Make Facebook _not_ automatically select a thumbnail from a page? - facebook

I'm using the Graph API to post to a user's wall via a 3rd party website. The update contains a link to said 3rd party website. (In functionality, it's kind of like just putting a Facebook "Like" button on the 3rd party page, except I want some more finely-tuned control over how the caption looks on Facebook.)
I am not specifying a picture for the post. When the post is created, Facebook's bot automatically connects to the 3rd party page specified in the link and selects an image to use as a thumbnail. Sadly, the image is almost never relavant, and I would just rather Facebook not look for a thumbnail at all.
I can probably put some Open Graph tags on the page to help out Facebook's bot, but I don't see a way to use Open Graph to specify that you'd like to have no image, and that Facebook shouldn't choose one automatically.
Any way to do this?

Although Facebook seems to ignore the picture set to an empty string in the Graph API call, setting an Open Graph tag for the picture which is an empty string seems to have done the trick.

When you publishing the the stream, include the "picture" property in the request and just set it to an empty string. This will ensure you dont have a url on the post. My other suggestion would be to put the Open Graph tags on the pages you are sharing. This will ensure that both you and others who share the url will have the correct data and images show on Facebook.


Facebook API - How to post a website link with a custom image?

My goal is to post to my FB page (/{page-id}/feed) a link to a website, choosing the image to show instead of the picture scraped automatically from the web page. The image I'd like to show is not in the web page, so I cannot use the og:image tag.
I'm using the current API (v2.9) and this is what I've tried so far in the Graph API Explorer:
the picture parameter, that does not work as expected (it doesn't replace the automatic image)
picture and link parameters both pointing to the image url, with an action button, but it must have the same url used for the link parameter
the child_attachments parameter, but I need at least 2 images and the final result is quite different, too
additional fields of the link parameter, but thy were removed in the 2.9 API
a lot of combinations between these parameters, with no luck
What am I missing?
For information regarding why it isn't working. I assume they removed it to force users to add it to their website like Twitter did with their Twitter cards and maybe to stop impersonating pages.

Facebook like a different domain

OK, I have the standard Facebook Like code.
But we are ajaxing in Tumblr posts from the Tumblr feed and putting the FB Like button in.
So we are LIKING the Tumblr post URL.
However the page is not on a Tumbler URL, so FB momentarilly shows the comments box, then replaces it with a Confirm button, which triggers a popup. Like in the popup, then it allows you to use the normal JS comment that should appear on the button.
QA and UI have flagged this up as unacceptable, so is this a massive UI failing by FB? Whatever it is, and how can I get around it?
If we LIKE a unique URL on our site/domain this works as intended;
BUT THEN we would have to write a backend to receive that URL and present OG tags for FB to scrape, probably grabbing from the tumblr post.
Yes, by default the Like plugin it will search the page for og:metadata,
to go forward you can use the new build in, Open Graph Like Action
So, now you can associate each Open Graph object with a like.

Share bought products from order on buyer's Facebook wall

The company I'm currently working for wants to create a button that lets people share their order on Facebook after they've paid, but with the deprecation of the "Share" button I don't really know how to do it.
The "Like" button does not seem fit for this. Any ideas, anyone?
There are a few ways to go about this.
You can use the standard sharer. This is good for one-off sharing or in cases where you don't have control or don't want to control how the share is rendered and you want Facebook to handle it.<url to share>&t=<title of content>
It won't require you to have an app ID but you also won't get a nice control panel for your applications sharing history/insights. You can query and get some information about the URL your sharing though by looking through the open graph.
You can set the URL and Title of the content. The sharer will then look at the metadata on the webpage your sharing to determine the contents of the share. More below.
You can also use the Feed dialog. Which comes with more customization options. The Feed dialog is the best option if your integrating sharing as an integral part of the application. I think at minimum you need to include the app_id,redirect_uri and link property. Look through the properties here. You will need an app ID to use this feed dialog and if your using the JS api you need to authenticate the user too. You can also invoke the dialog directly through a direct url where you don't need to pre-authenticate the user.
With either sharing method, you may wish to include custom open graph metatags on your webpage. This way you can influence how the Facebook scraper makes your share. You can set some default (pre-accepted by Facebook) open graph metatags on your page. Or you can create your own set now in the dashboard. In the Open Graph dashboard on Facebook you can customize how Facebook is supposed to read and interact with your metatags.
You can debug your pages open graph metatags by passing your URL through the debugger.
This will give you, for example, JSON or an HTML representation of how FB sees the page.

Like button for Facebook page shows generic Facebook description in News Feed

I want a Like button on my web site that Likes my Facebook profile (rather than my web page), so that when a user clicks it they subscribe to my Facebook posts.
I've created the Like button using the tool at
Further down that page there is an FAQ entry:
Can I link the Like button to my Facebook page?
Yes. Simply specify the URL of your Facebook page in the href
parameter of the button.
So, I've edited the href parameter to point to my Facebook page. eg:
When a user clicks the Like button it has the desired effect. The user ends up having Liked my Facebook page. This is easily verified by the user going to my Facebook profile and checking that the Like button has changed to Liked.
But. When the user clicks the Like button, and entry appears in their News Feed with a generic Facebook description. ie:
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and
others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to
keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links
and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
I don't want a generic post about Facebook to appear. I want the description to relate to my Facebook account and/or web site.
Normally, I could modify this behavior with the Opengraph og: description tag, but as the page in the href is a Facebook page and not my own, I can't control the Opengraph tags.
I'm pretty sure that this was working okay before I enabled timeline for my account, so maybe this is a timeline bug?
So, how do I add a Like button which a) Likes my Facebook profile rather than one of my own web pages, and b) Posts a description of my Facebook profile rather than give a generic Facbook description?
Are all your fields in the info part of your page filled in, and/or completed? I just tested your theory and it seemed to work as expected, only thing is I know all fields in "info" are filled it. Give that a try.
This may happen if you have filled invalid/incomplete/wrong og tags in past and later changed them. Facebook's cache creates problem sometime.
Try putting all the entries (i.e. all og tags) and then debug them here This debugger gives a detailed info about the url with og tags and also clears the cache for you.
This should solve the problem.
You have 3 important fields that used on page opengraph: Name,Description,Profile Image.
They are used when some one post your link on Facebook, or Google or some else web service that handle opengraph.
Actually, the suggested answers currently do not work and there is an open bug / ticket on Facebook for it. Up to now, there's no fix.
The problem is that you can not use simply You should copy and paste the exact page URL. If you have a low number of likes it would look something like[YourPageName]/[Your page Id]/, and this is the URL that you should use at this point.
If it does not work, try also[YourPageName]/[Your page Id]/.
In short, copy-paste the URL, do not type it manually.

Is it possible to use the Like Button Social plugin to like a feed from a landing page?

I have a Facebook feed that takes me to a landing page when I click on it. I want to be able to add Facebook's like plugin onto that landing page in order to like the feed I came from. This would be the equivalent of clicking like from the feed post itself. I don't know what to use for the data-href property in order to connect the like button to the feed.
I know the feed id and access_token and have tried the following:
So far I've only been able to like link urls and not the actual feed post.
Is what I'm trying to do even possible? and if so, how do I get the url?
Is what I'm trying to do even possible?
Yes it is possible, but not with the like plugin. I have a production app that pulls in a person's feed from multiple social networks including Facebook. I display a gray star for unliked content and a gold star for liked items. When the user clicks the gray star for a facebook item, I send an HTTP Post to the Graph API with /post_id/likes which likes it. If they click the gold star, then I send an HTTP DELETE to the /post_id/likes which removes it. See: and the "likes" create/delete section near the bottom.