MWFeedParser stringByReplacingXmlEntities memory leak - iphone

NSURL *xmlUrl = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:#"http://www.xml-document.xml"];
NSString *converted = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:xmlUrl encoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding error:nil];
converted = [converted stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"&" withString:#"&"];
converted = [converted stringByDecodingXMLEntities];
The last line takes up 98.3% of the memory in Instruments > Leaks.
And it's smashing my Log window with:
__NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x6d10ba0 of class UIView autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
Why? I think that method has worked good before...

After some more googling I found that it has to be because of these methods:
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(load) withObject:loadingIndicator];
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(getEvents) withObject:nil];
So I've tried allocating an NSAutoReleasePool and the release it after the work is done in the methods.
Now i receive EXC_BAD_ACCESS message.
This did not happended before I decided to run those methods in the background. So what's the problem here?


Crash when using URL for swapping images

#implementation SlideShowViewController
- (id)init
NSString *temp = [NSString alloc];
[temp stringwithString:#""];
temp=[(NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(
NSData *dato = [NSData alloc];
dato=[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:temp]];
if (self = [super initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil])
NSArray * images = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[UIImage imageWithData:dato],[UIImage imageWithData:dato], [UIImage imageWithData:dato], [UIImage imageWithData:dato], [UIImage imageWithData:dato], nil];
self.view = [[[SlideShowView alloc] initWithImages:images] autorelease];
return self;
I used the following code to load images from the server and view it as that of a photo album
But when the code is run it gets crashed
the error message in console is as follows
2011-06-24 23:54:01.837
SlideShow[13654:207] *
-[NSPlaceholderString stringwithString:]: unrecognized
selector sent to instance 0x49117e0
2011-06-24 23:54:01.839
SlideShow[13654:207] Terminating
app due to uncaught exception
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason:
'** -[NSPlaceholderString
stringwithString:]: unrecognized
selector sent to instance 0x49117e0'
2011-06-24 23:54:01.840
SlideShow[13654:207] Stack: (
2908705 ) terminate called after throwing an instance of 'NSException'
it works if the URLS are replaced by the images
could any one help me
I'm a beginner so its hard for me to find it out
You are trying to call an NSString class method with an instance (an incorrectly created instance at that) here
NSString *temp = [NSString alloc];
[temp stringwithString:#""];
Change to
NSString *temp = #"";
You are doing several things wrong like calling alloc on things and then setting them to something else. (*temp and *data) when you alloc something it should always be followed with a call to init or initXXXX. Next you do not even need those alloc calls because you are setting the pointer to something else on the line right beneath it which causes a memory leak.
This is all you need
NSData *dato = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:temp]];
Then you are creating a bunch of images with the same data object. You are also blocking the calling thread while you are downloading the image which should done later probably around time of viewDidLoad asynchronously.
The init function of the view controller is not the place for setting the view. Implement loadView and the system will call it when it is needed to minimize the applications memory footprint.

Cocoa - `stringWithContentsOfURL/dataWithContentsOfURL` causes ERROR?

The following code for some reason poradically works. I have checked the URL so many times it's not funny (It returns plain text that I would like to parse). The code was 100% functional then it just stopped working and started giving me a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error.
There is nothing in the debugging output to post other than a line saying the output is switching to the process twice. (Except sometimes something about a double release.)
So far (as much as I can remember) I have tried:
Reinstalling the app - it only has problems on the 'Default' run (not the first Run/initiate Run.)
Running the URL in the browser (chrome, firefox, IE...)
Putting the call in a #try / #catch block
Using retain
Using a temp NSAutoreleasePool
Splitting up / separating the elements of the call (along with loggin Everything - once it hits the error, nothing gets logged)
Using the dataWithContentsOfURL functions with the above
NSAutoreleasePool *tmpPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSString *url_string = [self getNormalVersionDownloadURL];
NSLog(#"urlString: -%#-", url_string);
NSError *er;
NSURL *the_URL = [[NSURL URLWithString:url_string] retain];
NSString *version_String = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:the_URL encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:&er];
NSLog(#"verions_string: -%#-", version_String);
if ([version_String length] < 16)
[tmpPool release];
(NSAutoreleasePool and autorelease added due to
(Cashed page - is currently down so I cannot read the discussion thread. At any rate:
NSString *url_string = [[self getNormalVersionDownloadURL] autorelease];
Does -getNormalVersionDownloadURL return an owned or a non-owned object? You only send -autorelease if the method returns an owned object.
NSError **er;
This should be NSError *er instead, or it should be initialised with the address of a variable of type NSError *. Since the latter is uncommon and unnecessary, the following assumes NSError *er.
NSURL *the_URL = [[NSURL URLWithString:url_string] autorelease];
+URLWithString: returns an NSURL object that you don’t own, hence you don’t (auto)release it.
version_String = [[NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:the_URL
encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:er] autorelease]; //ERROR occurs here
Two problems:: +stringWithContentsOfURL: returns an NSString object that you don’t own, hence you don’t (auto)release it. Furthermore, the third parameter should be &er instead of er.
URLWithString and stringWithContentsOfURL are convenience methods and then already put the variable in autorelease I don't think you need to add autorelease while creating the_URL and version_String
try to remove autorelease ...

