IOS4 allow application to run in background. Is it possible to have an application running in the background and not killable without a password?
The simple answer is no.
IOS can always kill your app if it doesn't behave or if memory is needed. Likewise the user can always kill the app if he feels like it.
I don't really understand why you would want this feature anyway?
No. And background tasks are quite limit in their use cases. With exception of location services and audio things, its essential fast app switching / app pausing.
I hope to run an app in background on ios4
I know
Apple allows only certain types of apps to run in the background, like navigation and audio and VOIP apps. But even those are limited to only the necessary tasks.
Is it possible I register the app as one kind of VoIP, Audio or GPS apps to keep it run in background?
Welcome any comment
You can't "run" an app in the background; you can only run a task in the background. The tasks are
Continue Playing Audio
Maintain VoIP Connection
Update Location (GPS)
Some Finite Task (such as uploading a file)
I haven't developed for iOS so there might be something I'm missing. Read more at Executing Code in the Background. As of iOS 4, developers don't have the ability to implement true multitasking. Correct me if I'm wrong in any of this.
Not in general, no. You could register a VoIP or GPS session and abuse its callbacks for certain tasks, but I doubt the App Store review process would take kindly to it.
What do you need to do in the background that isn't covered by task completion or the audio/VoIP/GPS background modes? it might be possible to use another paradigm and still get the cake.
I have an app that will run in the background but there is one case where I do not want that to happen, can I achieve this programmatically?
I know I can opt out by changing this plist value but what about at run time?
Add the variable UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend (Application does not run in background) to your applications plist and assign the value YES.
You can close the app by calling exit(0) in applicationDidEnterBackground.
You can't use exit(0) b/c apple does not allow you to close the app without user knowing it.
From Technical Q&A QA1561 How do I programmatically quit my iPhone application?.
There is no API provided for gracefully terminating an iPhone
application. Under the iPhone OS, the
user presses the Home button to close
applications. Should your application
have conditions in which it cannot
provide its intended function, the
recommended approach is to display an
alert for the user that indicates the
nature of the problem and possible
actions the user could take - turning
on WiFi, enabling Location Services,
etc. Allow the user to terminate the
application at their own discretion.
Calling exit() is discouraged, and not informing the user that the app is going to terminate is also discouraged. So you need to get the OS to kill your app (as it normally would do over a long enough period of operation) while simultaneously informing the user. One way of doing this, while using only legal APIs, is to dirty absolutely as many memory pages as possible (malloc and bzero), then call Safari with a URL to a hoggish website explaining why the app is going to quit. Safari will require enough memory to display the website that your app will be terminated by the OS, just as the user is being properly informed.
Sleeping until the OS kill timer kills your app will also kill your app, but this non-responsive delay will lock up the UI, which isn't a good user experience.
I am trying to take advantage of iPhone 4 multitasking feature. I want to run app in background and frequently send http request to send/receive data, is it possible?
Surprisingly, there is actually very little time-slicing going on in the "multi-tasking" iOS 4.x. What goes on instead is really just application suspend / resume. When an application is sent to the background upon the user tapping the home button, it will stop getting execute cycles after a short while (*).
(*) There are a few exceptions. Applications which declare themselves as "VoIP providers", location-based apps, and music apps can get background execute cycles, presumably only though to perform those very specific operations in response to corresponding events (like a "significant change in location" occurring). Some apps apparently try to stretch the rules and find undocumented or not-strongly-documented techniques to continue getting background execute cycles.
And the "requested running time" that Undeadlegion mentioned is limited in duration.
The reality is that on iOS4, applications are not allowed to run continuously in the background.
#Undeadlegion has suggested a plausible way to achieve your goal. To be more clear, take a look at my previous answer to a similar question at SO, iphone - Connecting to server in background
It is possible to request running time while your app is backgrounded.
See Multitasking Developer's Guide
Although, depending on the intent of your http requests, push notifications may be a viable alternative.
This may be necessary because you aren't providing audio, voip, or location services, so your app can't run in the background indefinitely.
I need to write an application, that every 10 minutes it should be awaken from suspended mode, get user location via gps and send this information to the server by network.
Depending on the response it should return to the suspended mode or show local notification to the user.
Is there a way to do this on iOS 4?
I've tried different approaches, but the only working for me was to start monitoring user location in backgroind and declare the application as location background application. In that case it worked in background and has a network connection. But this approach takes a lot of power and not accepted cause application should work 24/7.
May be there is a way to write some daemon that should work in background and wake my application every 10 minutes?
