PHP - How to identify e-mail addresses from input containing lines of misc data - email

Apologizing in advance for yet another email pattern matching query.
Here is what I have so far:
$text = strtolower($intext);
$lines = preg_split("/[\s]*[\n][\s]*/", $text);
$pattern = '/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+#[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.([A-Za-z0-9_-][A-Za-z0-9_]+)/';
$pattern1= '/^[^#]+#[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+$/';
foreach ($lines as $email) {
$goodies[0]=filter_var($goodies[0], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
if(filter_var($goodies[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){
$Pattern works fine but addresses (and more issues I am sure) are stripped of .com
$pattern1 only grabs emails that are on a line by themselves.
I am pasting in a whole page of miscellaneous text into a textarea that contains some emails from an old data file I am trying to recover.
Everything works great except for the emails with more than one "." either before or after the "#".
I am sure there must be more issues as well.
I have tried several patterns I have found as well as some i tried to write.
Can someone show me the light here before I pull my remaining hair out?

How about this?
/((?:\w+[.]*)*(?:\+[^# \t]*)?#(?:\w+[.])+\w+)/
Explanation: (?:\w+[.])* recognizes 0 or more instances of strings of word characters (alphanumeric + _) optionally separated by strings of periods. Next, (?:\+[^# \t]*)? recognizes a plus sign followed by zero or more non-whitespace, non-at-sign characters. Then we have the # sign, and finally (?:\w+[.])+\w+, which matches a sequence of word character strings separated by periods and ending in a word character string. (ie, [subdomain.]domain.topleveldomain)


How to identify a character in a string?

I am trying to write a Powershell code to identify a string with a specific character from a filename from multiple files.
An example of a filename
$Variable = $Filename.Substring(15,9)
202401192 (this is what I am after)
However in some instances the filename will be like below
$Variable = $Filename.Substring(15,9)
20240119_ (this is NOT what I am after)
I am trying to find a code to identify the 9th character,
IF the 9th character = "_"
$Variable = $Filename.Substring(15,8)
All credit to TheMadTechnician who beat me to the punch with this answer.
To expand on the technique a bit, use the split method or operator to split a string every time a certain character shows up. Your data is separated by the underscore character, so is a perfect example of using this technique. By using either of the following:
$FileName -split '_'
You can turn your long string into an array of shorter strings, each containing one of the parts of your original string. Since you want the 2nd one, you use the array descriptor [1] (0 is 1st) and you're done.
Good luck

Partial String Replacement using PowerShell

I am working on a script that has a user provide a specific IP address and I want to mask this IP in some fashion so that it isn't stored in the logs. My problem is, that I can easily do this when I know what the first three values of the IP typically are; however, I want to avoid storing/hard coding those values into the code to if at all possible. I also want to be able to replace the values even if the first three are unknown to me.
Examples: would display as XX.XX.XX.50 would also display as XX.XX.XX.23
I have looked up partial string replacements, but none of the questions or problems that I found came close to doing this. I have tried doing things like:
# This ended up replacing all of the numbers
$tempString = $str -replace '[0-9]', 'X'
I know that I am partway there, but I aiming to only replace only the first 3 sets of digits so, basically every digit that is before a '.', but I haven't been able to achieve this.
Is what I'm trying to do possible to achieve with PowerShell? Is there a best practice way of achieving this?
Here's an example of how you can accomplish this:
Get-Content 'File.txt' |
ForEach-Object { $_ = $_ -replace '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}','xx.xx.xx' }
This example matches a digit 1-3 times, a literal period, and continues that pattern so it'll capture anything from 0-999.0-999.0-999 and replace with xx.xx.xx
TheIncorrigible1's helpful answer is an exact way of solving the problem (replacement only happens if 3 consecutive .-separated groups of 1-3 digits are matched.)
A looser, but shorter solution that replaces everything but the last .-prefixed digit group:
PS> '' -replace '.+(?=\.\d+$)', 'XX.XX.XX'
(?=\.\d+$) is a (positive) lookahead assertion ((?=...)) that matches the enclosed subexpression (a literal . followed by 1 or more digits (\d) at the end of the string ($)), but doesn't capture it as part of the overall match.
The net effect is that only what .+ captured - everything before the lookahead assertion's match - is replaced with 'XX.XX.XX'.
Applied to the above example input string,
(?=\.\d+$) matches the .-prefixed digit group at the end, .50.
.+ matches everything before .50, which is 10.11.12.
Since the (?=...) part isn't captured, it is therefore not included in what is replaced, so it is only substring 10.11.12 that is replaced, namely with XX.XX.XX, yielding XX.XX.XX.50 as a result.

