Soap in Groovy - keep getting NoSuchMethodError - soap

Newbie question:
I'm new to groovy & soap , so I might be missing out on something here:
I'm trying to communicate with a very basic web service :
def proxy = new SoapClient("")
res = proxy.Method1("ABC", "123");
println (res);
It seems the connection works , but when I try to invoke "Method1(..)" , I keep getting
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper.getInstance()Lorg/codehaus/groovy/runtime/Invoker;
at Source)
This is the relevant part of the WSDL:
<message name="Method1">
<part name="bstrParam1" type="xsd:string"/>
<part name="bstrParam2" type="xsd:string"/>
<message name="Method1Response">
<part name="bstrReturn" type="xsd:string"/>
<portType name="SoapResponderPortType">
<operation name="Method1" parameterOrder="bstrparam1 bstrparam2 return">
<input message="tns:Method1"/>
<output message="tns:Method1Response"/>
What am I doing wrong?

The help page for Groovy Soap says it has been deprecated (on Mar 03, 2008), so probably hasn't had any love for quite a while :-/
It recommends to use GroovyWS, and that page says that this should work:
#Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules', module='groovyws', version='0.5.2')
try {
proxy = new WSClient( "", this.class.classLoader)
result = proxy.Method1("ABC", "123")
println res
catch( e ) {
However, when you run this, you get:
Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Unexpected <schema> appears at line 0 column 0
at com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.parser.NGCCRuntimeEx.unexpectedX(
... 54 more
I can't see why this WSDL is wrong however... I'll keep looking

Well, it didn't resolve , but I did move to GroovyWS and after a little dependencies hell ,it worked. See here


