
The next snippet could also come in handy, when your lost in the the debug-output overkill of an instance of java.util.Calendar:
// German format - "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm"
((get(5) < 10) ? ("0" + get(5)) : get(5)) + "." + ((get(2) < 9) ? ("0" + (get(2) + 1)) : (get(2) + 1) ) + "." + (get(1)) + " " + ((get(10) < 10) ? "0" + get(10) : get(10)) + ":" + ((get(12) < 10) ? "0" + get(12) : get(12)) + ":" + ((get(13) < 10) ? "0" + get(13) : get(13))
You can even put a much more complex code in the variable formatter, as long as you return a string. For example, if I have a class with two string members, name and surname I can paste the follwing code in the "Value formatted.." box:
String result;
if (name != null) {
result = name + " " + surname;
} else {
result = "<null>";
return result;
.. and for displaying as children the name and surname separately you can paste a code in the "Children displayed as.." box to return a String[], for example:
String[] results = new String[2];
results[0] = "name: " + name;
results[1] = "surname: " + surname;
return results;
This will display two nodes as children in the variables debug window with the name and surname
The variable itself can be referenced by this (at least it works in Netbeans 8.1).
So, let's say we want the identityHashCode of our Collection after its size:
"size = " +size() + " #" + System.identityHashCode(this)