Has there ever been a .NET flavored Eclipse? - eclipse

I've wondered this a bunch of times. The answer that comes to mind is: there's no point since VS is so feature rich, but on the flip side, this the fact that something has already been done hasn't stopped people in the past.

There was a C# plug-in for Eclipse a long time ago, but it wasn't really production quality by a long shot. I haven't seen anything else coming into the Eclipse ecosystem to support .NET.

Emonic is a more recent plugin for C# on Eclipse. It's meant to work with either Mono or MS.NET.

While not a whole C# environment, it's probably worth mentioning the Silverlight tools for Eclipse:


Eclipse RCP opinions

I am working on a standalone Eclipse RCP product. My team replaced another team that wrote the infrastructure of the product.
I and my team leader aren't very happy with the Eclipse RCP framework because we feel that it is just very hard to get it to work correctly.
This is because:
The GUI building tools are annoying. XWT is buggy (bindings don't
always work, can't add scrollbars, and this is only the half of it).
SWT also isn't very exciting. I don't like the API and it doesn't
have too many exciting widgets.
Eclipse IDE itself is buggy (we
have to restart it every few hours). We are using eclipse juno. When
we tried to upgrade to luna we ran into some unsolvable issues:
Eclipse Luna: Handlers' #CanExecute methods not called due to wrong context
We have lots of weird bugs (e.g. eclipse looks at wrong selection
service and much more).
Even though there is support and
documentation, we find that it is kind of poor compared to other
solutions out there.
Due to the above, developement of simple
things seem to take too long. We have another .NET product which is
much easier to write.
However, google didn't seem to badmouth eclipse rcp... So I wanted to ask, what do you guys think about it? Do you find it easy to use? Do you find it flexible?
Just want to hear some opinions.

Start using netbeans for website development

Quite a while ago I used to use eclipse (or actually Aptana) for making websites. I never really got how it worked. After my laptop crashed I decided to install netbeans hoping it would be less complex, however it is still overwhelming. I know that working with a good IDE can help out a lot, but I just find it very complex (steep learning curve).
Does anybody know a few good tutorials to help me get started with this?
BTW I will be using it mostly for building websites (php, html, css) occasionally in a more abstract way (drupal) or using a framework (Zend). However I have done some Java programming and would like to start building some apps for android or maybe even learn c# or c++ for windows 8.
I would also like to start using subversion and if possible an integrated ftp client.
Help to get me started would really be appreciated.
Wow, thats really about 5 different questions. Firstly the benefit of using an IDE (for web development) is generally for refactoring tools, a good text editor, built in web previews and a built in development server like apache or glassfish. For your purposes eclipse and netbeans will work equally well, but I suppose netbeans has a slightly less steep learning curve but both are fairly straight forward. I'm going to give you a list of links that I think will help you:
Netbeans - http://netbeans.org/kb/docs/php/quickstart.html
Android - http://developer.android.com/training/index.html
Windows bassed svn client - http://tortoisesvn.net/
Free SVN repository hosting - https://www.assembla.com/home
Good FTP client - http://filezilla-project.org/
I don't think there are any combined svn and ftp clients, and it doesn't really make sense to have one either. A quick note on android development that may steer your choice of IDE, Android development is generally done within eclipse using the ADT plugin. Just a few thoughts...

Is the scala eclipse IDE stable enough?

I use eclipse as my scala IDE. But It seems not so good. I can build my project using maven successfully. But eclipse always warn me there's compilation error. Any has experience of scala eclipse plugin ? Thanks BTW I use scala IDE for 2.8.1
There is a new Eclipse plug-in which is in the final stages of release, currently in beta 4 which offers numerous improvements including stability. It runs with Scala 2.9.
You can download and try it for yourself. More information and download available here:
Also, be sure to read on improving Eclipse performance, I find a few of these tweaks makes a big difference. Here are some answers on Stackoverflow regarding that:
How can you speed up Eclipse?
What are the best JVM settings for Eclipse?
I've been using all three major IDEs over the last few days for Scala.
Eclipse is pretty good and perfectly useable although you will encounter a few bugs - silly things like you can't load compiler plugins if you have a space in your plugin folder pathname. It also behaved pretty badly a few times and wouldn't run anything until I restarted Eclipse, but this might be partly because I'm new to it and maybe have been doing something wrong. One thing that is good about Eclipse is that the build time is a lot quicker than for the other two - I think this is because it does and "incremental build". Or maybe it's just more optimized, but it's noticeable.
I would recommend trying the latest version of IntelliJ (10.5). It seems to be the best at the moment with the fewest rough edges, and the only one to have Scaladoc support integrated. I haven't used it much but first impressions are good.
The NetBeans plugin seems to be getting left behind a bit (there's only one guy working on it), which is a shame because it has IMO easily the best code editor for Java, with excellent predictive capabilities which you don't get for Scala at the moment. I'll continue to use it for Java, but the Scala plugin development is a bit sparse. (Although it might be because I'm using a beta version, because that's all that's available right now for Scala 2.9.)

