GDB error invalid offset, value too big (0x00000400) Unable to build app in debug mode need help - iphone

I have an app which was working fine few days ago. But today I'm getting this error:
{standard input}:1948:invalid offset, value too big (0x00000400)
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit >code 1

Ok Guys,
After a lot of troubleshooting finally I found the solution. A big Switch Case was the problem. Converting that into if else statement solved the problem.

I had a similar issue today while I was writing an assembly routine for an ARM Cortex-M0 processor. In my case, the code that caused the error looked like this:
ldr r7 ,=PRTCNFG_10
This is a pseudo instruction causing the processor to load the value of constant PRTCNFG_10 (defined using the .equ directive) into register r7. The pseudo instruction will be translated into
ldr r7 ,[pc, #immed8]
where #immed8 is an 8 bit immediate value. Since 2^8=256, the definition of PRTCNFG_10 must not be placed beyond pc+256 bytes, otherwise the Assembler will throw an error.
I solved the issue by explicitly allocating PRTCNFG_10 in memory:
.word 0x606

Just saw the same issue, which also turned out to be caused by a switch case. It wasn't even that big (26 cases), and it had compiled fine in the past, but for some reason it started to fail today. Replacing it with if-else solved the weird GCC error.

While this question is not strictly about assembler, this question pops up in web searches about this specific errors often enough that I'd like to add an answer that should be helpful to people programming in it.
The assembler syntax is LDR REG, =SOMETHING.
If that SOMETHING is >16 bits, we got a problem because Thumb doesn't have 32-bit immediates. To fix this, the assembler remembers the constant and replaces the statement with a PC-relative load to something that's less than 0x400 bytes off (more than that doesn't fit in the instruction).
You then say
someplace convenient (e.g. right behind the next bx lr or pop {pc}) to direct the assembler to place these constants there.


release build variable corruption when using ne10 math library assembly function

has anyone experience the following issue?
A stack variable getting changed/corrupted after calling ne10 assembly function such as ne10_len_vec2f_neon?
float gain = 8.0;
ne10_len_vec2f_neon(src, dst, len);
after the call to ne10_len_vec2f_neon, the value of gain changes as its memory is getting corrupted.
1. Note this only happens when the project is compiled in release build but not debug build.
2. Does Ne10 assembly functions preserve registers?
3. Replacing the assembly function call to c equivalent such as ne10_len_vec2f_c and both release and debug build seem to work OK.
thanks for any help on this. Not sure if there's an inherent issue within the program or it is really the call to ne10_len_vec2f_neon causing the corruption with release build.enter code here
I had a quick rummage through the master NEON code here:
... and it doesn't really touch address-based stack at all, so not sure it's a stack problem in memory.
However based on what I remember of the NEON procedure call standard q4-q7 (alias d8-d15 or s16-s31) should be preserved by the callee, and as far as I can tell that code is clobbering q4-6 without the necessary save/restore, so it does indeed look like it's clobbering the stack in registers.
In the failed case do you know if gain is still stored in FPU registers, and if yes which ones? If it's stored in any of s16/17/18/19 then this looks like the problem. It also seems plausible that a compiler would choose to use s16 upwards for things it needs to keep across a function call, as it avoids the need to touch in-RAM stack memory.
In terms of a fix, if you perform the following replacements:
in that file, then I think it should work; no means to test here, but those higher register blocks are not callee saved.

Specman debugging OS11 in gen

I'm getting OS 11 failure in a gen action. The constraints for this gen action are intensive, and it's too complex to debug.
How can we debug this failure and determine the source of this OS 11?
An OS 11 error probably means you're trying to dereference a NULL pointer. Make sure you load your code (not compile it) to see where this is happening (this applies to all OS 11 errors and not just the ones in constraints). Compiled code removes a lot of debug information (to run faster), making it difficult to trace the exact portion of e code that is causing the problem.
Specman provides a great constraint debugger that can assist you further. I don't know the commands by heart but you have to set a break point when the failing CFS (connected field set) is being generated. Search for break on gen in the documentation.