Apparently, Pastebot tried to do something similar with the 'audio' multitasking declaration (by playing a silent audiofile) and got rejected.. UNTIL they actually presented a option to the user to pick which audiofile they wanted to play. It's in the appstore now. :)
In this case: What is your reason for not wanting to use the location updates? If battery-usage is a concern, you can use the 'significant location changes only' option, after which you can temporarily change to a more accurate option.
This isn't possible outside of the method you have already tried.
The iPhone background task API will allow you to run a location service in the background.
There is no way to write daemons for the iPhone without jailbreaking, and that is not something I'm able/prepared to help you with.
App store friendly: use new APIs in iOS4, which allows u to make use of GPS location
Anti App store: create a daemon by adding a specific plist file to System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ and put ur app under Applications/. this approach requires a jailbroken iPhone however...
detailed information plz google the following keywords: daemon, multitask, background, etc...
cheers, Lloyd
Ever since the first beta came out I’ve been trying to find out if “real” multitasking is possible — i.e. can you put a program in the background and have it hang on to a network connection indefinitely?
I’m thinking about IM or IRC apps, for example. I’ve compiled an app myself on iOS 4, and without changing a thing it appeared to stay running in the background, but for all I know it was just suspended to memory.
The docs say the best you can do is request up to 10 minutes, but in the developer presentation they showed off Skype sitting in the background and then notifying the user that a call was coming in. Does anyone know for sure how this all works?
It appears the answer is no. The API for Skype is a very special case, called the "voip" mode, and requires special behavior, such as marking the socket in use for VoIP.
You can receive alarm notifications in the background (such as time passed). The amount of time you are in the background running state is severely limited by the OS.
Android's background model is complete and in many ways much nicer.
Apple has a guide named "Supporting Multitasking In Your Applications" which you should be able to locate.
Apple's iOS 4 developer docs outline this all very clearly.
When your app is closed or switched away from, it is almost immediately "suspended", meaning the OS freezes the app's state. When the user switches back to your app, your code keeps running just where it kept off. You don't need to add any code to your app to do this, just compile it against OS 4.
The above is true in most cases. There are two reasons the "suspended" model may not apply:
1) If the device starts to run low on memory, the OS will start terminating suspended apps that haven't been switched to in a while, without warning. This is why it's in your best interest for your app to remember it's state as well, so if your app is terminated, then re-opened, the user doesn't really notice because it still returns to right where they left off.
2) Your app uses one of the "background" APIs. These are for audio playback, VoIP services, or location services. In this case, your app is allowed to continue running in the background but only has access to those APIs. Additionally, your app can designate certain long-running tasks as "background tasks" that need to be completed before the app is suspended or terminated, like uploading pictures to Flickr or rendering a video, etc.
The "background task" method doesn't cover pinging servers indefinitely, as there is a time limit for the task, after which it will be forcibly halted. Apps that need that sort of functionality are expected to implement push notifications, just as before.
That should clear this up. All in all I think it's a pretty elegant solution to multitasking on a mobile device.
iOS 4 applications can either be running or suspended. The operating system will try to keep as many requested applications as possible in memory, while all other applications are suspended.
Applications that run in the background can access features such as navigation, audio, and VOIP (but NOT instant messaging). So it looks like you might be out of luck.
-- PC World Multitasking on Apples iPhone 4
It is possible for apps to request background time. Read the docs. I would say it iOS is "controlled multitasking".
You can create a long running background task, I believe these can include networking features. Just have to set the background task flag on the work block.
the OS can limit exactly how much time you get though... it will tell you when your time is up giving you a chance to cleanup nicely.
iOS 4 has "real" multitasking to some extend. There are two things to consider:
The UI event loop is single tasking. So only the front app executes on the UI event loop. Not a big deal: detach your main code form the UI event loop (maybe you need to redesign your app).
The OS "may" terminate your app if some criteria are met (e.g. low memory).
Currently one of these criteria is that execution time is limited to 10 minutes (real time not cpu time). However I expect this to change and see better criteria for background app termination (I hope to).
Apart from this you can have timers (event loops) in background.
There is no real multitasking in iOS 4.2 even. because apps will only be allowed to finish the task related to states..for small interval of time and then it will be in suspended state.. If you will set background task for long interval of time then... it will behave unexpectedly like no method will be called when you will try to run the app from anywhere..
You may be interested in this blog post that outlines how "multitasking" works in systems such as iPhone OS 4 and Android.
in fact u can do this, although it's not allowed by Apple. u gotta set up a toolchain in ur mac and use some unofficial SDK...
check for more information
You should use the Push Notifications framework for the feature set you are creating!