insert null value in db2 (control center) - db2

This question is about the gui application (DB2 Control Center), not about sql statements
At my work, we develop an application that supports sql server, oracle and db2. Therefore we use the gui applications of all three of them at varying capacity.
The problem is when I edit a record and I want to insert a null value. For sql server (sql management studio), ctrl+0 does the trick. For oracle (sqldeveloper) it doesn't matter because empty strings are essentially nulls.
Does anyone know how I can do that with the Control Center for db2? currently I resort to executing statements via the command editor as a workaround, but it is such a waste of time.

If you leave the field blank, it'll insert a NULL.
In more depth, if I double-click the table name, I get a window containing the first 100 records in that table. Then, I click the 'Add Row' button, and a new empty row shows up at the bottom of the listing. I fill in the mandatory fields, leaving the nullable fields blank, then click the 'Commit' button to commit that insert. Fields that are left blank are inserted as nulls.


The type of column conflit with the type of other columns specified in the UNPIVOT list

In SQL Server 2005, I built a trigger that contains a SQL statement that unpivot's some data. Somewhat similar to the following simple example:!3/cdc1b/1/0. Let's say that the table the trigger is built on is "table1" and it's set run after updates.
Within SSMS whenever I update "table1" everything works fine. Unfortunately, whenever I update "table1" in a proprietary application (which I don't have the source code to), it fails with the message "The type of column conflit with the type of other columns specified in the UNPIVOT list".
After doing a bit of searching I added COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT to my cast's in the view without any luck. It was a bit of a long shot because the collation all matched whenever I queried INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.
I then changed the casts from VARCHAR to CHAR and it worked without issue. For obvious reasons, I'd rather use VARCHAR. What is different between a SSMS and application connection? I assume the application isn't using a connection property that SSMS uses.
PS: The database is a bit funky because it does not use NULLs and uses CHAR instead of VARCHAR.

How to insert a row in postgreSQL pgAdmin?

I am new to postgreSQL. Is there any way to insert row in postgreSQL pgAdmin without using SQL Editor (SQL query)?
The accepted answer is related to PgAdmin 3 which is outdated and not supported.
For PgAdmin 4 and above, the application is running in the browser.
After you create your table, you have to make sure that your table has a primary key otherwise you couldn't edit the data as mentioned in the official documentation.
To modify the content of a table, each row in the table must be
uniquely identifiable. If the table definition does not include an OID
or a primary key, the displayed data is read only. Note that views
cannot be edited; updatable views (using rules) are not supported.
1- Add primary key
Expand your table properties by clicking on it in the pgAdmin4 legend. Right-click on 'Constraints', select 'Create' --> 'Primary Key'to define a primary key column.
2- View the data in excel like format
Browser view, right-click on your table --> select View/Edit Data --> All Rows
3- Add new row / Edit data
On the Data Output tab at the bottom of the table below the last row, there will be an empty row where you can enter new data in an excel-like manner. If you want to make updates you can also double click on any cell and change its value.
4- Save the changes
Click on the 'Save' button on the menu bar near the top of the data window.
I think some answers don't provide an answer to the original question, some of them insert records but with SQL statements and the OP clearly said WITHOUT, so I post the right answer: (Step by Step)
Alternatively you can use the query tool:
INSERT INTO public.table01(
name, age)
VALUES (?, ?);
use the lightning icon to execute.
You can do that without the SQL editor, but it's better to do this by queries.
Although, in pgAdmin, there is an option which you can click to have an excel-like window where you can add and update data in a table without using SQL language. Please select a table which you want to add a row first and click on the next icon here below.
Editing table data without primary key is forbidden
If your tables don't have a primary key or OIDs, you can view the data only.
Inserting new rows and changing existing rows isn't possible for the Edit Data tool without primary key.
INSERT INTO tablename (field1, field2) values ('value1', 2);
on pgAdmin 4, right-click on the table and use the item like below. You can also use that script in the background.
Finally, to watch the inserted data do like below. You can also use that script in the background.
All the above are correct answers. I just want to add that : When u create a table, make sure u have atleast one column as PRIMARY_KEY. Then, just follow the GUI : View/Edit data. U can add row as the last row of the table
As an update, the icon for the save button is different in pgAdmin 4.
This is how the menu should look after right-clicking on the table you want to insert into and hovering over "View/Edit Data".
After adding rows, either press F6 (on Ubuntu) or click the icon that looks like a stack of discs (database icon) with a lock on it.
Zoomed in:
Wide View:

SQL Server Default Database when Query - master

I've been using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for the last 8 years, and I keep on stumbling upon a problem. When I right click on a Table, and select SELECT TOP 2000 ROWS, the query editor opens up a new file with the query inside. This is nice and all for a quick review of the table.
The problem I have is the default database is changed from the actual database to the master database. I have sysadmin rights.
The query that gets generated by SSMS, then has the databse, schema, and table in brackets, i.e. [DB].[dbo].[TableName]
Is there a way to set the default database on the SELECT TOP 2000 ROWS command, to NOT go and set the default database to 'master' ?
The other workaround is to click on the table, and then do a 'New Query', which will keep the current database, and then I have to type in 'SELECT * FROM TableName'
In SSMS go to Security > Logins - choose your login, then right-click and choose Properties - at the bottom of the tab is an option called "Default Database" - this is what you want to change.