ejb 2 FinderException table or view does not exist

I'm working with an existing database and EJB 2.x application.
My task is to migrate the app from WebSphere 8 over to JBOSS EAP 6.4
After many days of fighting with this thing, everything seemed to be working until we started trying to use some of the beans. There are beans that end with "Mgr". For example, there is a SiteMgr bean and a Site bean. Right now, all of the Mgr beans work, but not the rest.
If you couldn't tell already, I'm not an EJB 2 Guru. Here is code that errors out:
* getSessionContext
public SiteVO getSite(int siteId) {
SiteLocal siteLocal;
try {
siteLocal = getSiteHome().findByPrimaryKey(new SiteKey(siteId));
} catch (FinderException e) {
throw new EJBException(e);
return siteLocal.getSiteVO();
So, when I try to findByPrimaryKey I get javax.ejb.FinderException, with the following cause:
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Drilling into that a bit more, here is the cause:
Error : 942, Position : 27, Sql = SELECT t0_Site.siteId FROM SITE t0_Site WHERE t0_Site.siteId=:1 , OriginalSql = SELECT t0_Site.siteId FROM SITE t0_Site WHERE t0_Site.siteId=?, Error Msg = ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
The database contains a table named APP_SITES and the WebSphere app probably figures that out using some files that appear to be specific to WebSphere.
There is appdb70.dbm and Map.mapxmi
These files are very long. I will provide some example text that is specific to the above example.
<entity id="Site">
<cmp-field id="CMPAttribute_1087249279390">
<cmp-field id="CMPAttribute_1087249281781">
<ejbrdbmapping:EjbRdbDocumentRoot xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi=""
xmlns:SQLTables="http:///org/eclipse/datatools/modelbase/sql/tables.ecore" xmlns:ejb="ejb.xmi"
xmlns:ejbrdbmapping="ejbrdbmapping.xmi" xmlns:Mapping="Mapping.xmi" xmi:id="EjbRdbDocumentRoot_1289312938455" topToBottom="true" commandStack="">
<helper xmi:type="ejbrdbmapping:RdbSchemaProperies" xmi:id="RdbSchemaProperies_1289312938455" primitivesDocument="ORACLE_V11"/>
<nested xmi:type="ejbrdbmapping:RDBEjbMapper" xmi:id="RDBEjbMapper_1289313262395">
<helper xmi:type="ejbrdbmapping:PrimaryTableStrategy" xmi:id="PrimaryTableStrategy_1289313262395">
<table xmi:type="OracleModel:OracleTable" href="META-INF/backends/ORACLE_V11_3/acapdb70.dbm#_q0x58OwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w"/>
<nested xmi:type="ejbrdbmapping:RDBEjbFieldMapper" xmi:id="RDBEjbFieldMapper_1289315290408">
<inputs xmi:type="ejb:CMPAttribute" href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#CMPAttribute_1087249279390"/>
<outputs xmi:type="SQLTables:Column" href="META-INF/backends/ORACLE_V11_3/acapdb70.dbm#_q0x58ewNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w"/>
<typeMapping xmi:type="ejbrdbmapping:RDBEjbFieldMapper" href="JavatoORACLE_V11TypeMaps.V7.xmi#int-NUMBER"/>
<nested xmi:type="ejbrdbmapping:RDBEjbFieldMapper" xmi:id="RDBEjbFieldMapper_1289315290409">
<inputs xmi:type="ejb:CMPAttribute" href="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#CMPAttribute_1087249285656"/>
<outputs xmi:type="SQLTables:Column" href="META-INF/backends/ORACLE_V11_3/acapdb70.dbm#_q0x5-ewNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w"/>
<typeMapping xmi:type="ejbrdbmapping:RDBEjbFieldMapper" href="JavatoORACLE_V11TypeMaps.V7.xmi#String-VARCHAR"/>
appdb70.dbm (contains WAY too much data to post...)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xmi:XMI xmlns:datamodelversion="" xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:OracleModel="http:///com/ibm/db/models/oracle/oracle.ecore" xmlns:SQLConstraints="http:///org/eclipse/datatools/modelbase/sql/constraints.ecore" xmlns:SQLDataTypes="http:///org/eclipse/datatools/modelbase/sql/datatypes.ecore" xmlns:SQLExpressions="http:///org/eclipse/datatools/modelbase/sql/expressions.ecore" xmlns:SQLSchema="http:///org/eclipse/datatools/modelbase/sql/schema.ecore" xmlns:SQLStatements="http:///org/eclipse/datatools/modelbase/sql/statements.ecore" xmlns:SQLTables="http:///org/eclipse/datatools/modelbase/sql/tables.ecore">
<OracleModel:OracleDatabase xmi:id="_WPDywewNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" name="APPdb70" vendor="Oracle" version="11" schemas="_WQG7oOwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w"/>
<SQLSchema:Schema xmi:id="_WQG7oOwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" name="APPWDB" triggers="_q0VNoOwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w ..." database="_WPDywewNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w"/>
<SQLTables:Trigger xmi:id="_q0VNoOwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" name="APP_APPOINTMENT_D_TRG" schema="_WQG7oOwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" subjectTable="_q0VNpuwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" ...>
<dependencies xmi:id="_q0VNoewNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" targetEnd="_q07ry-wNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w"/>
<dependencies xmi:id="_q0VNouwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" targetEnd="_q0e_b-wNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w"/>
<dependencies xmi:id="_q0VNo-wNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" targetEnd="_q0VNpuwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w"/>
<dependencies xmi:id="_q0VNpOwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" targetEnd="_q0VN_OwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w"/>
<actionStatement xsi:type="SQLStatements:SQLStatementDefault" ..."/>
<OracleModel:OracleTable xmi:id="_q0VNpuwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" name="APP_APPOINTMENT" schema="_WQG7oOwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" triggers="_q0VNoOwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w ...>
<columns xmi:id="_q0VNp-wNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" name="APPT_ID" nullable="false">
<containedType xsi:type="SQLDataTypes:FixedPrecisionDataType" xmi:id="_q0VNqOwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" name="NUMBER" primitiveType="NUMERIC"/>
<columns xmi:id="_q0VNqewNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" name="RMKS_TX">
<containedType xsi:type="SQLDataTypes:CharacterStringDataType" xmi:id="_q0VNquwNEd-LtOpsZa3J5w" name="VARCHAR2" primitiveType="CHARACTER_VARYING" length="200"/>
Notice that you can find "CMPAttribute_1087249279390" in multiple files. JBOSS does not seem to make use of these extra files.
I'm not sure what to do at this point. I figured out everything else, but I can't seem to get around this. Any fix that gets the beans to work would be appreciated!