Segmentation fault from outside of my code

I have a wxWidgets/GTK based application that works well - except for one installation on an Debian Squeeze ARM system. There it crashes when the user just activates the main window of it. To find the reason for that I added a signal handler to the application and use libunwind out of that signal handler to find the source for the crash. During a test that worked fine, when the software writes e.g. to address 0x0 libunwind correctly points me to the function where that happens.
But the results for the system where the crash appears unexpectedly are a bit strange, they seem to happen outside of my application. One crash comes from a function with no name (here libunwind returns an empty string), and one is caused by "malloc_usable_size", a system function which should never die this way.
So...what to do next? All ideas, suggestions or any other hints are welcome since I'm not sure how to contunue with that problem...
Check for buffer overrun or overwriting some memory unexpectedly for any structures, pointers, memory locations for items returned by library functions.
Check for invalid pointer frees in your code for the library allocated pointers that you are using.
May be using valgrind would also help.

My code works in Debug mode, but not in Release mode

I have a code in Visual Studio 2008 in C++ that works with files just by fopen and fclose.
Everything works perfect in Debug mode. and I have tested with several datasets.
But it doesn't work in release mode. It crashes all the time.
I have turned off all the optimizations, also there is no dependency to anything(in the linker), and also I have set these:
Optimization: Disabled(/Od)
Keep Unreferenced Data.
Do Not Remove Redundant
Optimize for Windows98: NO
I still keep wondering how it should not work under these circumstances.
What else should I turn off to let it work as in debug mode?
I think if it works in release mode but not in debug mode, it might be a coding fault but the other way looks weird. isn't it?
I appreciate any help.
Debug modes often initialize heap data allocations. The program might be dependent on this behavior. Look for variables and buffers that are not getting initialized.
1) Double check any and all code that depends on preprocessor macros.
2) Use assert() for verify program state preconditions. These must not be expected to impact program flow (ie. removing the check would still allow the code to provide the same end result) because assert is a macro. Use regular run-time conditionals when an assert won't do.
3) Indeed, never leave a variable in an uninitialized state.
By far the most likely explanation is differing undefined behavior in the two modes caused by uninitialized memory. Lack of thread safety and problems with synchronization code can also exhibit this kind of behavior because of differing timing environments between debug and release, but if your program isn't multi-threaded then obviously this can't be it.
I had experienced this and in my case it was because of one of my array of struct which suppose to have only X index, but my looping which check this struct was over checking to X+1 index. Interesting is debugging mode was running fine though I was on Visual C++ 2005.
I spent a few hours by putting in printf into my coding line by line to catch the bug. Anyone has good way to debug this kind of error please let me know.

Why am I getting a buffer overrun error with this line of code?

I only have 1 line of code, and this is:
pcrecpp::RE re("abc");
inside a function OnBnClickedButtonGo(). And this function fails in Release mode, but it works OK in debug mode.
(I am using Visual Studio 8 on Windows XP.)
The error message is:
A buffer overrun has occurred in testregex.exe which has corrupted the program's
internal state. Press Break to debug the program or Continue to terminate
the program.
For more details please see Help topic 'How to debug Buffer Overrun Issues'.
I suspect it is its destructor, which is invisible and implied... but I don't know really.
PS: I am statically linking to the PCRE lib version 7.8.
PS2: Not very relevant, but may help some people who have trouble linking to the PCRE library (it took me hours to sort it out): include the line #define PCRE_STATIC.
I had the same error message in my case. In debug is everything fine, but in release I get the error message. I have a native C/C++ library like native.dll. I have created a mixed unmanaged/managed C++ library, which is a wrapper for that library to .net. Somewhere in this mixed.dll I have an unmanaged function signature declaration, like:
typedef void ( *FunctionOnStartSend)();
for this the I get the message, but if I add a "magic word" there then there is no error message:
typedef void (__stdcall *FunctionOnStartSend)();
If it's happening only in release mode, it's possible that something is getting "optimized" out. Try doing something more than just the one liner, like a Match() and maybe even printing out the matches.
Here is my fresh history:
About a month ago I've got a strange link failure of the VS2008 and that day I dug that setting _SECURE_SCL=0 may help (see link text). And it helped. That day it helped me and I just propagated this setting to all the libs we build at team -- that's because MS says that two libs built with different _SECURE_SCL are incompartible.
Time passed and three days ago I've got a bug when VS2008 says that error message that we see in the first post. And there are no help from the debugger because it overruns only in Release build. I've spend almost 2 days pump'n'jump'n the code of the libs and the overrun was flawed from line to line. Finally I started checking build settings line by line and figured the diff in this setting!
Why, oh why Microsoft guys can't embed some small check in dynamic loader code to test that the library currently running and the one going to be dynamically loaded are incompartible?! Some pice of code that save people's time. Blah!