On INSERT to a table INSERT data in connected tables

I have two tables that have a column named id_user in common. These two tables are created in my Drupal webpage at some point (that I don't know because I didn't created the Netbeans project).
I checked on the internet and found that probably by adding REFERENCES 1sttable (id_user) to the second table, it should copy the value of the 1sttable (that is always created when a new user arrives) to the id_user value of the 2ndtable (that I don't know at which point is created). Is it correct?
If it's not correct I would like to know a way in pgAdmin that could make me synchronize those tables, or at least create both of them in the same moment.
The problem I have is that the new user has a new row on 1sttable automatically as soon as he registers, while to get a new row on 2ndtable it needs some kind of "activation" like inserting all of the data. What I'm looking for is a way that as soon as there is a new row in the 1sttable, it automatically creates the new row on the other table too. I don't know how to make it more clear (English is not my native language).
The solution you gave me seems clear for the question, but the problem is a little bigger: the two tables presents different kinds of variables, and it should be that they are, one in mySQL, with the user data (drupal default for users), then i have 2 in postgresql, both with the same primary key (id_user):
the first has 118 columns, most of them real integer;
the second has 50 columns, with mixed types.
the web application i'm using needs both this column with all the values NOT EMPTY (otherwise i get a NullPointerException) to work, so what i'm searching for is (i think):
when the user register -inserting his email- in drupal, automatically it creates the two fulfilled columns, to make the web automatically works as soon as the email is stored in mysql. Is it possible? Is it well explained?
My environment is:
windows server 2008 enterprise edition
glassfish 2.1
netbeans 6.7.1
drupal 6.17
postgresql 8.4
mysql 5.1.48
pgAdmin is just the GUI. You mean PostgreSQL, the RDBMS.
A foreign key constraint, like you have only enforces that no value can be used, that isn't present in the referenced column. You can use ON UPDATE CASCADE or ON DELETE CASCADE to propagate changes from the referenced column, but you cannot create new rows with it like you describe. You got the wrong tool.
What you describe could be achieved with a trigger. Another, more complex way would be a RULE. Go with a trigger here.
In PostgreSQL you need a trigger function, mostly using plpgsql, and a trigger on a table that makes use of it.
Something like:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trg_insert_row_in_tbl2()
RETURNS trigger AS
INSERT INTO tbl2 (my_id, col1)
VALUES (NEW.my_id, NEW.col1) -- more columns?
RETURN NEW; -- doesn't matter much for AFTER trigger
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
And a trigger AFTER INSERT on tbl1:
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trg_insert_row_in_tbl2();
You might want to read about using Drupal hooks to add extra code to be run when a user is registered. Once you know how to use hooks, you can write code (in a module) to insert a corresponding record in the 2nd table. A good candidate hook to use here would be hook_user for Drupal 6 or hook_user_insert for Drupal 7.
The REFERENCES you read about is part of an SQL command to define a foreign key constraint from the second table to the first. This is not strictly necessary to solve your problem, but it can help in keeping your database consistent. I suggest you read up on database structures and constraints if you want to learn more on this topic.

Oracle SQL Developer SQL Tab is blank

I've searched through all of the responses on SQL Developer and I haven't found a response that matches this question. I need to be able to see the SQL for a table/view etc by clicking on the sql tab, but for now it simply shows me a blank screen. Has anyone else solved this? It works fine in toad and I can see the code but we have a new server and I can't connect to it with toad. Any help would be nice.
When i connect to SQL Developer and type alter the session set current_schema=xyz then i am connect as if i was that user.
When i open the branche other users, and navigate to a table of user xyz, and click table A_TABLE, then i see the definition of that table in the columns tab and i have several other tabs, such as data to show the data in the table. So far so good.
But when i navigate to the SQL tab (on the far right of the tabs) i would expect to see the DLL of the table, but this tab stays empty. (this is also posted in another thread, but no good solution)
Is there a way to get this working ?
Probably tab in the backend looks in user_tables and user_tab_columns to generatie the DLL.
And since i did an alter session, the table are probably in the all_tables view.
It works fine when i log in and click my own tables, but not that of other users.
Same think with view definitions.
Also right clicking on the object and choose quick DLL results in empty file/worksheet of clipboard.
In short, can the tab SQL only work for schema owners of dba's or can it also work when using alter session set current_schema = xyz
Not sure exactly what you mean, but:
1. Can you connect to your db using Sqldev? Can you expand the list of schema objects and see your tables?
2. If so then when you open a sql worksheet, yes it is blank., this is where you type your sql statement and execute it. Type the FROM clause first, then go back and add the select clause and sql dev will show a drop down list of columns for the tables you can select from w/o typing the col names.
3. If you want to see you table data, simply double click the table in the tree browser on the left.
You can also build queries graphically though drag and drop.
But, normal behavior of the SQL worksheet window is to display blank, so not sure exactly what you expecting to happen.
If you select a view and right click and select Export DDL and Select Save to Worksheet, then the DDL is pasted into a worksheet: Example:
SQL DDL statements show the 'code' to create the schema object.