How to remove Mule Headers from SOAP response

I have a requirement where I need to expose a SOAP webservice .. So I have the following Mule flow :-
<jms:activemq-connector name="Active_MQ" brokerURL="tcp://localhost:61616" validateConnections="true" doc:name="Active MQ"/>
<flow name="Flow1" doc:name="Flow1" >
<http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8082" path="mainData" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<cxf:jaxws-service serviceClass="" doc:name="SOAP"/>
<mulexml:object-to-xml-transformer doc:name="Object to XML"/>
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="NewQueue" connector-ref="Active_MQ" doc:name="JMS" exchange-pattern="request-response"/>
<logger message="Response2 :- #[message.payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<mulexml:xml-to-object-transformer doc:name="XML to Object"/>
<flow name="flow2" doc:name="flow2" >
<jms:inbound-endpoint connector-ref="Active_MQ" address="jms://tcp:NewQueue" doc:name="JMS" exchange-pattern="request-response" disableTemporaryReplyToDestinations="true" responseTimeout="90000"/>
<set-variable variableName="SOAPRequest" value="#[message.payload]" doc:name="Variable"/>
<mulexml:xml-to-object-transformer doc:name="XML to Object"/>
<component class="" doc:name="JavaMain_ServiceImpl">
<include-entry-point method="retrieveDataOperation"/>
<include-entry-point method="insertDataOperation"/>
<include-entry-point method="updateDataOperation"/>
<include-entry-point method="deleteDataOperation"/>
<mulexml:object-to-xml-transformer doc:name="Object to XML"/>
Here you can see the request is getting into JMS queue from the first flow and the second flow use JMS inbound takes it from the JMS queue and the webservice implemented class proccess it .. Now the service works fine without any issue .. the only issue is it get Mule Header in the SOAP in the response like the following :-
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<mule:header xmlns:mule="">
<deleteDataResponse xmlns="">
<Response>Data not exists !!! Please provide correct ID</Response>
Now please help me to remove the Mule headers from the SOAP response .. I tried with the following :- <cxf:jaxws-service serviceClass="" enableMuleSoapHeaders="false" doc:name="SOAP"/> but no use .. it's still showing the Mule headers .. Please help ..
You can potentially get away with a temporary workaround until the enableMuleSoapHeaders="false" issue gets solved, by either:
Adding a between the HTTP inbound endpoint and the CXF service ; in order to remove the undue SOAP headers but XSL-Transformation
Using delete-message-property to remove the MULE_* props at the end of Flow1, right after the mulexml:xml-to-object-transformer
I also found an alternate solution off adding it to cxf:outInterceptors
<cxf:jaxws-service serviceClass="" doc:name="SOAP">
<cxf:outInterceptors >
<spring:bean id="outfault" class=""/>
And in the Java class :-
public class SOAPInterceptorOutboundHeaderRemover extends AbstractSoapInterceptor {
public SOAPInterceptorOutboundHeaderRemover() {
public void handleMessage(SoapMessage arg0) throws Fault {
List<Header> headerList = arg0.getHeaders();
Header muleHeader = null;
boolean isMuleHeader = false;
for (Header header : headerList) {
ElementNSImpl element = (ElementNSImpl) header.getObject();
if ("mule:header".equals(element.getNodeName())) {
isMuleHeader = true;
muleHeader = header;
if (isMuleHeader) {
And this is also working fine

How can i resolve this MULE_ERROR-109

I am performing a transformation and getting the following error:
ERROR 2013-10-02 12:38:19,763 [[vistaesb].VistaESBFlow1.stage1.04] org.mule.exception.DefaultMessagingExceptionStrategy:
Message : Failed to transform from "json" to "personal_information"
Code : MULE_ERROR-109
Exception stack is:
1. Unrecognized field "phone_number" (Class personal_information), not marked as ignorable
at [Source:; line: 2, column: 21] (through reference chain: personal_information["phone_number"]) ( (null)
2. Failed to transform from "json" to "personal_information" (org.mule.api.transformer.TransformerException)
org.mule.module.json.transformers.JsonToObject:136 (
MY configuration is simple enough:
<flow name="VistaESBFlow1" doc:name="VistaESBFlow1">
<jdbc-ee:inbound-endpoint queryKey="personal_information" responseTimeout="1000" encoding="UTF-8" mimeType="text/plain" queryTimeout="-1" pollingFrequency="10000" connector-ref="applyVista_dev" doc:name="Data Entry Point">
<json:object-to-json-transformer doc:name="Object to JSON"/>
<data-mapper:transform config-ref="new_mapping_grf" doc:name="DataMapper"/>
<json:json-to-object-transformer doc:name="JSON to Object" encoding="utf8" returnClass="personal_information" mimeType="text/plain"/>
<file:outbound-endpoint path="C:\Users\abrowning\Desktop\test" responseTimeout="10000" doc:name="File" encoding="utf8" mimeType="text/plain"/>
There is a link to a similar problem here, 109 Error, but i don't think this has to do with my endpoint.
I'm guessing a 109 is a bush-league error, so nay help is appreciated.
The source of my issue was that I had a data mismatch in my get/set methods and after having written a lot of PHP over the last year, I over looked that.

