Compare multiple strings in textview of iphone - iphone

I want to compare all the strings entered in a textview of iphone. Once the user finishes with typing in textview I want to compare strings entered by the user.
How do I do it?
Please help

I am not sure what you define "finishes with typing", here is my guess:
You have to set up your class become UITextViewDelegate and implements some methods:
If you want to get the text whenever the text changes, use:
- (void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView
If you want to get the text whenever the text view resign first responder, use:
- (void)textViewDidEndEditing:(UITextView *)textView
I also don't know what you define by comparing all the NSString. One way to do is put them into NSSet and NSSet itself will remove duplicates of NSString for you


Check if textfields were edited?

I have a UITextField in each cell of my tableview. I want to set a BOOL for if any text was edited in any textfield so I can prompt user to save later on.
One simple approach is to set a tag for each of your UITextFields, and have a BOOL array with indexes matching the tags, named editedTextFields. Then, implement the method from the UITextFieldDelegate protocol:
- (void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
Inside of it, using textField.tag to find out which UITextField has been edited, you can then set the BOOL array at the equivalent position to YES.
Use UITextFieldDelegate and implements :
- (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField
You can try UITextField's delegate solve this problem. Have a try.

How i can fetch what is typed between 2 UITextViews on iphone?

i have two UITextView items, how can i fetch what is written using a button on iphone?
Imagine something like a translate app, the user enters a word in UITextView 1 and by pressing the button the UITextView 2 is getting filled with data.
UITextView has a property text. Simply use this.
Set up IBOutlets for textView1 and textView2. Then have the button do something along these lines:
-(IBAction)moveTextOver:(id)sender {
[textView2 setText:textView1.text];
To get fancier, you can have a method -(NSString *)transformText:(NSString *)text that translates or does whatever you like. Then use
-(IBAction)moveTextOver:(id)sender {
[textView2 setText:[self transformText:textView1.text]];
Create an IBAction method that is linked to a button and in that method read the "text" property of the textView or textField, do your calculations on it and assign the results to the text property of thee second field.

Detecting whether the user has typed in a UITextField

I know that if you use the following line of code, you can detect what the user has typed in a TEXT VIEW.
if ([[textView text] isEqualToString:#"")
I want to detect whether the user has typed anything in a text FIELD, and this does not work with text fields. What should I change? Thanks for your help!
The UITextFieldDelegate is the preferred way to find this out.
- (void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField - this will only tell you that it has become the first responder / key field, this does not guarantee that the user modified the value
- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string - this method will tell you when ever the user hits a key to change the text, a "paste" will cause multiple characters to be in the string, backspace over one, or delete of a selection will cause the string to be empty, …
- (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField - this is a common location to check the value in the field against the value in the model to see if an edit has occurred. this will only be called when the field relinquishes "key" status, note that a user could tap a button to cause the whole view to go away before this is called, often making it useful to track if any field you are interested in becomes the "key field" (see first method)
it can be useful to set break points in relevant implementations to familiarize yourself with their call order/logic
You can retrieve contents of a UITextField the same way you can a UITextView, by accessing the "text" property. The code below is if a text field is not empty.
if (![someTextField.text isEqualToString:#""])
NSLog(#"someTextField is not empty");
You can also use the UITextField delegate to detect when a user starts typing, stops typing, etc. More information about that is available in the documentation.
Finally, here's a link to the UITextField docs.
you can check for text length instead of content
if ([[textView text] length]==0)

UITextField > force cursor to stay at the end of the field

The user should not be able to move the cursor of a UITextField somwhere else in the entered string.
I need this because I want the user to enter a currency amount. This is done by letting the user enter numbers which will be added to the end of the amount and the commata will be moved to the third position from the end.
How do I force the cursor in an UITextField to stay at the end of an entered string?
Place a UIButton over your UITextField. Add an IBAction to the button and have it call UITextField.becomeFirstResponder().
This prevents clicks from passing, cursors for being able to be modified, but still allows the user to click the view and select it.
I solved the problem by hiding the original entry field and show the value formatted in a label. This prevents the user from changing the cursors position.
Create a subclass of UITextField with
-(BOOL)gestureRecognizerShouldBegin:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer { return NO; }
to disable all gestures on that field. This implies that you make that field the firstResponder programmatically though.
I think you can use:
- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string
Just give him the correct range.

Limit number of characters in UITextField where input is from UI

I have a UITextField for which I get input from some buttons that are part of the UI (so the input does not come form the phone's virtual keyboard). I want to limit that number of characters. I tried using the shouldChangeCharactersInRange, but it only works if the input comes form the virtual keyboard, and it doesn't work if the input comes from the buttons on the UI. Is there anyway I can solve this without programmatically having to count the characters in the text field every time I want to update it?
Thank you,
Mihai Fonoage
Implement the UITextField Delegate method shouldChangeCharactersInRange:
set the method to return YES when the length of the string is less than your maximum count.
- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string {
if (textField.text.length<3) {
return YES;
return NO;
Since you are programmatically making changes to the UITextField once the user clicks the relevant buttons on the UI, you should keep track of the number of characters entered using a counter.
Increase the value of the counter every time a relevant UI button is touched. Update the textfield only if the counter value is <= maximum allowed no. of characters.
Check the length of the string property on the textField before accepting changes.
There is a textRectForBounds Property