Inconsistent Routing Results in MVC -

Seems I'm still missing something to the MVC routing concept. I have a route that follows nearly the same pattern as another route in an area but for what ever reason I get a 404 every time I attempt to run it. I've tried to use Phil Haack's Route Tester DLL and according to that it hits the correct route (matched route comes out to common/itemhistory/{contentid}). When I try to run it for real, it blows up.
I'm trying to map a call to a JsonResult by passing a Guid. I've had success with other routes working fine (common is an area in my site).
What could I be doing wrong?
new { controller = "common", action = "GetItemHistory" },
new { contentid = #"^(\{){0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}(\}){0,1}$" }
new { controller="common", action = "Index" }

You are assigning action attribute to "GetItemHistory" and have defined itemhistory in the regular Route Pattern. Looks like you don't have a method in your controller by name "GetItemHistory"


MVC 5 - Redirect to a controller from anywhere

I am developing a MVC 5 internet application, and I wish to redirect to a controller/action result from anywhere in my application.
The controller name is "Manager", and the action result is "TestAction"
In an action result, the following code can be used:
RedirectToAction("TestAction", "Manager")
I have also coded a filter attribute as follows:
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult( new RouteValueDictionary{{ "controller", "Manage" }, { "action", "TestAction" } });
Is there a generic way to send the user to a specific controller, action result from anywhere in a MVC application? I specifically wish to do this in an extension method.
Thanks in advance.
You can do it by simply Response.Redirect (taking the domain path and append the url).
Did you try the answer like this one
In your controller you can use RedirectToAction("TestAction", "Manager") to redirect and in your view you can write windows.location.href("Manager","TestAction").
What i've done in such cases:
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
//...add parameters...
dictionary.Add("controller", "ControllerName");//ex: Home for HomeController
dictionary.Add("action", "MyMethod");
return RedirectToRoute("Default", dictionary);//"Default" is the name of the rout you're using

MVC Routing: How to route /mypath/Default.aspx to /Default.aspx and keep QueryString?

We upgraded our solution to MVC 2. Outside links are still using /mypath/Default.aspx with a query string of n=10. Is there any way to catch that route with a controller and call a Default.aspx file with the proper query string?
We tried simply rerouting with IIS6 as well as a meta refresh, but both strip off the query string.
Nick Craver's answer looks promising as an answer to this question.
I'm not sure what you mean by "and call a Default.aspx file with the proper query string?" but if you mean to call your default route, then it can easily be done.
You should be able to just specify a route on "mypath/Default.aspx". The querystring will be automatically bound to your method.
For example:
"LegacyUrl", // Route name
"mypath/Default.aspx", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index"}
Then your method:
public ActionResult Index(int n)
// do something with n, maybe pass it to the View
return View();

Return PartialView in MVC3 Area is not searching in area

I am working on an ASP.Net MVC 3 RC project. I have one area named Drivers. I have a LoadPartial() action in a controller in the Drivers area that returns a PartialView(string, object); When this is returned I get an error on my webpage that says "The partial view 'PublicAttendanceCode' was not found." It searched the following locations:
Why is it not searching in the Drivers Area?
I have the following pretty basic routes in Global.asax.cs:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home",
action = "Index",
id = UrlParameter.Optional // Parameter defaults
And in DriversAreaRegistration.cs
public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
new { action = "RequestLeave", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
What am I missing that will make it look in the drivers area for the partial?
How are you providing area name to PartialView() method? I think you should be passing it in new { area = "Drivers" } as routeValues parameter.
The way that the MVC view engines know the area that they should look in is based on the route that was used to process the request.
In the case of the controller action that you have, are you certain that the request was processed by the area's route definition, or is it possible that the request was processed by the more general route that you defined in global.asax?
There are only four overloads of the method PartialView and it seems like neither of them accept routeValues as a parameter.
I solved this problem like this:
return PartialView(
It works, but looks ugly.
This works too:
return PartialView("~/Areas/Admin/Views/Shared/MyView.cshtml", model);

actionlink not resolving urls related to route

I have the following route ( it's the first in my global.asax )
"AdminCompany", // Route name
"{controller}.aspx/{action}/{companyId}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", companyId = "", id = "" } // Parameter defaults
if i navigation to
"Order/DisplayAdmin/2/79000180" it resolves correctly
However if i do the following
Html.ActionLink("View", "DisplayAdmin", new {companyId = Model.CompanyId, id = order.OrderNumber }, new { #class = "button add" })
it displays
which also works, but isn't so pretty :)
Here is my Controller Method
public ActionResult DisplayAdmin(int companyId, [DefaultValue(0)]int id, [DefaultValue(0)] int orderItemStatusId)
var viewModel = DisplayAdminViewModel(companyId, id, _statusResponses);
return View(viewModel);
Am i calling ActionLink the wrong way? how do i get the nice Urls?
only thing I can think of that is happening is that its falling back to the Default route, I did a copy paste of both your route and the html.ActionLink and it works perfectly for me displaying it like "/Order.aspx/DisplayAdmin/39068760/45456", i did replicate the same fault like you get if the naming isn't the same in the route and action link.
Use the overload of ActionLink that has a RouteValueDictionary argument.
It appears that you are currently using the overload with the "object" argument and it's going to a workable, but not as clean, url.

Action not found in Route table?

Just started my first MVC 2.0 .net application. And I set up some default pages like:
But when I request for /Loa/sdfqsdf (random string) I get the "The resource cannot be found." error, how can I redirect this non-existing action to a default action?
Like an "action not found" default action?
Using routes
You can define more than one route (which is also quite common in real-life MVC applications), because some routes have particular settings that differ from the default one. And especially if you want to do decent SEO.
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = string.Empty },
new { action = "Register|Index|About" } // route constraint that limits the actions that can be used with this route
new { controller = "Home", action = "Nonexisting" }
If you'll add additional routes to our route table, just make sure the InvalidRoutes is defined as the last one.