%XML.DataSet creating invalid xml

Class Services.TestClass Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)
Property DS As %XML.DataSet;
and the following web method inside my web service class:
Method HelloWorld(name As %String) As Services.TestClass [ WebMethod ]
Quit ##class(Services.TestClass).%New()
This produces the following XML:
<s:complexType name="TestClass">
<s:element minOccurs="0" name="DS" type="s0:DataSet"/>
<s:complexType name="s_DataSet">
<s:element ref="s:schema"/>
I believe s_DataSet name should actually be just DataSet, because s0:DataSet points to DataSet, not s_DataSet
When I use a client that consumes the service I get the following error: Error: type 'DataSet#' not found.
(from SoapUI)
When I take the DataSet property out of the TestClass and return it directly everything is fine. What is going on?
What you are showing us is (part of) the WSDL of the WebService (class).
s_Dataset is just a name, the schema part refers to the schema element.
Calling the webService :
... Serivices.Client.cls?soap_method=HelloWorld&name=zzz
Just produces:
No errors

suds: incorrect marshaling of Array of Arrays

I try to talk to a load balancer (Zeus ZXTM) with python:
a = client.factory.create('StringArrayArray')
b = client.factory.create('StringArray')
b.value = ['node01:80',]
a.value = [b,]
client.service.addDrainingNodes(['my pool'], a)
But I get the following error:
suds.WebFault: Server raised fault: 'Not an ARRAY reference at /usr/local/zeus/zxtmadmin/lib/perl/Zeus/ZXTM/ line 772.
Extract of the schema definition:
<xsd:schema targetNamespace=''
<xsd:complexType name="StringArray">
<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='xsd:string[]'/>
<xsd:complexType name="StringArrayArray">
<xsd:restriction base='SOAP-ENC:Array'>
<xsd:attribute ref='SOAP-ENC:arrayType' wsdl:arrayType='zeusns:StringArray[]'/>
<message name="addDrainingNodesRequest">
<part name="names" type="zeusns:StringArray" />
<part name="values" type="zeusns:StringArrayArray" />
<message name="addDrainingNodesResponse"></message>
<portType name="PoolPort">
<operation name="addDrainingNodes">
Add nodes to the lists of draining nodes, for each of the named pools.
<input message="zeusns:addDrainingNodesRequest"/>
<output message="zeusns:addDrainingNodesResponse"/>
I also tried like this:
client.service.addDrainingNodes(['my pool'], [['node01:80']])
which worked in SOAPpy but now in suds I get:
suds.WebFault: Server raised fault: 'Value isn't an array'
Comparison between what SOAPpy and what suds sends:
SOAPpy (works):
<ns1:addDrainingNodes xmlns:ns1="" SOAP-ENC:root="1">
<v1 SOAP-ENC:arrayType="xsd:string[1]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array">
<item>my pool</item>
<v2 SOAP-ENC:arrayType="xsd:list[1]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array">
<item SOAP-ENC:arrayType="xsd:string[1]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array">
suds (doesn't work):
<names xsi:type="ns0:StringArray" ns3:arrayType="ns2:string[1]">
<item xsi:type="ns2:string">my pool</item>
<values xsi:type="ns0:StringArrayArray" ns3:arrayType="ns0:StringArray[1]">
<item xsi:type="ns2:string">node01:80</item>
I'm new to suds and Soap
there's only the SOAP interface to the ZXTM loadbalancer
using python2.6 and suds 0.3.9
we used to use ZSI's SOAPpy, but had issues using it under python 2.6
Edit: Added suds/SOAPpy payloads
After trying
zillions of different arguments to this function
wsdl2py from ZSI
I found out that suds 4.0 offers plugins, that solves this case by hacking, but nonetheless I think that's a suds bug:
class FixArrayPlugin(Plugin):
def sending(self, context):
command = context.envelope.getChild('Body').getChildren()[0].name
if command == 'addDrainingNodes':
context.envelope.addPrefix('xsd', '')
values = context.envelope.getChild('Body').getChild('addDrainingNodes').getChild('values')
values.set('SOAP-ENC:arrayType', 'xsd:list[1]')
values.set('xsi:type', 'SOAP-ENC:Array')
item = values[0]
item.set('SOAP-ENC:arrayType', 'xsd:list[1]')
item.set('xsi:type', 'SOAP-ENC:Array')
client = Client(wsdl, location=location, plugins=[FixArrayPlugin()])
a = client.factory.create('StringArrayArray')
b = client.factory.create('StringArray')
b.item = ['node01:80']
a.item = [b,]
client.service.addDrainingNodes(['my pool'], a)
I'm looking forward for this issue to be fixed, IMO this should be a one liner
I'm leaving this open as I'm still interested in better alternatives
What looks strange to me is you have to explicitly construct types like 'StringArrayArray' and 'StringArray' - a smart enough SOAP client in a language like python should be able to figure this out via reflection, examining the arguments you pass to the service call. I'm guessing they're declared in the wsdl as something like "SOAP-ENC:Array" - if so they're not intended to be objects. That would also make sense with the error message "Not an ARRAY reference". Have you tried just;
a = [ ['node01:80',], ]
client.service.addDrainingNodes(['my pool'], a)
Or failing that perhaps...
a = client.factory.create('StringArrayArray')
b = ['node01:80',]
a.value = [ b, ]
client.service.addDrainingNodes(['my pool'], a)
Good luck.