My IFRAME facebook app doesn't work in Opera and IE - facebook

It works nicely in FF and Chrome, but in Opera I get timeout error. The loading animation is going and going on but nothing appears. Could you please help me? My deadline comes tommorow :-(
Pastebin entire source code:

Facebook connect is broken in Opera due to the problem I explained here:
I don't think there is anything you can do about it except waiting for either Opera or Facebook to fix it. Due to the nature of the problem is pretty hard to work around - unless, I guess, you make a local copy of with a bugfix in it. That fix should be as simple as finding this code:
and remove the '+FB.guid()' part. While I know that this will avoid the Opera security policy violation, I'm not sure if this workaround will cause the script to fail in other ways - untested.


Iceface 1.8 not working properly in IE11

I come across a wired issue with Icefaces in IE11. Once I submit a page via partial command button. The page has no response at all. There is nothing happened at all. And the issue cannot be simulated in another computer with IE11. I cannot figure out what's going on? I'm concern about the IE issue. Some versions of IE cannot be compatible with Icefaces stuff very well. But I cannot find obviously evidence. Does anyone have the same or similar issue? Any clue will be great to me. Appreciate very much.

Css/JS issues with N2CMS 2.5.9 and Dinamico templates

I sometimes have problems loading java script and CSS, and i think that Url.ThemedContent is the culprit.
Everything will work perfect, but if I refresh my page multiple times fast (CTRL + R in chrome) to clear my js-cache, for some reason it just crashes my file loading.
It says that /N2/Resources/..... cant be found, and it messes the page up completely, only way to fix it is to change the web.config so that the page recycles.
Try using the N2.Management.NoZip package. If that doesn't work, it sounds like a bug, so file an issue at so that the developers will fix it.

long script error internet explorer

Please can someone help?
I've had facebook integration scripts running on my website for many years already with no problem. However, I am now being flooded with complaints from customers who use INTERNET EXPLORER saying that since an update to IE a week or so ago they are constantly getting the long-running script errors...
"Stop Running This Script.
A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly.
If it continues to run, your computer might become unresponsive."
I've worked it out (by disabling scripts) that the problem is with the Facebook scripts.
Nothing has been changed in months on the website so it's not something I can figure out how to fix.
Scripts: Invite your friends, Like, Share page, etc
Please, please help
I've ran into the same issue. I can reproduce the issue not just on my site, but on others as well when using IE 9 or IE 10 (have not tested with older IE versions). The issue seems to be a result of IE's compatibility view feature. If that is enabled for a website, which also has the facebook like button on the page of the site you're trying to load, a long running script error is produced (error from a function called _t). When I disable compatibility view for that website, the error goes away. I'm not sure if the issue is with the IE feature, or with facebook's button...I'm not getting same error from other scripts, nor other social buttons like google+, which makes me think the issue is on Facebook's end. I've been trying different IE setting configs for days far, the only fix I can come up with is turn compatibility view off. And of course resolve issues so that compatibility view are not needed. Though telling your users they have to turn off compatibility view doesn't seem like an appropriate I hope a better fix is found.

Not setting document.domain on channel file

Setting the document.domain in a Facebook app, but not in the channel file seemed to not cause issues before the July 2012 code cleanup. But after, cross-domain security errors will be thrown.
Not really a question, but when I searched the issue, I didn't find anything related and thought it important to make a note of it in case someone else has this problem too.

Fiddler copy paste is broken

I have a strange problem in Fiddler that I have been unable to fix by playing around with the various settings and options.
Copy and paste is not working in the Composer - both in the URI, and much much worst, in the Request Body.
This seem like a silly problem, but it has been the source of much grief for me, as I try to use it for testing a REST service I am developing, I have to manually type in EVERYTHING I need, every time. It is getting painful.
Copy/Paste works fine everywhere else on my machine. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Fiddler, to no success.
If you have any idea what this may be happening, please let me know. Thanks.
I have no idea why you would be having this problem, but a hacky solution would be making an AutoHotkey script. The script would simply be Send %clipboard%. This will just take whatever is in your current clipboard and type it out. References here:
This is currently still an issue for the Linux beta..
an easy workaround is to use [shift]+[insert]