Is it a good idea to develop an IDE for scala?

I have to choose a sizable (but not too sizable!) project for my next & last term in university. I thought maybe a nice IDE for scala is what the world might need right now :).
Would you like to see an IDE specifically made for scala? Or are you more comfortable using (the already available) plugins for popular (mainly java) IDEs & editors?
What do you think about the whole idea?
P.s. I'd make it open source & would add features one by one, so if it doesn't end in one semester, it won't be a problem from the university perspective.
Actually, not anymore. IntelliJ, Netbeans and Eclipse all have Scala-specific efforts that have more man-hours in it than you could possible start to begin putting in at a last term. And there's two very interesting efforts that were results of projects like that, both of which were made to contribute to any IDE effort: ENSIME and Scala Refactoring.
And, beyond these efforts, most programming editors, such as jEdit or TextMate, also have some Scala support to one degree or another.
So, really, contributing to one of these projects might be a good idea, but making a Scala IDE is not.
For his Masters thesis, Mirko Stocker contributed the refactoring functionality to the Eclipse Scala plugin, see:
Instead of creating an IDE from scratch, why not contribute a major piece of functionality to the Eclipse plugin, all contributions are welcome. For ideas, see tickets.
Or instead of reinventing the wheel.. you can contribute..
But I am not sure if it will be somehow enough for your university work. At the same time, as you see, those plug-ins still require a lot of work.
While writing your own IDE you will just trying to solve problems that were already solved and tested. Besides, even if - what kind of IDE is that, which allows you to do
Scala (even if its great) only. So just for simple xml edit of ant file or whatever you will need another tool.
I think Brian Clapper already summed it up nicely.
I'd suggest something like CheckStyle but for Scala might go down well and be reasonable to tackle as a project.
Not a Scala developer but an Eclipse plug-in would probably be a worthy senior project.
Concur. Operating systems, text editors, and IDEs...does the world really need more of them? No. But everyone wants to write one.
If you want to do something useful, as opposed to simply academic, develop an extension for an existing IDE. Eclipse, NetBeans, Komodo, etc. are all nicely extensible through plugins.

Is eclipse visual editor dead?

The Eclipse Visual Editor project seems to be dead, no commits, no updates. Any one know what is happening?
Update 2: The project has been archived (i.e. dead) since June 2011 again.
Update: The project has been revived and is now under active development again.
Its pretty much dead due to a lack of developer support. Here are some recent posts from their mailing list talking about a lack of movement on the project.
What's happening? It's called NetBeans, and it's already happened.
I'm going to get voted down for this but they know it's true. I love eclipse and have used it religiously since I started Java. I'm not saying I like Netbeans, it's just all I hear whenever the concept of a Java visual editor is brought up.
The Jigloo plug-in for Eclipse is a pretty great alternative to the Visual Editor. Though still not quite as nice as the Netbeans GUI editor it is fairly robust and fully featured, especially compared to what was available in the Visual Editor plug-in. Definitely should give it a shot.
Actually NetBeans has gotten MUCH MUCH better. I've used Eclipse, Netbeans and IntelliJ for a few years each, and NetBeans is at least as good (performance, usability & features) as the others now.
It's also improving more quickly than the others are.
They have people working full time on alternate language support, so you'll find they have the best Ruby support in the industry, and I believe Python is about to become that good as well.
Of course, Eclipse still has that crazy-cool todo list that remembers which files you worked on for each bug and can take you back to the set of files/edits for any bug you've worked on, that's really amazing to use and I don't think it's available on either of the other platforms.
--- Revision from years in the future ---
I have used Netbeans more and really have to give the award to Eclipse. The difference has been in vertical programming environments--most will target Eclipse and ignore netbeans. You rarely need these, but when you need them there is often no way around them. If Netbeans does have an equivalent, it's often buggy to the point of not being usable, generally the biggest issue is emulator support.
You won't run into these unless you are working in a specific industry--Android development is one, the primary drive was to support Eclipse, NB seems to trail. Another I've worked on is in the TV/Cable industry.
For raw java development, however, I'd still give Netbeans a little edge because it's the environment that was targeted and supported by sun.
Visual Editor is doing a new release, 1.4, on September 16. Installation instructions for the RC are here:
FWIW, the project did stall for a while. But there is a new, and relatively diverse group of folks working on it again. Most of the recent work is concerned with making the new release compatible with Eclipse Galileo.
It's officially dead as of May 2011. It's archived here, but slow to download and tricky to install. Instead, there's a new editor, WindowBuilder Pro.
Currentlty Google have Open Sourced the Windows Builder Pro. It seems nice
Yes, sadly, it is dead. Looking at the aforementioned email threads regarding it's revival I get the feeling that even if it does get picked up it will quickly collapse under the weight of some new requirements ("make it universal, edit everything from SWT to HTML").
WindowBuilder can be a good alternative. I had several problems with VE and I end up with WindowBuilder who worked for me perfectly.