iPhone - Threading and Delegation

I'm running some code in a background thread to get a text file from a service. That code fires a delegate at some point. It throws as SIGABRT error once the delegate is being called and well, my concept doesn't sound convincing to me either.
The code running at the background thread:
- (void)FetchStores
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// Fetch from service
NSString *serviceURL = #"http://../index.html";
NSURL *myURL = [NSURL URLWithString:serviceURL];
NSData *dataRep = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:myURL];
storesList = [[Stores alloc] init];
storesList.storesDelegate = self;
[storesList FetchWithNSData:dataRep];
[pool release];
The storesList object will fire a delegate once all the stores have been extracted from the service. The delegate is getting caught by a function at the main thread.
Do you have any suggestions what am I doing wrong ?
Thank you,
When calling the delegate, somewhere, you should make the switch to the main thread.
Especially if somewhere, you are updating the UI based on the data fetched.
You can use
- (void)performSelectorOnMainThread:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)arg waitUntilDone:(BOOL)wait
to make the switch.
Maybe like this:
storesList = [[Stores alloc] init];
storesList.storesDelegate = self;
[storesList performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(FetchWithNSData:) withObject:dataRep waitUntilDone:TRUE];
In your case, you should use waitUntilDone:TRUE so that the FetchWithNSData method gets a chance to retain the data.
It seems quite likely that FetchWithNSData: does not retain the passed dataRep and the data gets deallocated on the next line where you drain the local autorelease pool?


It is normal to have such issues but I am currently stuck in knowing how it works.
Whenever I use NSXMLparser to parse the URL and store in the database, it gets parsed for the first time but when I parse it again it throws EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
Here is my code:
- (void) initParse {
[super init];
appleAppDelegate = (appleAppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
NSURL *url = [[[NSURL alloc] initWithString:#""] autorelease];
self.parser1 = [[[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url] autorelease] ;
[parser1 setShouldResolveExternalEntities:NO];
[parser1 setDelegate:self];
[parser1 parse];
When it reaches the end of the function at "}", it throws EXC_BAD_ACCESS. I am not sure what is wrong since I am releasing my URL and even my parser.
Has any one come across this situation.
Try running with NSZombieEnabled - that will tell you the type of the object which is being accessed after being freed.
You are accessing a released object which is exactly your problem, make sure you release at the end and make sure everything you need is still around.

initWithContentsOfURL leaks memory within NSOperation subclass. Anyone else seeing this?

I have been living on Instruments for last few hours staring at a puzzling memory leak. I have isolated it to this single line of code in an NSOperation subclass I wrote:
NSData *myData = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:myURLString]];
Periodically this will leak 3500 bytes. Is anyone else seeing this? If so, is there a work around?
Thanks in advance.
Here is the relevant section of code within the main() body of my NSOperation subclass:
- (void)main {
// ...
NSData *sequenceData =
[[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:concatenatedURLString]];
NSString *sequenceString =
[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:[sequenceData bytes] length:[sequenceData length] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSDictionary *result = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
self.chromosome, #"chromosome",
[NSNumber numberWithInt:self.basepairStart], #"basepairStart",
[NSNumber numberWithInt:self.basepairEnd], #"basepairEnd",
sequenceData, #"sequenceData",
sequenceString, #"sequenceString",
[sequenceData release];
[sequenceString release];
[ performSelectorOnMainThread:self.action withObject:result waitUntilDone:NO];
As you can see sequenceData and sequenceString are properly released. Also, I have confirmed that all ivars of this subclass (chromosome. etc.) are properly memory managed.
You have to release or autorelease myData, otherwise it will leak according to the Cocoa Memory Management Rules