Searching for a literal hyphen in powershell

I am using powershell to split a multipage word document into single pages and then deleting all the pages I don't need. The problem is I am copying the text and searching for a pattern and the hyphen is throwing me off. This is the relevant code. If I remove the hyphen and just search for "Order Number", it works but it comes back with two pages instead of just the one I want with the pattern "Order Number -". I have tried a lot of configurations, escaping the hypen `-, --%, etc but nothing works, everything I run that includes the hyphen just outputs 8 DeleteMe pages, instead of 1 Docuemnt and 7 DeleteMe
$Pattern = "Order Number -"
$rngPg.End = $word.Selection.Start
#Get Name
$regex = [Regex]::Match($rngPg.Text, $Pattern)
$id = "Document" + $i
$id = "DeleteMe_" + $i
Change your pattern to:
$Pattern = 'Order Number [\u2010-\u2015-]'
Word has an AutoFormat feature that loves to automagically turn hyphens into dashes - that may be the case here.
English language Office turns hyphens into unicode characters with the codepoint value 0x2013, but it may vary depending on locale and installed language packs, thus the character set from 0x2010 to 0x2015 + -

Powershell break a file up on character count

I have a binary file that I need to process, but it contains no line breaks in it.
The data is arranged, within the file, into 104 character blocks and then divided into its various fields by character count alone (no delimiting characters).
I'd like to firstly process the file, so that there is a line break (`n) every 104 characters, but after much web searching and a lot of disappointment, I've found nothing useful yet. (Unless I ditch PowerShell and use awk.)
Is there a Split option that understands character counts?
Not only would it allow me to create the file with nice easy to read lines of 104 chars, but it would also allow me to then split these lines into their component fields.
Can anyone help please, without *nix options?
Cheers :)
$s = get-content YourFileName | Out-String
$a = $s.ToCharArray()
$a[0..103] # will return an array of first 104 chars
You can get your string back the following way, the replace removes space char( which is what array element separators turn into)
$ns = ([string]$a[0..103]).replace(" ","")
Using the V4 Where method with Split option:
$text = 'abcdefghi'
While ($text)
$x,$text = ([char[]]$text).where({$_},'Split',3)
$x -join ''

Perl: pattern match a string and then print next line/lines

I am using Net::Whois::Raw to query a list of domains from a text file and then parse through this to output relevant information for each domain.
It was all going well until I hit Nominet results as the information I require is never on the same line as that which I am pattern matching.
For instance:
Name servers:
So what I need to do is pattern match for "Name servers:" and then display the next line or lines but I just can't manage it.
I have read through all of the answers on here but they either don't seem to work in my case or confuse me even further as I am a simple bear.
The code I am using is as follows:
while ($record = <DOMAINS>) {
$domaininfo = whois($record);
if ($domaininfo=~ m/Name servers:(.*?)\n/){
print "Nameserver: $1\n";
I have tried an example of Stackoverflow where
will take the next line but this didn't work for me and I assume it is because we have already read the contents of this into $domaininfo.
EDIT: Forgot to say thanks!
how rude.
So, the $domaininfo string contains your domain?
What you probably need is the m parameter at the end of your regular expression. This treats your string as a multilined string (which is what it is). Then, you can match on the \n character. This works for me:
my $domaininfo =<<DATA;
Name servers:
$domaininfo =~ m/Name servers:\n(\S+)\s+(\S+)/m;
print "Server name = $1\n";
print "IP Address = $2\n";
Now, I can match the \n at the end of the Name servers: line and capture the name and IP address which is on the next line.
This might have to be munged a bit to get it to work in your situation.
This is half a question and perhaps half an answer (the question's in here as I am not yet allowed to write comments...). Okay, here we go:
Name servers:
Is this what an entry in the file you're parsing looks like? What will follow immediately afterwards - more domain names and IP addresses? And will there be blank lines in between?
Anyway, I think your problem may (in part?) be related to your reading the file line by line. Once you get to the IP address line, the info about 'Name servers:' having been present will be gone. Multiline matching will not help if you're looking at your file line by line. Thus I'd recommend switching to paragraph mode:
local $/ = ''; # one paragraph instead of one line constitutes a record
while ($record = <DOMAINS>) {
# $record will now contain all consecutive lines that were NOT separated
# by blank lines; once there are >= 1 blank lines $record will have a
# new value
# do stuff, e.g. pattern matching
But then you said
I have tried an example of Stackoverflow where
will take the next line but this didn't work for me and I assume it is because we have already read the contents of this into $domaininfo.
so maybe you've already tried what I have just suggested? An alternative would be to just add another variable ($indicator or whatever) which you'll set to 1 once 'Name servers:' has been read, and as long as it's equal to 1 all following lines will be treated as containing the data you need. Whether this is feasible, however, depends on you always knowing what else your data file contains.
I hope something in here has been helpful to you. If there are any questions, please ask :)